Must get to the store and buy some allergy meds! I used to take THREE medications all year round. But, when I retired, I had to confront the fact that all three of these meds were really expensive. Do I really need them? Have been getting along pretty well with none of them until right now, which is the historical, traditional time for hay fever.
The cat who dropped a bombshell (audiobook), by Lilian Jackson Braun. This was a repeat for me, a necessary break from the last book I read which was about the horrors of WWII. The cat who books are my relaxation, cozy mysteries about a humble billionaire who dates the local librarian (by now she owns a bookshop). His two Siamese cats provide clues to local deaths and mysteries. The series has long been finished so my only option is redoing them. This is the 28th book and features a visit from a young man (possible heir) and his fiancée, and the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the town. Local eccentrics and events entertain us throughout.
Time is running out to do customary summer things....getting peaches from Sunny Slope, going kayaking, swimming at a friend's house, using his paddle boat, riding a bike, buying fruits and vegetables from local stands. This is what I entertain myself with while others are going on vacation.
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Exercised...then ate
Felt good about getting back to aqua zumba class which just started up TODAY. I love exercising in the water - no sweat! Then met a friend for lunch and ate like a horse.
Lox and bagels and onions and tomatoes and capers and cole slaw.
South wind (book), Norman Douglas. No idea how, where or when I got this book for my Nook. It was a bit confusing with many characters living (when?) on some island (where?) talking about a lot of things. There was a volcano nearby. It seemed to be an island somewhere in the Mediterranean (Greece or Italy?) When in Italy, heard about one of the winds called a Sirroco. That wind figured in my book. Looked up Nepenthe when I got home and found that it is another name for the island of CAPRI - which I just visited! Norman Douglas lived from 1868 - 1952. He wrote this book in 1917 and it was very popular around the time of World war I. It has been described as "a conversation novel without a plot".
Inferno (book), by Dan Brown. Also read on the Nook, borrowed through the Overdrive system. Greatly enjoyed this fast moving thriller tracking down a virus before it can be released. All over Italy and then to Turkey. Many events happen in a 24 hour day and they are all life and death events and there is a lot of confusion about who is working for whom.
Lox and bagels and onions and tomatoes and capers and cole slaw.
South wind (book), Norman Douglas. No idea how, where or when I got this book for my Nook. It was a bit confusing with many characters living (when?) on some island (where?) talking about a lot of things. There was a volcano nearby. It seemed to be an island somewhere in the Mediterranean (Greece or Italy?) When in Italy, heard about one of the winds called a Sirroco. That wind figured in my book. Looked up Nepenthe when I got home and found that it is another name for the island of CAPRI - which I just visited! Norman Douglas lived from 1868 - 1952. He wrote this book in 1917 and it was very popular around the time of World war I. It has been described as "a conversation novel without a plot".
Inferno (book), by Dan Brown. Also read on the Nook, borrowed through the Overdrive system. Greatly enjoyed this fast moving thriller tracking down a virus before it can be released. All over Italy and then to Turkey. Many events happen in a 24 hour day and they are all life and death events and there is a lot of confusion about who is working for whom.
Monday, October 7, 2013
I almost went swimming today
August in October they are calling it. The longest run of over 80 degree weather since 1990.
Just had to come to the library for a soothing air-conditioned computer fix. OK, I DID exercise.... I rode a bike to get the tires filled up with air. Then on the way home, I got a flat tire and had to walk the bike the rest of the way. And a high of 89 degrees was predicted today. Plus, it is humid. Trying to get ready for a bike and brunch next week. Have not enjoyed my last few bike rides. Admiring the nice new bikes downtown. But me and big ticket items do not get along. Looked at a recumbant bike today and can't see myself in it. Tiny little wheels!
Going to a dinner. A lot of schmoozing and overeating and perhaps boredom.
Just had to come to the library for a soothing air-conditioned computer fix. OK, I DID exercise.... I rode a bike to get the tires filled up with air. Then on the way home, I got a flat tire and had to walk the bike the rest of the way. And a high of 89 degrees was predicted today. Plus, it is humid. Trying to get ready for a bike and brunch next week. Have not enjoyed my last few bike rides. Admiring the nice new bikes downtown. But me and big ticket items do not get along. Looked at a recumbant bike today and can't see myself in it. Tiny little wheels!
Going to a dinner. A lot of schmoozing and overeating and perhaps boredom.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
If only I had a window
Feeling good, having taken a few pain killers due to feeling bad. Also listening to Youtube (Goyte) which makes me happy. Am at my favorite library computer lab (Ocean City). It could only be more perfect if there was a WINDOW as it is a beautiful day. Sunny, breezy, cool clouds and not too hot. I did my obligatory "Vitamin D bath" on the porch of the Port-o-Call hotel at 1501 Boardwalk. The sun was really HOT. Then I tried to visit an older person but was told she was resting.
A terrible fire yesterday on the Seaside heights boardwalk. These businesses had not all recovered yet from Hurricane Sandy. Maybe that is why I feel so drawn to the beach recently. Not sure if the world/shore as I know it will survive. The new homes look really weird. They are way up high and look very handicap INaccessible. I welcome any excuse to come down to the shore. Today it was our annual breakfast in Ocean City. Ate overlooking the ocean in the Parrot bird grill at the Port-O-Call hotel.
A friend is going to the Miss America parade today. It IS kind of exciting to have it back in Atlantic City. But I can't take too much walking and standing around so I am not going. One new activity per day is enough for me.
A terrible fire yesterday on the Seaside heights boardwalk. These businesses had not all recovered yet from Hurricane Sandy. Maybe that is why I feel so drawn to the beach recently. Not sure if the world/shore as I know it will survive. The new homes look really weird. They are way up high and look very handicap INaccessible. I welcome any excuse to come down to the shore. Today it was our annual breakfast in Ocean City. Ate overlooking the ocean in the Parrot bird grill at the Port-O-Call hotel.
A friend is going to the Miss America parade today. It IS kind of exciting to have it back in Atlantic City. But I can't take too much walking and standing around so I am not going. One new activity per day is enough for me.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
What was that thought
I had a good thought today and was going to blog it. But now I have forgotten what it was. Perhaps I SHOULD get a phone upon which I can blog. Still procrastinating about the phone upgrade. Too many decisions involved. "Need" a new phone, perhaps a new provider and am reluctant to get into any two year contract.
Summer's last gasp today and tomorrow. Supposed to be over 93 degrees today. My comfort zone is under 80 degrees.
Went to the beach yesterday. Not so pleasant due to blowing sand. No bugs at least. Almost got too much sun, not quite. Had a delicious lunch at Yanni's. This was their third location, which I have never visited. I have lunched at the other two locations, one on the boardwalk and one in the library. The new 9th Street bridge is quite something but I do not enjoy driving that way due to the Beasley Point Bridge being out. The Ocean City bridge is full of walkers and bikers.
Summer's last gasp today and tomorrow. Supposed to be over 93 degrees today. My comfort zone is under 80 degrees.
Went to the beach yesterday. Not so pleasant due to blowing sand. No bugs at least. Almost got too much sun, not quite. Had a delicious lunch at Yanni's. This was their third location, which I have never visited. I have lunched at the other two locations, one on the boardwalk and one in the library. The new 9th Street bridge is quite something but I do not enjoy driving that way due to the Beasley Point Bridge being out. The Ocean City bridge is full of walkers and bikers.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Low productivity today
Can't get focused today. Day looking increasingly threatening. I think it may have finally started to rain. August has been amazingly pleasant, as Augusts go. It got to 90 degrees the other day for the first time since July. I have been enjoying the pool.
Book review: Neighbor law, by Cora Jordan (c2006). Read this fascinating book on my Nook. Actually borrowed it through the Overdrive system at the Vineland Public Library. Chapters on dogs, fences, boundaries and other topics of interest to me. Also learned about things that other people could sue ME for, such as my falling down fence.
Book review: Quite enough of Calvin Trillin : forty years of funny stuff, by Calvin Trillin (c2011). My sister gave me this book for Christmas and I greatly enjoyed it. Short essays and poems, just right for my attention span. The offerings are divided up under topic headings, such as "English and some languages I don't speak". The very first story is called "Chubby" and relates to a story about a collie dog and finding out the real truth about what happened to him later in life. He didn't really "go to the farm". I had a very similar tale about Mandy the lamb so I loved this story, which was really about memory. I also enjoyed the story called "Paper trails" about the difficulties of composing a note to put on your car. As the essays and poems are dated, it serves as a bit of reminder of our history.
Book review: Neighbor law, by Cora Jordan (c2006). Read this fascinating book on my Nook. Actually borrowed it through the Overdrive system at the Vineland Public Library. Chapters on dogs, fences, boundaries and other topics of interest to me. Also learned about things that other people could sue ME for, such as my falling down fence.
Book review: Quite enough of Calvin Trillin : forty years of funny stuff, by Calvin Trillin (c2011). My sister gave me this book for Christmas and I greatly enjoyed it. Short essays and poems, just right for my attention span. The offerings are divided up under topic headings, such as "English and some languages I don't speak". The very first story is called "Chubby" and relates to a story about a collie dog and finding out the real truth about what happened to him later in life. He didn't really "go to the farm". I had a very similar tale about Mandy the lamb so I loved this story, which was really about memory. I also enjoyed the story called "Paper trails" about the difficulties of composing a note to put on your car. As the essays and poems are dated, it serves as a bit of reminder of our history.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Weird Hawaiian music
Trying to fit everything in today. Exercise is getting short shrift. Starbucks not so enjoyable. It was too hot outside even though it is a BEAUTIFUL day. My favorite (big) table became free but it is too sunny in here and they are playing a really weird Hawaiian album. Drinking an unnecessary decaf skinny mocha tall thingy.
Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.
The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.
Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.
The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.
mental health,
Monday, July 29, 2013
Summer not so bad
Thank God the weather has improved! Just plain hot weather without the humidity and the over 90 temps. July was mostly awful.
Getting too many books at home. Haven't FINISHED one in a while. Just renewed a couple and got a new one on Interlibrary loan today. Need to spend more time at home READING.
Monday, July 22, 2013
It's not the heat's the humidity. Dreadful summer! Spend my time trying to avoid the weather and weather-related events. Casinos are being in an airconditioned CITY. I am attracted and repulsed by the gambling culture. All of these families walking around. Went to the Revel casino in Atlantic City to check it out. To recover from bankruptcy they are offering your money back on your slot losses. But, of course, there is a catch, as usual. You have to LOSE over $100 by July 31st and they will give you back your losses, but only $5 a week and you have to go back once a week for 20 weeks. This will never happen with me. I live an hour away and there are many casinos and I am not really a gambler. So here are my likes and dislikes of the Revel beach casino and hotel.
- The people were nice (employees).
- They had 21 in Spanish
- penny machines mixed in with all of the others
- All grey and uninviting outside (maybe it looks better in the sun?)
- the decor - strange modern
- The parking machines were really confusing
- Penny machines where you had to bet 30, 60, 90, 148 pennies (what is the point of a penny machine?)
- parking garage poorly marked and exiting was a mess

- The people were nice (employees).
- They had 21 in Spanish
- penny machines mixed in with all of the others
- All grey and uninviting outside (maybe it looks better in the sun?)
- the decor - strange modern
- The parking machines were really confusing
- Penny machines where you had to bet 30, 60, 90, 148 pennies (what is the point of a penny machine?)
- parking garage poorly marked and exiting was a mess
Thursday, July 18, 2013
They ol' school
I have been rather fascinated by "Civilian witness #8", later revealed to be Rachel Jeantel, the friend of Trayvon Martin. I was mesmerized by her bad grammer and then heard an interesting quote from her about the jury - "They ol'. That's ol' school people. We in a new school, our generation, my generation..." I found her rather charming in the interview on late night TV which I watched on the Internet. I do think her grammer and her inability to express herself did affect the jury in a negative way. Maybe this is how we can convince people to stay in case they have to testify in court, they need to present well.
Trying to avoid the heat, have spent time at the health club, at the hairdressers and in a library. The beauty salon is a very pleasant way to spend two hours, looking at the beautiful people, that is, the people who WORK there. It is an expensive pleasure in which I indulge every couple of months.
I am secretly eating kettle corn popcorn hoping to not get caught and reprimanded by the librarians. I won it as a door prize for signing up as a friend of the Cumberland County Library. Today am planning to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at McDonalds. I am not proud of it, but it is easy and cheap. Have a coupon for a free large fries which I plan on cashing in later on tonight.
Trying to avoid the heat, have spent time at the health club, at the hairdressers and in a library. The beauty salon is a very pleasant way to spend two hours, looking at the beautiful people, that is, the people who WORK there. It is an expensive pleasure in which I indulge every couple of months.
I am secretly eating kettle corn popcorn hoping to not get caught and reprimanded by the librarians. I won it as a door prize for signing up as a friend of the Cumberland County Library. Today am planning to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at McDonalds. I am not proud of it, but it is easy and cheap. Have a coupon for a free large fries which I plan on cashing in later on tonight.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Mild mannered librarian by day
Got together with a friend for our annual bounce-in-the-pool and go out to dinner. He regaled me with tales of his part time life in the summer. He spends weekends and weeks with his hot Brazilian younger man friend in "The pines" on Fire Island. All night drag queen parties and stuff like that.
Library is annoyingly busy today. Gangs of kids on the kid computers. Just ate an entire big bag of kettle corn. The library makes me hungry. I brought my laptop today as am having trouble with the library computers. I think they are getting OLD and outdated. Weird problems like not being able to get the cursor to write on my blog. I am even starting to DREAM about computer problems.
What else can I do on a blisteringly hot day with another week of them in the forecast? My car is comfortable but my house not so much. I don't get along well with humidity. The Cumberland County Library is nice and cool.
Library is annoyingly busy today. Gangs of kids on the kid computers. Just ate an entire big bag of kettle corn. The library makes me hungry. I brought my laptop today as am having trouble with the library computers. I think they are getting OLD and outdated. Weird problems like not being able to get the cursor to write on my blog. I am even starting to DREAM about computer problems.
What else can I do on a blisteringly hot day with another week of them in the forecast? My car is comfortable but my house not so much. I don't get along well with humidity. The Cumberland County Library is nice and cool.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Part of my many excuses about why I no longer take photographs. I have an OLD SLR I could dust off and try out, if they still make film. The digital camera given to me by my family has been MISLAID and I think the megapixels are 3.2. My polaroids can no longer be supplied with film. (Wonder how much I could get for a brand new Polaroid camera still in the box?) Now I am taking really crappy pictures with my phone, an LG Rumor. Just have not made the transition to the digital age. I used to have a darkroom and all. Several friends keep harping about what a great photographer I am (was). So today I have an appointment with a techy person at the TLC (Technology learning center) at the Cape May Court House Public Library to ask questions about photo stuff.
Just tried to copy a picture I took last night of the Philly Phanatic. Had to get one off of the Internet. Apologies to whoever took this one. I get a kick out of him. A whole hour of him was weird though. He came to the Cumberland County Library last night. I wonder if there is only ONE of them? He doesn't talk, and was trying to get across the idea to the kids that they needed to TURN AROUND in order to pose for pictures. They were so busy looking at him that they forgot to pose. First he turned around in a circle, trying to give them the idea and almost wacking people with his tail. Then he made circling motions with his hands. I worried about the SPANISH kids, which was dumb, cause he doesn't speak ENGLISH either. It must be really hard for him to NOT speak. Anyway, the kids were adorable, with PP dolls, headdresses, etc. Some of the kids were in tears or on the verge of tears. He is more scary than Santa Claus. A kid from Canada, who didn't know from the Philly Phanatic, burst into tears when he saw him.
It's July 2 already and I really haven't made any summer plans. Clay College or other art class? Summer rental? Travel plans to Maine or ? Visit old friends with beach houses? I think the SUN just came out. That was not in the forecast. The forecast is rain off and on all day, heavy at times. When I asked the librarian if that was the sun outside, she said, "Yes, but it is humid and gross out there." Now I feel better about staying the the nice, cool library all day.
Just tried to copy a picture I took last night of the Philly Phanatic. Had to get one off of the Internet. Apologies to whoever took this one. I get a kick out of him. A whole hour of him was weird though. He came to the Cumberland County Library last night. I wonder if there is only ONE of them? He doesn't talk, and was trying to get across the idea to the kids that they needed to TURN AROUND in order to pose for pictures. They were so busy looking at him that they forgot to pose. First he turned around in a circle, trying to give them the idea and almost wacking people with his tail. Then he made circling motions with his hands. I worried about the SPANISH kids, which was dumb, cause he doesn't speak ENGLISH either. It must be really hard for him to NOT speak. Anyway, the kids were adorable, with PP dolls, headdresses, etc. Some of the kids were in tears or on the verge of tears. He is more scary than Santa Claus. A kid from Canada, who didn't know from the Philly Phanatic, burst into tears when he saw him.
It's July 2 already and I really haven't made any summer plans. Clay College or other art class? Summer rental? Travel plans to Maine or ? Visit old friends with beach houses? I think the SUN just came out. That was not in the forecast. The forecast is rain off and on all day, heavy at times. When I asked the librarian if that was the sun outside, she said, "Yes, but it is humid and gross out there." Now I feel better about staying the the nice, cool library all day.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
God, I hate summer
My apartment is "cooled" by 1 - 4 window air units and it just doesn't get rid of the humidity.
A dehumidifier is on my very long list of big-ticket items that I "need". It seems I am always in need of a FAN, directly on me, or at my beck and call.
I "could" have gone down to the beach yesterday as I had nothing on my calendar. That is very unusual. But I chose to stay home and get started on some things like paying bills and save money on gas. That was enough of that. My home is not the place to be on a hot and humid day. I did go out to do some "local" errands, if you call driving all the way to Carll's Corner local. I found myself sitting in the car in a parking lot wasting gas just to get the air conditioning.
Then I did go out to Millville to a restaurant for dinner. I was delighted with my meal at Kawa thai and sushi. There were so many creative menu items! I had the MAN IN BLACK, #26 on the Chef special II menu. It was SO delicious, I couldn't even save any for leftovers. And you can get BROWN rice for only 15 cents extra. Usually I am disappointed with what I order and am envious of what others order, but this time I was totally enthralled with MINE.
I think I would like summer if I were here...
A dehumidifier is on my very long list of big-ticket items that I "need". It seems I am always in need of a FAN, directly on me, or at my beck and call.
I "could" have gone down to the beach yesterday as I had nothing on my calendar. That is very unusual. But I chose to stay home and get started on some things like paying bills and save money on gas. That was enough of that. My home is not the place to be on a hot and humid day. I did go out to do some "local" errands, if you call driving all the way to Carll's Corner local. I found myself sitting in the car in a parking lot wasting gas just to get the air conditioning.
Then I did go out to Millville to a restaurant for dinner. I was delighted with my meal at Kawa thai and sushi. There were so many creative menu items! I had the MAN IN BLACK, #26 on the Chef special II menu. It was SO delicious, I couldn't even save any for leftovers. And you can get BROWN rice for only 15 cents extra. Usually I am disappointed with what I order and am envious of what others order, but this time I was totally enthralled with MINE.
I think I would like summer if I were here...
Monday, September 3, 2012
Hanging out in our new McDonald's again to use the wireless. The other restaurant I was going to grace with my presence today was closed due to Labor Day (I guess). I see some OTHER wackos have discovered this place. One guy came in clutching his mail (bills?) and yet another has a large table covered with his bible, other books, papers, pen, highlighter and coupons. He is reading aloud from the Bible (to himself). Maybe THEY will be blogging about the weird lady filling up a table for four with her laptop, handiwipes, phone, coffee, file folders, calendar, and a copy of South Jersey Journal, (a newspaper) connecting South Jersey's African-American community.
All the black people in my town seem to know each other. I only know the mayor.
I thought life was going to be less interesting after retirement, but it is INCREDIBLY interesting just listening to NPR all day. Did you know that gas costs $10 a gallon in Norway and 6 cents a gallon in Venezuela?
NPR also did a segment on "end of summer regrets". Don't postpone joy, says Dan Gottlieb. There are some things I did't get to this summmer, but, being retired, I can still do some of those summer things:
- kayaking
- The Bull on the Barn Bayshore Crab House
Things I love:
- free coffee
Things I hate:
- rain
- sick people
Ok, the bible-reading man behind me just admitted that he is sick. He called someone on the cell phone to ask to borrow five dollars so he could go to the laundromat.
I sure hope it doesn't rain like THIS for three days. Feel like I am in Louisiana. Had to wade through big puddles to even get to and get into my car.
Gathered with friends in "the gazebo" last night. Nice to be with old friends, sort of new friends and COMPLETELY new people. The rabbi and the intern were new. They were delightful and delicious, respectively.
I started to get HUMID after it got dark. Sometimes I have a creepy crawly feeling, like imaginary insects on my skin. I have had it before and researched it before but eventually it goes away. Could it be some sort of allergy?
Little known things about me:
- fotr a few months around 2001 I typed up a newsletter called SISTER NEWS (an occasional publication for sisters and friends of JBG) I found a copy from June 2001 and was highly amused by it. Sometimes I crack myself up.
All the black people in my town seem to know each other. I only know the mayor.
I thought life was going to be less interesting after retirement, but it is INCREDIBLY interesting just listening to NPR all day. Did you know that gas costs $10 a gallon in Norway and 6 cents a gallon in Venezuela?
NPR also did a segment on "end of summer regrets". Don't postpone joy, says Dan Gottlieb. There are some things I did't get to this summmer, but, being retired, I can still do some of those summer things:
- kayaking
- The Bull on the Barn Bayshore Crab House
Things I love:
- free coffee
Things I hate:
- rain
- sick people
Ok, the bible-reading man behind me just admitted that he is sick. He called someone on the cell phone to ask to borrow five dollars so he could go to the laundromat.
I sure hope it doesn't rain like THIS for three days. Feel like I am in Louisiana. Had to wade through big puddles to even get to and get into my car.
Gathered with friends in "the gazebo" last night. Nice to be with old friends, sort of new friends and COMPLETELY new people. The rabbi and the intern were new. They were delightful and delicious, respectively.
I started to get HUMID after it got dark. Sometimes I have a creepy crawly feeling, like imaginary insects on my skin. I have had it before and researched it before but eventually it goes away. Could it be some sort of allergy?
Little known things about me:
- fotr a few months around 2001 I typed up a newsletter called SISTER NEWS (an occasional publication for sisters and friends of JBG) I found a copy from June 2001 and was highly amused by it. Sometimes I crack myself up.
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