Sitting here typing feeling unhappy with my hair and my body. Not a great haircut? Too long without exercising and too much good food!
Wonderful weekend with old school mates...we have forgotten the problems of youth and who was friends with whom or not. Now we are mostly all just feeling the love. Lots of hugging and talking and eating. Weekend just whizzed by without a moment to use my computer or my bathing suit or my calendar. A waste of time to lug them all over to Newtown, PA. Of course, I FORGOT something in the hotel room. Left a six pack of O'Doul's in the fridge along with a bottle of Diet Coke. Really could have used them as I was driving around later!
Moby Dick (audio book), by Herman Melville. Wow, did I enjoy this! Beautiful language and great meditations on the whale, blackness, whiteness, friendship, Nantucket, the sea, whalers, etc.
I was always a bit intimidated about taking this book on, but very glad I finally got around to it. Now I must read the book Why you should read Moby Dick.
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Technology is driving me crazy today!
Cell phone uncharged. Lots of connection problems at work today. And does anyone care about FIXING is on a weekend? Yahoo suddenly has lost a bunch of my contacts....very unnerving. Realized some had been lost a while ago so I do not know if I should attempt a RESTORE. More like a RE-TYPE...thus ruining my plans of printing out my address book today. It is a herculean task anyway. I had almost 700 contacts, now down to 600. Quite a bit for someone who rarely calls anyone.
What to do when there's too much to do (ebook), by Laura Stack. Another one of those books relating to the workplace. Can't really remember much about it except that it was SHORT. That is a benefit to me these days.
The Potter's field (audiobook) : an Inspector Montalbano mystery, by Andrea Camilleri. I really enjoyed this audiobook. Yes, it was kind of confusing with all of the Italian names of people and places, but it didn't bother me like it sometimes does. Takes place in Sicily. Montalbano is an aging detective. He lives by the sea, is a terrible driver, has a girlfriend in another town that you have to fly to. There is a mystery of a chopped up body discovered in the rain and a story of his right hand man who is acting strangely. Also great descriptions of the food, making me quite ravenous. In the book he reads a book by....Andrea Camilleri! I found it quite funny and captivating. I loved the banter between the various employees.
What to do when there's too much to do (ebook), by Laura Stack. Another one of those books relating to the workplace. Can't really remember much about it except that it was SHORT. That is a benefit to me these days.
The Potter's field (audiobook) : an Inspector Montalbano mystery, by Andrea Camilleri. I really enjoyed this audiobook. Yes, it was kind of confusing with all of the Italian names of people and places, but it didn't bother me like it sometimes does. Takes place in Sicily. Montalbano is an aging detective. He lives by the sea, is a terrible driver, has a girlfriend in another town that you have to fly to. There is a mystery of a chopped up body discovered in the rain and a story of his right hand man who is acting strangely. Also great descriptions of the food, making me quite ravenous. In the book he reads a book by....Andrea Camilleri! I found it quite funny and captivating. I loved the banter between the various employees.
Friday, October 24, 2014
My very long day
Yesterday started off predictably enough, as I went through the motions of Arthritis exercise, massage, library and other errands. A friend called and invited me to go up to New York to see a play. I begged off on this one day trip, as I felt I had been away from home too much lately, especially in the evenings. A short while later, someone ELSE called and invited me to go up to New York City to see an art exhibit that I wanted to see. It was the last day! So, I surmised, SOMEONE wants me to be in New York today.
I cancelled another appointment and called the second person and said I would go up with them to see the art exhibit. It is a three hour drive and we got a late start. Also, the church where the exhibit was being held was closing early, so time was getting away from us. We arrived at the church at 4:45 PM. The art was still up but not lit so we had to work to peer at the art all around the church which was in semi-darkness. We got into the elevator to go downstairs to the bathroom and almost got stuck in there. Saw a sign that bathrooms only open during church services. Then the door wouldn't open back up so we had to go to street level, exit and come back in through the church main entrance. At closing time I wandered up Broadway. The church was at 60th and Columbus and the play I was going to was at Broadway and 72nd St. Stopped into a loew's AMC movie theater and though about going to a movie. Several lines of people and escalators going us several floors. It was too much for me. I would rather go to our quiet little Regal in Vineland to see a crappy movie. Came upon an Apple store. This has been on my list of things to do so I went in. Tried to get on my email on one of the many different sizes of devices. Yahoo insisted on calling me with an access code. I decided I will never be able to figure out Apple devices so I asked a man working there to help me log off of my email. He reprimanded me for logging into my personal account on a public computer. Continued on my way and found the Triad theater, upstairs at 158 W. 70th St. Went into the Turkish restaurant below (Seven's Turkish grill). Just got settled with my water and candle and realized MY PHONE was missing. Had to hightail it 6 blocks back to the Apple store, where, miraculously, they had picked up my phone. WHEW! (My life was flashing before my eyes). Saw Ruthless : the musical, where Brittany Spears got her start as a young girl. Delightful theater, intimate and charming. OK, the seats were impossibly hard and we were forced to buy two bad, expensive drinks. But the room was full of young enthusiastic people so you felt like you were at a cool event.
Stage was very small but OK for 6 people, some of whom played more than one part. I loved the music, especially a song called I hate musicals. After the show, we wandered down the street, stopping into a cool, huge, cosmetics and Halloween costume store. It was a lot of fun, but we didn't buy anything. We thought about buying a blond wig and a button that said ART JUNKIE. Three of us ladies me our friend, the producer and he drove us home. Got dropped off at my house shortly after midnight. A pretty interesting day considering that I didn't know I was going to NYC until lunchtime!
I cancelled another appointment and called the second person and said I would go up with them to see the art exhibit. It is a three hour drive and we got a late start. Also, the church where the exhibit was being held was closing early, so time was getting away from us. We arrived at the church at 4:45 PM. The art was still up but not lit so we had to work to peer at the art all around the church which was in semi-darkness. We got into the elevator to go downstairs to the bathroom and almost got stuck in there. Saw a sign that bathrooms only open during church services. Then the door wouldn't open back up so we had to go to street level, exit and come back in through the church main entrance. At closing time I wandered up Broadway. The church was at 60th and Columbus and the play I was going to was at Broadway and 72nd St. Stopped into a loew's AMC movie theater and though about going to a movie. Several lines of people and escalators going us several floors. It was too much for me. I would rather go to our quiet little Regal in Vineland to see a crappy movie. Came upon an Apple store. This has been on my list of things to do so I went in. Tried to get on my email on one of the many different sizes of devices. Yahoo insisted on calling me with an access code. I decided I will never be able to figure out Apple devices so I asked a man working there to help me log off of my email. He reprimanded me for logging into my personal account on a public computer. Continued on my way and found the Triad theater, upstairs at 158 W. 70th St. Went into the Turkish restaurant below (Seven's Turkish grill). Just got settled with my water and candle and realized MY PHONE was missing. Had to hightail it 6 blocks back to the Apple store, where, miraculously, they had picked up my phone. WHEW! (My life was flashing before my eyes). Saw Ruthless : the musical, where Brittany Spears got her start as a young girl. Delightful theater, intimate and charming. OK, the seats were impossibly hard and we were forced to buy two bad, expensive drinks. But the room was full of young enthusiastic people so you felt like you were at a cool event.
Stage was very small but OK for 6 people, some of whom played more than one part. I loved the music, especially a song called I hate musicals. After the show, we wandered down the street, stopping into a cool, huge, cosmetics and Halloween costume store. It was a lot of fun, but we didn't buy anything. We thought about buying a blond wig and a button that said ART JUNKIE. Three of us ladies me our friend, the producer and he drove us home. Got dropped off at my house shortly after midnight. A pretty interesting day considering that I didn't know I was going to NYC until lunchtime!
Monday, October 13, 2014
It's better if I stay home
Had to go pick someone up yesterday in an unusual place since she is living with her son. Started out following my MapQuest directions as I was trying to find a shorter way to get there than the one she suggested. First problem is I run into a TRAFFIC JAM on a highway where I usually just tool along at 65 miles per hour. They were repaving Route 55 and not only was it slow, they had CLOSED MY EXIT. So, I was really stewing and cursing and wishing for an anxiety pill and had to drive about 15 minutes to get extra far from my destination. Then I underwent a sudden panic attack and had to pay $2.99 for 24 hours of Sprint Navigator on my phone. I was suddenly very unsure about where I was and where I was going. So, it took me about an hour of driving to get to the first phase of my journey. Then another hour to get to Philly and was forced to drive fast due to fears of being late for the theater. Two setbacks in street was closed and then more streets were blocked off due to the annual OUTFEST. The play was good (Rapture, blister and burn), the dinner was good and the drive home long and dark. More streets blocked off but I overcame it. Was in a bit of a snit about the whole thing. The entire expedition took me from 11:30 AM until 8:15 PM. At least I got home in time to watch the Eagles beat the Giants. I had to turn it off at half time cause I can't stand to watch the sacking and the grandstanding. Happy that the Eagles did well anyway.
Those darn squirrels! (book), by Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri. Spoke to my condition as I have a squirrel living in my ceiling. A very cute children's book about a man trying to defeat the squirrels and then giving in and appreciating them.
Younger next year...for women (book), by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge. Got this book on interlibrary loan. So hard to follow their advice which is to exercise HARD 6 days a week and don't eat crap. Already, I feel my will to exercise today sinking. Their philosophy is that you are either growing or deteriorating and the only way to grow is to move. I agree but it is so hard.
Those darn squirrels! (book), by Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri. Spoke to my condition as I have a squirrel living in my ceiling. A very cute children's book about a man trying to defeat the squirrels and then giving in and appreciating them.
Younger next year...for women (book), by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge. Got this book on interlibrary loan. So hard to follow their advice which is to exercise HARD 6 days a week and don't eat crap. Already, I feel my will to exercise today sinking. Their philosophy is that you are either growing or deteriorating and the only way to grow is to move. I agree but it is so hard.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
The masochism that is doing your own taxes
Why am I doing this? Is it FUN reading the booklets from cover to cover each year, twice? Am I good at math? No, no and no. Double checking my numbers in order to get the amount down that I owe, I am only finding mistakes that take me in the wrong direction. Certain mind fucks like....why do I have to pay taxes on dividends and gains NOW and then again when I cash them in? It seems wrong, so wrong. Just learned about a new form, 8949, so you can summarize from this one onto schedule D. Why did I ever think that my life would get less complicated after retirement? It still seems to be getting worse every year. I seem to owe over $3000 and that is giving me a royal pain in the ass.
We are water (audiobook), by Wally Lamb: It seemed way too long. Excruciating in spots and I wanted it to be over. Then it got OK again. Story is told from too many viewpoints and jumps around in time. First I liked it as it just went from husband to wife and you saw how they got to be the way they are. Then the kids got into it and the new girlfriend and the evil cousin. The basic theme is family secrets and how they mess up generations of people. I felt a bit more sympathetic when I listened to the interview with the author and found that he teaches writing in a women's prison and has second-hand knowledge of abuse issues with a great proportion of the prison population.
Warm today, too warm. We had guests at breakfast, which was very nice since out breakfast club has been decimated by illness and death. Sat out in the back yard as I ate my lunch and was pleased to hear only birds and cars, no barking dogs or cursing neighbors. My neighbor left me a variety of gorgeous daffoduls in a honey jar. He's a sweetie.
We are water (audiobook), by Wally Lamb: It seemed way too long. Excruciating in spots and I wanted it to be over. Then it got OK again. Story is told from too many viewpoints and jumps around in time. First I liked it as it just went from husband to wife and you saw how they got to be the way they are. Then the kids got into it and the new girlfriend and the evil cousin. The basic theme is family secrets and how they mess up generations of people. I felt a bit more sympathetic when I listened to the interview with the author and found that he teaches writing in a women's prison and has second-hand knowledge of abuse issues with a great proportion of the prison population.
Warm today, too warm. We had guests at breakfast, which was very nice since out breakfast club has been decimated by illness and death. Sat out in the back yard as I ate my lunch and was pleased to hear only birds and cars, no barking dogs or cursing neighbors. My neighbor left me a variety of gorgeous daffoduls in a honey jar. He's a sweetie.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Sitting with the great unwashed
Sorry to sound so classist, but the person who just sat down next to me has an aura of old smoke and BO extending for several feet.
Is it ever going to warm up? Promises of 52 degrees seem hard pressed. I just can't seem to warm up. Got up at 4 AM and it was dark and cold. So, I got back in bed after reading for an hour, but just couldn't seem to warm up. Felt like I must be getting the flu....but I pride myself on my ability to not get sick. I am not sick but AM one of the worried well.
Not doing a whole lot today. Breakfasted with two friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Volunteered at the art gallery and had a good time talking with interesting workmen. Went to the car mechanic and arranged to spend lots of money there next week. Am glad I came to the library, though. It is nice and peaceful today. AND I found a new Janet Evanovich audiobook. What could be better? Oh, I DID accomplish a long undone project...buying windshield wiper fluid and putting it in the car all by myself.
Is it ever going to warm up? Promises of 52 degrees seem hard pressed. I just can't seem to warm up. Got up at 4 AM and it was dark and cold. So, I got back in bed after reading for an hour, but just couldn't seem to warm up. Felt like I must be getting the flu....but I pride myself on my ability to not get sick. I am not sick but AM one of the worried well.
Not doing a whole lot today. Breakfasted with two friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Volunteered at the art gallery and had a good time talking with interesting workmen. Went to the car mechanic and arranged to spend lots of money there next week. Am glad I came to the library, though. It is nice and peaceful today. AND I found a new Janet Evanovich audiobook. What could be better? Oh, I DID accomplish a long undone project...buying windshield wiper fluid and putting it in the car all by myself.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
People watching
Otherwise known as....sitting on a bench and being judgmental. OK, my exercise teacher heard that on the radio but it is oh so true. Especially when you are down at the boardwalk, as I was a few days ago. I drew a picture of a woman I saw, but it was too complimentary. For two days now I have drawn a picture. Today, what? I wanted to draw an Amish person but I'd have to do it from memory or with them scurrying by. Had a not-very-satisfying breakfast at the Amish Market in Vineland. Frankly, I think they lost a lot of the "counter character" by moving upstairs. And my favorite waitress was not there.
Weather is disgusting out. Extremely windy and cold. At least it is sunny but you wouldn't want to spend any time out there.
Hanging out where I used to work. Can overhear them dealing with one of the many relabeling, totally redoing projects we used to do interminably. I guess it fills up the time and keeps you guessing. One thing about working, it gives you daily access to some "friends". Don't have that now. That is why I am always OUT and ABOUT. Feeling a bit self-righteous as have already completed my exercise and my Internet chores and it is only noon. The rest of the day is FREE (?). Signed up for a class tonight for which I have to drive 1/2 hour. Think I can handle it. Am LOVING this light longer stuff with the time change! Taking a class on making a memory box. Casting about for my artistic (or not) bent. Here is what I like the idea, beach glass jewelry, pottery, drawing, pastels, collage.
Weather is disgusting out. Extremely windy and cold. At least it is sunny but you wouldn't want to spend any time out there.
Hanging out where I used to work. Can overhear them dealing with one of the many relabeling, totally redoing projects we used to do interminably. I guess it fills up the time and keeps you guessing. One thing about working, it gives you daily access to some "friends". Don't have that now. That is why I am always OUT and ABOUT. Feeling a bit self-righteous as have already completed my exercise and my Internet chores and it is only noon. The rest of the day is FREE (?). Signed up for a class tonight for which I have to drive 1/2 hour. Think I can handle it. Am LOVING this light longer stuff with the time change! Taking a class on making a memory box. Casting about for my artistic (or not) bent. Here is what I like the idea, beach glass jewelry, pottery, drawing, pastels, collage.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Losing the battle against sloth
I learned last week that every hour of sitting takes 22 minutes off of your life. That has made me more interested in exercise IN THEORY but not in practice. All of my favorite activities involve SITTING...reading, driving, computer work. Notice that I have been skipping more days of exercise and justifying it. This has got to stop! Just wrote a short article about the benefits of physical activity. Now I just need to PRACTICE what I preach.
So, the only guy who actually talks to me in the gym makes me nervous. I guess I like being a hermit and not knowing anyone's name. I always feel so defensive around him. Like I always want to trash myself and my efforts. He keeps trying to get me to be positive and I persist in being negative.
Watched Doc Martin last night. It is on Tuesday night at 8 PM on Channel 23. Thought I had seen them all but I seem to have missed series 3. Or else I FORGOT that I saw it. But I DO remember the Ballykissangels that come on next. One hour of TV is my limit for one day. And that is at least 1/2 hour longer than my attention span. I love Doc Martin because it has great scenery, it is about a small town, and he is such a curmudgeon. He is a surgeon who develops a fear of blood. I am always BEHIND on things. I only seem to enjoy repeats or shows that are not even produced any more. I was a few years LATE getting into Bob Dylan and Frank Sinatra and The big bang theory. Just not a cutting edge kind of gal.
So, the only guy who actually talks to me in the gym makes me nervous. I guess I like being a hermit and not knowing anyone's name. I always feel so defensive around him. Like I always want to trash myself and my efforts. He keeps trying to get me to be positive and I persist in being negative.
Watched Doc Martin last night. It is on Tuesday night at 8 PM on Channel 23. Thought I had seen them all but I seem to have missed series 3. Or else I FORGOT that I saw it. But I DO remember the Ballykissangels that come on next. One hour of TV is my limit for one day. And that is at least 1/2 hour longer than my attention span. I love Doc Martin because it has great scenery, it is about a small town, and he is such a curmudgeon. He is a surgeon who develops a fear of blood. I am always BEHIND on things. I only seem to enjoy repeats or shows that are not even produced any more. I was a few years LATE getting into Bob Dylan and Frank Sinatra and The big bang theory. Just not a cutting edge kind of gal.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
All things shall pass, even the bad ones
Usually, if I could be more patient, the neighbors will move and Yahoo will get around to fixing the things that are broken. Every time they "upgrade" I go crazy looking for things that I could do before. Just in case they aren't paying attention, I submit at least one complaining support ticket each day.
Started off with a good reunion of the French group. Now that we have had a meeting in the daytime, more hours have opened up as possible gathering times. It is absolutely amazing how difficult it is to get 5 people together, even though we are all RETIRED! Then the sun came out when it was not forecast. I LIKE those kinds of surprises. Brought leftovers down to my Wednesday hangout. My sister made some yummy quiche - one was watercress and spinach and the other was CAULIFLOWER and pepper jack cheese. How creative!
Today is election day. Even thinking about our government makes me sick. I would like to strangle some Tea Party Republicans. I can take some comfort in the fact that I live in a BLUE town in a BLUE state.
Started off with a good reunion of the French group. Now that we have had a meeting in the daytime, more hours have opened up as possible gathering times. It is absolutely amazing how difficult it is to get 5 people together, even though we are all RETIRED! Then the sun came out when it was not forecast. I LIKE those kinds of surprises. Brought leftovers down to my Wednesday hangout. My sister made some yummy quiche - one was watercress and spinach and the other was CAULIFLOWER and pepper jack cheese. How creative!
Today is election day. Even thinking about our government makes me sick. I would like to strangle some Tea Party Republicans. I can take some comfort in the fact that I live in a BLUE town in a BLUE state.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The "new hot" 107.9
Came across this radio station and stayed awhile. Two women were talking ghetto trash and I was mesmerized. The music was rap, including Biggie. They played a good song I had forgotten about and can't name.
Returned a book to the Millville Library....Dad is fat, by Jim Gaffigan. He is a comedian with which I am not familiar who has 5 kids and lives in a small Brooklyn apartment. Apparently he has a famous rag on hot pockets which I must look for on Youtube.
Excursion for the day cancelled due to rain, wind, chill, dank and damp. I was supposed to be the driver for 5 women so am just as glad we didn't go. I don't like driving FAST, particularly in the rain. You are not supposed to use cruise control and that is hard for me. Of course, now it is not raining, but the forecast for the next few days is dismal. Boy, did we get spoiled with the seemingly endless run of sunny days! Instead we all got together at a newly opened restaurant called Lucy's Mexican restaurant. Lots of MEN came in, cops and I don't know who all. Might be a good place to meet men except that they were all playing with their phones. So we had our few hours of talking which we like to do monthly. Only one other woman was in the place. The waitress was cool and gave us free stuff and good advice about what to eat.
Returned a book to the Millville Library....Dad is fat, by Jim Gaffigan. He is a comedian with which I am not familiar who has 5 kids and lives in a small Brooklyn apartment. Apparently he has a famous rag on hot pockets which I must look for on Youtube.
Excursion for the day cancelled due to rain, wind, chill, dank and damp. I was supposed to be the driver for 5 women so am just as glad we didn't go. I don't like driving FAST, particularly in the rain. You are not supposed to use cruise control and that is hard for me. Of course, now it is not raining, but the forecast for the next few days is dismal. Boy, did we get spoiled with the seemingly endless run of sunny days! Instead we all got together at a newly opened restaurant called Lucy's Mexican restaurant. Lots of MEN came in, cops and I don't know who all. Might be a good place to meet men except that they were all playing with their phones. So we had our few hours of talking which we like to do monthly. Only one other woman was in the place. The waitress was cool and gave us free stuff and good advice about what to eat.
Monday, October 7, 2013
On the turntable
In my case, it is on YouTube....Listening to the top songs on iTunes to see if any of them are worth adding to my playlist on YouTube (I am too FRUGAL for iTunes). So far have only added Royals by Lorde. Enjoying my two hour stint on the public computers at the Cumberland County Library. Had to turn on the headphones due to the incessant re-dialing of the FAX machine. They put it on automatic redial and it redials immediately after it finishes dialing.
And it is REALLY loud.
Have accomplished yoga and getting online already. Can coast for the rest of the day. Even had a sociable coffee with friends down at the Cohansey Cafe in Bridgeton before yoga. Almost hesitate to buy coffee cause then I won't have an excuse to patronize my sister's cafe every weekday.
Rain today causing me great shock. We have been waking up to sunshine every day for weeks now. I even forgot about the fact that my roof leaks. Am too frugal to get new gutters and new windows. Can I get through another winter? Dreading it. Uncomfortable at home when it is real cold. Must plan some trips?
And it is REALLY loud.
Have accomplished yoga and getting online already. Can coast for the rest of the day. Even had a sociable coffee with friends down at the Cohansey Cafe in Bridgeton before yoga. Almost hesitate to buy coffee cause then I won't have an excuse to patronize my sister's cafe every weekday.
Rain today causing me great shock. We have been waking up to sunshine every day for weeks now. I even forgot about the fact that my roof leaks. Am too frugal to get new gutters and new windows. Can I get through another winter? Dreading it. Uncomfortable at home when it is real cold. Must plan some trips?
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Weird Hawaiian music
Trying to fit everything in today. Exercise is getting short shrift. Starbucks not so enjoyable. It was too hot outside even though it is a BEAUTIFUL day. My favorite (big) table became free but it is too sunny in here and they are playing a really weird Hawaiian album. Drinking an unnecessary decaf skinny mocha tall thingy.
Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.
The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.
Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.
The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.
mental health,
Friday, July 26, 2013
A woman named Chastity
There are some quite astonishing things in our local paper. Like this woman named Chastity Brackney who was indicted on charges of first-degree aggravated sexual assualt, aggravated criminal sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child. Now that I read it again, perhaps her name is CHASITY, not Chastity. Another article was about a woman arrested for wearing a very short skirt and no underwear.
It feels like a Saturday, but it isn't. Invited out to breakfast by one friend and to lunch by another. Anyway, what does Saturday feel like when you are retired? I woke up with NO PLANS and that kind of makes me anxious.
Sign downtown..."Laundry mat coming soon".
What are those spectacular flowers blooming on my neighbor's plants? I think it is hibiscus. They are red and quite wonderful...
Monday, July 15, 2013
Mild mannered librarian by day
Got together with a friend for our annual bounce-in-the-pool and go out to dinner. He regaled me with tales of his part time life in the summer. He spends weekends and weeks with his hot Brazilian younger man friend in "The pines" on Fire Island. All night drag queen parties and stuff like that.
Library is annoyingly busy today. Gangs of kids on the kid computers. Just ate an entire big bag of kettle corn. The library makes me hungry. I brought my laptop today as am having trouble with the library computers. I think they are getting OLD and outdated. Weird problems like not being able to get the cursor to write on my blog. I am even starting to DREAM about computer problems.
What else can I do on a blisteringly hot day with another week of them in the forecast? My car is comfortable but my house not so much. I don't get along well with humidity. The Cumberland County Library is nice and cool.
Library is annoyingly busy today. Gangs of kids on the kid computers. Just ate an entire big bag of kettle corn. The library makes me hungry. I brought my laptop today as am having trouble with the library computers. I think they are getting OLD and outdated. Weird problems like not being able to get the cursor to write on my blog. I am even starting to DREAM about computer problems.
What else can I do on a blisteringly hot day with another week of them in the forecast? My car is comfortable but my house not so much. I don't get along well with humidity. The Cumberland County Library is nice and cool.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Su perro esta molestandome
I said to a friend, "My worst nightmare is that a barking dog moves in next door to me." "Surely", she said, "You have worse nightmares than THAT!" Trying to figure out how to say "Your dog is annoying" in Spanish. Although I think I have made my displeasure evident in English AND Spanish. It doesn't seem to have made any difference in the behavior of the neighbors or their dog. Yesterday, the dog was barking and whining all day INSIDE and late afternoon outside.
Really fun surprise 60th birthday party last night. My girlfriend was SO surprised, her eyes and her mouth were big Os for about five minutes. She was totally shocked that her family had come secretly from all over the country. I had to leave "early" as I had to get up and go to work this morning. I only work ONE day a month, but when it rolls around, it always seems somewhat inconvenient.
Lots of food (Indian) and I totally avoided the desserts, which were plentiful and gorgeous.
We have had 10.1 inches of rain so far this June and June is not over yet! That is a record. Every day we have a few storms, mostly at night, thank goodness. Having drainage problems near my garage where we park the cars. Sometimes I have to wade through 4 inches of water to get to my house.
Well, it wasn' t THIS deep, but you get the picture....
Really fun surprise 60th birthday party last night. My girlfriend was SO surprised, her eyes and her mouth were big Os for about five minutes. She was totally shocked that her family had come secretly from all over the country. I had to leave "early" as I had to get up and go to work this morning. I only work ONE day a month, but when it rolls around, it always seems somewhat inconvenient.
Lots of food (Indian) and I totally avoided the desserts, which were plentiful and gorgeous.
We have had 10.1 inches of rain so far this June and June is not over yet! That is a record. Every day we have a few storms, mostly at night, thank goodness. Having drainage problems near my garage where we park the cars. Sometimes I have to wade through 4 inches of water to get to my house.
Well, it wasn' t THIS deep, but you get the picture....
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tulip time!
I love it. Went for a walk down the street and sat on a bench. I needed a break from a day on the computer. The breezes were wafting and the trees were rustling and there is not much traffic in Greenwich, New Jersey. The weather is finally perfect enough to go with the constant sunshine.

Hanging out at a historical society today. My guilty secret is that I am not even thinking about history. Just being with a convivial group and using my laptop.
Actually I am thinking about Paris. Taking notes from Fodor's Paris 2011 to remind myself what I want to do when I get there next.
Last week was a crazy week. Personally, with the taxes undone, losing my passport, my neighbor chopping down a beautiful tree and then there was Boston and the Ricin and Texas. Of course, then there was also the FINDING of the passport and getting to spend an entire day with an old friend, so it wasn't ALL bad.
Hanging out at a historical society today. My guilty secret is that I am not even thinking about history. Just being with a convivial group and using my laptop.
Actually I am thinking about Paris. Taking notes from Fodor's Paris 2011 to remind myself what I want to do when I get there next.
Last week was a crazy week. Personally, with the taxes undone, losing my passport, my neighbor chopping down a beautiful tree and then there was Boston and the Ricin and Texas. Of course, then there was also the FINDING of the passport and getting to spend an entire day with an old friend, so it wasn't ALL bad.
Monday, April 22, 2013
What did I do for Earth day?
- I sent an ecard to someone who has a birthday today wishing her a happy Earth Day AND birthday.
- I picked up trash around the outside of my house. None of it mine. Cigarette butts and other disgusting stuff.
- Going to a free film about the problems of the horseshoe crab and the redknot. It is called Crash and will be showing at 6 PM at the Levoy theater in Millville.
My wish list has once again disappeared from Overdrive. This is very aggravating as this is where I go when I need a new book for my Nook. I have a theory and will investigate it. Not that I don't already have enough books to read.
Feeling overwhelmed with my computer chores. My folder of stuff to look up is getting thicker. And my old emails more than a year old are looking too interesting to delete. Seems like the past few days I have just been trying to fit in an hour here, and hour there and getting nowhere.
- I picked up trash around the outside of my house. None of it mine. Cigarette butts and other disgusting stuff.
- Going to a free film about the problems of the horseshoe crab and the redknot. It is called Crash and will be showing at 6 PM at the Levoy theater in Millville.
My wish list has once again disappeared from Overdrive. This is very aggravating as this is where I go when I need a new book for my Nook. I have a theory and will investigate it. Not that I don't already have enough books to read.
Feeling overwhelmed with my computer chores. My folder of stuff to look up is getting thicker. And my old emails more than a year old are looking too interesting to delete. Seems like the past few days I have just been trying to fit in an hour here, and hour there and getting nowhere.
Friday, April 19, 2013
You and tequila make me crazy
Had to spend a lot of time in my car mechanic's place this morning. That means listening to a lot of country western music, including this song by Kenny Chesney. I was sorta shocked to find out that replacing a lightbulb is a really complicated and expensive procedure. Had to get a friend to come out of her way to pick me up for lunch and then bring me back. Poor planning on my part. It all worked out even though when we got to the luncheon they had run out of food! But my friend was able to have TWO desserts instead of a main course, so she was happy.
I am still wearing my exercise clothes but running out of time to exercise. I an going on a trip soon to a fashionable city and am going to have to overcome my habit of dressing like a slob. Shopping for attractive outfits is not a priority so I am wearing all my old exercise clothes to death.
Audiobook review - Second grave on the left (Charley Davidson, book 2), by Darynda Jones. It was way too long, with too many subplots. Paranormal stuff on top of a mystery. I thought it was a combination of Stephanie Plum and Sookie Stackhouse. In the author interview, she said it was a combination of Stephanie Plum, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and someone from the Gilmore girls. For me, it heavily leaned towards Janet Evanovich as the reader is the same person who reads her books (Lorelei King). Charley (called Juicy by some people and called Dutch by others) is really the Grim Reaper and she is kind of in love with an other-worldly guy who comes and goes, usually with bloody wounds which can miraculously heal. She can see dead people. I found it confusing and complicated and kept wishing it would be over. And now it is.
I am still wearing my exercise clothes but running out of time to exercise. I an going on a trip soon to a fashionable city and am going to have to overcome my habit of dressing like a slob. Shopping for attractive outfits is not a priority so I am wearing all my old exercise clothes to death.
Audiobook review - Second grave on the left (Charley Davidson, book 2), by Darynda Jones. It was way too long, with too many subplots. Paranormal stuff on top of a mystery. I thought it was a combination of Stephanie Plum and Sookie Stackhouse. In the author interview, she said it was a combination of Stephanie Plum, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and someone from the Gilmore girls. For me, it heavily leaned towards Janet Evanovich as the reader is the same person who reads her books (Lorelei King). Charley (called Juicy by some people and called Dutch by others) is really the Grim Reaper and she is kind of in love with an other-worldly guy who comes and goes, usually with bloody wounds which can miraculously heal. She can see dead people. I found it confusing and complicated and kept wishing it would be over. And now it is.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Anonymous blogs
Wrote to a guy who HAD a blog to ask some questions. I liked his sense of humor and his self revelations. He immediately responded with a long email which helped me. He started off with an anonymous blog. The more his friends discovered it, the more he had to censor himself. This is my problem. So, I am going to make my blog public again but STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. I have learned that I really don't want criticism. That is why I don't work!
According to statistics, most people abandon their blogs after 2 or 3 months. I still feel like writing, despite my recent crisis of purpose.
It was so great to see so many friends over the weekend. Since Monday things not going so well. Spent an entire afternoon struggling with the tax stuff at the library and they didn't have a calculator to lend me. Finally had to send off an extension form even though I do not believe in extensions. Now that the post offices all close at 5, that was my deadline. After spending 5 hours on it, I ended up brain dead, pissed off, confused, and a bunch of other negative emotions. Then I went to my book club and couldn't think of much to say about the book, Zuka and the fire of life, by Salman Rushdie. Today I woke up with noises of butchering of trees. Went outside and found out it is MY neighbors with three types of heavy equipment going a bit overboard, if you ask me. They proceeded to destroy a quite lovely fir tree because the owner wants to put a DUMPSTER back there, so he can renovate the downstairs apartment (and thus give me DOUBLE the trouble). I had to take an anti-anxiety pill and leave home to get away from the noise and the thinking about it.
According to statistics, most people abandon their blogs after 2 or 3 months. I still feel like writing, despite my recent crisis of purpose.
It was so great to see so many friends over the weekend. Since Monday things not going so well. Spent an entire afternoon struggling with the tax stuff at the library and they didn't have a calculator to lend me. Finally had to send off an extension form even though I do not believe in extensions. Now that the post offices all close at 5, that was my deadline. After spending 5 hours on it, I ended up brain dead, pissed off, confused, and a bunch of other negative emotions. Then I went to my book club and couldn't think of much to say about the book, Zuka and the fire of life, by Salman Rushdie. Today I woke up with noises of butchering of trees. Went outside and found out it is MY neighbors with three types of heavy equipment going a bit overboard, if you ask me. They proceeded to destroy a quite lovely fir tree because the owner wants to put a DUMPSTER back there, so he can renovate the downstairs apartment (and thus give me DOUBLE the trouble). I had to take an anti-anxiety pill and leave home to get away from the noise and the thinking about it.
mental health,
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Mahogany, Marquise and Makiah
This goes against my blog policy of never NAMING NAMES. But I found this piece of paper that I wrote on while I was working and I didn't know where to file it and I couldn't bear to throw it out. So I am writing it down here so I CAN throw it out. I just love these creative names that a library patron named her children, especially Mahogany.
Measures of popularity - Everything is measured now in number of friends on Facebook and number of Twitter followers. You can't argue with the hard cold facts! These poor late night hosts have to compare their numbers of Twitter followers to see who comes out at the top of the pack. I guess my only measure of popularity is whether anyone comments on my blog, so please do. I don't even know how to ASK for "followers". And I cannot understand why anyone would want to be friends with someone on Facebook that they don't even know!? I guess I don't get it.
Where does the time go? I have spent two hours just organizing my computer and dealing with my email! Went to get my new glasses and they were closed for lunch. (There oughta be a law...why can't they take staggered lunches like we do (did) at the library)? So I had to come in to Larry's II to use the computer. Practically every table was taken up by some card playing group so I couldn't sit where I usually do. It is ALMOST perfect here except there is no PLUG. Sigh. I wish I was in Portland (Oregon) in some cool cafe.
This is the nail polish I got today. I'm such a GIRL. I really enjoy my Vietnamese nail technician and trying to explain the names of the O.P.I. polishes to her. Usually they are PUNS which are hard to explain to someone whose language is not English. This is Charged Up Cherry.
Measures of popularity - Everything is measured now in number of friends on Facebook and number of Twitter followers. You can't argue with the hard cold facts! These poor late night hosts have to compare their numbers of Twitter followers to see who comes out at the top of the pack. I guess my only measure of popularity is whether anyone comments on my blog, so please do. I don't even know how to ASK for "followers". And I cannot understand why anyone would want to be friends with someone on Facebook that they don't even know!? I guess I don't get it.
Where does the time go? I have spent two hours just organizing my computer and dealing with my email! Went to get my new glasses and they were closed for lunch. (There oughta be a law...why can't they take staggered lunches like we do (did) at the library)? So I had to come in to Larry's II to use the computer. Practically every table was taken up by some card playing group so I couldn't sit where I usually do. It is ALMOST perfect here except there is no PLUG. Sigh. I wish I was in Portland (Oregon) in some cool cafe.
This is the nail polish I got today. I'm such a GIRL. I really enjoy my Vietnamese nail technician and trying to explain the names of the O.P.I. polishes to her. Usually they are PUNS which are hard to explain to someone whose language is not English. This is Charged Up Cherry.
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