Monday, November 18, 2013

I couldn't sleep at ALL last night

I know that is from a song, but...reasons I couldn't sleep:
1. Was too hot (predicted temp of 57 degrees low last night. I think my PJ's and socks were too warm). Now need a new weather obsession. Looking at low for night could tell me how many BLANKETS to put on bed. I already have COATS that I wear when it is in the 30's, 40's or 50's during the day.
2. Ate too much provolone cheese before bed. I have not overcome my nighttime eating problem. Of course, taking Ambien does not help with that. And I have a provolone addition. One pound of sliced cheese can last me one or two days. I HAVE overcome my ice cream addiction by going cold turkey and probably that is the only reason I have lost weight.
3. Disorderly neighbors. Aggravating newish tenants across the street, including kids, vulgar, loud woman, and angry man. Police are called to the scene at least weekly and loud cursing can be heard from inside my home.

Books recently finished:

1. Leaf man, by Lois Ehlert. This is a children's book called to my intention by a promotional bookmark. A story for young children is illustrated by characters made entirely of leaves. Why didn't I think of that? I might have to BUY this book, it is just so darn clever and made me think of my mommy, who appreciated all beautiful stuff of nature. On the end papers, various leaves are identified and on the flyleaf are examples of leaves found by the author's friends such as "mystery leaf, found on ground in front of folk art museum, San Diego, California." I borrowed this book from the Bridgeton Public Library (E EHLERT).

Every love story is a ghost story : a life of David Foster Wallace, by D. T. Max - Not sure if I have even READ a book by DFW. Had to borrow this biography through the Cumberland County Library. He was a character and had a lot of girlfriends and some mental and drug issues and is considered a genius of a writer. He killed himself when he was in his forties. I ended up having to skim in order to return the book on time, so missed some details near the end. Even the notes looked kind of interesting.

The child's child, by Ruth Rendell writing as Barbara Vine. This book was recommended to me, but I didn't really like it that much. The people were not real sympathetic and were trapped. It treated issues of out-of-wedlock children, homosexuality, and people using people. Some of the users aggravated me. And by the end, I had forgotten the beginning, which treated some of the same issues, but in a more modern time. Again, I had to rush throught the end as book was overdue at the Vineland Public Library (MYS Vine Barbara)

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