Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weird Hawaiian music

Trying to fit everything in today. Exercise is getting short shrift. Starbucks not so enjoyable. It was too hot outside even though it is a BEAUTIFUL day. My favorite (big) table became free but it is too sunny in here and they are playing a really weird Hawaiian album. Drinking an unnecessary decaf skinny mocha tall thingy.

Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.

The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.

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