Perhaps that is not the name for it, but I have gone from serene to angry to pissed off to happy again. Started out at Cape May Point listening to the ocean, painting in the sun, smelling the flowers, enjoying the peace and quiet. Then I drove to my town and up to get an emergency manicure for a party tonight. Top nails is so unpleasant I had to leave. No one acknowledges you and when I spoke to a woman she looked like I had done something HIGHLY inappropriate. I was hating it so much I couldn't even stay. Accidentally walked out with one of their nail polishes. That's what they get. Then working up a sweat at home trying to get all of the things done for party tonight and spending several days away from home. I am all discombobulated. Laundry, phone messages, trash, sheet of sister appreciation, stuff to wear, etc. Left with only a few minutes to get an audio book for my long drive and check the email at the library. Lo and addition to air conditioning, they had new big screen computers and the kind of mice that I like, the small, dainty ones. I am in seventh heaven! And they got FASTER too.
Am in a real Diane Keaton phase. Finished the audio book of Let's just say it wasn't pretty, humorous essays about her life and loves and kids and beauty and aging. She has 48 pictures of men "imprisoned" on her wall and is a serial house renovator. She has lived in 10 houses in 15 years. I can't imagine that!
Really enjoyed this audio book and laughed out loud in several spots.
Now someone is hacking and coughing next to me. OK, I forgot about the other irritating thing after the nail salon debacle. Came home and ALL THREE of the annoying dogs in my neighborhood were barking at once. I really do resent dogs that bark at me when I am just minding my own business. That was the best thing about Cape May Point, no friggin' barking dogs.
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Friday, May 16, 2014
Things I learned about birds
There are 426 species of birds in Cape May, New Jersey. In the month of May is when songs of birds are most heard. In the Spring a lot of birds are colorful. Their plumage becomes duller in the fall. I saw a bunch of birds in Heislerville, East Point Lighthouse and Thompson's beach. The best named bird is the Ruddy Stoneturn. The cutest bird was a barn swallow. Yesterday was a great day for bird watching and rescuing horseshoe crabs. Today it was rainy and windy but the hardcore birders kept at it.
Cape May was a bit sad today in the rain. It is only limping into the summer season anyway. Saw a jogger and two women riding bikes like it wasn't even raining, but generally speaking, not much is going on. Nice and quiet in Cape May Point, just the way I like it. The body of water across from our rented house got very active later in the afternoon. It was enjoyable to watch and listen. But the very BEST part of the day was waking up and seeing the sun rise over the pond out the window while I was still lying in bed. I am looking out of a window right now and seeing the beam of the lighthouse. It is nicely framed by the window.
Read the current edition of the newspaper called Exit zero. That is the exit off of the Garden State Parkway for Cape May. It is a rag filled with advertisements and pictures of people posing and posed. You get a good idea of what goes on around here.
Cape May was a bit sad today in the rain. It is only limping into the summer season anyway. Saw a jogger and two women riding bikes like it wasn't even raining, but generally speaking, not much is going on. Nice and quiet in Cape May Point, just the way I like it. The body of water across from our rented house got very active later in the afternoon. It was enjoyable to watch and listen. But the very BEST part of the day was waking up and seeing the sun rise over the pond out the window while I was still lying in bed. I am looking out of a window right now and seeing the beam of the lighthouse. It is nicely framed by the window.
Read the current edition of the newspaper called Exit zero. That is the exit off of the Garden State Parkway for Cape May. It is a rag filled with advertisements and pictures of people posing and posed. You get a good idea of what goes on around here.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
The goldfinch
Remembered a little bird I saw in a museum so I tried to find it online. I believe it IS what gave the idea for the book The Goldfinch. It is in the Frick Gallery in New York City. I started the book and only got 1/3 of the way through it before it became overdue. Then started all over again with the 26 CD audiobook. It is quite compelling!
Finished Then again, by Diane Keaton. I love reading autobiographies and finding out who knew whom and such like that. I am eager to read her new book as I enjoyed this one on my Nook. She never married (I like THOSE role models) and adopted two children. She also went through a lot with the decline of her mother.
Someone has been in my yard and it gives me the creeps. Came home and found one of the wooden pieces broken off on my gate. Then we found a SWEATER and a CELL PHONE under the steps. Just what I need, a careless, vandalizing trespasser. I have enough dislike of my neighbors without them invading my space. Called the policeman and he was very polite and took the cell phone although he thought it was broken and useless.
Finished Then again, by Diane Keaton. I love reading autobiographies and finding out who knew whom and such like that. I am eager to read her new book as I enjoyed this one on my Nook. She never married (I like THOSE role models) and adopted two children. She also went through a lot with the decline of her mother.
Someone has been in my yard and it gives me the creeps. Came home and found one of the wooden pieces broken off on my gate. Then we found a SWEATER and a CELL PHONE under the steps. Just what I need, a careless, vandalizing trespasser. I have enough dislike of my neighbors without them invading my space. Called the policeman and he was very polite and took the cell phone although he thought it was broken and useless.
New York,
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Feelings of impending doom
Torrents of rain and hours of gloom tend to depress me and give me feelings of impending doom. Let me count the ways...
- small ants are back in the kitchen
- tenants have given notice that they are moving
- Ceiling is wet with leaks
- doubting all of my decisions (thank God I didn't have to have jury duty!)
- this is the second day I have not exercised (country western dancing tonight?)
- heat (oil) still needed
- it will be gloomy and rainy for art class tomorrow
- neighbors with annoying barking dog have now gotten a SECOND dog
There must be some reasons to be happy...
- my grandmother is being honored tonight
- I finally got ahold of someone I have been trying to get ahold of for a good long time
- neighbors who had the most annoying barking dog may be moving?
- weight went down overnight
- small ants are back in the kitchen
- tenants have given notice that they are moving
- Ceiling is wet with leaks
- doubting all of my decisions (thank God I didn't have to have jury duty!)
- this is the second day I have not exercised (country western dancing tonight?)
- heat (oil) still needed
- it will be gloomy and rainy for art class tomorrow
- neighbors with annoying barking dog have now gotten a SECOND dog
There must be some reasons to be happy...
- my grandmother is being honored tonight
- I finally got ahold of someone I have been trying to get ahold of for a good long time
- neighbors who had the most annoying barking dog may be moving?
- weight went down overnight
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
snowing with the sun out
That is the best kind of snow. Just enough to be pretty.
Learned some stuff today. Went to a class on Word basic II. Maybe I should have taken Word basic I, too?
Every program I use, I only know some of the most basic features. Then there are 999 features that really confuse me. So I learned some about tables and pictures and moving stuff about. Good to have a review and learn something new so that my brain doesn't just turn to mush.
Really must go and get some bird seed as the weather is turning cold again. I need some food, too, but I think the birds should take priority.
Finished audio book of Number 10, by Sue Townsend. She is over the top British funny. And I love the way the reader pronounces those British words such as conTROversy and many others I have forgotten now. The gist of this book is when the prime minister of Great Britian goes on a "vacation" with a policeman to try and see how the real people live. He disguises himself as a woman a la Marilyn Monroe and really enjoys it way too much.
Learned some stuff today. Went to a class on Word basic II. Maybe I should have taken Word basic I, too?
Every program I use, I only know some of the most basic features. Then there are 999 features that really confuse me. So I learned some about tables and pictures and moving stuff about. Good to have a review and learn something new so that my brain doesn't just turn to mush.
Really must go and get some bird seed as the weather is turning cold again. I need some food, too, but I think the birds should take priority.
Finished audio book of Number 10, by Sue Townsend. She is over the top British funny. And I love the way the reader pronounces those British words such as conTROversy and many others I have forgotten now. The gist of this book is when the prime minister of Great Britian goes on a "vacation" with a policeman to try and see how the real people live. He disguises himself as a woman a la Marilyn Monroe and really enjoys it way too much.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
I'm fascinated by names
Must enter this thought so I can tear up a piece of paper and get it out of my life. Getting lighter, one item at a time.
Has anyone else noticed the penchant for making up names in our African American community? So, a guy named Jermarl died (I think perhaps he was shot). He had four children, named Jermarl, Jr., Jermiara, Jershuna and Jernasia. Can't you just imagine the mother yelling at them? He had ten brothers, of which the names Keontray and Tyehiem jumbed out at me, three sisters, including a Tonoa and a fiance named Tira.
This morning I went out with two goals to accomplish before I got in my car. Sprinkle salt on my outrageously icy front steps so that I don't accidentally kill myself and so that the mail woman doesn't do the same and fill up the bird feeder so that the murder of crows can devour it. That is what a group of crows is called, a MURDER. They are going through one feeder full every day because it is SO cold and snowy. I really want to help out the pretty, normal birds, but the blackbirds and the squirrels are dominating the back yard. My hands almost froze up as I didn't want to get my gloves all soiled with bird poop and salt. When I got into the car, it said it was two degrees below zero. That must be some kind of a record. Still and all, I made it to the exercise class almost on time (8 AM).
Has anyone else noticed the penchant for making up names in our African American community? So, a guy named Jermarl died (I think perhaps he was shot). He had four children, named Jermarl, Jr., Jermiara, Jershuna and Jernasia. Can't you just imagine the mother yelling at them? He had ten brothers, of which the names Keontray and Tyehiem jumbed out at me, three sisters, including a Tonoa and a fiance named Tira.
This morning I went out with two goals to accomplish before I got in my car. Sprinkle salt on my outrageously icy front steps so that I don't accidentally kill myself and so that the mail woman doesn't do the same and fill up the bird feeder so that the murder of crows can devour it. That is what a group of crows is called, a MURDER. They are going through one feeder full every day because it is SO cold and snowy. I really want to help out the pretty, normal birds, but the blackbirds and the squirrels are dominating the back yard. My hands almost froze up as I didn't want to get my gloves all soiled with bird poop and salt. When I got into the car, it said it was two degrees below zero. That must be some kind of a record. Still and all, I made it to the exercise class almost on time (8 AM).
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
More hideous weather
Escaping the raw, rainy day here in the library. I used to work here and remember it as being warm and cozy and colorful. Winter has not even started yet and the weather is despicable.
Returning a book that I got on Interlibrary loan. The last bohemia : scenes from the life of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, by Robert Anasi. As Brooklyn gets hipper, I get more like a country bumpkin and an OLD one at that! Feel like life is changing and that I am getting more "out of it". This book is about young, not rich, people viewing the gentrification of a funky place and lifestyle. And it was short so I could finish it before the due date.
Nighttime eating getting out of control. I think I got some cheese out last night, even after I pigged out at French club. There was an "old" me and a "new" me. I have lost touch with the "new" me.
I thought I heard a mouse last night and there were a few nibble marks on the cheese that I don't think were made by me. Need to set some traps. I hear rustling in strange places. I don't think I am alone.
Returning a book that I got on Interlibrary loan. The last bohemia : scenes from the life of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, by Robert Anasi. As Brooklyn gets hipper, I get more like a country bumpkin and an OLD one at that! Feel like life is changing and that I am getting more "out of it". This book is about young, not rich, people viewing the gentrification of a funky place and lifestyle. And it was short so I could finish it before the due date.
Nighttime eating getting out of control. I think I got some cheese out last night, even after I pigged out at French club. There was an "old" me and a "new" me. I have lost touch with the "new" me.
I thought I heard a mouse last night and there were a few nibble marks on the cheese that I don't think were made by me. Need to set some traps. I hear rustling in strange places. I don't think I am alone.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Is there a mouse in the house?
I think that would be a good title for a children's book. I don't want to admit it, but I think that there is a mouse in my house. Weird when you live alone. First the bat and now the mouse. So, I have added mouse trap to my list for shopping. I used to set the mouse traps for my mother. Now I need someone to set them for ME! Here are the clues:
- Once while up in the night I thought I saw something run and hide near the refrigerator.
- My bag of crunchies near the fridge got a hole in it
- I found ONE fingerless glove and the side of it was totally unraveled
Finished two books. The round house by Louis Erdrich was full of Native American lore. Nicely evoked milieu of unpleasant events on the reservation, including rape and murder. I think that is what put me a bit off from reading it, but mostly enjoyed the writing. Also finished a surprisingly interesting nonfiction book about exercising (The first 20 minutes : surprising science reveals how we can exercise better, train smarter, live longer, by Gretchen Reynolds). It convinced me that I need to make more of an effort to exercise DAILY. I am too fond of sitting. It is better to be fat and fit than fat and not fit, said the author. I am hovering around this spot with my weight, balancing out my lack of interest in exercising and my desire to binge and eat all of the wrong foods with activity and restraint. Feel like I am on a teeter totter.
Not very comfortable today. Am using my laptop at the Cohansey Café. Furniture not real commodious and no electrical outlet today. But, the sun is shining and Royals by Lorde is on Youtube. Also belly full of buttered blueberry muffin and coffee. An example of how my eating has slipped....I used to say I could eat something "bad" only once a week and only if I had lost weight. Then it was once a week, no matter what the weight. Soon I was eating unacceptable items once a day and now MORE than once a day. Oh my.
- Once while up in the night I thought I saw something run and hide near the refrigerator.
- My bag of crunchies near the fridge got a hole in it
- I found ONE fingerless glove and the side of it was totally unraveled
Finished two books. The round house by Louis Erdrich was full of Native American lore. Nicely evoked milieu of unpleasant events on the reservation, including rape and murder. I think that is what put me a bit off from reading it, but mostly enjoyed the writing. Also finished a surprisingly interesting nonfiction book about exercising (The first 20 minutes : surprising science reveals how we can exercise better, train smarter, live longer, by Gretchen Reynolds). It convinced me that I need to make more of an effort to exercise DAILY. I am too fond of sitting. It is better to be fat and fit than fat and not fit, said the author. I am hovering around this spot with my weight, balancing out my lack of interest in exercising and my desire to binge and eat all of the wrong foods with activity and restraint. Feel like I am on a teeter totter.
Not very comfortable today. Am using my laptop at the Cohansey Café. Furniture not real commodious and no electrical outlet today. But, the sun is shining and Royals by Lorde is on Youtube. Also belly full of buttered blueberry muffin and coffee. An example of how my eating has slipped....I used to say I could eat something "bad" only once a week and only if I had lost weight. Then it was once a week, no matter what the weight. Soon I was eating unacceptable items once a day and now MORE than once a day. Oh my.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Got rid of some stuff today
Had some trees trimmed in the back yard. Workmen and change make me nervous so I couldn't relax until they were done. I also took a Xanax to help forget about the stress. The guy came with about 8 helpers (he promised me 3). They were all over the place and making one heck of a racket. I do like the final result and will consider having a trim every year instead of once every ten years. Of course, the LAST time my father owned the property and paid for the trim.
Going to court tomorrow and am totally unprepared. It is really the mediation ordered by the court. I am sure it will be just as big a waste of time as the court was. Embarrassing, too, since I am complaining about the barking pit bull next door and the dog DIED. I called and they said you can't cancel the appointment even if the dog is dead.
Brought my own computer to the library today as the computers here are getting really old and sluggish and most of them have big fat mice. I am just so hard to please.
Going to court tomorrow and am totally unprepared. It is really the mediation ordered by the court. I am sure it will be just as big a waste of time as the court was. Embarrassing, too, since I am complaining about the barking pit bull next door and the dog DIED. I called and they said you can't cancel the appointment even if the dog is dead.
Brought my own computer to the library today as the computers here are getting really old and sluggish and most of them have big fat mice. I am just so hard to please.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Bridgeton noise complaint ends in dead silence
I went to the City Council to complain about the neighbors and a reporter there put it into a NEWS article in the paper! The online title was better. The title in the paper was "Dog complaint ends in tragedy". I am not used to being so OUT. In the papers twice in one week. Time to go back under my rock.
Hate rushing around to get my Internet in and my exercise in on the weekends. Everything closes early....libraries, the pool and the health club. Sunday is even worse. There are NO libraries, pool closes at 4 and health club at 3. Barely enough time to get to church and lunch and have time for anything else. Sigh...
Flash drive is a mess. Can't open and save to a new place. Have to copy and paste each document into a new document and then save it. I bought a new flash drive and it has STUFF on it which I do not understand. Better leave it there. It is a Cruzer something. Doesn't even come up as a flash drive. I HATE progress.
Hate rushing around to get my Internet in and my exercise in on the weekends. Everything closes early....libraries, the pool and the health club. Sunday is even worse. There are NO libraries, pool closes at 4 and health club at 3. Barely enough time to get to church and lunch and have time for anything else. Sigh...
Flash drive is a mess. Can't open and save to a new place. Have to copy and paste each document into a new document and then save it. I bought a new flash drive and it has STUFF on it which I do not understand. Better leave it there. It is a Cruzer something. Doesn't even come up as a flash drive. I HATE progress.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Ding dong, the dog is dead...
Did I tell the tale of the barking pit bull next door? Went to city council to complain about it and learned that the dog was killed that very same day. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Heard on the Oprah channel that she has owned 21 dogs in her adulthood and that she once had 11 dogs at once. How is this even possible? Bet there was some barking around THAT mansion!
Have been in a bad mood lately. Can I blame it on my town? Would a vacation help? Do I need to move? But then we have to deal with the issue of STUFF. The amount of it that I own impedes me from movement. I am a peace-loving librarian and Quaker and my neighborhood is getting too noisy and aggravating. Now that I am retired I have too much time to notice exactly how annoying my neighbors really are. I try to be patient and wait them out, but I can't take all of the coming and going and screaming kids, people spitting off porch, barking dogs. We just don't DO that on Commerce St.
My flash drive has started to go. Now I regret that I do not have it backed up. Why do I always assume that things are going to last, when I know how many address books and electronic versions I have been through? So my whole entire life is on this one flash drive and now I can't create files or change any documents. So far I can still READ them, but not sure I have the skills to copy a flash drive. And I certainly don't want to copy any bugs if I have any. I don't remember anyone HAVING problems with flash drives at the library. But I have been using this same one for a year and a half.
Have been in a bad mood lately. Can I blame it on my town? Would a vacation help? Do I need to move? But then we have to deal with the issue of STUFF. The amount of it that I own impedes me from movement. I am a peace-loving librarian and Quaker and my neighborhood is getting too noisy and aggravating. Now that I am retired I have too much time to notice exactly how annoying my neighbors really are. I try to be patient and wait them out, but I can't take all of the coming and going and screaming kids, people spitting off porch, barking dogs. We just don't DO that on Commerce St.
My flash drive has started to go. Now I regret that I do not have it backed up. Why do I always assume that things are going to last, when I know how many address books and electronic versions I have been through? So my whole entire life is on this one flash drive and now I can't create files or change any documents. So far I can still READ them, but not sure I have the skills to copy a flash drive. And I certainly don't want to copy any bugs if I have any. I don't remember anyone HAVING problems with flash drives at the library. But I have been using this same one for a year and a half.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
I miss bumper stickers
I saw two good bumper stickers today. There were quite a few on this car and you don't see THAT any more either!
- "I listened to NPR before it was cool".
- "Are you hearing voices of crazy people? Turn off FOX news".
Holiday weekend approaches. I don't like holidays. Nothing is ever happening due to the holiday. I never have any plans. I emailed my sisters and none of them have any plans either.
Torrential rains yesterday. Ceiling leaking again. I guess a leaking ceiling never gets any better, only worse. (One can always HOPE, can't one?) So here are my main problems today...
- a leaking ceiling (roof)
- a dead bat somewhere in my house
- a barking pit bull next door
- cell phone battery is inexplicably dying and I need to make some phone calls
- rash on my leg is starting to itch again
Other than that, life is just hunky dory. I will try and think of some GOOD things now...
- the competition at the health club is almost over so I can stop feeling inadequate
- I am starting to walk better due to losing weight
- everybody is very well behaved over here at the Vineland Public Library
- I rebooted my laptop and overcame the nonfunctioning
- Serena Williams is one hunk of a woman (I just perused Tennis magazine)
- "I listened to NPR before it was cool".
- "Are you hearing voices of crazy people? Turn off FOX news".
Holiday weekend approaches. I don't like holidays. Nothing is ever happening due to the holiday. I never have any plans. I emailed my sisters and none of them have any plans either.
Torrential rains yesterday. Ceiling leaking again. I guess a leaking ceiling never gets any better, only worse. (One can always HOPE, can't one?) So here are my main problems today...
- a leaking ceiling (roof)
- a dead bat somewhere in my house
- a barking pit bull next door
- cell phone battery is inexplicably dying and I need to make some phone calls
- rash on my leg is starting to itch again
Other than that, life is just hunky dory. I will try and think of some GOOD things now...
- the competition at the health club is almost over so I can stop feeling inadequate
- I am starting to walk better due to losing weight
- everybody is very well behaved over here at the Vineland Public Library
- I rebooted my laptop and overcame the nonfunctioning
- Serena Williams is one hunk of a woman (I just perused Tennis magazine)
pros and cons,
Monday, August 26, 2013
Living with a bat
Freaked out by a bat the other night. Ran into another room and then it quieted down.
Have had discussions lately with friends about how to handle bats. Supposedly there is a $500 fine for killing a bat. I had not had one for decades. I did volunteer to move one at church. It turned out to be dead, but I didn't know that when I volunteered. So, I actually went to sleep knowing that there was a bat in my house (the power of Ambien). The next morning I saw it resting above my kitchen cabinet. By the time I got organized to get it, it had MOVED and I didn't know where it went. So, the next night, it started flying around at 8 PM and I ran into the other room to escape it. I think it may have gotten trapped in some clutter and expired. But I will have to go home around 8 PM to see if it flying around. I thought bats could get out of any spot.
Put out the recycling tonight. People are going to think I am a lush. Some people had a party behind my house this week. They thoughtfully put 5 empty bottles of Hurricane malt liquor in my recycling bin. I had to pick up some black plastic bags that they carried the bottles in, but...
Pros and cons of my day....
- struggled with my oral surgeon while he "pulled" two wisdom teeth
- the pain of the needles going in to give me the novocaine
- getting a paper telling me about possible swelling and pain for ten days
- missed the VMAs on TV last night cause I didn't even know they were on
- no dental insurance now that I am retired
- watching some YouTube videos by Anna Kendrick and Mackelmore
- neighborhood peaceful today
- yoga this AM at Cumberland County Library
- got some really good pain pills from the oral surgeon
- a friend who had emergency surgery is doing better
- doctor gave me 20% off due to my lack of insurance
Have had discussions lately with friends about how to handle bats. Supposedly there is a $500 fine for killing a bat. I had not had one for decades. I did volunteer to move one at church. It turned out to be dead, but I didn't know that when I volunteered. So, I actually went to sleep knowing that there was a bat in my house (the power of Ambien). The next morning I saw it resting above my kitchen cabinet. By the time I got organized to get it, it had MOVED and I didn't know where it went. So, the next night, it started flying around at 8 PM and I ran into the other room to escape it. I think it may have gotten trapped in some clutter and expired. But I will have to go home around 8 PM to see if it flying around. I thought bats could get out of any spot.
Put out the recycling tonight. People are going to think I am a lush. Some people had a party behind my house this week. They thoughtfully put 5 empty bottles of Hurricane malt liquor in my recycling bin. I had to pick up some black plastic bags that they carried the bottles in, but...
Pros and cons of my day....
- struggled with my oral surgeon while he "pulled" two wisdom teeth
- the pain of the needles going in to give me the novocaine
- getting a paper telling me about possible swelling and pain for ten days
- missed the VMAs on TV last night cause I didn't even know they were on
- no dental insurance now that I am retired
- watching some YouTube videos by Anna Kendrick and Mackelmore
- neighborhood peaceful today
- yoga this AM at Cumberland County Library
- got some really good pain pills from the oral surgeon
- a friend who had emergency surgery is doing better
- doctor gave me 20% off due to my lack of insurance
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sittin' on the "group W" bench
I went to Municipal court this week. I forgot to take a Xanax and I really needed it. Felt like Arlo Guthrie, sittin' on the" group W" bench, with mother stabbers and father rapers and the like (listen to the song/album called Alice's Restaurant if you don't know what I am talking about). I sat there for a deadly but entertaining and educational three hours listening to all the other cases. Finally got called in to the prosecutor and felt like she blew me off (actually I should have had a succinct statement ready). I had a one page document and a chart of all of my neighborhood annoyances, but a 15 word statement would have been more to the point. She referred my case to "neighborhood disputes" of which I had never heard. I guess it is some kind of mediation which I learned about reading a really fascinating book called "Neighbor law", put out by Nolo Press. ( I really should have read the one called "Dog law"). I signed a complaint against my neighbor who insists on having a pit bull live on her steps. I have lost the use of my yard and the peace and quiet of my home due to the barking.
It was horrible being in court, even though I was the filer of a complaint and not the perpetrator of a crime. They made everyone, complainer and criminal alike, wait in this tiny vestibule with no chairs for a half an hour before letting anyone enter the court. THAT was awkward, but I got the feeling that lots of these people do this very often. I was out on the porch listening to a woman and a man talk about their domestic violence history, where one person files a complaint and then the other person turns around and countersues. When the police come around to serve them with papers they just don't open the door. When they do get into court they generally say that they aren't going to press charges. What an unpleasant way to spend your afternoons! It is just a game and a big waste of time. The woman talked about just getting an ROR. What's that, I asked. Release On Recognizance, she said, (but she didn't pronounce it properly). Some of the people had multiple "crimes" at once....driving offenses, domestic violence, paraphernalia possession. One guy didn't know (me either) that on the third paraphernalia offense you get a mandatory 90 days in jail. He was wearing orange at the time. A really FAT white woman came up and declined to press charges against him. Then ANOTHER large white women was there with a black guy and as they walked out, having declined to press charges, I noticed a large hickey on her neck. Some of the people were polite, some had major attitude and some were snickering. I did learn of some unsavory individuals who live near me.
Below you will see a photo of a flower blooming at Giverny in July. I borrowed this pic from a blog I read called Eye prefer Paris (doesn't everyone?) He said that July was REALLY hot in France, just like it was here. I need to take time out of every day to enjoy beauty and calm and elegance. Thinking about my vacation in France is quite pleasant. I need to start thinking about the next stage of my life. Living in Bridgeton is getting pretty taxing, what with the changing neighborhoods. Too much coming and going around me and people who think the barking of pit bulls is not annoying.
It was horrible being in court, even though I was the filer of a complaint and not the perpetrator of a crime. They made everyone, complainer and criminal alike, wait in this tiny vestibule with no chairs for a half an hour before letting anyone enter the court. THAT was awkward, but I got the feeling that lots of these people do this very often. I was out on the porch listening to a woman and a man talk about their domestic violence history, where one person files a complaint and then the other person turns around and countersues. When the police come around to serve them with papers they just don't open the door. When they do get into court they generally say that they aren't going to press charges. What an unpleasant way to spend your afternoons! It is just a game and a big waste of time. The woman talked about just getting an ROR. What's that, I asked. Release On Recognizance, she said, (but she didn't pronounce it properly). Some of the people had multiple "crimes" at once....driving offenses, domestic violence, paraphernalia possession. One guy didn't know (me either) that on the third paraphernalia offense you get a mandatory 90 days in jail. He was wearing orange at the time. A really FAT white woman came up and declined to press charges against him. Then ANOTHER large white women was there with a black guy and as they walked out, having declined to press charges, I noticed a large hickey on her neck. Some of the people were polite, some had major attitude and some were snickering. I did learn of some unsavory individuals who live near me.
Below you will see a photo of a flower blooming at Giverny in July. I borrowed this pic from a blog I read called Eye prefer Paris (doesn't everyone?) He said that July was REALLY hot in France, just like it was here. I need to take time out of every day to enjoy beauty and calm and elegance. Thinking about my vacation in France is quite pleasant. I need to start thinking about the next stage of my life. Living in Bridgeton is getting pretty taxing, what with the changing neighborhoods. Too much coming and going around me and people who think the barking of pit bulls is not annoying.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Weird Hawaiian music
Trying to fit everything in today. Exercise is getting short shrift. Starbucks not so enjoyable. It was too hot outside even though it is a BEAUTIFUL day. My favorite (big) table became free but it is too sunny in here and they are playing a really weird Hawaiian album. Drinking an unnecessary decaf skinny mocha tall thingy.
Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.
The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.
Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.
The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.
mental health,
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Getting behinder
Books by the bed at home - eleven. Have taken to reading every time I wake up in the night.
Also binged on cereal and fruit last night. I shouldn't really have cereal in the house, especially the kind I like to buy even though I know I shouldn't. I buy one healthy cereal and one "fun" (sugary) cereal. Have "neighbor anxiety" which makes it difficult to sleep.
Yelled at the neighbor kids again yesterday. The barking dog threw me over the edge and I rushed out in a frenzy of discontent. Would I have the nerve to do something so rude and aggressive if they weren't defenseless foreigners? They actually went and told their mother (who we NEVER see) and came over and rang my doorbell. So I went out and next door and halfway up the steps and talked to A. She feels we are harassing her by calling the authorities to come and investigate dog situation (I am not the only one who is calling). I feel she has no concept of being a good neighbor. When it came down to it, she says she is allowed to have a dog and dogs bark. P., the pitbull, barks many times a day and not in a nice way. She also tears stuff up and spreads it all over their yard and mine and deposits unmentionables on my property. I gathered up such and placed it on their porch. I really should be nicer to the kids and may wait a week before taking further action. I really want them to leave. Also, a couple of guys were seen arriving with suitcases yesterday.
I did finish two books yesterday.
Book review: The complete potter, by Steve Mattison. A good overview of making pots. Each page includes one or two topics/methods with beautiful photos of procedures and finished pieces, giving credit to the potter and explanations of the pieces. This book is available at the Vineland Public Library (738 Mat)
Book review: The sweet life in Paris, by David Lebovitz. Started reading this BEFORE I went to Paris in May and was determined to finish it. According to David, only 20% of Americans have passports and we are used to foreigners on our turf and not so good at dealing with them when they are on their own turf. "The unspoken rule if you plan to live here - but equally good to adopt even if you're just coming for a visit - is knowing that you're going to be judged on how you look and how you present yourself. Yes, even if you're just dumping your garbage." I guess I should have mentioned that David is a chef from New York who moved to Paris. The book includes several great recipes such as floating island (made by Julia Child and my grandmother) and Gateau Breton (made only one day a week at a bakery near the Pont Neuf where I lived after college). I didn't copy the recipe for Ile flotant on page 28 because it looks really complicated and takes up three pages and I don't cook. When people ask him how long it took him to become fluent in French, he points out that even the FRENCH are not fluent in French. "One of the first words I learned in French class was raleur, which means 'someone who complains'. Maybe it's la grisaille, the dull, gray skies that hang over Paris, causing la morosite ambiente, the all-encompassing gloom that blankets the city at times."
I learned a lot of good words in this books, like that there is a name for the prized crusty end of a baguette. It is called le quignon. This is a valuable introduction to life in Paris and equally fun after you have been there. I borrowed this book from a friend.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
I sat on an ant and he BIT me
I know that I had ants in the kitchen...big ones. Then I saw a bunch of tiny ones in a box of wrapped candy. Apparently there was a medium sized ant on the toilet seat when I sat down. I discovered him when he bit me. GROSS! Time to do something about the damned things.

Book review: Fifty shades darker by E.L. James. I was reluctant to read this book as I was worried it would be even more extreme than the first one in the series. Then a friend told me how much she was enjoying the audiobooks. So I got this through Overdrive on my Nook. I liked it even more than the first one. It is hard to look away. OK, the guy has faults....he is controlling, bossy, messed up and jealous. But, on the other hand, he is gorgeous, rich, attentive, generous, creative and wants her. Each love scene is different from all of the others. It is true that she can't find time for her friends. She does continue to want to "work" although she seems to spend most of her time at work emailing Christian. Somehow the author keeps you routing for their love instead of thinking, "Watch out, lady!" He sort of backs off from the kinky stuff in this book but the question remains whether he will continue to be satisfied.
I am in "Onederland" today. That is when you get below 200 pounds. So what did I do to celebrate?
Went to Terrigno's bakery and got treats for the gang down at the Cumberland County Historical Society. Of course, I do that EVERY Wednesday, even though I am not supposed to be eating sweets. Feeling generally sluggish and lazy and in pain. Stopped taking my anti-inflammation drug and it is 95 degrees. Exercise does not seem to be making me feel better.
Book review: Fifty shades darker by E.L. James. I was reluctant to read this book as I was worried it would be even more extreme than the first one in the series. Then a friend told me how much she was enjoying the audiobooks. So I got this through Overdrive on my Nook. I liked it even more than the first one. It is hard to look away. OK, the guy has faults....he is controlling, bossy, messed up and jealous. But, on the other hand, he is gorgeous, rich, attentive, generous, creative and wants her. Each love scene is different from all of the others. It is true that she can't find time for her friends. She does continue to want to "work" although she seems to spend most of her time at work emailing Christian. Somehow the author keeps you routing for their love instead of thinking, "Watch out, lady!" He sort of backs off from the kinky stuff in this book but the question remains whether he will continue to be satisfied.
I am in "Onederland" today. That is when you get below 200 pounds. So what did I do to celebrate?
Went to Terrigno's bakery and got treats for the gang down at the Cumberland County Historical Society. Of course, I do that EVERY Wednesday, even though I am not supposed to be eating sweets. Feeling generally sluggish and lazy and in pain. Stopped taking my anti-inflammation drug and it is 95 degrees. Exercise does not seem to be making me feel better.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Part of my many excuses about why I no longer take photographs. I have an OLD SLR I could dust off and try out, if they still make film. The digital camera given to me by my family has been MISLAID and I think the megapixels are 3.2. My polaroids can no longer be supplied with film. (Wonder how much I could get for a brand new Polaroid camera still in the box?) Now I am taking really crappy pictures with my phone, an LG Rumor. Just have not made the transition to the digital age. I used to have a darkroom and all. Several friends keep harping about what a great photographer I am (was). So today I have an appointment with a techy person at the TLC (Technology learning center) at the Cape May Court House Public Library to ask questions about photo stuff.
Just tried to copy a picture I took last night of the Philly Phanatic. Had to get one off of the Internet. Apologies to whoever took this one. I get a kick out of him. A whole hour of him was weird though. He came to the Cumberland County Library last night. I wonder if there is only ONE of them? He doesn't talk, and was trying to get across the idea to the kids that they needed to TURN AROUND in order to pose for pictures. They were so busy looking at him that they forgot to pose. First he turned around in a circle, trying to give them the idea and almost wacking people with his tail. Then he made circling motions with his hands. I worried about the SPANISH kids, which was dumb, cause he doesn't speak ENGLISH either. It must be really hard for him to NOT speak. Anyway, the kids were adorable, with PP dolls, headdresses, etc. Some of the kids were in tears or on the verge of tears. He is more scary than Santa Claus. A kid from Canada, who didn't know from the Philly Phanatic, burst into tears when he saw him.
It's July 2 already and I really haven't made any summer plans. Clay College or other art class? Summer rental? Travel plans to Maine or ? Visit old friends with beach houses? I think the SUN just came out. That was not in the forecast. The forecast is rain off and on all day, heavy at times. When I asked the librarian if that was the sun outside, she said, "Yes, but it is humid and gross out there." Now I feel better about staying the the nice, cool library all day.
Just tried to copy a picture I took last night of the Philly Phanatic. Had to get one off of the Internet. Apologies to whoever took this one. I get a kick out of him. A whole hour of him was weird though. He came to the Cumberland County Library last night. I wonder if there is only ONE of them? He doesn't talk, and was trying to get across the idea to the kids that they needed to TURN AROUND in order to pose for pictures. They were so busy looking at him that they forgot to pose. First he turned around in a circle, trying to give them the idea and almost wacking people with his tail. Then he made circling motions with his hands. I worried about the SPANISH kids, which was dumb, cause he doesn't speak ENGLISH either. It must be really hard for him to NOT speak. Anyway, the kids were adorable, with PP dolls, headdresses, etc. Some of the kids were in tears or on the verge of tears. He is more scary than Santa Claus. A kid from Canada, who didn't know from the Philly Phanatic, burst into tears when he saw him.
It's July 2 already and I really haven't made any summer plans. Clay College or other art class? Summer rental? Travel plans to Maine or ? Visit old friends with beach houses? I think the SUN just came out. That was not in the forecast. The forecast is rain off and on all day, heavy at times. When I asked the librarian if that was the sun outside, she said, "Yes, but it is humid and gross out there." Now I feel better about staying the the nice, cool library all day.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Su perro esta molestandome
I said to a friend, "My worst nightmare is that a barking dog moves in next door to me." "Surely", she said, "You have worse nightmares than THAT!" Trying to figure out how to say "Your dog is annoying" in Spanish. Although I think I have made my displeasure evident in English AND Spanish. It doesn't seem to have made any difference in the behavior of the neighbors or their dog. Yesterday, the dog was barking and whining all day INSIDE and late afternoon outside.
Really fun surprise 60th birthday party last night. My girlfriend was SO surprised, her eyes and her mouth were big Os for about five minutes. She was totally shocked that her family had come secretly from all over the country. I had to leave "early" as I had to get up and go to work this morning. I only work ONE day a month, but when it rolls around, it always seems somewhat inconvenient.
Lots of food (Indian) and I totally avoided the desserts, which were plentiful and gorgeous.
We have had 10.1 inches of rain so far this June and June is not over yet! That is a record. Every day we have a few storms, mostly at night, thank goodness. Having drainage problems near my garage where we park the cars. Sometimes I have to wade through 4 inches of water to get to my house.
Well, it wasn' t THIS deep, but you get the picture....
Really fun surprise 60th birthday party last night. My girlfriend was SO surprised, her eyes and her mouth were big Os for about five minutes. She was totally shocked that her family had come secretly from all over the country. I had to leave "early" as I had to get up and go to work this morning. I only work ONE day a month, but when it rolls around, it always seems somewhat inconvenient.
Lots of food (Indian) and I totally avoided the desserts, which were plentiful and gorgeous.
We have had 10.1 inches of rain so far this June and June is not over yet! That is a record. Every day we have a few storms, mostly at night, thank goodness. Having drainage problems near my garage where we park the cars. Sometimes I have to wade through 4 inches of water to get to my house.
Well, it wasn' t THIS deep, but you get the picture....
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
My worst nightmare... that a barking dog will move in RIGHT NEXT DOOR. I wish this dog would run away. I really HATE having my peace disturbed by a barking dog. Not to mention the issues of trash, noise, ambulances, and police with drawn guns. Other than that, they are just your average Mexican family with North Carolina license plates, a pit bull, and relatives who are going to move in with them. My general philosophy on neighbors is..."I'll WAIT them out".
Restaurant review: Mi familia pizzeria and ice cream on Burlington Road in Bridgeton, NJ. Around here you can blink and restaurants are closed or have an entirely new name. Usual door was locked, but we got in the front door. Four policeman were out front talking to a lady (some sort of disagreement about a Diet Coke). I kind of liked it although my friend was not happy with her meatball sandwich. What I liked:
- waitresses trying really hard to please
- you can get a WHOLE WHEAT pizza crust
- on a salad you get a choice of romaine, spring mix or spinach
- I ordered a small salad and waitress pointed out that by ordering the SPECIAL I could get a large salad for less money
I am starving right now, but I am trying to get more used to it. Usually, I bring a snack to the historical libary, but I didn't today. Another guy usually goes to the store to get lunch but he isn't going today. Someone else usually bakes bread but he didn't today. Luckily someone produced a bag of almonds and a container of raisins, so this will tide me over. We are in a small town with NO stores....just a country store with a sign posted that says, "We are doing our best to open as soon as possible". I am waiting anxiously. The last people who ran it did not have Diet Coke as they said that no one drinks it in Greenwich.
Restaurant review: Mi familia pizzeria and ice cream on Burlington Road in Bridgeton, NJ. Around here you can blink and restaurants are closed or have an entirely new name. Usual door was locked, but we got in the front door. Four policeman were out front talking to a lady (some sort of disagreement about a Diet Coke). I kind of liked it although my friend was not happy with her meatball sandwich. What I liked:
- waitresses trying really hard to please
- you can get a WHOLE WHEAT pizza crust
- on a salad you get a choice of romaine, spring mix or spinach
- I ordered a small salad and waitress pointed out that by ordering the SPECIAL I could get a large salad for less money
I am starving right now, but I am trying to get more used to it. Usually, I bring a snack to the historical libary, but I didn't today. Another guy usually goes to the store to get lunch but he isn't going today. Someone else usually bakes bread but he didn't today. Luckily someone produced a bag of almonds and a container of raisins, so this will tide me over. We are in a small town with NO stores....just a country store with a sign posted that says, "We are doing our best to open as soon as possible". I am waiting anxiously. The last people who ran it did not have Diet Coke as they said that no one drinks it in Greenwich.
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