Maybe not. There are often some preposterous things that go on in a book involving humans, daemons, witches and vampires. A discovery of witches (audio book), by Deborah Harkness. The first in a series which includes SOME of my favorite subjects, such as books, libraries, history and French. Sentences like, "The library will be whatever the witches want it to be" don't make a whole lot of sense. Our witch masquerading as a human attracts the attention of a French vampire in the Bodleian library at Oxford University. A complicated plot ensues to find out why a particular book seems to be under a spell and can only be broken by Diana. Things only get worse since vampire/witch relationships are forbidden.
Am very pleased with the wreath I made yesterday. I couldn't wait to come home and put it on my front door. Took a nice picture and texted it to my sisters. Have only heard back from one of them. Not sure if the others are accepting/checking text messages. Getting to know my new phone is a slow process.
Waiting around the library to see the movie on movie night. Afraid that I have already seen it. All I knew was that it was in German. Seeing fewer and fewer films these days but I did see quite a few back in the day. Seems like I have missed months and months of this film discussion series. I am one of the few loyal attendees until I am not.
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
My holiday wreath
Went to a class make a wreath for my door. We used all kinds of stuff to make little bunches of greens. Then we wired the 11 or so bunches to a wreath wire base. I was quite pleased with mine....greens, magnolia leaves, yellow berries, red berries and pinecones, oh my! Actually, everyone's wreath was great, if you like the wild look. I had to go right home and put it on my door. I was right to not choose the big frame.
Good poems for hard times (book), selected and introduced by Garrison Keillor. I rescued this book from the discard pile at the library. So sad. Enjoyed reading it, but I guess I will pass it on. Poems are divided into vague subject areas...and include poems by famous and not-so-famous writers. At the end Garrison Keillor writes a bit about each author and includes a few thoughts from each. My favorite poem is:
In praise of my bed, by Meredith Holmes.
At last I can be with you!
The grinding hours
since I left your side!
The labor of being fully human,
working my opposable thumb,
talking, and walking upright.
Now I have unclasped,
unzipped, stepped out of.
Husked, soft, a be-er only,
I do nothing, but point
my bare feet into your
clean smoothness
feel your quiet strength
the whole length of my body.
I close my eyes, hear myself
moan, so grateful to be held this way.
I thought it was going to be sunny today. Instead it is gloomy and dreary. At least it is not raining.
Good poems for hard times (book), selected and introduced by Garrison Keillor. I rescued this book from the discard pile at the library. So sad. Enjoyed reading it, but I guess I will pass it on. Poems are divided into vague subject areas...and include poems by famous and not-so-famous writers. At the end Garrison Keillor writes a bit about each author and includes a few thoughts from each. My favorite poem is:
In praise of my bed, by Meredith Holmes.
At last I can be with you!
The grinding hours
since I left your side!
The labor of being fully human,
working my opposable thumb,
talking, and walking upright.
Now I have unclasped,
unzipped, stepped out of.
Husked, soft, a be-er only,
I do nothing, but point
my bare feet into your
clean smoothness
feel your quiet strength
the whole length of my body.
I close my eyes, hear myself
moan, so grateful to be held this way.
I thought it was going to be sunny today. Instead it is gloomy and dreary. At least it is not raining.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Nausea can be a symptom of FEMALE heart attack or EBOLA. Luckily, I rarely experience this symptom.
All the light we cannot see (audio book), by Anthony Doerr. Cried near the end, not sure why. Very moving the way the author brings together the stories of the young German soldier and the blind girl from Paris and St. Malo. Quite long and involved, detailing the flight of a young girl with her father from Paris at the start of the war. Always surprising to learn the trail of events in various countries during the war. A mystery of a missing diamond and its three copies. Almost wanted it to be over before it was over, but after that was when I cried.
Went to Philadelphia yesterday. Lured by a lecture called "Paris awakens". Was dismayed when I realized that I have been a member of the Philadelphia Museum of art for 10 months without going once. Now I am in the mood. There is a lot to see...sculpture garden, trolleys to the Perelman Center and the Rodin museum and who knows where else. If I go once a week for the next two months, maybe I will get my money's worth? I liked the feeling of being a member. Spending money to save money on parking, food and gifts. My favorite discovery was Charles Demuth...gentle watercolors. Part of a show of Steiglitz and his associates. That section included works by Steiglitz, O'Keefe, Demuth and Dove.
All the light we cannot see (audio book), by Anthony Doerr. Cried near the end, not sure why. Very moving the way the author brings together the stories of the young German soldier and the blind girl from Paris and St. Malo. Quite long and involved, detailing the flight of a young girl with her father from Paris at the start of the war. Always surprising to learn the trail of events in various countries during the war. A mystery of a missing diamond and its three copies. Almost wanted it to be over before it was over, but after that was when I cried.
Went to Philadelphia yesterday. Lured by a lecture called "Paris awakens". Was dismayed when I realized that I have been a member of the Philadelphia Museum of art for 10 months without going once. Now I am in the mood. There is a lot to see...sculpture garden, trolleys to the Perelman Center and the Rodin museum and who knows where else. If I go once a week for the next two months, maybe I will get my money's worth? I liked the feeling of being a member. Spending money to save money on parking, food and gifts. My favorite discovery was Charles Demuth...gentle watercolors. Part of a show of Steiglitz and his associates. That section included works by Steiglitz, O'Keefe, Demuth and Dove.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Caramel budino
I wrote down the name of this dessert that was mentioned in the book by Dan Brown, Inferno. Looked it up today and wish I could get it somewhere. Looks too complicated for me to make. It involves filtering through cheesecloth. Not that I haven't ever attempted that.
Today the weather has deteriorated to hot and REALLY humid. I have art class tomorrow and there are two reasons why I MUST go, even though there is no air conditioning there. Just bought a book illustrated by my art teacher. And I have a date to go swimming and out to lunch with a friend who lives near there. Also, the owner of the art studio does not accept negativity in any form, political or weather-related. So I must persevere and try to ignore my hatred of heat and humidity. Am remembering now why people try to escape the heat by traveling to other locales.
Had to go to the Laundromat this AM. Next time, I should take MORE clothes (more trips, ugh) because my laundry is getting really backed up. It is a humbling (humiliating?) experience to go to the Laundromat. No air conditioning, not many places to sit, only the poor around.
Today the weather has deteriorated to hot and REALLY humid. I have art class tomorrow and there are two reasons why I MUST go, even though there is no air conditioning there. Just bought a book illustrated by my art teacher. And I have a date to go swimming and out to lunch with a friend who lives near there. Also, the owner of the art studio does not accept negativity in any form, political or weather-related. So I must persevere and try to ignore my hatred of heat and humidity. Am remembering now why people try to escape the heat by traveling to other locales.
Had to go to the Laundromat this AM. Next time, I should take MORE clothes (more trips, ugh) because my laundry is getting really backed up. It is a humbling (humiliating?) experience to go to the Laundromat. No air conditioning, not many places to sit, only the poor around.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Things I noticed in Atlantic City yesterday
- quite an intercultural mix - gorgeous bikini clad white folks - ethnic families - tattooed and pregnant folk - elderly casino lovers
- Hispanic woman wearing a silver revealing bathing suit covered with chains and necklaces
- Hispanic woman wearing a skimpy t-shirt that said "I (heart) black guys"
- Indians taking pictures of themselves in front of Trump Taj Mahal
- Italian woman participating in the World series of sand sculpting
Tuscany (book), photographs by Sonja Bullaty & Angelo Lomeo, text by Marie-Ange Guillaume. Since I did not take pictures in Italy, I enjoyed reading this large nonfiction book with many photographs of Tuscany. Siena was the only city I was in and I loved it. There were a lot of photographs of other cities and beautiful countryside much like what I saw.
- "The old haystacks, true works of art, can still be found but are gradually giving way to more efficient methods of storing hay." I think I only saw the big round bales of hay and not the old haystacks.
- "There are in blocks of marble images that are sumptuous and essential, if only we have sufficient genius to extract them. - Michelangelo"
The Keillor reader (book), by Garrison Keillor: I say I don't appreciate him as much in the written form as I do in the talking form, but some of these essays make me want to own the book. I especially like the final essay on Cheerfulness.
- From the introduction: "There is nothing like good material. You only had to say NEW YORK and there was an awestruck silence. You went, you saw, and now you tell the others." and: "The living wander away, we don't hear from them for months, years - but the dead move in with us to stay"
- Hispanic woman wearing a silver revealing bathing suit covered with chains and necklaces
- Hispanic woman wearing a skimpy t-shirt that said "I (heart) black guys"
- Indians taking pictures of themselves in front of Trump Taj Mahal
- Italian woman participating in the World series of sand sculpting
Tuscany (book), photographs by Sonja Bullaty & Angelo Lomeo, text by Marie-Ange Guillaume. Since I did not take pictures in Italy, I enjoyed reading this large nonfiction book with many photographs of Tuscany. Siena was the only city I was in and I loved it. There were a lot of photographs of other cities and beautiful countryside much like what I saw.
- "The old haystacks, true works of art, can still be found but are gradually giving way to more efficient methods of storing hay." I think I only saw the big round bales of hay and not the old haystacks.
- "There are in blocks of marble images that are sumptuous and essential, if only we have sufficient genius to extract them. - Michelangelo"
The Keillor reader (book), by Garrison Keillor: I say I don't appreciate him as much in the written form as I do in the talking form, but some of these essays make me want to own the book. I especially like the final essay on Cheerfulness.
- From the introduction: "There is nothing like good material. You only had to say NEW YORK and there was an awestruck silence. You went, you saw, and now you tell the others." and: "The living wander away, we don't hear from them for months, years - but the dead move in with us to stay"
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Which is worse, high blood pressure or slow resting heart rate?
So, I stopped taking my blood pressure pill as it was making my heart rate too slow. Now my blood pressure is too high. Darn, I thought maybe I was overcoming HBP with my modicum of weight loss and my pathetic, half-hearted efforts to exercise. Jeez...when you get to be 66 you just think about all of the things that can go wrong. And you see them happening to many of the people around you, even the ones YOUNGER than 66.
Taking an art class. I guess I like it. It is nice to get involved in something for three hours and I have noticed that I don't think about EATING during this time. I do, however, have a lot of competition anxiety. I don't think I am very good at it and have already mentally moved on to the next project. That is one reason I don't want to go out and spend a lot of money on fancy art supplies. Yes, my materials are possibly limiting what I am able to accomplish. Today I painted a sunset that I took a picture of down at Bivalve the other night. Now, I need to think of a project for NEXT week. Every week that I have been there the day has been sunny and gorgeous. And today a woman who fell down with a stroke a couple of weeks ago was BACK and none the worse for the wear. The nurse who had guided the rescue crew went home and painted her a picture and presented it to her in a frame today. After the class, I went out in back of the barn and relaxed by the pond. Was taking my "Vitamin D bath" and waiting for my watercolor to dry. Enjoyed greatly the sounds....wind chimes in the trees, waterfall fountain in the pond, wind blowing through the bamboo trees. Add to that the heavenly odors and another artist painting a fabulous pink flowered tree. It was rather heavenly!
On my way home soon. It is a struggle to get to spend time at home so I can read and organize (ha ha) and look out the windows at the sunny day. I was supposed to have a French club meeting tonight but one and then another dropped out so we ended up rescheduling it. I am just as glad as I had too many activities today. Started off with arthritis class at 8 AM, then art class, then a substantial lunch at the Olympia Greek restaurant, then chiropractor and massage, and now computer time at the Millville Public Library. It is a difficult life (not). I guess I should feel guilty about all of my self-indulgence, but, hey, don't I deserve it?
Taking an art class. I guess I like it. It is nice to get involved in something for three hours and I have noticed that I don't think about EATING during this time. I do, however, have a lot of competition anxiety. I don't think I am very good at it and have already mentally moved on to the next project. That is one reason I don't want to go out and spend a lot of money on fancy art supplies. Yes, my materials are possibly limiting what I am able to accomplish. Today I painted a sunset that I took a picture of down at Bivalve the other night. Now, I need to think of a project for NEXT week. Every week that I have been there the day has been sunny and gorgeous. And today a woman who fell down with a stroke a couple of weeks ago was BACK and none the worse for the wear. The nurse who had guided the rescue crew went home and painted her a picture and presented it to her in a frame today. After the class, I went out in back of the barn and relaxed by the pond. Was taking my "Vitamin D bath" and waiting for my watercolor to dry. Enjoyed greatly the sounds....wind chimes in the trees, waterfall fountain in the pond, wind blowing through the bamboo trees. Add to that the heavenly odors and another artist painting a fabulous pink flowered tree. It was rather heavenly!
On my way home soon. It is a struggle to get to spend time at home so I can read and organize (ha ha) and look out the windows at the sunny day. I was supposed to have a French club meeting tonight but one and then another dropped out so we ended up rescheduling it. I am just as glad as I had too many activities today. Started off with arthritis class at 8 AM, then art class, then a substantial lunch at the Olympia Greek restaurant, then chiropractor and massage, and now computer time at the Millville Public Library. It is a difficult life (not). I guess I should feel guilty about all of my self-indulgence, but, hey, don't I deserve it?
Monday, April 14, 2014
35 million of us
This is now many people are filing at the last minute. This is how I have been every year of my life. It really ruins the days approaching April 15th. Tax preparation, like cooking dinner, can expand to fill up all of the available time. I did it and redid it and had great nashing of teeth, alternating between thinking it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to do and then perhaps possible. I just don't like the in owing almost $4000. BUT, I am going to pretend I didn't notice that you should pay penalties for this. (Isn't that just like adding INSULT to INJURY!)
All is not lost. I shall proceed to ask Social Security to take hundreds of dollars from my measly paycheck each month so that I can come out perhaps about even next year. Came to the library and attempted TaxAct, a free service. But I kept going around in circles and getting sort of like error messages. Then I switched over to fillable forms, but that got on my nerves, too. SO, I am back to copying each form over in blue or black ink and sending it by US mail. See, once I go online, I will no longer receive the booklet in the mail and I really look forward to reading the booklets from cover to cover (twice).
The museum of extraordinary things (book), by Alice Hoffman. Liked the title and I like all fiction writers with the first name of Alice although I have trouble telling one from the other. The book takes place in the New York of the early 1900's and the Hudson River figures prominently. Also freak shows and the Triangle shirt waist fire and mean fathers and daughters who swim like mermaids and want more out of life.
Today went on an excursion with some the National Archives of Philadelphia (a well kept secret) and to the Reading terminal market. We went to see an art exhibit called Archives alchemy. The archives was getting rid of a lot of stuff...books, papers, microfilm. They donated it to an artist group called the Dumpster divers and suggested that they make ART from those materials. My friend had one of the best ones.....they really used to wrap things in cotton and secure them with cotton RED TAPE. She somehow got words on the red tape and hung it like a door screen, weighted down with US and foreign coins. It was called, "No scissors sharp enough to cut the red tape of immigration". There was a lamp decorated with microfilm and microfilm reels going all up the pole. The exhibit has been extended until the summer and the end will coincide with the closing of this branch of the archives. They will be merging with another location which is in some far away Northeast section of Philly. A handful of archive locations are being closed down for budget cutting. Sad.
All is not lost. I shall proceed to ask Social Security to take hundreds of dollars from my measly paycheck each month so that I can come out perhaps about even next year. Came to the library and attempted TaxAct, a free service. But I kept going around in circles and getting sort of like error messages. Then I switched over to fillable forms, but that got on my nerves, too. SO, I am back to copying each form over in blue or black ink and sending it by US mail. See, once I go online, I will no longer receive the booklet in the mail and I really look forward to reading the booklets from cover to cover (twice).
The museum of extraordinary things (book), by Alice Hoffman. Liked the title and I like all fiction writers with the first name of Alice although I have trouble telling one from the other. The book takes place in the New York of the early 1900's and the Hudson River figures prominently. Also freak shows and the Triangle shirt waist fire and mean fathers and daughters who swim like mermaids and want more out of life.
Today went on an excursion with some the National Archives of Philadelphia (a well kept secret) and to the Reading terminal market. We went to see an art exhibit called Archives alchemy. The archives was getting rid of a lot of stuff...books, papers, microfilm. They donated it to an artist group called the Dumpster divers and suggested that they make ART from those materials. My friend had one of the best ones.....they really used to wrap things in cotton and secure them with cotton RED TAPE. She somehow got words on the red tape and hung it like a door screen, weighted down with US and foreign coins. It was called, "No scissors sharp enough to cut the red tape of immigration". There was a lamp decorated with microfilm and microfilm reels going all up the pole. The exhibit has been extended until the summer and the end will coincide with the closing of this branch of the archives. They will be merging with another location which is in some far away Northeast section of Philly. A handful of archive locations are being closed down for budget cutting. Sad.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Where does the time go?
No time to exercise today. Getting worried due to upcoming trip to Italy. Will I be able to keep up, handle it? Old, charming stuff....I love it. BUT...hard to be away from my car...walking, walking, walking and lots of hills. I can hardly walk up the steps to the second floor without getting winded. Must lose some weight and go into training. (Also getting nervous about spending, spending, spending)
Well, I WAS "busy" all day. Stopped by my doctor's office to get tested for thyroid level. Then got some cheap gas, only $3.25 a gallon. COuldn't resist! A bit late to my art class. I did a nice drawing of a glass pitcher of daffodils and a plate of fruit (apples and pears). The watercolor I did was less successful. Tried to do another glass pitcher with tulips. Teacher complimented me but then wanted me to "complete" the background. I think I ruined it. I am a very hesistant painter. Working small and constrained. When I went to paint, I had lost my paints...left them there last week. So then I stopped by the Bagel place and had an onion bagel sandwich with shrimp salad. Not that great and quite expensive. Next, to the chiropractor where I had a substitute massage person. She did it so slowly, I wasn't sure she was going to accomplish much in 1/2 hour. Also music was dirge-like. Then stopped by the new Shoprite for something different. This resulted in my being lost. And ran into an old patron who used to sing to me in Spanish and ask me out in the library. Then was tired and could not resist driving through the McDonalds to get a chocolate milkshake. Next home to rest for an hour. Listening to the radio (NPR) was not so restful so I had to turn it off. Rather difficult to get up out of the bed to come to the library but now that I am listening to Youtube and printing out some essential paperwork, I am glad I did. Really came out to be supportive of cinema series. GOing to the basement to sit in a hard chair and watch El mariachi, which I already saw many years ago at the Philadelphia film festival.
Well, I WAS "busy" all day. Stopped by my doctor's office to get tested for thyroid level. Then got some cheap gas, only $3.25 a gallon. COuldn't resist! A bit late to my art class. I did a nice drawing of a glass pitcher of daffodils and a plate of fruit (apples and pears). The watercolor I did was less successful. Tried to do another glass pitcher with tulips. Teacher complimented me but then wanted me to "complete" the background. I think I ruined it. I am a very hesistant painter. Working small and constrained. When I went to paint, I had lost my paints...left them there last week. So then I stopped by the Bagel place and had an onion bagel sandwich with shrimp salad. Not that great and quite expensive. Next, to the chiropractor where I had a substitute massage person. She did it so slowly, I wasn't sure she was going to accomplish much in 1/2 hour. Also music was dirge-like. Then stopped by the new Shoprite for something different. This resulted in my being lost. And ran into an old patron who used to sing to me in Spanish and ask me out in the library. Then was tired and could not resist driving through the McDonalds to get a chocolate milkshake. Next home to rest for an hour. Listening to the radio (NPR) was not so restful so I had to turn it off. Rather difficult to get up out of the bed to come to the library but now that I am listening to Youtube and printing out some essential paperwork, I am glad I did. Really came out to be supportive of cinema series. GOing to the basement to sit in a hard chair and watch El mariachi, which I already saw many years ago at the Philadelphia film festival.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Sitting with the great unwashed
Sorry to sound so classist, but the person who just sat down next to me has an aura of old smoke and BO extending for several feet.
Is it ever going to warm up? Promises of 52 degrees seem hard pressed. I just can't seem to warm up. Got up at 4 AM and it was dark and cold. So, I got back in bed after reading for an hour, but just couldn't seem to warm up. Felt like I must be getting the flu....but I pride myself on my ability to not get sick. I am not sick but AM one of the worried well.
Not doing a whole lot today. Breakfasted with two friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Volunteered at the art gallery and had a good time talking with interesting workmen. Went to the car mechanic and arranged to spend lots of money there next week. Am glad I came to the library, though. It is nice and peaceful today. AND I found a new Janet Evanovich audiobook. What could be better? Oh, I DID accomplish a long undone project...buying windshield wiper fluid and putting it in the car all by myself.
Is it ever going to warm up? Promises of 52 degrees seem hard pressed. I just can't seem to warm up. Got up at 4 AM and it was dark and cold. So, I got back in bed after reading for an hour, but just couldn't seem to warm up. Felt like I must be getting the flu....but I pride myself on my ability to not get sick. I am not sick but AM one of the worried well.
Not doing a whole lot today. Breakfasted with two friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Volunteered at the art gallery and had a good time talking with interesting workmen. Went to the car mechanic and arranged to spend lots of money there next week. Am glad I came to the library, though. It is nice and peaceful today. AND I found a new Janet Evanovich audiobook. What could be better? Oh, I DID accomplish a long undone project...buying windshield wiper fluid and putting it in the car all by myself.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
People watching
Otherwise known as....sitting on a bench and being judgmental. OK, my exercise teacher heard that on the radio but it is oh so true. Especially when you are down at the boardwalk, as I was a few days ago. I drew a picture of a woman I saw, but it was too complimentary. For two days now I have drawn a picture. Today, what? I wanted to draw an Amish person but I'd have to do it from memory or with them scurrying by. Had a not-very-satisfying breakfast at the Amish Market in Vineland. Frankly, I think they lost a lot of the "counter character" by moving upstairs. And my favorite waitress was not there.
Weather is disgusting out. Extremely windy and cold. At least it is sunny but you wouldn't want to spend any time out there.
Hanging out where I used to work. Can overhear them dealing with one of the many relabeling, totally redoing projects we used to do interminably. I guess it fills up the time and keeps you guessing. One thing about working, it gives you daily access to some "friends". Don't have that now. That is why I am always OUT and ABOUT. Feeling a bit self-righteous as have already completed my exercise and my Internet chores and it is only noon. The rest of the day is FREE (?). Signed up for a class tonight for which I have to drive 1/2 hour. Think I can handle it. Am LOVING this light longer stuff with the time change! Taking a class on making a memory box. Casting about for my artistic (or not) bent. Here is what I like the idea, beach glass jewelry, pottery, drawing, pastels, collage.
Weather is disgusting out. Extremely windy and cold. At least it is sunny but you wouldn't want to spend any time out there.
Hanging out where I used to work. Can overhear them dealing with one of the many relabeling, totally redoing projects we used to do interminably. I guess it fills up the time and keeps you guessing. One thing about working, it gives you daily access to some "friends". Don't have that now. That is why I am always OUT and ABOUT. Feeling a bit self-righteous as have already completed my exercise and my Internet chores and it is only noon. The rest of the day is FREE (?). Signed up for a class tonight for which I have to drive 1/2 hour. Think I can handle it. Am LOVING this light longer stuff with the time change! Taking a class on making a memory box. Casting about for my artistic (or not) bent. Here is what I like the idea, beach glass jewelry, pottery, drawing, pastels, collage.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Looks like forsythia but isn't
These are the kind of things I have to look up on the Internet and through a series of extrapolations, I came up with the possible name for the plant down the street - witch hazel. Took a little ten minute walk at the end of a few computer chores and saw witch hazel, crocuses, and snow drops and heard a TON of birds. It was great. Sky is clouding up but it is still warm. I did not wear my coat, just a sweater.
Finished an autobiography I got onto from a reference question. The story of a musical life, was written by George F. Root and originally published in 1891. He passed through our town in 1856 when he participated in three-day musical conventions to encourage the betterment of church music. He wrote songs during the Civil War, such as The battle cry of freedom and Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Not much info about the Bridgeton convention, but I found the few sentences I found in other sources quite fascinating. So, I sent away for this book from the Wm. Patterson College library and dutifully read it. It wasn't as good as the book written ABOUT him.
Adding to my daily list of things to do:
- Take a photograph (even if just by crappy cell phone)
- Draw a picture in little book
One or the other MIGHT help me to be more creative. Started my little book by sketching a woman I saw on the Ocean City boardwalk carrying a baby on her front.
Finished an autobiography I got onto from a reference question. The story of a musical life, was written by George F. Root and originally published in 1891. He passed through our town in 1856 when he participated in three-day musical conventions to encourage the betterment of church music. He wrote songs during the Civil War, such as The battle cry of freedom and Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Not much info about the Bridgeton convention, but I found the few sentences I found in other sources quite fascinating. So, I sent away for this book from the Wm. Patterson College library and dutifully read it. It wasn't as good as the book written ABOUT him.
Adding to my daily list of things to do:
- Take a photograph (even if just by crappy cell phone)
- Draw a picture in little book
One or the other MIGHT help me to be more creative. Started my little book by sketching a woman I saw on the Ocean City boardwalk carrying a baby on her front.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The river and the thread
Listening to this great new CD by Rosanne Cash. She traveled through the South and wrote all of these songs.
Good things about today:
- I would like to concentrate on the GOOD things
- This CD
- Used a coin counting machine for the first time at the bank. A jar of coins was almost $30! Also found my medallion from AA in there.
- Sun came out and snow started to melt
- Stopped in to my old job and they seemed glad to see me
- Reading two good books - The book thief and The Daniel plan
Bad things about today:
- Had trouble getting going today
- Calculated oil bill for January and $2158.23 worth of oil was delivered. It boggles the mind.
- Ceiling leaking in a new spot (melting snow?)
Census lady called. About once a month, I answer some questions for her. This month they were all about art - CREATING it. Realized all the projects I have only THOUGHT about doing. Could only say I made a pot and sang some songs. I think another month it was a lot about ATTENDING art events. I did very well on those questions.
Good things about today:
- I would like to concentrate on the GOOD things
- This CD
- Used a coin counting machine for the first time at the bank. A jar of coins was almost $30! Also found my medallion from AA in there.
- Sun came out and snow started to melt
- Stopped in to my old job and they seemed glad to see me
- Reading two good books - The book thief and The Daniel plan
Bad things about today:
- Had trouble getting going today
- Calculated oil bill for January and $2158.23 worth of oil was delivered. It boggles the mind.
- Ceiling leaking in a new spot (melting snow?)
Census lady called. About once a month, I answer some questions for her. This month they were all about art - CREATING it. Realized all the projects I have only THOUGHT about doing. Could only say I made a pot and sang some songs. I think another month it was a lot about ATTENDING art events. I did very well on those questions.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Too many computer questions
Am in a library with a lot of complaining and trying to figure things out. Must remember not to use #8 again as headphone jack does not work and keyboard is very worn down. I needed my headphones to block out the annoying OTHERS.
Will have to return The goldfinch. Book is too thick and I have had it already for a month (?) Am really enjoying it as well as The book thief. How fun it is to read books that are pleasing me. Spent one hour reading today. That was a treat. Was home in the sunshine and the neighborhood was nice and quiet. Too damn cold, however. Didn't really want to go outside but I came out to get online and to go to an art film. Or should I say a film about art. Tuesday nights an art film is shown in Millville. Tonight is going to be two different on Diego Rivera and one on Frida Kahlo, his love interest.
Another storm coming this week, going to mess up a few things. Was supposed to sing at a funeral (funerals don't get postponed, do they?)
"Game night for the elderly" will probably be postponed. We were going to get together at 2 PM for games. Then I was going to go to a meeting about helping the homeless. This is the main problem with weather events....having to reschedule the world.
Will have to return The goldfinch. Book is too thick and I have had it already for a month (?) Am really enjoying it as well as The book thief. How fun it is to read books that are pleasing me. Spent one hour reading today. That was a treat. Was home in the sunshine and the neighborhood was nice and quiet. Too damn cold, however. Didn't really want to go outside but I came out to get online and to go to an art film. Or should I say a film about art. Tuesday nights an art film is shown in Millville. Tonight is going to be two different on Diego Rivera and one on Frida Kahlo, his love interest.
Another storm coming this week, going to mess up a few things. Was supposed to sing at a funeral (funerals don't get postponed, do they?)
"Game night for the elderly" will probably be postponed. We were going to get together at 2 PM for games. Then I was going to go to a meeting about helping the homeless. This is the main problem with weather events....having to reschedule the world.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The best things
A picture of the Ocean City beach from Google images |
2. NPR - being retired I get to listen to a lot more of it
3. YouTube - At least it works now that doesn't - I just listen, don't really need to WATCH
4. A nice air conditioned public library computer lab with generous time allowances (Ocean City Public Library)
5. I put up a picture on Facebook and got messages from some friends. One phone call and two beach house invitations! I guess Facebook is good for something.
I put a picture on Blogger. I should give credit where I stole it from. It is a cropped version of "Turtle play" by Hopper Hippee-art. I found it on I identify with the turtle as an animal. I feel that I am somewhat SLOW. But I like the idea of turtles at play. I am trying to become more playful. Someone today made a sea turtle in the sand. They made a sculpture of a turtle and covered the shell with SHELLS. Then they made the words Sea turtle out of broken twigs. Should have had my camera.
Tomorrow going on an excursion. Somewhat against my better judgement as I am driving into and out of New York City on a holiday (July 4th). Trying to seize the day. I don't get invitations that often. I prefer the path of least resistance, which is to stay home.
Friday, June 21, 2013
No body drying with the hair dryers
A funny sign at the health club. I like the one at the Cape May Court House library that says, Please remember to flush. I wonder if that would work at the Vineland Public Library? They don't tell you in library school that you will have to spend time FLUSHING TOILETS. That was one of the 35 things I had to do every night when we closed down the library.
Came into the Millville Library today and saw a guy with sagging pants and jewelry in both sides of his bottom lip. My heart sank. Then he stepped forward to open the door for me. My heart soared!
A friend is having a book signing tonight. I am going over in honor of the longest day of the year. Lots of daylight I mean. Anyway, Sally Willowbee is a very creative woman who I have known for decades.
Here is the book she wrote about OTHER creative people in the South Jersey area, Found artists : on country roads, side streets and back alleys of South Jersey. 6 PM book signing at the Renaissance Riverfront gallery in Millville, New Jersey.
Came into the Millville Library today and saw a guy with sagging pants and jewelry in both sides of his bottom lip. My heart sank. Then he stepped forward to open the door for me. My heart soared!
A friend is having a book signing tonight. I am going over in honor of the longest day of the year. Lots of daylight I mean. Anyway, Sally Willowbee is a very creative woman who I have known for decades.
Here is the book she wrote about OTHER creative people in the South Jersey area, Found artists : on country roads, side streets and back alleys of South Jersey. 6 PM book signing at the Renaissance Riverfront gallery in Millville, New Jersey.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Foiled again
Weather tomorrow getting in the way of my plans. 5 of us had planned to go up to Grounds for sculpture. Do you know how hard it is to get 5 people to agree on a date and a plan?
I am so close to finishing so many books. Reading is my favorite activity (probably because it involves SITTING). Still slogging through several books about Paris, and the book I found in the Newark airport and the book written by Jill McCorkle, who attended my college (Hollins), and the new David Sedaris book, and L'etranger in French, and a children's book about Monet in French. And there are MORE...
Made a vow to get better about gifts. Changed one of my money envelopes to be earmarked for such, since I never have extra spending money and thus am never prepared for birthdays, weddings, etc.
Everyone else is so generous and I am just BEHIND and lacking in inspiration. I hate to shop and I hate to spend money, but I love cool gifts. Had an urge to go back to Paris and SHOP which is dumb because it was so overpriced over there.
Friday it rained all day and Monday it rained all day. One weather guy said tomorrow was the most worrisome day of the weather year so far. The nice thing about Paris is that even though it rained frequently, it didn't rain a lot and it didn't rain for long.
I am so close to finishing so many books. Reading is my favorite activity (probably because it involves SITTING). Still slogging through several books about Paris, and the book I found in the Newark airport and the book written by Jill McCorkle, who attended my college (Hollins), and the new David Sedaris book, and L'etranger in French, and a children's book about Monet in French. And there are MORE...
Made a vow to get better about gifts. Changed one of my money envelopes to be earmarked for such, since I never have extra spending money and thus am never prepared for birthdays, weddings, etc.
Everyone else is so generous and I am just BEHIND and lacking in inspiration. I hate to shop and I hate to spend money, but I love cool gifts. Had an urge to go back to Paris and SHOP which is dumb because it was so overpriced over there.
Friday it rained all day and Monday it rained all day. One weather guy said tomorrow was the most worrisome day of the weather year so far. The nice thing about Paris is that even though it rained frequently, it didn't rain a lot and it didn't rain for long.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Slightly erroneous information
Came to Baltimore on the bus trip. Am standing up at the Enoch Pratt Free Library for a one half hour computer usage. Nice guy at the entrance gave me a ticket even though I left my ID in New Jersey. I told him I was a librarian.
Our bus driver tries to give us info on where we are, but it is not always right. He said we were passing a museum full of "abstract art". That is not exactly how I would describe the American visionary museum.
Have been walking around and taking the free buses, which are not full of tourists. Mostly full of chiefly African American residents and every neighborhood I walk through seems to be that too.
Went to the grave of Edgar Allan Poe in the Westminster cemetery. People had left the following things on his original grave...a pencil, a pen, several pennies, flowers, candy wrappers, and a fan from St Louis Community College. Well, can't tarry....
Our bus driver tries to give us info on where we are, but it is not always right. He said we were passing a museum full of "abstract art". That is not exactly how I would describe the American visionary museum.
Have been walking around and taking the free buses, which are not full of tourists. Mostly full of chiefly African American residents and every neighborhood I walk through seems to be that too.
Went to the grave of Edgar Allan Poe in the Westminster cemetery. People had left the following things on his original grave...a pencil, a pen, several pennies, flowers, candy wrappers, and a fan from St Louis Community College. Well, can't tarry....
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I'm all museumed out
Getting ready to go home. Calling the taxi, checking in for the flight. Not too enthusiastic about leaving except to get a REST. And my pocketbook needs a rest too. Blow out final dinner tonight. I might get ALL the courses. For some reason, I always like what other people order better than what I order. OK, sometimes, I just order and I don't really know WHAT I am ordering. My friend keeps telling me they have a really good whatever at le Mouton blanc, where we are going tonight.
I love it when the weather forecast is WRONG. It was supposed to be raining and cold for the rest of the week, but today there has been rather a lot of sun and NO rain as of yet. I even got my Vitamin D bath.
15 minutes a day. I sat on a bench after our big lunch and before I entered the museum.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The best things about Paris
Here is what I love about it...the architecture, the iron work, the scupltures, the chestnut yoghurt made by La Fermiere, the buses, the flower shops! Today I visited a more obscure museum, the Jacquemart-Andre, thinking I could avoid the crowds. I was wrong. Mrs. Jacquemart and her husband, Mr. Andre, collected art and made a gorgeous home with outrageously high ceilings, just filled with art and fabulous furnishings. It was to create an oasis away from the "foule" (the crowds). Unfortunately now the crowds are IN the house.
Exhibition of Eugene Boudin, who influenced Monet and who was influenced by Jongkind. A big rainstorm came so I went into the cafe there and had a $7 Diet Coke (Coca Cola light).
Then I traversed Paris by foot and metro to go visit a previous love of mine. We spoke rapid-fire French for an hour and it was very pleasant.
Then it got really cold, but SUNNY at last. Walking, walking, walking...had a croque monsieur at a cafe overlooking the bronze flame sculpture over the tunnel where Princess Diana was killed. Walking around the traffic circle, I managed to find the bus to get home. I adore the buses in Paris. At the bus stop they say how long you will have to wait for the bus. Then you get on and put your ticket "dans le trou" (in the hole). Then there is a digital sign telling you what is the next stop and how many minutes it will be until the end of the line. All this and scenery too!
Exhibition of Eugene Boudin, who influenced Monet and who was influenced by Jongkind. A big rainstorm came so I went into the cafe there and had a $7 Diet Coke (Coca Cola light).
Then I traversed Paris by foot and metro to go visit a previous love of mine. We spoke rapid-fire French for an hour and it was very pleasant.
Then it got really cold, but SUNNY at last. Walking, walking, walking...had a croque monsieur at a cafe overlooking the bronze flame sculpture over the tunnel where Princess Diana was killed. Walking around the traffic circle, I managed to find the bus to get home. I adore the buses in Paris. At the bus stop they say how long you will have to wait for the bus. Then you get on and put your ticket "dans le trou" (in the hole). Then there is a digital sign telling you what is the next stop and how many minutes it will be until the end of the line. All this and scenery too!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Going private
Trying to figure out how to take this blog private. I am sure I saw it go by once but HELP is not helping me.
Saw my first azalea blooming today. What a riotous week of exploding colors and hot weather. My audiobook talked about "the wafting scent of the forsythia". I stopped by the side of the road and I sniffed. Just as I suspected, forsythia HAS no scent.
No luck trying to copy photos from phone over to here. My phone automatically sends it to Yahoo email. Copy and paste does not work. Wanted to show some photos from Victorian house art tour I went on last night. My friend has 3 story home and yard FULL of whimsy and from Africa, Australia, Japan and Cumberland County, New Jersey. Her home is in Newport, a quaint, quiet little town.
Saw my first azalea blooming today. What a riotous week of exploding colors and hot weather. My audiobook talked about "the wafting scent of the forsythia". I stopped by the side of the road and I sniffed. Just as I suspected, forsythia HAS no scent.
No luck trying to copy photos from phone over to here. My phone automatically sends it to Yahoo email. Copy and paste does not work. Wanted to show some photos from Victorian house art tour I went on last night. My friend has 3 story home and yard FULL of whimsy and from Africa, Australia, Japan and Cumberland County, New Jersey. Her home is in Newport, a quaint, quiet little town.
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