It is the first of September. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. According to my mother, you must say those words out loud before you say anything else immediately upon awakening on the first day of any month. If you do this, you will have good luck.
I need some good luck. Just opening the mail can be quite stressful.
September is National Aging month and also National Recycling month. Take your pick!
Had breakfast with my "Breakfast club" this AM. I promised not to use any of their real names. They were bugging me about my blog, but I wouldn't tell them how to find it. Guess I don't really 'get" the whole blogging thing.
Many people have helped me with ideas for my blog name. I won't say who suggested what, but here are some of the possible names...The peripatetic librarian, The queen of sighs, Suddenly humid, and, All of the good names were taken. (I can't really concentrate or remember them right now cause I am using the computer at my health club and the weather channel is on guite loudly making me distracted). It does seem that every name I look up on the Internet IS already taken. (Not that there is anything wrong with that). I finally had to jump right in with a name of my own choosing but I haven't told anyone how to FIND this blog, cause I am a bit nervous about sharing my thoughts as the real me. I can't get up the nerve to post anything on Facebook. I am more comfortable having a MYSTERY blog that nobody knows about.
I chose this name cause I HAVE had some interesting adventures (many of them decades ago, though) and I also do have "issues" with STUFF (i.e., clutter)
Funny what things are broken in life. You know that little thingy upon which you put your toilet paper roll? Well, mine started falling out. Jeez!
I am carrying around a clipboard with my daily list on it. This is one carry-over from my recent working life. Actually, it is the same clipboard. Yes, my pink clipboard is the property of my ex-employer. I am an obsessive list maker. One of the things on the list is "drink more water". Sometimes I have wacky things on my list such as "redo the lists" or "go to bed early".