Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Just took my daily Vitamin D bath

So I laid on the grass out in back of the Cumberland County Historical Society. Just relaxing in the sun for a bit over 15 minutes. It was HOT. (but delicious)

Bright young things (ebook), by Anna Godbersen. I stopped about half way through. Was not pleasing me. Young girlfriends get separated while questing for fame in the 1920's. One has just been tricked into singing for a bunch of surly men and the other has just caused her newly found father to be shot by her pretend (?) boyfriend. Nobody really likeable in this book that I got probably for free off of Barnes and Noble.

Enjoy wasting my time filling out surveys and entering contests which I will most likely NEVER win. Monopoly at Acme is getting boring. Guess I just like mindless activities!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fast and furious

I do not ordinarily do action movies, but agreed to go with a friend. I jumped into Fast and furious 7 (movie) even though I had not seen 1 - 6. It was preposterous! In retrospect, it was all about fights, explosions and car crashes....and nobody ever DIED?!?! They got out of these smashed cars like it was a walk in the park. Rarely did anyone bleed or complain.
the PREVIEWS were hard to take, especially the one for the redo of Mad Max. What a disgusting movie!

Jersey Angel (audio book), by Beth Ann Bauman. I picked up this young adult book cause it was about the Jersey shore. Not my shore, I am pretty sure. The town is unnamed but it seemed like Long Beach Island area. Boy, these high school students were pretty dissipated...drinking, drugging, smoking and sleeping around. Angel was a bit of a loser with no goals. She wasn't very likeable. She made some bad decisions but vowed to do better in the end.

A very dreary day. Drizzle and back to being cold. At least my ceiling does not seem to be dripping onto my table.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

And the winter drags on...

In the midst of a three day weather event. Lots of rain yesterday but it didn't keep me from doing stuff. What, do I want to stay home and listen to the rain dripping down from my ceiling?! Today kind of warmish, foggy and drizzly. Scary snow predictions for tomorrow. I AM really getting tired of things being cancelled left and right. It's MARCH, for God's sake. Staffing the Code Blue center tonight from midnight to 3 AM and I know THAT won't be cancelled.

Out of control in the eating department. Bought some ice cream last night but it was really distasteful. Note to self : I do not like any ice cream with cookie dough in it. Ben and Jerry's just gets overdone in the loaded-with-crap area.

Invited to go to dinner tonight. I had every minute planned and those minutes did not include driving to another town, but I am trying to be more flexible. I messed up my dinner invitation the other night by arriving late and not paying attention to the cook. He got into a mood and rightly so.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Feeling like a bull in a china shop

Winter has settled in around my waistline. Lack of exercise and excess of stuffing my face has led me to feel like a blimp. Add to that bathrobes and bulky coats and my usual clutter around the house and I feel like I am always knocking into things and making oddly perched boxes of what-not fall to the ground. Have STOPPED wearing a coat for just such reasons....all of my shoulder bags fall off my shoulders with all that excess bulk. I had to pick an outrageous weather week/month to go coatless. The weather is brutal, the wind is ferocious and my house is cold. Spending today in my car (WARM!), at the Health club (oh so proud of myself), in the library (right now), at the chiropractor, and volunteering at the college performing arts center. Staying home just depresses me since I have no fireplace.

Freedom (audiobook), by Jonathan Franzen. I usually try to listen to an entire audiobook, no matter how it displeases me. But this one I had to abandon halfway through. There were no people to like and they were making a lot of inappropriate, pedantic speeches to each other. It followed three friends from college into later life. They all were assholes in their own way. Things happened and then the narrator went back in time and told the story from another perspective.

I'm a stranger here myself (ebook) : notes on returning to America after twenty years away, by Bill Bryson. I like this author and read much by him. They are all so different. This is essays on life in America. He married a British woman and then they moved back to the states and took up residence in New Hampshire.

Vegetarian cooking for everyone (book), by Deborah Madison. Had to get this out of the library because my sister made some really good oatmeal pancakes from it and I wanted to copy the recipe. I have a few more to copy, like a sage and butter sauce, which is what I had in Italy. I aspire to be a vegetarian. Do not really enjoy meat most of the time when I get it.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Phuc Dat Bich

Learned from my Vietnamese nail technicians...there are some names in Vietnamese which become BAD words in English. Of course, the pronunciation is different in Vietnam, but. For example, the name Phuc means happiness or good luck but comes across kind of dirty in English. The word Bich refers to a kind of gem (jade). They actually knew somebody named Phuc Dat Bich. But mostly, people with these names change them. They witnessed one guy at the Motor Vehicle agency who didn't change his name and the lady had to SPELL his name instead of call it out loud.

Tried to read the book Alan Turing : the enigma (book), by Andrew Hodges. This is the book that inspired the film The imitation game. I found the book totally dense and full of mathematical jargon. I gave it my best effort because I really enjoyed the movie and because Alan Turing is everywhere these days.
He makes the analogy that gay people are always playing "the imitation game" when they try to appear heterosexual. Another comment was the irony of the war (WW II) being won by a gay, atheist, British mathematician. I was glad to learn that he did have a number of friends and relationships. The movie made him seem like a bit of a loner.

It is a very gray, gloomy day. I don't enjoy being home of such grim days. It is DEPRESSING. Starting my plan of getting myself together and getting ON TRACK. That means eating right and exercising every day. I have to get myself under control as a 50th high school reunion is coming up. That is a daunting thought.
I am not calling it being on a diet, I am calling it ON TRACK. I have been extremely OFF TRACK lately.

Monday, February 2, 2015

God what a gloomy winter day

The only saving grace is that it is not too cold. Should have worn my rain boots. When am I going to remember that my driveway sucks you down and messes up your shoes?! The ONLY good thing about this winter is that I have not had to shovel once.

Sitting here at the Millville Public library. At least it is bright. But there are smelly patrons - smoke. Also other people talking to themselves while trying to create passwords. Me, I am lost on Youtube, listening to Emili Sande singing You can read all about it, part 3. Just have to keep myself from singing along and thus becoming another annoying patron.

Vanessa and her sister (book), by Priya Parmar. An enjoyable, fictional story about the Bloomsbury group. Boy, did Virginia Woolf have problems dating back even to childhood. The story starts when the four Stephens siblings are living together in London after the death of their parents. Vanessa (later Bell) was a painter and her sister, Virginia, was the more famous writer. People move in and out, fall in and out of love, sleep with this one and that one and generally enjoy themselves in salon society.

Monday, January 26, 2015

There is a general panic about the snowstorm

50 million Americans are waiting for the storm of the century or some such nonsense. Sitting here in the Cumberland County Library like there isn't a scary storm going on. Tonight I volunteered to sit with the homeless people. Am enjoying this volunteer assignment less each time I do it. But I do really like the pastor in charge so I think I will make every crazy effort to go even though it is going to be quite messy and possibly dangerous. A commitment is a commitment, in my book. I only have to drive a few blocks.

Testament (book), Vickie Gendreau. I read this book in French and I am not sure I understood much about it. It seemed to be about a group of friends, some of whom die. Each section is preceded by a name or the name of a file. It was all very young and hip and hard for me to comprehend. Lots of English words were thrown in and the short sentences were helpful.

My friend is going nuts taking care of his parents in their waning years. He even called them "fucking morons" on Facebook today. THAT was a bit extreme. They are losing it and are not really aware of how bad they are doing. May get together with him later because he needs SOMETHING a bit distracting to do on his birthday.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Resolutions or to do list?

So, it is January 2nd and I haven't organized my January calendar pages. Nor have I made any New Year's resolutions. Maybe I should list ACCOMPLISHMENTS of 2014 first.

Lucky us (audio book), by Amy Bloom. Didn't really like this book much or was it the reader? A lot of weird stuff goes on during the era of the second World War. Not much thinking or describing, just stuff happening.

Sunny today, but a bit cold. Listening to the soundtrack of the new movie, Into the woods, which I plan to see later today.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sunshine isn't all it is cracked up to be

I miss, miss, miss the sun....but when it came out, I realized that it blinds me when I am driving home near sunset, and reflects off of the shiny bits in my car and blinds me. So, maybe clouds aren't so bad! If we ever get sun in the winter, it doesn't last so long, anyway.

The man who mistook his wife for a hat (book): and other clinical tales, by Oliver Sacks. I read everything by this author, even though his themes are very wide-reaching. This is a book of essays, featuring stories involving the mind. So, I am glad I read it, but am going to give it away at our New Year's day book exchange.

Haunted (book) : a Hannah Smith novel, by Randy Wayne White. This is the third book in this series, by one of my favorite Florida writers. The character gets involved with quite fantastical people, confusing, I could say. Old deserted houses, far from civilization, witches and fortunetellers, strange druggie animal trainers, etc. A bit over-the-top.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Still working?

Boy, was it hard to get up and out today. Had to be in Camden to start work before 9 AM. Also, needed to do several errands on the way to work. To add to the misery, I was sick, had a TERRIBLE night and it was dark and cold. Well, now I am at work and it is quiet and peaceful and I am catching up on my computer work and sucking on cough drops.

This is what I hate about winter:
- the dark
- the cold
- the lack of sun
- the wearing of coats
- the wind

This is what I love about winter:
- the bare bones of the trees
- the pastel sunsets
- a tiny bit of snow

The zone of interest (audio book), by Martin Amis. This is a despicable book. I picked it up without much thought, thinking that Martin Amis was a good writer. I started off trying to figure out what it was actually ABOUT. I knew it was about some misogynistic men of the German persuasion. So, it is about men who work at concentration camps during World War II. Other unpleasant topics are suspected adultery, abortion, murder, torture. I couldn't wait for it to be over. Also, it was hard keeping the narrators straight.

Elizabeth and Hazel : two women of Little Rock (book), by David Margolick. Got this on loan from another library for a book club discussion. It is the story of an event, the integration of schools in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. More to the point, the story of a photograph taken on September 4th, 1957 of a black girl walking down the street surrounded by a crowd of angry white people. One face stands out, that of Hazel. The photo becomes an iconic portrait of America. The two women did get to know each other and even become friends later in life, but the raprochement did not last. The author examines the legacy of the Little Rock nine and the attitudes of the townspeople and the country in memory and in present time.

Monday, December 15, 2014

I have very bad luck with earbuds

Using my only set of headphones at the moment...ear buds I got with my new phone. I have only had them slightly over one month and only one bud is working. The ear buds my family gave me last Christmas have disappeared. The first time I lost them, I found them in my house, but the second time they have never turned up. OK, they were small, and in a small roundish case, but still. I have asked for more substantial headphones for Christmas this year.

Face off (book), edited by David Baldacci. Couldn't finish this book in the two weeks allotted for a NEW book from the library, but that was OK. Each story is written by TWO writers of thrillers. I wasn't a fan of most of the authors and wasn't even familiar with others, such as M. J. Rose vs. Lisa Gardner.
It was supposed to be a match up between their familiar protagonists. I didn't care for it.

The sun actually came out today....I can't believe that the sky is mostly blue. It has been cloudy for over a week and I really need a SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) light. Tried to take a bit of a sunbath today, but the sun wouldn't stay out for a solid ten minutes.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The sun is struggling to come out with not much success

We had a few hours of sunshine this morning. I should have taken my sunbath then. Now it is back to chilly and dreary, how it has been for the past WEEK.

Texts from Jane Eyre (book): and other conversations with your favorite literary characters, by Mallory Ortberg. OK, so it is a gimmick. But I didn't enjoy it. Maybe cause I am not really a TEXTER or maybe because I haven't read all of the books featured for parody.

I am glad I finally finished a book so maybe now I can get something a bit more enjoyable.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My holiday wreath

Went to a class make a wreath for my door. We used all kinds of stuff to make little bunches of greens. Then we wired the 11 or so bunches to a wreath wire base. I was quite pleased with mine....greens, magnolia leaves, yellow berries, red berries and pinecones, oh my! Actually, everyone's wreath was great, if you like the wild look. I had to go right home and put it on my door. I was right to not choose the big frame.

Good poems for hard times (book), selected and introduced by Garrison Keillor. I rescued this book from the discard pile at the library. So sad. Enjoyed reading it, but I guess I will pass it on. Poems are divided into vague subject areas...and include poems by famous and not-so-famous writers. At the end Garrison Keillor writes a bit about each author and includes a few thoughts from each. My favorite poem is:

In praise of my bed, by Meredith Holmes.

At last I can be with you!
The grinding hours
since I left your side!
The labor of being fully human,
working my opposable thumb,
talking, and walking upright.
Now I have unclasped,
unzipped, stepped out of.
Husked, soft, a be-er only,
I do nothing, but point
my bare feet into your
clean smoothness
feel your quiet strength
the whole length of my body.
I close my eyes, hear myself
moan, so grateful to be held this way.

I thought it was going to be sunny today. Instead it is gloomy and dreary. At least it is not raining.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It is harder to schleppe in winter

I have enough trouble getting my many bags from here to there without the addition of a COAT! I find that everything slides off of my shoulders when wearing a coat. I should just break down and clean up my clutter enough that someone can get into my house to install the wifi. I have been informed that WIFI is not the same thing as WIRELESS.

Starting a relationship with my new phone. It is probably smarter than I am, but I foresee many happy hours of getting to know it. Missing my KEYBOARD with my old LG phone. I can't deal with "pictures" of keys. My nephew and my brother-in-law tried to straighten me out on some procedures with the Samsung Galaxy S IV. There are scarily on top of technology. I am at the other end of the spectrum. What is the opposite of an "early adaptor"? I have to be dragged kicking and screaming into anything new. Not really the update kind of a girl.

It is so frigging COLD around here. I must try and plan some future vacations. A friend called and told me he got a round trip ticket for $60 on Spirit. How come I never see those kind of deals? Plus, I DETEST Spirit for their nickel and diming of customers.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The high cost of maintaining your 5 senses

Have just come from the dentist after having learned the hard cruel repercussions from having bitten down on an unpopped popcorn kernel last week - The "best" option involves 4 steps, two doctors, 10 months and $4500. (They tell you the other options but make them sound really unappealing). It made me think about the high cost of our senses. I will rank them in order of cost (just guessing here)
1. Taste - if it involves the TEETH it gets really expensive...cavities, root canals and now IMPLANTS
2. Sight - glasses and cataract surgery and laser surgery can get pricy
3. Hearing - an expensive, tiny, problematic object is a bitch to sic on the elderly person
4. Smell - those that lose their sense of smell just get by without it
5. Touch - pretty much the last thing to go

Am headphone-less and all the other people in this library are really getting on my nerves. All of my cheap headphones I acquired on airplanes have now bitten the dust. I have to listen to:
- talking
- phones ringing
- people quietly cursing to themselves
- the clicking as a woman photographs pages on the Internet
- one guy who is constantly turning the dial on the mouse to go down the page
- sighs and groans from people not doing well in their online games

Having a hot flash. It will pass. The weather is great outside and I am sort of warmly dressed.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

More books I have read

The hurricane sisters (book), by Dorothea Benton Frank: Enjoyed the interaction between the generations. The story is told alternately from the viewpoint of the grandmother, the mother and the daughter. Theme of abuse of women comes along eventually. Author is lightweight but I like the southern milieu of her stories, which usually take place around Sullivan's Island, near Charleston.

Two boys kissing (audio book), by David Levithan: Heard about this book during a wedding of two gay guys. The preacher mentioned it during the service. Two boys try to break the world record for kissing. They have to stand up kiss for over 32 hours. Interwoven with this story are a few other stories. The author got the ideas from some true stories.

Last night was stuck in Camden in the DARK, and in the RAIN, with a FLAT TIRE. Now I remember why I try to get home every night and stay there before dark. Also had to drive for an hour to get home in a hideous lightning and rain storm. It was really scary. Going to the only gas station in Camden in the dark wasn't really that scary (sometimes I don't know enough to be scared). A nice man changed my flat tire. He put too much air in it, but I remedied that today. He did work for the gas station and charged me $22 but they weren't really even OPEN.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Caramel budino

I wrote down the name of this dessert that was mentioned in the book by Dan Brown, Inferno. Looked it up today and wish I could get it somewhere. Looks too complicated for me to make. It involves filtering through cheesecloth. Not that I haven't ever attempted that.

Today the weather has deteriorated to hot and REALLY humid. I have art class tomorrow and there are two reasons why I MUST go, even though there is no air conditioning there. Just bought a book illustrated by my art teacher. And I have a date to go swimming and out to lunch with a friend who lives near there. Also, the owner of the art studio does not accept negativity in any form, political or weather-related. So I must persevere and try to ignore my hatred of heat and humidity. Am remembering now why people try to escape the heat by traveling to other locales.

Had to go to the Laundromat this AM. Next time, I should take MORE clothes (more trips, ugh) because my laundry is getting really backed up. It is a humbling (humiliating?) experience to go to the Laundromat. No air conditioning, not many places to sit, only the poor around.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Niggas vs. Black people

This is a VERY FUNNY routine on the Chris Rock album Roll with the new. Today I went to a talk on Laughter as the best medicine. So, I got this album on Hoopla to assist me in getting laughter in my life. It is really doing the job.

It is a gorgeous day outside but I have been spending a lot of time indoors. Breakfast at the Amish market, lunch and a lecture at the health club, lifting weights at the health club and now stuck in the library using the Internet.
Looking forward to getting home tonight and staying there. I love being home when it is sunny. I have quite large windows and I enjoy the sun coming in them. When I get kicked out of the library, I will take a little "Vitamin D bath".

Found out that the wildflower workshop I signed up for tomorrow is OUTSIDE. I guess that is better than inside.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Yearning to take a picture

Wish I had taken a picture yesterday of the SEA of schoolchildren marching in front of my house. They all wear the same uniform so it was quite a sea of maroon and tan. Except for an aide (?) or a mother who was wearing a really inappropriate outfit of big gold hoop earrings and a bare midriff (and not a very attractive midriff, at that). It was ALL of the kids (or all of the SMART or well-behaved kids) from all of the schools in my town. It was a very hot day and they were happy when they got to my house because I have a big tree and there was SHADE.

Dreading a house revaluation that is coming to my town. Do they expect to get water from a stone? And how are they going to get into all of these apartment buildings with no one in charge. When I was working, I had a better excuse to avoid them, but now they might even catch me. The question is, do I let them in? Perhaps if they see the state of my house, the assessed value could go DOWN? I have decided that this is what I want. There is no way we can sell our homes for a profit anyway. Of course, they could just send in my name to the TV show, Hoarders.

The St. Zita society (book),
by Ruth Rendell: I listened to the audio book. This is a very lightweight mystery. Sort of an Upstairs/downstairs thing but with too many characters. Kind of like who lives at one address but it is the neighbors and their servants this time. Not much of a mystery as the reader is privy to all of the goings on. It is just the other people who don't know what is going on. I enjoyed the Britishisms.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Which is worse, high blood pressure or slow resting heart rate?

So, I stopped taking my blood pressure pill as it was making my heart rate too slow. Now my blood pressure is too high. Darn, I thought maybe I was overcoming HBP with my modicum of weight loss and my pathetic, half-hearted efforts to exercise. Jeez...when you get to be 66 you just think about all of the things that can go wrong. And you see them happening to many of the people around you, even the ones YOUNGER than 66.

Taking an art class. I guess I like it. It is nice to get involved in something for three hours and I have noticed that I don't think about EATING during this time. I do, however, have a lot of competition anxiety. I don't think I am very good at it and have already mentally moved on to the next project. That is one reason I don't want to go out and spend a lot of money on fancy art supplies. Yes, my materials are possibly limiting what I am able to accomplish. Today I painted a sunset that I took a picture of down at Bivalve the other night. Now, I need to think of a project for NEXT week. Every week that I have been there the day has been sunny and gorgeous. And today a woman who fell down with a stroke a couple of weeks ago was BACK and none the worse for the wear. The nurse who had guided the rescue crew went home and painted her a picture and presented it to her in a frame today. After the class, I went out in back of the barn and relaxed by the pond. Was taking my "Vitamin D bath" and waiting for my watercolor to dry. Enjoyed greatly the sounds....wind chimes in the trees, waterfall fountain in the pond, wind blowing through the bamboo trees. Add to that the heavenly odors and another artist painting a fabulous pink flowered tree. It was rather heavenly!

On my way home soon. It is a struggle to get to spend time at home so I can read and organize (ha ha) and look out the windows at the sunny day. I was supposed to have a French club meeting tonight but one and then another dropped out so we ended up rescheduling it. I am just as glad as I had too many activities today. Started off with arthritis class at 8 AM, then art class, then a substantial lunch at the Olympia Greek restaurant, then chiropractor and massage, and now computer time at the Millville Public Library. It is a difficult life (not). I guess I should feel guilty about all of my self-indulgence, but, hey, don't I deserve it?