Buckled down this morning and went through a box of stuff my sisters gave me shortly after my father passed away. OK, he passed away in 2002. I knew there was some cash in there, but found $900, $200 more than I expected. Also some sweaters, shirts and many wet ones, kleenexes and travel and purse items. Oh, and OOODLES of socks, which I plan to wear. Never enough socks! Next, I will have to get the BOX out of the house, probably containing some things to give away.
Paris from $95 a day, by Haas Mroue. Borrowed through the Overdrive system at the library and read on my Nook. It doesn't matter that I am not planning to go to Paris. I did make a few notes but much will be outdated by the time I ever get back to Paris. It is a good idea to maintain a list of things to do, in any case.
Went to McDonald's today to organize my Monopoly pieces and enjoy at two-for-one Egg McMuffin. Guy at register somewhat baffled by my coupon. Perhaps I am the only one filling out the surveys online? I am gonna get SOMETHING out of this...either a job or a free something. A guy left his car running while he went in. I thought of confronting him about the damage to the environment but not sure how to do that nicely. I was dismayed to see a new sign: NO LOITERING PLEASE - TIME LIMIT - 30 MINUTES WHILE CONSUMING FOOD. Oh dear, there goes my two hour computer session! I was the only white person hanging around in there.
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Limited time free access to local sluts
This is just one of the fascinating emails I receive. It is hard sifting through the crap to get to the nuggets of "real" mail. I set up another email account to give out now that everyone wants you to give your address. But I still can't ignore it.
Returning the Estelle CD to the Vineland Public Library. Didn't like it all that much. It has too much talking on it, for one thing. And my favorite Estelle song isn't even on there. The CD is called All of me. I probably bought it when I was the CD buyer there.
Getting less done online these days. Getting MORE done at home. I love sorting through my piles. Always discovering things I haven't thought about in years. I DO throw some of it out, but save things like good quotes and postcards from my mother. Just ten years ago she was in her right mind and had friends and went to art openings and sent me postcards. I treasure these findings. Sometimes they make my cry.
Returning the Estelle CD to the Vineland Public Library. Didn't like it all that much. It has too much talking on it, for one thing. And my favorite Estelle song isn't even on there. The CD is called All of me. I probably bought it when I was the CD buyer there.
Getting less done online these days. Getting MORE done at home. I love sorting through my piles. Always discovering things I haven't thought about in years. I DO throw some of it out, but save things like good quotes and postcards from my mother. Just ten years ago she was in her right mind and had friends and went to art openings and sent me postcards. I treasure these findings. Sometimes they make my cry.
Monday, November 18, 2013
I couldn't sleep at ALL last night
I know that is from a song, but...reasons I couldn't sleep:
1. Was too hot (predicted temp of 57 degrees low last night. I think my PJ's and socks were too warm). Now need a new weather obsession. Looking at low for night could tell me how many BLANKETS to put on bed. I already have COATS that I wear when it is in the 30's, 40's or 50's during the day.
2. Ate too much provolone cheese before bed. I have not overcome my nighttime eating problem. Of course, taking Ambien does not help with that. And I have a provolone addition. One pound of sliced cheese can last me one or two days. I HAVE overcome my ice cream addiction by going cold turkey and probably that is the only reason I have lost weight.
3. Disorderly neighbors. Aggravating newish tenants across the street, including kids, vulgar, loud woman, and angry man. Police are called to the scene at least weekly and loud cursing can be heard from inside my home.
Books recently finished:
1. Leaf man, by Lois Ehlert. This is a children's book called to my intention by a promotional bookmark. A story for young children is illustrated by characters made entirely of leaves. Why didn't I think of that? I might have to BUY this book, it is just so darn clever and made me think of my mommy, who appreciated all beautiful stuff of nature. On the end papers, various leaves are identified and on the flyleaf are examples of leaves found by the author's friends such as "mystery leaf, found on ground in front of folk art museum, San Diego, California." I borrowed this book from the Bridgeton Public Library (E EHLERT).
Every love story is a ghost story : a life of David Foster Wallace, by D. T. Max - Not sure if I have even READ a book by DFW. Had to borrow this biography through the Cumberland County Library. He was a character and had a lot of girlfriends and some mental and drug issues and is considered a genius of a writer. He killed himself when he was in his forties. I ended up having to skim in order to return the book on time, so missed some details near the end. Even the notes looked kind of interesting.
The child's child, by Ruth Rendell writing as Barbara Vine. This book was recommended to me, but I didn't really like it that much. The people were not real sympathetic and were trapped. It treated issues of out-of-wedlock children, homosexuality, and people using people. Some of the users aggravated me. And by the end, I had forgotten the beginning, which treated some of the same issues, but in a more modern time. Again, I had to rush throught the end as book was overdue at the Vineland Public Library (MYS Vine Barbara)
1. Was too hot (predicted temp of 57 degrees low last night. I think my PJ's and socks were too warm). Now need a new weather obsession. Looking at low for night could tell me how many BLANKETS to put on bed. I already have COATS that I wear when it is in the 30's, 40's or 50's during the day.
2. Ate too much provolone cheese before bed. I have not overcome my nighttime eating problem. Of course, taking Ambien does not help with that. And I have a provolone addition. One pound of sliced cheese can last me one or two days. I HAVE overcome my ice cream addiction by going cold turkey and probably that is the only reason I have lost weight.
3. Disorderly neighbors. Aggravating newish tenants across the street, including kids, vulgar, loud woman, and angry man. Police are called to the scene at least weekly and loud cursing can be heard from inside my home.
Books recently finished:
1. Leaf man, by Lois Ehlert. This is a children's book called to my intention by a promotional bookmark. A story for young children is illustrated by characters made entirely of leaves. Why didn't I think of that? I might have to BUY this book, it is just so darn clever and made me think of my mommy, who appreciated all beautiful stuff of nature. On the end papers, various leaves are identified and on the flyleaf are examples of leaves found by the author's friends such as "mystery leaf, found on ground in front of folk art museum, San Diego, California." I borrowed this book from the Bridgeton Public Library (E EHLERT).
Every love story is a ghost story : a life of David Foster Wallace, by D. T. Max - Not sure if I have even READ a book by DFW. Had to borrow this biography through the Cumberland County Library. He was a character and had a lot of girlfriends and some mental and drug issues and is considered a genius of a writer. He killed himself when he was in his forties. I ended up having to skim in order to return the book on time, so missed some details near the end. Even the notes looked kind of interesting.
The child's child, by Ruth Rendell writing as Barbara Vine. This book was recommended to me, but I didn't really like it that much. The people were not real sympathetic and were trapped. It treated issues of out-of-wedlock children, homosexuality, and people using people. Some of the users aggravated me. And by the end, I had forgotten the beginning, which treated some of the same issues, but in a more modern time. Again, I had to rush throught the end as book was overdue at the Vineland Public Library (MYS Vine Barbara)
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Things I love
- sandwiches
- leaves
- weather that is improving
- Xanax
Going to a novelist workshop tonight. I laughingly say that writing a novel is on my list of things to do. Is this even practice for that? I feel that writing with any kind of thought of who is reading it is an impediment. Reluctant to say what I REALLY think about stuff.
Dabbling in history. Looking up newspaper articles about my ancestors. Hanging out with historians.
- leaves
- weather that is improving
- Xanax
Going to a novelist workshop tonight. I laughingly say that writing a novel is on my list of things to do. Is this even practice for that? I feel that writing with any kind of thought of who is reading it is an impediment. Reluctant to say what I REALLY think about stuff.
Dabbling in history. Looking up newspaper articles about my ancestors. Hanging out with historians.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Way too late to go home early now
I thought this was a clever tune title by the Grassy Knoll Boys. They sang it on Prairie Home Companion, my favorite Saturday night radio show. It SEEMED like a new show, but I'm not really sure. My favorite singer was on (Jearlyn Steele) but I have heard him talk about her grandchildren and her degrees previously. I worry about Garrison Keillor retiring as I recently learned he turned 71. But, I suppose I could go on happily listening to reruns and not even notice. I am allowed to retire but my doctor and my radio show hosts are NOT.
I was the first customer at my sister's coffee shop today. Conveniently located several blocks from my house, it provided me with coffee and a croissant, neither of which I have currently at home. Perhaps I should start a new list for a person (or persons) I tell about it every day. Not sure how they are really going to commit to a schedule nor what hassles are involved in getting permits for this, but fun to dream.
Physically not up to par lately. Today did yoga which helped not hindered. But now I just feel like taking a NAP.
Conditions and pains in several locations.
I was the first customer at my sister's coffee shop today. Conveniently located several blocks from my house, it provided me with coffee and a croissant, neither of which I have currently at home. Perhaps I should start a new list for a person (or persons) I tell about it every day. Not sure how they are really going to commit to a schedule nor what hassles are involved in getting permits for this, but fun to dream.
Physically not up to par lately. Today did yoga which helped not hindered. But now I just feel like taking a NAP.
Conditions and pains in several locations.
Friday, March 29, 2013
The shark bited him and he died
Six year olds have such an adorable way of speaking. I just can't bring myself to correct their grammar. Had breakfast with two adorable twins who are very affectionate. Trying to notice the differences between them each time I get to see them. Someone kissed me and said "I love you" but which one? Today I learned that one of them just kisses the "BB" (a cross between a pillow and a stuffed animal). The other one kisses "everybody". Then he clarified...."Not everybody. Just my family and my teacher." So, I had ONE arm around O. (who was watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on his iPad) and one arm around D. (who was playing a sword fight game on HIS iPad). Talk about cacophony! Oh, they were both coughing and sniffling too so I hope I don't catch anything. One of them wanted to kiss me ON THE LIPS. I couldn't avoid such an offer! Also watched part of The hobbit and some other hideous action movie from long ago. Charmingly, when they first arrived in Fairton, they wanted to watch The Swiss family Robinson, the same movie we watched the LAST time they visited Fairton.
All the libraries are closed today (Good Friday). Luckily I got into the Sweet life bakery (on Landis Avenue in Vineland, NJ) which is ONLY open Fridays and Saturdays now. Unfortunately, they are cutting back more and more. First, they stopped making breads and now they have stopped making soups and sandwiches and now they have cut way back on their hours. Seems like a nice crowd is in and out today, anyway.
Went to a nutrition lecture and did some dances with the WII. That was really fun. The nutrition program was full of old people (I mean "actively aging" people). Wonder if we get on the nerves of the people who work there. I know we get on MY nerves. A lot of characters who insist on putting in their "two cents".
All the libraries are closed today (Good Friday). Luckily I got into the Sweet life bakery (on Landis Avenue in Vineland, NJ) which is ONLY open Fridays and Saturdays now. Unfortunately, they are cutting back more and more. First, they stopped making breads and now they have stopped making soups and sandwiches and now they have cut way back on their hours. Seems like a nice crowd is in and out today, anyway.
Went to a nutrition lecture and did some dances with the WII. That was really fun. The nutrition program was full of old people (I mean "actively aging" people). Wonder if we get on the nerves of the people who work there. I know we get on MY nerves. A lot of characters who insist on putting in their "two cents".
Friday, March 1, 2013
Walmart does have some good ideas
Although I am philosophically opposed to shopping at Walmart, I do go there occasionally to get cheap drugs. I have to admit that they do have some good ideas...
- They have wet wipes for the carts
- The bathrooms are right near the front door and they are well maintained
- The whole entire curb out front is missing making ts really convenient for the passage of shopping carts and wheelchairs
Since my personal frugality rules dictate that I can buy only one thing per day that costs over $20, I just walked past all the temptation directly to the pharmacy and paid my $35 for my Clarinex. I walked out without buying one additional thing. That isn't really so hard because I actually HATE shopping and kind of pride myself in my ability to get along without new stuff. I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I took a shopping cart for this purchase because my PURSE is too heavy to lug around!
I was dreaming about a lake upon which my father lived. Of course, it looked nothing like the lake where he really lived. There was a lack of water and there were some boats in the lake sitting on the grass. There were three (red?) motorboats sitting together on a grassy knoll in the middle of the mud. The banks of this pond were really high, like mountains. I thought to myself that I would invite my mother and father out for dinner one night. Then I woke up and remembered that they were dead.
So many bad pens in the world. I hate to throw them away. Used to go downtown to the office supply store and get refills. But that is just too difficult in the age of Staples with everything wrapped up in plastic. Hard to get help. So I guess we are just supposed to be wasteful and throw stuff away.
That is freally hard for me, being a hoarder.
- They have wet wipes for the carts
- The bathrooms are right near the front door and they are well maintained
- The whole entire curb out front is missing making ts really convenient for the passage of shopping carts and wheelchairs
Since my personal frugality rules dictate that I can buy only one thing per day that costs over $20, I just walked past all the temptation directly to the pharmacy and paid my $35 for my Clarinex. I walked out without buying one additional thing. That isn't really so hard because I actually HATE shopping and kind of pride myself in my ability to get along without new stuff. I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I took a shopping cart for this purchase because my PURSE is too heavy to lug around!
I was dreaming about a lake upon which my father lived. Of course, it looked nothing like the lake where he really lived. There was a lack of water and there were some boats in the lake sitting on the grass. There were three (red?) motorboats sitting together on a grassy knoll in the middle of the mud. The banks of this pond were really high, like mountains. I thought to myself that I would invite my mother and father out for dinner one night. Then I woke up and remembered that they were dead.
So many bad pens in the world. I hate to throw them away. Used to go downtown to the office supply store and get refills. But that is just too difficult in the age of Staples with everything wrapped up in plastic. Hard to get help. So I guess we are just supposed to be wasteful and throw stuff away.
That is freally hard for me, being a hoarder.
pros and cons,
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Playing Sorry
Had a great night a few days ago hanging with two 6 year old twins. They are very loving and within 5 minutes of seeing me, they are kissing me and saying "I love you". We watched a really fun movie, the old Disney Swiss family Robinson. Then I tried to entertain them during dinner preperations by playing Sorry with them. It was somewhat of a struggle. They thought they knew the rules, but they couldn't read the info on the cards and they had trouble counting the squares. The other problem was that if anything bad happened to one of them he cried in frustration. This did have somewhat of an inhibitory effect on my ability to play. But we got through it. I think it is a difficult age for games (losing).
Another cold and windy day. I am SICK of it.
Went shoe shopping. I really needed some Easy Spirit shoes. They only had white in my size. Oh well. All the shoes seemed to be "on sale" but I think it is a racket. An effective racket, at that. I feel much better buying something if I think it is on sale, no matter what the actual price is. I bought some other shoes, which I am not sure are really appropriate for someone 65 years old, but just for something different. Now I need to go home and get rid of THREE pairs of shoes, all in the interest of cllutter control. Plus, my women's group is recycling shoes.
Another cold and windy day. I am SICK of it.
Went shoe shopping. I really needed some Easy Spirit shoes. They only had white in my size. Oh well. All the shoes seemed to be "on sale" but I think it is a racket. An effective racket, at that. I feel much better buying something if I think it is on sale, no matter what the actual price is. I bought some other shoes, which I am not sure are really appropriate for someone 65 years old, but just for something different. Now I need to go home and get rid of THREE pairs of shoes, all in the interest of cllutter control. Plus, my women's group is recycling shoes.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Not much to say
I think I am losing interest in this blog, along with many other things. Is it the winter blues?
Dedicating a large part of today to reading the Sunday New York times. I usually only do that when I am visiting my sister in North Jersey as she has a subscription. I find the actual paper so much more enjoyable than the online version.
Managed to fit everything in this weekend. Friday night I volunteered at a concert of Ben Williams and the sound machine. It was jazzy and very compelling and exciting. I should go to more concerts, even if I don't know what I am going to hear, like with this group. Out to breakfast Saturday morning at Dodge's Market in Elmer. A tasteful array of healthy foods. Joined some woman friends for a lunch at a friend's house and then up to North Jersey for a family reunion of sorts. The highlights of the evening were watching Downton Abbey (unfortunately a segment I had already seen TWICE), watching one episode of The killers and going out into the hot tub while it was snowing.
Dedicating a large part of today to reading the Sunday New York times. I usually only do that when I am visiting my sister in North Jersey as she has a subscription. I find the actual paper so much more enjoyable than the online version.
Managed to fit everything in this weekend. Friday night I volunteered at a concert of Ben Williams and the sound machine. It was jazzy and very compelling and exciting. I should go to more concerts, even if I don't know what I am going to hear, like with this group. Out to breakfast Saturday morning at Dodge's Market in Elmer. A tasteful array of healthy foods. Joined some woman friends for a lunch at a friend's house and then up to North Jersey for a family reunion of sorts. The highlights of the evening were watching Downton Abbey (unfortunately a segment I had already seen TWICE), watching one episode of The killers and going out into the hot tub while it was snowing.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Once is not enough
Things that you need more than one of...candy corn, potato chips, hours of computer time. Things I have in EVERY room of the house....scotch tape, scissors, stapler, waste basket, phone.
Still hanging in with that audiobook (The ruins). Now all the people are up on top of the mountain and out of the mine shaft at least. They are surrounding by the hostile Mayans at the bottom of the hill who have built fires all around the hill. They are waiting for daylight. Not that there is much hopeful to look forward to in the daylight. Perhaps drinking their own urine or hoping that a plane flies by so they can try and signal them. Or maybe the friends of Pablo, the Greek, may come looking for them, but they might get trapped too and they don't speak their language. Of course, no one has a cell phone. There is something really creepy about these flowering vines. When Jeff tried to go down to the bottom of the hill, they were really tangling around him but on the way up, they seemed to part for his passage.
It is amazing how hard it is to meet my goal of ONE movie per week (at the movie theater, that is.) One friend pooped out on me TWICE this week. Everyone says they are sick but I don't know. Luckily, another friend called and the day got reorganized. The first person I called (my sister) could not commit. She ALSO said she is sick. I may have to give up EXERCISE in order to fit in going out to lunch, however. That is not a real hardship since all exercise is an up hill battle for me. I was debating between senior swim or lifting weights. I may just have time for computer usage, going out to lunch at Andrea's trattoria ristorante, going to a movie (This is 40?) and then an art opening at Gallery 50 in Bridgeton. Then it will be time for READING and getting into my delicious warm bed. (I felt like getting back into it when I was MAKING it this morning).
Still hanging in with that audiobook (The ruins). Now all the people are up on top of the mountain and out of the mine shaft at least. They are surrounding by the hostile Mayans at the bottom of the hill who have built fires all around the hill. They are waiting for daylight. Not that there is much hopeful to look forward to in the daylight. Perhaps drinking their own urine or hoping that a plane flies by so they can try and signal them. Or maybe the friends of Pablo, the Greek, may come looking for them, but they might get trapped too and they don't speak their language. Of course, no one has a cell phone. There is something really creepy about these flowering vines. When Jeff tried to go down to the bottom of the hill, they were really tangling around him but on the way up, they seemed to part for his passage.
It is amazing how hard it is to meet my goal of ONE movie per week (at the movie theater, that is.) One friend pooped out on me TWICE this week. Everyone says they are sick but I don't know. Luckily, another friend called and the day got reorganized. The first person I called (my sister) could not commit. She ALSO said she is sick. I may have to give up EXERCISE in order to fit in going out to lunch, however. That is not a real hardship since all exercise is an up hill battle for me. I was debating between senior swim or lifting weights. I may just have time for computer usage, going out to lunch at Andrea's trattoria ristorante, going to a movie (This is 40?) and then an art opening at Gallery 50 in Bridgeton. Then it will be time for READING and getting into my delicious warm bed. (I felt like getting back into it when I was MAKING it this morning).
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thrift shop
Just added this song to my playlist.com. Most of my email is SOOOO boring. I did come across this gem on Philly.com called Spotify's top 10 most streamed tracks. I am listening to each of these songs. Not that I don't have enough songs on my playlist. Almost one hundred. More than I have time to listen to. To get back to my email, mostly I get requests for money. Plus I get email for another person with my same name who lives in Bradenton, Florida. I called her up once or twice to discuss the matter and her daughter told me she never had an email even slightly like mine. It is really irritating to get things from the wrong school and the wrong politcal spectrum. Even the RIGHT schools or political parties are bothersome!
Have been spending a lot of time with various groups of friends or family lately. Of course, it IS Christmas.
This morning I learned that they have a senior roller skating session on Monday mornings. Too bad I have a yoga date then. I should try skating again. It has been over a decade since my last visit, whereupon I broke my wrist. Prior to that I was very "devil may care" and went by myself a lot.
The longest year of my life has been the year I turned 65. And the year is only half over. The longest TWO years of my life have been my contract with Sprint. It is over the end of December and I think I will enjoy the sense of FREEDOM for awhile. Don't enjoy the need to make a DECISION, however. What phone, what company? I have to come to a (happy?) medium between the two realities: 1. I am FRUGAL, and 2. I want more features on my phone.
Have been spending a lot of time with various groups of friends or family lately. Of course, it IS Christmas.
This morning I learned that they have a senior roller skating session on Monday mornings. Too bad I have a yoga date then. I should try skating again. It has been over a decade since my last visit, whereupon I broke my wrist. Prior to that I was very "devil may care" and went by myself a lot.
The longest year of my life has been the year I turned 65. And the year is only half over. The longest TWO years of my life have been my contract with Sprint. It is over the end of December and I think I will enjoy the sense of FREEDOM for awhile. Don't enjoy the need to make a DECISION, however. What phone, what company? I have to come to a (happy?) medium between the two realities: 1. I am FRUGAL, and 2. I want more features on my phone.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
You can't make this stuff up
Comment when I told the tale of my sister, who dropped her keys down the slit in the elevator on the way to her apartment in Soho on Christmas eve. The next night she left her car unlocked and running. No one noticed until we woke up in the morning. Luckily, that was in someone's back driveway in New Jersey and not in Soho.
Returning this book to the library. I didn't really enjoy Drift, by Rachel Maddow. The subtitle is: the unmooring of American military power. OK, so not too inviting. I had gotten enthralled with her on TV around election time so I checked her book out of the library. According to a blurb on the back, "she tells the epic story of how American warfare came to be both never-ending and practically invisible."
Had a nice trip (my annual) to the Reading Terminal market in Philadelphia today. Got really busy and crowded. Nice that it is all indoors, once you get there. A panoply of mostly food stands...cheese, honey, spices, teas, breads, restaurants, meats, ice cream. It was quite bright and festive. Bought a few things until. I couldn't carry anything more. Buying spices in bulk reminds me of when I lived in Barcelona and went to the market every day.
Returning this book to the library. I didn't really enjoy Drift, by Rachel Maddow. The subtitle is: the unmooring of American military power. OK, so not too inviting. I had gotten enthralled with her on TV around election time so I checked her book out of the library. According to a blurb on the back, "she tells the epic story of how American warfare came to be both never-ending and practically invisible."
Had a nice trip (my annual) to the Reading Terminal market in Philadelphia today. Got really busy and crowded. Nice that it is all indoors, once you get there. A panoply of mostly food stands...cheese, honey, spices, teas, breads, restaurants, meats, ice cream. It was quite bright and festive. Bought a few things until. I couldn't carry anything more. Buying spices in bulk reminds me of when I lived in Barcelona and went to the market every day.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
I heard the patter of tiny feet
My nephew's feet are not so tiny any more. He wears size ten. But I heard someone walking around so I thought I had better get up. Don't want to miss Christmas. It is 8 AM and he is the only one up.
We had a white Christmas. Well it snowed for awhile last night! We drove around looking for the luminaries which they put out all over Glen Ridge, New Jersey. Interesting and beautiful Christmas Eve custom. The more people you can talk into doing it, the more lovely it is. Take a white paper bag, fill it with two trowels full of sand. There should be enough sand to get a white teac candle to stand up. Place the bags every three feet in the street or on the curb or the grass. Light the tea candle when darkness falls. The lights will burn for hours, even in the snow!
Learned about another interesting Holiday custom last night. In Oaxaca, Mexico, they have a festival called Noche de Rábanos (Night of the radishes), held on the 23rd of December. This is one of the rare sculptures where you can actually identify a radish. And these radishes are GIGANTIC.

We had a white Christmas. Well it snowed for awhile last night! We drove around looking for the luminaries which they put out all over Glen Ridge, New Jersey. Interesting and beautiful Christmas Eve custom. The more people you can talk into doing it, the more lovely it is. Take a white paper bag, fill it with two trowels full of sand. There should be enough sand to get a white teac candle to stand up. Place the bags every three feet in the street or on the curb or the grass. Light the tea candle when darkness falls. The lights will burn for hours, even in the snow!
Learned about another interesting Holiday custom last night. In Oaxaca, Mexico, they have a festival called Noche de Rábanos (Night of the radishes), held on the 23rd of December. This is one of the rare sculptures where you can actually identify a radish. And these radishes are GIGANTIC.
Monday, December 17, 2012
How electronic things work
This is ironic, but I checked out a book on my Nook. It is called How electronic things work....and what to do if they don't. The weird thing is, this book caused a problem I have never before had on my Nook! I can't figure out how to make the page advance. A strange message came up that I have never seen before. So I went back to another book that DOES work. Is that stupid or what?
Spent a lot of time with friends over the weekend. Also a lot of time with some six year old twins who seem to love me right now. I know that these stages are very temporary so I am taking advantage of it. They tore my sister's whole house up and made pretend houses out of chairs and blankets and cutlery and pillows and wall decorations and snacks. We had some playing cards and we were pretending that they were cell phones and video games. My sister and her boyfriend were just too tired to be disciplining so things got pretty wild. They are like whirling dervishes and love machines. It is so very upsetting to know that kids of that adorable age were murdered in Connecticut. Later Sunday night I was crying as Obama gave his speech at the memorial service in Newtown. It came on right after 60 minutes, which is the only TV show I actually watch ON PURPOSE.
I am kind of starving, waiting for a Christmas party to start. Using the computers at Rutgers Camden where I have staff privileges. Unfortunately, I no longer have parking privileges so I had to put over $4 in the street meter. Just got out a wheeled cart I knew I had to practice wheeling my "crap" around. My purse and my traveling folders and other bags full of business stuff are really wearing me down. I was surprised at how well this thing works. It is designed for one suitcase (back in the days before they thought of putting the wheels ON the suitcases) and is more lightweight than I had remembered. Guess I won't ask Santa for that, after all. It "kind of" works if I pile my stuff up and don't go over any uneven surfaces.
Spent a lot of time with friends over the weekend. Also a lot of time with some six year old twins who seem to love me right now. I know that these stages are very temporary so I am taking advantage of it. They tore my sister's whole house up and made pretend houses out of chairs and blankets and cutlery and pillows and wall decorations and snacks. We had some playing cards and we were pretending that they were cell phones and video games. My sister and her boyfriend were just too tired to be disciplining so things got pretty wild. They are like whirling dervishes and love machines. It is so very upsetting to know that kids of that adorable age were murdered in Connecticut. Later Sunday night I was crying as Obama gave his speech at the memorial service in Newtown. It came on right after 60 minutes, which is the only TV show I actually watch ON PURPOSE.
I am kind of starving, waiting for a Christmas party to start. Using the computers at Rutgers Camden where I have staff privileges. Unfortunately, I no longer have parking privileges so I had to put over $4 in the street meter. Just got out a wheeled cart I knew I had to practice wheeling my "crap" around. My purse and my traveling folders and other bags full of business stuff are really wearing me down. I was surprised at how well this thing works. It is designed for one suitcase (back in the days before they thought of putting the wheels ON the suitcases) and is more lightweight than I had remembered. Guess I won't ask Santa for that, after all. It "kind of" works if I pile my stuff up and don't go over any uneven surfaces.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I am half-sick of shadows
Kind of a silly title and kind of a silly book. I did enjoy it although the audiobook kept skipping in my car. I think it is my player. The book is by a man, Alan Bradley and is about a young girl, who is part sleuth, part alchemist. She lives in a house that is almost a castle with her father, her two aggravating sisters and some servants.
Her mother has died and they have fallen on hard times. Her father decides to rent out the house to a movie crew around Christmas time. Trouble ensues and includes snowstorms and fireworks and a murder. This is considered the author's second "Flavia de Luce mystery". I enjoyed it for the descriptions and the very British witticisms.
Hung out with some really fun six year olds last night. We watched an old fashioned cartoon called The aristocats. I was amazed that modern children could enjoy such a thing. The kids were delightful, so loving, delivering occasional kisses, "just because"... So sad to think that children this age were murdered by another crazy American. Although I guess it is not just Americans who are crazy. Japanese and Vietnamese people knife each other as they do not have our easy access to guns. But what is going on? Do they just get the idea from TV and other events? But why?
Working today. Went to the cafeteria for lunch. I love it over there. Except for the fact that this is a PEPSI campus. Thinking of all the trees and all the seasons I have witnessed here and also thinking about a coworker who retired and died too soon.
I like this one tree out there. The leaves turn all brown but they do not fall off. It is juxtaposed next to an evergreen. I have been working here part time going on twenty five years! They already had a goodbye party for me several years ago but I keep on hanging on. Now I work only once a month, and not every month.
Her mother has died and they have fallen on hard times. Her father decides to rent out the house to a movie crew around Christmas time. Trouble ensues and includes snowstorms and fireworks and a murder. This is considered the author's second "Flavia de Luce mystery". I enjoyed it for the descriptions and the very British witticisms.
Hung out with some really fun six year olds last night. We watched an old fashioned cartoon called The aristocats. I was amazed that modern children could enjoy such a thing. The kids were delightful, so loving, delivering occasional kisses, "just because"... So sad to think that children this age were murdered by another crazy American. Although I guess it is not just Americans who are crazy. Japanese and Vietnamese people knife each other as they do not have our easy access to guns. But what is going on? Do they just get the idea from TV and other events? But why?
Working today. Went to the cafeteria for lunch. I love it over there. Except for the fact that this is a PEPSI campus. Thinking of all the trees and all the seasons I have witnessed here and also thinking about a coworker who retired and died too soon.
I like this one tree out there. The leaves turn all brown but they do not fall off. It is juxtaposed next to an evergreen. I have been working here part time going on twenty five years! They already had a goodbye party for me several years ago but I keep on hanging on. Now I work only once a month, and not every month.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I was born to be a vampire
So says Bella, in the final movie of the Twilight series, Breaking dawn, part 2. She and Edward talk about the great sex life of vampires....they never get tired, don't have to sleep or eat, never get any older and they live forever. There was, of course, a ferocious battle scene, but luckily it turned out to be just a vision of a possible future scenario if they didn't work out their troubles amicably. Thank good ness it didn't REALLY happen, cause the good guys were losing their heads! So, I helped with a record breaking weekend of money earning. I had to go see it, even though my usual Twilight-loving companion has passed away. I am not really into vampires and stuff, but I make an exception for this series. I read all of the books, too. The previews at this movie were more than I could stand. Every single movie had to do with horror, or the undead or other grisly topics.
I watched the Christmas parade today in Bridgeton, as it went right by my house. I am not into STANDING around, but I just think it is so cool to live on the parade route. Yes, it was mighty cold, even at 2 PM. The parade was somewhat lame, but then I went over and hung out with the young Mexican kids next door and it was more fun. We were speaking some English and some Spanish. They were wildly running after candy thrown by the parade participants and they were telling me what they wanted from Santa Claus....a nintendo and a WII.
Using the wifi at my sister's house and eating some Thanksgiving leftovers. Someone has to do it.
I watched the Christmas parade today in Bridgeton, as it went right by my house. I am not into STANDING around, but I just think it is so cool to live on the parade route. Yes, it was mighty cold, even at 2 PM. The parade was somewhat lame, but then I went over and hung out with the young Mexican kids next door and it was more fun. We were speaking some English and some Spanish. They were wildly running after candy thrown by the parade participants and they were telling me what they wanted from Santa Claus....a nintendo and a WII.
Using the wifi at my sister's house and eating some Thanksgiving leftovers. Someone has to do it.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Desperate for daylight
Seems like everything needs to be done in the daylight....exercise, stuff at home, errands. I am always rushing around trying to figure out what to do before it gets dark. Oh happy day, the librarian just gave me another hour on the computer. Don't know why I "insist" upon being so technologically deficient (like not having the Internet at home and having a lame phone).
America...the only country where we gather to be thankful for all that we have and then the next day go out and try to kill each other in order to get "deals" on more STUFF! I wouldn't be caught DEAD at Black Friday shopping. Of course, this is because I am a very "under control" (cheap) consumer and have no ideas for gifts for anyone else. Today is "Small business Saturday". I think I can get behind that and do have some plans for stopping by a few stores in Millville. No box stores for me today. Already spent my daily allowance on gas for a great price of $1.37 a gallon in Bridgeton.
Had a good day yesterday with family. And the weather was delightful and warm and gorgeous. We didn't actually WALK as much as stroll and hang out in Greenwich, admiring roof handiwork and boats and riverfront property. Then I spent some time at home, which I love to do when it is sunny. Next drove to Parvins State Park for a walk around the small lake. It should be about a twenty minute walk, which is my current goal for daily exercise ("BABY STEPS...") I hadn't been to Parvins since the derecho struck on June 30th (killing two young boys who were in a tent). The only people killed in New Jersey were there. Anyway, it was amazing the trees that were down, even now, four months later. The park was entirely closed for several months due to the extreme damage to the trees. It still looked pretty shockingly different. I took a bag to collect trash (my new idea for helping the world) but I only saw an occasional cigarette butt. About halfway around the pond, I looked in my bag and it was EMPTY. Then I decided to carry it more securely. I guess my trash blew right on out!
America...the only country where we gather to be thankful for all that we have and then the next day go out and try to kill each other in order to get "deals" on more STUFF! I wouldn't be caught DEAD at Black Friday shopping. Of course, this is because I am a very "under control" (cheap) consumer and have no ideas for gifts for anyone else. Today is "Small business Saturday". I think I can get behind that and do have some plans for stopping by a few stores in Millville. No box stores for me today. Already spent my daily allowance on gas for a great price of $1.37 a gallon in Bridgeton.
Had a good day yesterday with family. And the weather was delightful and warm and gorgeous. We didn't actually WALK as much as stroll and hang out in Greenwich, admiring roof handiwork and boats and riverfront property. Then I spent some time at home, which I love to do when it is sunny. Next drove to Parvins State Park for a walk around the small lake. It should be about a twenty minute walk, which is my current goal for daily exercise ("BABY STEPS...") I hadn't been to Parvins since the derecho struck on June 30th (killing two young boys who were in a tent). The only people killed in New Jersey were there. Anyway, it was amazing the trees that were down, even now, four months later. The park was entirely closed for several months due to the extreme damage to the trees. It still looked pretty shockingly different. I took a bag to collect trash (my new idea for helping the world) but I only saw an occasional cigarette butt. About halfway around the pond, I looked in my bag and it was EMPTY. Then I decided to carry it more securely. I guess my trash blew right on out!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
You can get anything you want...at Alice's Restaurant
Great serendipity...I got in the car just as WMMR was playing Alice's Restaurant, the 25 year annniversary version. I don't like it as much as the original and it is longer, but it does include some interesting additional material claiming that President Nixon owned the album. Arlo finds it a very strange coincidence that the gap on the Nixon tapes was 18 minutes and 20 seconds long and the song Alice's Restaurant was 18 minutes long. He's just sayin'...
A lot of people working today. At the deli, the gas station, Verizon guy out on the street, McDonald's. I heard on the radio that Thanksgiving is the BEST day for plumbers! I'm not working...just taking a vacation from my usual routines. Made some cranberry sauce, went for a walk, some more grocery shopping for last minute essentials, now using the wireless at my sister's house, waiting for that big Thanksgiving dinner.
Just looking through my list of bookmarked blogs. Let me see if I can attach a link to this one which is still updated and hilarious. How does Jen Lancaster have the time to keep up this blog and crank out so many books?
A lot of people working today. At the deli, the gas station, Verizon guy out on the street, McDonald's. I heard on the radio that Thanksgiving is the BEST day for plumbers! I'm not working...just taking a vacation from my usual routines. Made some cranberry sauce, went for a walk, some more grocery shopping for last minute essentials, now using the wireless at my sister's house, waiting for that big Thanksgiving dinner.
Just looking through my list of bookmarked blogs. Let me see if I can attach a link to this one which is still updated and hilarious. How does Jen Lancaster have the time to keep up this blog and crank out so many books?
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Some good news for a change
Pretty happy about the election results. One Democrat I voted for did not get in, but it is next to impossible to overcome Frank LoBiondo. I console myself with the memory that my FATHER liked to vote for him (a Republican) even though my father was an Independent with liberal leanings. And my father has been dead for 10 years, just to give you an idea about how long this guy has been our Congressman. It is just a good feeling when your family and large groups of your friends are on the same page politically. Happily, two Democrats got voted in to the local freeholder board. I think that means that two Republicans are off snd we are back to a Democratic majority. Believe me, it really does make a difference!
But that is the only good news. The weather is horrible, cold, raining, forecast of SNOW and excessive wind gusts. They are calling it a Nor'easter. My choir practice has already been cancelled and that was my big event for the day. Acquaintances have tales of ripping out and rebuilding their seashore homes, some can't even GET to their homes yet. Sad story of a man who died two weeks after his son died. Perhaps of a broken heart, who knows? It is hard enough to lose ONE member of your family, but two is really scary. This cold and dreary winter weather has me missing work or feeling like I do not have enough to do. At least work distracted me from the hideous weather.
It is going to be a LONG winter and I HATE it already.
Things I love:
- Someone asked me to be a volunteer yesterday
- Went shopping and discovered that Peebles has a club where you get 20% off every Tuesday if you are over 50
- Those new roofs they have over the McDonald's ordering lanes
- Flannel sheets
- Warm nightgowns
- Playlist.com when it is working correctly (like recently)
Things I hate:
- Winter
- Dark
- Cold
- Rain
- Sitting in a waiting room and being forced to watch some horrible interview show with everyday Americans discussing their husbands who slept with their sisters or other distasteful topics
- Donald Trump is an idiot
But that is the only good news. The weather is horrible, cold, raining, forecast of SNOW and excessive wind gusts. They are calling it a Nor'easter. My choir practice has already been cancelled and that was my big event for the day. Acquaintances have tales of ripping out and rebuilding their seashore homes, some can't even GET to their homes yet. Sad story of a man who died two weeks after his son died. Perhaps of a broken heart, who knows? It is hard enough to lose ONE member of your family, but two is really scary. This cold and dreary winter weather has me missing work or feeling like I do not have enough to do. At least work distracted me from the hideous weather.
It is going to be a LONG winter and I HATE it already.
Things I love:
- Someone asked me to be a volunteer yesterday
- Went shopping and discovered that Peebles has a club where you get 20% off every Tuesday if you are over 50
- Those new roofs they have over the McDonald's ordering lanes
- Flannel sheets
- Warm nightgowns
- Playlist.com when it is working correctly (like recently)
Things I hate:
- Winter
- Dark
- Cold
- Rain
- Sitting in a waiting room and being forced to watch some horrible interview show with everyday Americans discussing their husbands who slept with their sisters or other distasteful topics
- Donald Trump is an idiot
things I hate,
things I love,
Monday, October 29, 2012
Things to do when the electric goes off
Just trying to get my lists together:
- Things to do while the electricity is on: watch DVDs, cook, enjoy the heat
- Things to do when the electricity goes off: read, eat the ice cream
Went down to my sister's to try and distract myself from Hurricane Sandy. We have been watching the approach on TV and getting ready for DAYS. If it is going to leak at home, it is going to leak and there is not much I can do about it. I'll just have to clean it up when the storm is over. I just got BORED with my home activities and thought I would come down to where there is a fireplace and they live on top of a hill. We watched a really great DVD called Page eight, a British spy caper that I missed on Masterpiece theater.
I'd like life to get back to normal, but I don't really know what normal is any more.
- Things to do while the electricity is on: watch DVDs, cook, enjoy the heat
- Things to do when the electricity goes off: read, eat the ice cream
Went down to my sister's to try and distract myself from Hurricane Sandy. We have been watching the approach on TV and getting ready for DAYS. If it is going to leak at home, it is going to leak and there is not much I can do about it. I'll just have to clean it up when the storm is over. I just got BORED with my home activities and thought I would come down to where there is a fireplace and they live on top of a hill. We watched a really great DVD called Page eight, a British spy caper that I missed on Masterpiece theater.
I'd like life to get back to normal, but I don't really know what normal is any more.
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