Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Getting behinder

Books by the bed at home - eleven.  Have taken to reading every time I wake up in the night.
Also binged on cereal and fruit last night.  I shouldn't really have cereal in the house, especially the kind I like to buy even though I know I shouldn't.  I buy one healthy cereal and one "fun" (sugary) cereal.  Have "neighbor anxiety" which makes it difficult to sleep.

Yelled at the neighbor kids again yesterday.  The barking dog threw me over the edge and I rushed out in a frenzy of discontent.  Would I have the nerve to do something so rude and aggressive if they weren't defenseless foreigners?  They actually went and told their mother (who we NEVER see) and came over and rang my doorbell.  So I went out and next door and halfway up the steps and talked to A.  She feels we are harassing her by calling the authorities to come and investigate dog situation (I am not the only one who is calling).  I feel she has no concept of being a good neighbor.  When it came down to it, she says she is allowed to have a dog and dogs bark.  P., the pitbull,  barks many times a day and not in a nice way.  She also tears stuff up and spreads it all over their yard and mine and deposits unmentionables on my property.  I gathered up such and placed it on their porch.  I really should be nicer to the kids and may wait a week before taking further action.  I really want them to leave.  Also, a couple of guys were seen arriving with suitcases yesterday.

I did finish two books yesterday.

Book review: The complete potter, by Steve Mattison.  A good overview of making pots.  Each page includes one or two topics/methods with beautiful photos of procedures and finished pieces, giving credit to the potter and explanations of the pieces.  This book is available at the Vineland Public Library (738 Mat)

Book review:  The sweet life in Paris, by David Lebovitz. Started reading this BEFORE I went to Paris in May and was determined to finish it.  According to David, only 20% of Americans have passports and we are used to foreigners on our turf and not so good at dealing with them when they are on their own turf.  "The unspoken rule if you plan to live here - but equally good to adopt even if you're just coming for a visit - is knowing that you're going to be judged on how you look and how you present yourself.  Yes, even if you're just dumping your garbage."  I guess I should have mentioned that David is a chef from New York who moved to Paris.  The book includes several great recipes such as floating island (made by Julia Child and my grandmother) and Gateau Breton (made only one day a week at a bakery near the Pont Neuf where I lived after college).  I didn't copy the recipe for Ile flotant on page 28 because it looks really complicated and takes up three pages and I don't cook.  When people ask him how long it took him to become fluent in French, he points out that even the FRENCH are not fluent in French.  "One of the first words I learned in French class was raleur, which means 'someone who complains'.  Maybe it's la grisaille, the dull, gray skies that hang over Paris, causing la morosite ambiente, the all-encompassing gloom that blankets the city at times."
I learned a lot of good words in this books, like that there is a name for the prized crusty end of a baguette.  It is called le quignon.  This is a valuable introduction to life in Paris and equally fun after you have been there.  I borrowed this book from a friend.

The Sweet Life in Paris - David Lebovitz

Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer not so bad

Thank God the weather has improved!  Just plain hot weather without the humidity and the over 90 temps.  July was mostly awful.

Restaurant review:  The red store in Cape May Point, New Jersey.  It's kind of an IN thing...if you can FIND the red store at all.  It is inside and on the back porch of....a red building labeled General Store in a tiny little town with no restaurants or hotels.  The food is quite good.  Nothing as normal as salmon in this place.  Entrees include octopus and skate plus 8 other ingredients apiece, perhaps two that you have never even heard of.  You are kind of sucked in thinking that the prices are reasonable....$32 for two courses or $42 for three. Then things just happen, like desserts and coffees which are not even listed.  Other nice things happen like getting things you didn't even order since you know the manager.  But upon reflection,  I think he kisses EVERYONE and gives everyone the extra stuff.  That is probably the secret to his success.  So the food is fabulously delicious and the service is extraordinary and the porch in the sunset is perfect.  And the breads are yummy as is the butter with salt sprinkled on it and the oil mixture.  That is why I got dangerously full before my courses even started.  I saved half of my second course which was crab with gnocchi and then I walked out forgetting it.  It was like a meal in Paris because it took over two hours and we missed our play and didn't even have time to see the ocean.

Getting too many books at home.  Haven't FINISHED one in a while.  Just renewed a couple and got a new one on Interlibrary loan today. Need to spend more time at home READING.

Friday, July 26, 2013

A woman named Chastity

There are some quite astonishing things in our local paper.  Like this woman named Chastity Brackney who was indicted on charges of first-degree aggravated sexual assualt, aggravated criminal sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child.  Now that I read it again, perhaps her name is CHASITY, not Chastity. Another article was about a woman arrested for wearing a very short skirt and no underwear.

It feels like a Saturday, but it isn't.  Invited out to breakfast by one friend and to lunch by another.  Anyway, what does Saturday feel like when you are retired?  I woke up with NO PLANS and that kind of makes me anxious.

Sign downtown..."Laundry mat coming soon". 

What are those spectacular flowers blooming on my neighbor's plants?  I think it is hibiscus.  They are red and quite wonderful...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Missing my playlist

Only have 29 songs saved on YouTube.  Missing my 127 songs that I can no longer access on  Changes, changes....guess you can't ask for too much when stuff is FREE.  I'm too frugal to get itunes.  Had to put on the headphones to block out sound of woman typing VERY FAST.  I looked over to see what school work or other important thing she was accomplishing and it  is FACEBOOK.  What the hell can she be SAYING?!?!?  I am doing useful things such as updating my medications list so I can present it when I go to the doctor on Thursday. 

Doing unnecessary shopping errands today.  Like SPENDING money to SAVE money.  I know it doesn't make any sense, but at least I am trying to get stuff I NEED and stuff that is on SALE.

Did accomplish my daily exercise goal at through aqua aerobics just as it started to rain.  Then stopped by a farmer's market and had my first PEACH.  YUM!  Stopped in to the South Vineland post office and found a wonderful variety of stamps and a man who didn't seem to mind showing them to me.  I had almost given up on brick and mortar post offices to shop for stamps.

Monday, July 22, 2013

It's not the heat's the humidity.  Dreadful summer!  Spend my time trying to avoid the weather and weather-related events.  Casinos are being in an airconditioned CITY.  I am attracted and repulsed by the gambling culture.  All of these families walking around.  Went to the Revel casino in Atlantic City to check it out.  To recover from bankruptcy they are offering your money back on your slot losses.  But, of course, there is a catch, as usual.  You have to LOSE over $100 by July 31st and they will give you back your losses, but only $5 a week and you have to go back once a week for 20 weeks.  This will never happen with me.  I live an hour away and there are many casinos and I am not really a gambler.  So here are my likes and dislikes of the Revel beach casino and hotel.

- The people were nice (employees).
- They had 21 in Spanish
- penny machines mixed in with all of the others

- All grey and uninviting outside (maybe it looks better in the sun?)
- the decor - strange modern
- The parking machines were really confusing
- Penny machines where you had to bet 30, 60, 90, 148 pennies (what is the point of a penny machine?)
- parking garage poorly marked and exiting was a mess

Friday, July 19, 2013

The death of a tree

This is my license plate because I am opposed to the murder of trees.  This tree was just standing there, minding its own business, and a branch fell down.  So, the owner of the tree decided to KILL the entire tree to avoid any future problems of this nature.  This tree is going to leave a big gap in my view. It offers a lot of protection from the neighbors. Sad.. I have just been glad that not-my-tree fell on not-my-car.  I just drove off like I didn't have a care in the world.

My seems to have finally bit the dust.  Can't log in and probably have lost my list of over one hundred songs. I received an email saying that they got in trouble and had to change the format.  Sigh....I liked it because it WASN'T a radio format.  Now have switched to YouTube, though the pictures aren't that important to me.

Yesterday I went to a class on Picasa, which some of the students insisted on calling Picasso. The other annoying thing about the other students was the woman who kept saying, "Gotcha!"  Doesn't she know that I HATE that word?!  I liked the button that said Publish to blogger. Picasa is only one of many photo management programs. It is related to Google.   But since it now is the one which caught my attention, I plan to try it out.  If I am seriously going to get back into photography, I should be able to practice with my LG rumor phone, which is all I have at the moment.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

They ol' school

I have been rather fascinated by "Civilian witness #8", later revealed to be Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin.  I was mesmerized by her bad grammer and then heard an interesting quote from her about the jury - "They ol'.  That's ol' school people.  We in a new school, our generation, my generation..."  I found her rather charming in the interview on late night TV which I watched on the Internet.  I do think her grammer and her inability to express herself did affect the jury in a negative way.  Maybe this is how we can convince people to stay in case they have to testify in court, they need to present well.

Trying to avoid the heat, have spent time at the health club, at the hairdressers and in a library.  The beauty salon is a very pleasant way to spend two hours, looking at the beautiful people, that is, the people who WORK there.  It is an expensive pleasure in which I indulge every couple of months. 

I am secretly eating kettle corn popcorn hoping to not get caught and reprimanded by the librarians.  I won it as a door prize for signing up as a friend of the Cumberland County Library.  Today am planning to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at McDonalds.  I am not proud of it, but it is easy and cheap.  Have a coupon for a free large fries which I plan on cashing in later on tonight.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I sat on an ant and he BIT me

I know that I had ants in the kitchen...big ones.  Then I saw a bunch of tiny ones in a box of wrapped candy.  Apparently there was a medium sized ant on the toilet seat when I sat down.  I discovered him when he bit me.  GROSS!  Time to do something about the damned things.

Book review:  Fifty shades darker by E.L. James.  I was reluctant to read this book as I was worried it would be even more extreme than the first one in the series.  Then a friend told me how much she was enjoying the audiobooks.  So I got this through Overdrive on my Nook.  I liked it even more than the first one.  It is hard to look away.  OK, the guy has faults....he is controlling, bossy, messed up and jealous.  But, on the other hand, he is gorgeous, rich, attentive, generous,  creative and wants her. Each love scene is different from all of the others.  It is true that she can't find time for her friends.  She does continue to want to "work" although she seems to spend most of her time at work emailing Christian.  Somehow the author keeps you routing for their love instead of thinking, "Watch out, lady!"  He sort of backs off from the kinky stuff in this book but the question remains whether he will continue to be satisfied.

I am in "Onederland" today.  That is when you get below 200 pounds.  So what did I do to celebrate?
Went to Terrigno's bakery and got treats for the gang down at the Cumberland County Historical Society.  Of course, I do that EVERY Wednesday, even though I am not supposed to be eating sweets.  Feeling generally sluggish and lazy and in pain.  Stopped taking my anti-inflammation drug and it is 95 degrees.  Exercise does not seem to be making me feel better.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dancers wanted

One of the many changes I noticed yesterday as I was driving down Delsea Drive was that one of the "jinxed" properties is reopening as Double D Gentleman's club and they want dancers.  I know a few jobs available and I know a few people looking but they do not match.  I am sure there will be lots of "gentlemen" in there.

Running out of options to avoid the heat. Went to the pool for an exercise  class (aqua aerobics) and came to the library.  Didn't use the computers at the pool because there is an older man who monopolizes them and I don't want to be near him.  Ever since the day when he knew I was waiting for the computer and he paused during his FACEBOOK session to watch some TV, just like someone who didn't have a care in the world.  So, just my luck, that SAME MAN is getting a card at the Millville Public Library and sat down right across from me.  Running out of time, anyway and you have to BEG for more time.  The librarian only gave me 1/2 hour.  Can't wait to get home where there is only ME, MYSELF and I.  Too hot to go out shopping for a dehumidifier which I desparately need.  Also my back is "out" and I cannot carry a heavy piece of equipment.  My purse is even more than I can carry.

What to do when the weather forecast is 95-100 degrees for the next four days?  I DETEST such weather.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Mild mannered librarian by day

Got together with a friend for our annual bounce-in-the-pool and go out to dinner.  He regaled me with tales of his part time life in the summer.  He spends weekends and weeks with his hot Brazilian younger man friend in "The pines" on Fire Island.  All night drag queen parties and stuff like that.

Library is annoyingly busy today.  Gangs of kids on the kid computers.  Just ate an entire big bag of kettle corn.  The library makes me hungry.  I brought my laptop today as am having trouble with the library computers.  I think they are getting OLD and outdated.  Weird problems like not being able to get the cursor to write on my blog. I am even starting to DREAM about computer problems. 

What else can I do on a blisteringly hot day with another week of them in the forecast?  My car is comfortable but my house not so much.  I don't get along well with humidity.  The Cumberland County Library is nice and cool.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Not so good at multi-tasking

Trying to blog AND listen to The heist album by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.  You really need to listen to the words and how he rattles them out with such great speed.   Favorite songs are: Can't hold us, Thrift shop, Same love.  I borrowed the CD from the Vineland Public Library POPULAR collection, CD 1360.  I used to enjoy BUYING the CDs for this library.  I also enjoyed listening to the CDs in my computer while working.

 Kind of miss my office, now that I think about it.  Haven't really set up a good office space at home.  Am getting tired of my itinerant ways.  Too many uncontrollable facets...annoying people, slow computers, lugging my stuff around.  This has been a bad week for computer use....too many snags.  Yesterday FORGOT my computer so had to use a REALLY SLOW one which I finally had to completely abandon.  It was hopeless trying to get anything done.

Finished a book, Obsessed : America's food addiction - and my own, by Mika Brzezinski.  OK, not great.  But I like reading books about dieting and health, since that is my thinking now.  Her point in the book is that it takes work to be healthy, but it is worth it.  She confronted a friend about her weight and writes the book with her.  OK, she told her friend Diane Smith that she was FAT.  The author resents the feeling she gets from other people that everything is easy for her.  It is not.  She has a food addiction that she keeps in check only with great effort.  She and Diane agreed to work on their issues together....Diane's goal was to LOSE weight and Mika's goal was to GAIN some weight.
The book is available at the Vineland Public Library (362.196 Brz).


Quotes: "Virginia Cha, that journalist-beauty queen who took the news anchor job I thought should have been mine, taught me a lesson that has stuck with me to this day: you have to look at what you have to offer and feel good about it instead of being consumed by what other people do or have.  It took me a long time to figure that out."  Kathleen Turner's response to people who expect her to look the same as she did decades ago in Body heat..."Yeah, I know, I looked like that.  I don't anymore.  Okay?  Get over it."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Let's try this again

After experiencing setbacks for several days trying to get online, I am just about convinced that I need to get the Internet at home.   Yesterday was on a faulty computer at the Cumberland County Library and was unable to get a cursor in the box to post.  Now I am lugging my laptop around and came to the PC@Nite, a new Internet café in Millville, New Jersey.  Had a passable omelet, terrible coffee and am sitting in a rather uncomfortable chair, but at least I don't have a time limit and everything seems to be working.  Just came across their extensive list of natural juice shakes!

Thinking about some of my favorite things:
1. clouds - we have some great ones
2. a stable government - we take it for granted
3. Blurred lines, a new song by Robin Thicke, T.I. and Pharrell

And my least favorite things:
1. trash by the side of the road - what is WRONG with the people around here?
2. humidity
3. formatting that comes upon you unexpectedly (see above)

Up too early today. I got to the arthritis exercise class by 8 AM but with no coffee or breakfast.    Couldn't wait for it to be over.  Yesterday I tried to roller skate for the first time in 20 or 30 years.  (I don't know where the time goes).  It was a disaster.  Now, that is a bit of an exaggeration.  It was a failure, not a success.  My ankle kept clicking and I felt REALLY wobbly. I had to stop after 5 minutes.   They have these new skates that are like a plastic sneaker with wheels on the bottom.  I missed the old lace up ones like the picture...  Perhaps I will just have to add roller skating to my list of things I no longer do, such as cross country skiing and downhill skiing.  I have all the equipment, but not the ANKLES.  Usually I have yoga class on Monday mornings.  Since there was no yoga I thought I would try Senior skate at the local roller skating rink.  I fell down there decades ago when a young person careened into me and I broke my wrist.  Haven't been back since.  It was a sobering experience and made me realize I am not invulnerable.

This image is from Google images


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The best things

A picture of the Ocean City beach from Google images
1. A shower and a shampoo after a dip in the ocean and a walk on the beach in Ocean city
2. NPR - being retired I get to listen to a lot more of it
3. YouTube - At least it works now that doesn't - I just listen, don't really need to WATCH
4. A nice air conditioned public library computer lab with generous time allowances (Ocean City Public Library)
5. I put up a picture on Facebook and got messages from some friends.  One phone call and two beach house invitations!  I guess Facebook is good for something.

I put a picture on Blogger.  I should give credit where I stole it from.  It is a cropped version of "Turtle play" by Hopper Hippee-art.  I found it on  I identify with the turtle as an animal.  I feel that I am somewhat SLOW.  But I like the idea of turtles at play.  I am trying to become more playful.  Someone today made a sea turtle in the sand.  They made a sculpture of a turtle and covered the shell with SHELLS.  Then they made the words Sea turtle out of broken twigs.  Should have had my camera.

Tomorrow going on an excursion.  Somewhat against my better judgement as I am driving into and out of New York City on a holiday (July 4th).  Trying to seize the day.  I don't get invitations that often.  I prefer the path of least resistance, which is to stay home.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Part of my many excuses about why I no longer take photographs.  I have an OLD SLR I could dust off and try out, if they still make film.  The digital camera given to me by my family has been MISLAID and I think the megapixels are 3.2.  My polaroids can no longer be supplied with film.  (Wonder how much I could get for a brand new Polaroid camera still in the box?)  Now I am taking really crappy pictures with my phone, an LG Rumor.  Just have not made the transition to the digital age.  I used to have a darkroom and all.  Several friends keep harping about what a great photographer I am (was).  So today I have an appointment with a techy person at the TLC (Technology learning center) at the Cape May Court House Public Library to ask questions about photo stuff.

phillie phanatic photo: phillie phanatic phanatic-3.jpg

Just tried to copy a picture I took last night of the Philly Phanatic. Had to get one off of the Internet. Apologies to whoever took this one.  I get a kick out of him.  A whole hour of him was weird though.  He came to the Cumberland County Library last night.  I wonder if there is only ONE of them?  He doesn't talk, and was trying to get across the idea to the kids that they needed to TURN AROUND in order to pose for pictures.  They were so busy looking at him that they forgot to pose.  First he turned around in a circle, trying to give them the idea and almost wacking people with his tail.  Then he made circling motions with his hands.  I worried about the SPANISH kids, which was dumb, cause he doesn't speak ENGLISH either.  It must be really hard for him to NOT speak. Anyway, the kids were adorable, with PP dolls, headdresses, etc.  Some of the kids were in tears or on the verge of tears.  He is more scary than Santa Claus.  A kid from Canada, who didn't know from the Philly Phanatic, burst into tears when he saw him.

It's July 2 already and I really haven't made any summer plans.  Clay College or other art class?  Summer rental?  Travel plans to Maine or ? Visit old friends with beach houses?  I think the SUN just came out.  That was not in the forecast.  The forecast is rain off and on all day, heavy at times.  When I asked the librarian if that was the sun outside, she said, "Yes, but it is humid and gross out there."  Now I feel better about staying the the nice, cool library all day.

Monday, July 1, 2013

An instrument from the Bible

Met a kid named Zephen and was told that his name came from an instrument in the Bible.  Just now getting around to looking it up and I think a ZEPHYR is an instrument in the Bible.  Zephen is just one of those weird names that people make up.  It brings up a lot of hits on the Internet, but most of them are databases waiting for you to comment on names.

Struggling to do this today.  I left my glasses and my coffee in the car.

I think it is still raining.  It has been raining most every day but it is unusual for it to be raining in the day time.
Mostly we have violent thunderstorms in the night time.  I have decided I prefer short and violent to all day rain.

Waiting for a CD by Macklemore.  Thrift shop is a fun song and I really like Same love.  Perhaps will become the anthem for the Gay rights movement?