Actually, I kind of miss them! Someone asked me to wear them to a meeting tonight so that they could take a picture of me in them. Glad to oblige.
Tried to read The turn of the screw and other short fiction (book), by Henry James, but I really couldn't get into it. I kind of skimmed through it. Perhaps I am having trouble with dense fiction due to my ADD?
Oops... forgot to work on my memories and bio for a high school reunion coming up in May. I really find writing is not my thing. Hard for me to concentrate on anything taking more than 15 minutes.
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Thursday, February 12, 2015
I can mess up any space
My computer space at the library looks like a whirlwind hit it....clipboard, container of wipes, plastic folders bulging with papers, plastic bags containing all of my little essentials, a ring of keys, my cell phone, thing that I keep my headphones in, thick folder of books I want to look up, pile of "New business", big black calendar where I keep a two-page-per-day manual calendar. plastic folder of things-to-be-filed in current file folders that I keep in the car, a large blue purse, a larger brown leather briefcase, ripped papers to go in the trash can. Some of my friends refer to the library as "my office".
Going to a lecture about George Agnew Chamberlain downstairs at 7 PM. Enjoy living in my neighborhood for HISTORY reasons....three of Bridgeton famous historical characters lived or visited at my house or across the street....Mother Bloor, Sylvia Beach, and George Agnew Chamberlain. Unfortunately, there is not much left of the good old days. I guess they weren't so good because Mother Bloor and Sylvia Beach couldn't wait to get away!
I have a sudden need to replace my fence. The only thing uglier than my fences are the neighbors on either side. I have a dumpster on each side. I know, I know, I should be throwing crap in their dumpsters. I want to put in a HIGHER fence so I don't have to look at the neighbors. But who knows what regulations or permits are needed? That is why I fix nothing!
Going to a lecture about George Agnew Chamberlain downstairs at 7 PM. Enjoy living in my neighborhood for HISTORY reasons....three of Bridgeton famous historical characters lived or visited at my house or across the street....Mother Bloor, Sylvia Beach, and George Agnew Chamberlain. Unfortunately, there is not much left of the good old days. I guess they weren't so good because Mother Bloor and Sylvia Beach couldn't wait to get away!
I have a sudden need to replace my fence. The only thing uglier than my fences are the neighbors on either side. I have a dumpster on each side. I know, I know, I should be throwing crap in their dumpsters. I want to put in a HIGHER fence so I don't have to look at the neighbors. But who knows what regulations or permits are needed? That is why I fix nothing!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Bollywood dance class
Went to a one hour class on Bollywood dancing at the Vineland Public Library. The teacher was in casual clothes and taught us the steps slowly. I had the usual problems of remembering all of the moves and doing some of them. I am not too good at jumping and doing things fast. The class seemed lost on the really young and the really old. The teacher kept giving us positive reinforcement ("Good job!") even though she wasn't really watching us. Some little girls were acting crazy (what did THEY have to eat?) and I couldn't keep myself from speaking to them..."Girls...we are TRYING to concentrate here". The teacher thanked me, but the mother was oblivious to their distracting behavior. One little plump boy tumbled to the ground, more than once. His explanation was, "I am not used to standing on my tip toes."
Don't know much about mythology : everything you need to know about the greatest stories in human history but never learned (book), by Kenneth C. Davis: This was a fascinating book. In the end, too many gods for me to remember, but interesting to see the similarities between various myths and religions. I was interested also to learn things that might come in handy while doing crossword puzzles. And there were some good quotes.
People around me are trashing Woman can't find name of her family in the newspaper database...she has found the names using newsbank which is supposed to be linked to Ancestry. Very frustrating interaction with customer support. She thought the woman was an idiot. My experience with Ancestry was to find my grandmother linked to the wrong parents! They even included a photograph of her gravestone, which I have visited. THAT is scary!
Don't know much about mythology : everything you need to know about the greatest stories in human history but never learned (book), by Kenneth C. Davis: This was a fascinating book. In the end, too many gods for me to remember, but interesting to see the similarities between various myths and religions. I was interested also to learn things that might come in handy while doing crossword puzzles. And there were some good quotes.
People around me are trashing Woman can't find name of her family in the newspaper database...she has found the names using newsbank which is supposed to be linked to Ancestry. Very frustrating interaction with customer support. She thought the woman was an idiot. My experience with Ancestry was to find my grandmother linked to the wrong parents! They even included a photograph of her gravestone, which I have visited. THAT is scary!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Bacon cupcakes?
Someone offered me a bacon cupcake, but I declined. Am trying to get back to my sensible eating because.....a woman I used to work with looks and feels FANTASTIC....I am going on a trip with much walking and MOUNTAINS.
I'm not much into April fool's pranks but here is what they did at my health club to the boss...put yellow crime tape across his door. When he opens the door to his office he will find it FULL of pink balloons. They were blowing up the balloons when I was there for exercise this AM.
Book of ages : the life and opinions of Jane Franklin, by Jill Lepore: A biography of the youngest sister of Benjamin Franklin. She lived a life quite in contrast to her brother and they did not spend much time together but did correspond throughout their lives. She was not very literate. She loved to read but had limited access to books. Her spelling was a bit iffy as she was never schooled. She spent her life bearing children, many of whom died young. She kept a Book of ages, wherein she recorded the births and deaths of family members.
Get rich carefully, by James J. Cramer: I like Jim Cramer and the way he yells his advice on the TV. The book is much more serious and I just scanned it for ideas about companies. There is no way I am going to take the time and energy required to be as careful as he is figuring out where to invest. I think that I would rather just follow his advice! He recommends listening to conference calls of CEO's and doing complicated charting.
The burglary : the discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI, by Betty Medsger: This book was recommended by a friend and it all happened 40 years ago in Media, Pa. Really near me, but I didn't know any of the people. I was involved in the peace movement and the anti-war movement and these were the groups targeted by the FBI. The burglary brought to light the actions of the FBI quite reminiscent of the NSA revelations of today. The identity of the people involved in the burglary has remained secret for many years, but is exposed in this book. I still don't know any of them. Ended up skimming a bit near the end. I think I am more of a fiction person.
I'm not much into April fool's pranks but here is what they did at my health club to the boss...put yellow crime tape across his door. When he opens the door to his office he will find it FULL of pink balloons. They were blowing up the balloons when I was there for exercise this AM.
Book of ages : the life and opinions of Jane Franklin, by Jill Lepore: A biography of the youngest sister of Benjamin Franklin. She lived a life quite in contrast to her brother and they did not spend much time together but did correspond throughout their lives. She was not very literate. She loved to read but had limited access to books. Her spelling was a bit iffy as she was never schooled. She spent her life bearing children, many of whom died young. She kept a Book of ages, wherein she recorded the births and deaths of family members.
Get rich carefully, by James J. Cramer: I like Jim Cramer and the way he yells his advice on the TV. The book is much more serious and I just scanned it for ideas about companies. There is no way I am going to take the time and energy required to be as careful as he is figuring out where to invest. I think that I would rather just follow his advice! He recommends listening to conference calls of CEO's and doing complicated charting.
The burglary : the discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI, by Betty Medsger: This book was recommended by a friend and it all happened 40 years ago in Media, Pa. Really near me, but I didn't know any of the people. I was involved in the peace movement and the anti-war movement and these were the groups targeted by the FBI. The burglary brought to light the actions of the FBI quite reminiscent of the NSA revelations of today. The identity of the people involved in the burglary has remained secret for many years, but is exposed in this book. I still don't know any of them. Ended up skimming a bit near the end. I think I am more of a fiction person.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Looks like forsythia but isn't
These are the kind of things I have to look up on the Internet and through a series of extrapolations, I came up with the possible name for the plant down the street - witch hazel. Took a little ten minute walk at the end of a few computer chores and saw witch hazel, crocuses, and snow drops and heard a TON of birds. It was great. Sky is clouding up but it is still warm. I did not wear my coat, just a sweater.
Finished an autobiography I got onto from a reference question. The story of a musical life, was written by George F. Root and originally published in 1891. He passed through our town in 1856 when he participated in three-day musical conventions to encourage the betterment of church music. He wrote songs during the Civil War, such as The battle cry of freedom and Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Not much info about the Bridgeton convention, but I found the few sentences I found in other sources quite fascinating. So, I sent away for this book from the Wm. Patterson College library and dutifully read it. It wasn't as good as the book written ABOUT him.
Adding to my daily list of things to do:
- Take a photograph (even if just by crappy cell phone)
- Draw a picture in little book
One or the other MIGHT help me to be more creative. Started my little book by sketching a woman I saw on the Ocean City boardwalk carrying a baby on her front.
Finished an autobiography I got onto from a reference question. The story of a musical life, was written by George F. Root and originally published in 1891. He passed through our town in 1856 when he participated in three-day musical conventions to encourage the betterment of church music. He wrote songs during the Civil War, such as The battle cry of freedom and Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Not much info about the Bridgeton convention, but I found the few sentences I found in other sources quite fascinating. So, I sent away for this book from the Wm. Patterson College library and dutifully read it. It wasn't as good as the book written ABOUT him.
Adding to my daily list of things to do:
- Take a photograph (even if just by crappy cell phone)
- Draw a picture in little book
One or the other MIGHT help me to be more creative. Started my little book by sketching a woman I saw on the Ocean City boardwalk carrying a baby on her front.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Things I hate right now
People and their habits - snorting, snuffling, making a mess in the bathroom, throwing plastic stuff into the toilet, singing out loud when they have headphones on (in the library), body odor, smoking odor. Right now the sniffling and body odor are going to chase me out of the Millville Public Library.
Things I love right now - Youtube, The story of my life, by One Direction, sunshine.
Can't figure out how to print or cut and paste from books on Google. Perhaps I should join Goodle play although the thought of PAYING for stuff bothers me. Doing historical research about a composer names Root who hosted a three day musical convention in Bridgeton, New Jersey, in March of 1856. Even though there is very limited info (sentences or paragraphs), I get very excited about it.
Things I love right now - Youtube, The story of my life, by One Direction, sunshine.
Can't figure out how to print or cut and paste from books on Google. Perhaps I should join Goodle play although the thought of PAYING for stuff bothers me. Doing historical research about a composer names Root who hosted a three day musical convention in Bridgeton, New Jersey, in March of 1856. Even though there is very limited info (sentences or paragraphs), I get very excited about it.
things I hate,
things I love
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Questions, questions, questions...
Answering too many surveys these days. The census lady called me, got sucked in to answering a whole bunch of questions under the auspices of the "Shopper's voice" through a Facebook link. The come on was "free stuff" but they asked questions about politics, too, leading me to believe that it was all a set up. Logged onto twentythreeandme one day and started answering "a quick question" which turned out to be a BAZILLION quick questions. I finally had to stop because it was never ending. Now I just got done answering questions for the "South Jersey travel survey". Supposed to get $10 for that one. We shall see. I have a weird life and the survey did not accommodate it.
Feeling like a BLIMP today. I brought in some Tastykake chocolate donuts so of course I have been eating them. I know I have to get off of the white flour and sugar. The more you eat the more you want.
Am really getting into the history research. Seems like every week there is some new question to pique my interest.
Feeling like a BLIMP today. I brought in some Tastykake chocolate donuts so of course I have been eating them. I know I have to get off of the white flour and sugar. The more you eat the more you want.
Am really getting into the history research. Seems like every week there is some new question to pique my interest.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Things I love
- sandwiches
- leaves
- weather that is improving
- Xanax
Going to a novelist workshop tonight. I laughingly say that writing a novel is on my list of things to do. Is this even practice for that? I feel that writing with any kind of thought of who is reading it is an impediment. Reluctant to say what I REALLY think about stuff.
Dabbling in history. Looking up newspaper articles about my ancestors. Hanging out with historians.
- leaves
- weather that is improving
- Xanax
Going to a novelist workshop tonight. I laughingly say that writing a novel is on my list of things to do. Is this even practice for that? I feel that writing with any kind of thought of who is reading it is an impediment. Reluctant to say what I REALLY think about stuff.
Dabbling in history. Looking up newspaper articles about my ancestors. Hanging out with historians.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
I can't take all of these changes
What is it with October and changes? Google now makes you go to a bunch of little squares, Yahoo has been revamped (again), Windows 8.1 comes out on October 18, our government is shut down, it is time to change your Medicare backup plan and your drug plan. I am really behind the times as I prefer WORDS to icons or pictures. Words seem to be on the way out.
I'd like to add a spot on this blog for books finished and songs listened to, but not quite sure how to do that. Just finished Bad monkey by Carl Hiaasen. He has really gone over the top with craziness in this novel. I heard him speak once and he does get his ideas sometimes from actual news events. And life does tend to be nuts in South Florida.
Have frittered away the day hanging at the historical library with a group of convivial people. Weather dreary. Even worse weather forecast for tomorrow when I have an excursion planned to Grounds for sculpture in North Jersey.
I'd like to add a spot on this blog for books finished and songs listened to, but not quite sure how to do that. Just finished Bad monkey by Carl Hiaasen. He has really gone over the top with craziness in this novel. I heard him speak once and he does get his ideas sometimes from actual news events. And life does tend to be nuts in South Florida.
Have frittered away the day hanging at the historical library with a group of convivial people. Weather dreary. Even worse weather forecast for tomorrow when I have an excursion planned to Grounds for sculpture in North Jersey.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Threshold amnesia?
I was told this is an actual condition, but maybe he was kidding? Whereby upon going from one room to another, you forget why you came in there.
Had great fun at an antiques appraisal yesterday. Had never been to something like that, but plenty of people came lugging their treasures. I was helping to organize the people waiting. We were there for 4 hours, had 54 people with over 100 items. The man doing it was very entertaining and I learned a lot. Of course, it is very hard for me to part with anything, but it is fun to dream about the possible value of your possessions. I vowed to start taking better care of my STUFF. I brought a Hummel figure of a kid playing doctor. While Hummels are too plentiful to be very valuable, it seems things like doctors could be worth more. Must research online. There are websites devoted to Hummel figurines. Then I had a tin lantern with a candle in it. My great aunt told me that she had a darkroom and made postcards. The appraiser suggested researching photographic collectibles for that one. Also, I should see if I can find any of her postcards for sale online. I know, it is a longshot.
The weather has been so phenomenal this fall! Every day I wake up to the same gorgeous sunny weather as the day before.
Had great fun at an antiques appraisal yesterday. Had never been to something like that, but plenty of people came lugging their treasures. I was helping to organize the people waiting. We were there for 4 hours, had 54 people with over 100 items. The man doing it was very entertaining and I learned a lot. Of course, it is very hard for me to part with anything, but it is fun to dream about the possible value of your possessions. I vowed to start taking better care of my STUFF. I brought a Hummel figure of a kid playing doctor. While Hummels are too plentiful to be very valuable, it seems things like doctors could be worth more. Must research online. There are websites devoted to Hummel figurines. Then I had a tin lantern with a candle in it. My great aunt told me that she had a darkroom and made postcards. The appraiser suggested researching photographic collectibles for that one. Also, I should see if I can find any of her postcards for sale online. I know, it is a longshot.
The weather has been so phenomenal this fall! Every day I wake up to the same gorgeous sunny weather as the day before.
Monday, September 9, 2013
The reminiscence bump
I heard about it on NPR...that time period between age 18 and 25 when events are indelibly etched into your brain and psyche even if you are high a lot of the time. Studies have shown that music heard, books read, loves experienced during those years tend to stay in your memory and be preferred even into your dotage. Having just had events of that time period written about in a newspaper, I tend to agree.
Am sitting in the Cumberland County library using my own laptop. Can't print but CAN blog. One must make one's compromises.
Woke up feeling like I had been run over by a tractor trailer. I think it is hay fever time. I used to take three different meds year round for allergies but gave them up in my retirement due to the expense. But this is my historical time for hay fever before I got deluded into thinking that I had constant allergies. I took a Claritin.
Am sitting in the Cumberland County library using my own laptop. Can't print but CAN blog. One must make one's compromises.
Woke up feeling like I had been run over by a tractor trailer. I think it is hay fever time. I used to take three different meds year round for allergies but gave them up in my retirement due to the expense. But this is my historical time for hay fever before I got deluded into thinking that I had constant allergies. I took a Claritin.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Low productivity today
Can't get focused today. Day looking increasingly threatening. I think it may have finally started to rain. August has been amazingly pleasant, as Augusts go. It got to 90 degrees the other day for the first time since July. I have been enjoying the pool.
Book review: Neighbor law, by Cora Jordan (c2006). Read this fascinating book on my Nook. Actually borrowed it through the Overdrive system at the Vineland Public Library. Chapters on dogs, fences, boundaries and other topics of interest to me. Also learned about things that other people could sue ME for, such as my falling down fence.
Book review: Quite enough of Calvin Trillin : forty years of funny stuff, by Calvin Trillin (c2011). My sister gave me this book for Christmas and I greatly enjoyed it. Short essays and poems, just right for my attention span. The offerings are divided up under topic headings, such as "English and some languages I don't speak". The very first story is called "Chubby" and relates to a story about a collie dog and finding out the real truth about what happened to him later in life. He didn't really "go to the farm". I had a very similar tale about Mandy the lamb so I loved this story, which was really about memory. I also enjoyed the story called "Paper trails" about the difficulties of composing a note to put on your car. As the essays and poems are dated, it serves as a bit of reminder of our history.
Book review: Neighbor law, by Cora Jordan (c2006). Read this fascinating book on my Nook. Actually borrowed it through the Overdrive system at the Vineland Public Library. Chapters on dogs, fences, boundaries and other topics of interest to me. Also learned about things that other people could sue ME for, such as my falling down fence.
Book review: Quite enough of Calvin Trillin : forty years of funny stuff, by Calvin Trillin (c2011). My sister gave me this book for Christmas and I greatly enjoyed it. Short essays and poems, just right for my attention span. The offerings are divided up under topic headings, such as "English and some languages I don't speak". The very first story is called "Chubby" and relates to a story about a collie dog and finding out the real truth about what happened to him later in life. He didn't really "go to the farm". I had a very similar tale about Mandy the lamb so I loved this story, which was really about memory. I also enjoyed the story called "Paper trails" about the difficulties of composing a note to put on your car. As the essays and poems are dated, it serves as a bit of reminder of our history.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Notes from Paris
Staying up so late, I can hardly think! It was still sunny at 9 PM. Walking so much. No busses today due to "Manif pour tous". A manifestation which wasn't REALLY for all, as it was against gay marriage and any form of child rearing by gays (adoption or assisted births). I was rather astounded to learn that one of the ring leaders with the very odd name of Frigide Barjot, received DEATH THREATS because she wasn't right wing enough. I came upone this MANIF by accident and went up on a hill in the Passy Cemetery to view it from afar. I know Manet and Berthe Morisot were buried in that cemetery but I didn't have the patience to LOOK for them. Many thousands of people were demonstrating on French mother's day. 10 abreast walking down a broad avenue with horns, bells, drums and songs and signs. Quite FESTIVE for a bunch of heterosexuals! There were four different groups, I think. The colors were pink and blue (for girls and boys). The flags and sweatshirts had a picture of a nuclear family, man, woman and two children.
Up and down the 16th arrondissement today. Visited home of Honore de Balzac (all in French) and visited address where I lived with an old countess with no money in my students days 46 years ago.
And ate a dynamite mousse au chocolat. Have accomplished all of my food goals except for losing weight.
According to the scale in the apartment, I have lost 15 pounds in one week, but I know it is WAY off.
Up and down the 16th arrondissement today. Visited home of Honore de Balzac (all in French) and visited address where I lived with an old countess with no money in my students days 46 years ago.
And ate a dynamite mousse au chocolat. Have accomplished all of my food goals except for losing weight.
According to the scale in the apartment, I have lost 15 pounds in one week, but I know it is WAY off.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
What the hell version is this?
I swear these songs change on Now I seem to be listening to a version of Halo on which Beyonce cannot even be heard! I am deleting it right now.

Didn't really understand the name of my new nail polish for this week, My boyfriend scales walls. So I couldn't even explain it to my Vietnamese nail technician. I looked it up and it is from the Spiderman collection. This wasn't really what I had in mind for Paris. The Guidebook recommended just clear polish but that is too extremely plain for me. They said that French women don't get French manicures. Neither do I! I was really looking for a very pale barely white.
Just registered for the Cancer prevention study 3. While I was filling out all of the forms was feeling bad cause my memory is so bad and I had to confess that I actually eat very few fruits and vegetables and that I spend an inordinate amound of time SITTING...reading, at the computer and driving my car. It was all so depressing that I had to come over to use the Internet and listen to music. Was not really in the mood for exercising. Especially because it is so HOT and humid today.
Am all stressed out due to upcoming trip(s). So many undone things. I haven't finished even ONE of the four books I was supposed to read before hand. And I realize I am RUNNING OUT OF TIME, to find things, buy things, prepare things,etc.
Audiobook review: Pimsleur basic French. Finished listening to these 5 CDs in the car. It was instructional and amusing. The conversations were silly and dumb with a great emphasis on eating, drinking and shopping. I did find them helpful for getting the feel for the language, and even though I am fluent in French, I couldn't always get it right. The pronunciation is the hardest part. There was a lot of repetition (sometimes TOO much). I borrowed these from the Vineland Public Library (448.342 Bas) because it was all CDs and no books, easier for me in the car. Had a great time laughing about the conversations with a friend on a long drive.
Didn't really understand the name of my new nail polish for this week, My boyfriend scales walls. So I couldn't even explain it to my Vietnamese nail technician. I looked it up and it is from the Spiderman collection. This wasn't really what I had in mind for Paris. The Guidebook recommended just clear polish but that is too extremely plain for me. They said that French women don't get French manicures. Neither do I! I was really looking for a very pale barely white.
Just registered for the Cancer prevention study 3. While I was filling out all of the forms was feeling bad cause my memory is so bad and I had to confess that I actually eat very few fruits and vegetables and that I spend an inordinate amound of time SITTING...reading, at the computer and driving my car. It was all so depressing that I had to come over to use the Internet and listen to music. Was not really in the mood for exercising. Especially because it is so HOT and humid today.
Am all stressed out due to upcoming trip(s). So many undone things. I haven't finished even ONE of the four books I was supposed to read before hand. And I realize I am RUNNING OUT OF TIME, to find things, buy things, prepare things,etc.
Audiobook review: Pimsleur basic French. Finished listening to these 5 CDs in the car. It was instructional and amusing. The conversations were silly and dumb with a great emphasis on eating, drinking and shopping. I did find them helpful for getting the feel for the language, and even though I am fluent in French, I couldn't always get it right. The pronunciation is the hardest part. There was a lot of repetition (sometimes TOO much). I borrowed these from the Vineland Public Library (448.342 Bas) because it was all CDs and no books, easier for me in the car. Had a great time laughing about the conversations with a friend on a long drive.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tulip time!
I love it. Went for a walk down the street and sat on a bench. I needed a break from a day on the computer. The breezes were wafting and the trees were rustling and there is not much traffic in Greenwich, New Jersey. The weather is finally perfect enough to go with the constant sunshine.

Hanging out at a historical society today. My guilty secret is that I am not even thinking about history. Just being with a convivial group and using my laptop.
Actually I am thinking about Paris. Taking notes from Fodor's Paris 2011 to remind myself what I want to do when I get there next.
Last week was a crazy week. Personally, with the taxes undone, losing my passport, my neighbor chopping down a beautiful tree and then there was Boston and the Ricin and Texas. Of course, then there was also the FINDING of the passport and getting to spend an entire day with an old friend, so it wasn't ALL bad.
Hanging out at a historical society today. My guilty secret is that I am not even thinking about history. Just being with a convivial group and using my laptop.
Actually I am thinking about Paris. Taking notes from Fodor's Paris 2011 to remind myself what I want to do when I get there next.
Last week was a crazy week. Personally, with the taxes undone, losing my passport, my neighbor chopping down a beautiful tree and then there was Boston and the Ricin and Texas. Of course, then there was also the FINDING of the passport and getting to spend an entire day with an old friend, so it wasn't ALL bad.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Maybe they don't WANT us to know
Had to go to the Post Office and get another letter filled with gobbledy-gook from the City of Bridgeton. They had been charged $6.11 to mail it and it came "postage due". The last time they sent one it cost half that amount. I HATE certified mail. Just makes me worry unnecessarily. And then you have to get to the Post Office and wait in a big long line to get it and then it is incomprehensible and you wish you had never gotten it. I called the city to complain and ask why they couldn't just give us a few "bullet points" about what it really means to ME, the man on the street. We went around and around and I really learned nothing except that they mailed these change in zoning letters to 700 people. "It's the LAW'", the head of Planning told me. What a waste of time and money! I guess I SHOULD have said, "What are you trying to ENABLE and what are you trying to PREVENT?" Of course, there is another possibility and that is that they REALLY DON'T WANT US TO KNOW! All he really said was that it is so complicated that it would take en entire huge volume to explain it.
Had a mouse emergency today. First time my wireless mouse has failed. It has been working perfectly for 9 months. Thus, I don't know what to do. I don't have the instructions with me and even if I did there is no phone service down here in Greenwich. Thank goodness one of my gentlemen friends down here at the Cumberland County Historical Society came up with a mouse which I could plug in. (The first one he gave me could not be plugged into my laptop due to no compatible hole). But at least I didn't have to face a DAY WITH NO COMPUTER (it's like a day with no sunshine). Yesterday I was online for THREE hours and I thought THAT was not enough time.
Saw a bound book of the Dollar weekly news lying on the table. So I checked out what was happening on April 8th, 1938. The was a humorous debate at a grange meeting on this topic: Resolved - that a wife is more useful than a wheelbarrow on a farm.
Had a mouse emergency today. First time my wireless mouse has failed. It has been working perfectly for 9 months. Thus, I don't know what to do. I don't have the instructions with me and even if I did there is no phone service down here in Greenwich. Thank goodness one of my gentlemen friends down here at the Cumberland County Historical Society came up with a mouse which I could plug in. (The first one he gave me could not be plugged into my laptop due to no compatible hole). But at least I didn't have to face a DAY WITH NO COMPUTER (it's like a day with no sunshine). Yesterday I was online for THREE hours and I thought THAT was not enough time.
Saw a bound book of the Dollar weekly news lying on the table. So I checked out what was happening on April 8th, 1938. The was a humorous debate at a grange meeting on this topic: Resolved - that a wife is more useful than a wheelbarrow on a farm.
Monday, March 25, 2013
I've been living in the past all weekend
Is this what it is like to get older? The past suddenly seems more interesting than the present. Saturday night I went to a concert at the Landis Theater in Vineland, NJ. Lauren Fox sang songs of Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen. She seemed like Joni Mitchell of long ago. When she sang Leonard's songs, she put on a fedora. It was interesing getting the back story behind various songs. She sang the one Joni wrote while hanging out with Leonard at the Chelsea Hotel in New York City. Then she sang the one that HE wrote there, but it was about Janis Joplin. He was quite the womanizer. (Actually, weren't we all?) It was taking me back to my youth. She finished up with a song by each of them. The word "FREE" came up an awful lot. We all wanted to be free forever, not realizing that we could be imprisoned by our own selves.
Also thinking about the past a lot as someone is researching a communal house I lived in perhaps from 1975 - 1980. So, there is a flurry of emails back and forth as we all recall things. I have been procrastinating on my answers for a questionnaire that he sent out. I had better hurry before all the stories THAT I REMEMBER have already been mentioned by others. It was a good time at Atlantic Street House in Bridgeton, and I still love all the people, those that are not DEAD.
Sunday I went to a classical music concert which was fabulous. Had to drive all the way down to Stockton State College in Pomona but at least a friend went with me. I HAD to hear Rachmaninoff piano concerto #2 as it holds great sentimental value for me. I was in LUST with a Frenchman who chose that record at my mother's house (she was away), put it on the stereo and proceded to tell me that it was "the most erotic piece of music ever written". Need I say more about our subsequent activities? I enjoyed hearing it again and reminiscing about former loves and one night stands. (I need to make a list!)
Finished a book, Beautiful ruins : a novel, by Jess Walter. It has been mentioned in quite a few places and lists. It jumps around a bit between time periods and locales. Interestingly enough, I was on the Italian coastline in 1967 and there was a rumor that Liz Taylor and Richard Burton were dining in an outdoor cafe in Protofino. So this guy writes a fictional (?) tale of a hotel owner who encounters an actress who apparently had a daliance with Richard Burton and is being hidden away in this obscure town and inn on the coast. Later in life, an old man and a young writer meet at an agent's office in Los Angeles and, along with his assistant, they reveal more details about this story. I thought is was pretty interesting and suspenseful and could almost have been true. I borrowed it from the Vineland Public Library (FIC Walter Jess).
Also thinking about the past a lot as someone is researching a communal house I lived in perhaps from 1975 - 1980. So, there is a flurry of emails back and forth as we all recall things. I have been procrastinating on my answers for a questionnaire that he sent out. I had better hurry before all the stories THAT I REMEMBER have already been mentioned by others. It was a good time at Atlantic Street House in Bridgeton, and I still love all the people, those that are not DEAD.
Sunday I went to a classical music concert which was fabulous. Had to drive all the way down to Stockton State College in Pomona but at least a friend went with me. I HAD to hear Rachmaninoff piano concerto #2 as it holds great sentimental value for me. I was in LUST with a Frenchman who chose that record at my mother's house (she was away), put it on the stereo and proceded to tell me that it was "the most erotic piece of music ever written". Need I say more about our subsequent activities? I enjoyed hearing it again and reminiscing about former loves and one night stands. (I need to make a list!)
Finished a book, Beautiful ruins : a novel, by Jess Walter. It has been mentioned in quite a few places and lists. It jumps around a bit between time periods and locales. Interestingly enough, I was on the Italian coastline in 1967 and there was a rumor that Liz Taylor and Richard Burton were dining in an outdoor cafe in Protofino. So this guy writes a fictional (?) tale of a hotel owner who encounters an actress who apparently had a daliance with Richard Burton and is being hidden away in this obscure town and inn on the coast. Later in life, an old man and a young writer meet at an agent's office in Los Angeles and, along with his assistant, they reveal more details about this story. I thought is was pretty interesting and suspenseful and could almost have been true. I borrowed it from the Vineland Public Library (FIC Walter Jess).
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Slower by the day took me TWO hours to deal with my email today. I thought one hour was a long time.
Of course, there have been some side trips, like verifying that Ella Reeve Bloor lived in MY HOUSE in 1895-1898. I learned two other interesting facts about this somewhat obscure socialist/communist. She wasn't actually married to Mr. Bloor; they just pretended to be married while researching for Upton Sinclair about the meat yards of Chicago. Sinclair later published a best-selling book on this topic called The jungle. I also learned that she is buried at Harleigh Cemetery in Camden, New Jersey. She grew up in Bridgeton, New Jersey, another one of our moderately famous residents-who-don't-live-here-anymore. Others in that category are Sylvia Beach, Jonathan Adler, and James Galanos. I am one of the obscure people who still live in Bridgeton.
After seeing Paula Poundstone at the Landis Theater in Vineland, New Jersey, I had to listen to the audiobook version of her book, There's nothing in this book that I meant to say, read by the author. It was funny, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, but a lot of jumping around between historical stories and her own life. Celebrities discussed are Charles Dickens, Sitting Bull, Lincoln, Helen Keller and Joan of Arc. Perhaps if she paused at the right times, the jumping around would not seem so glaring, but then again, maybe not. I learned a lot about her, such as that she is not into sex (with anyone), is a recovering alcoholic, adopted three special needs kids, is a compulsive talker and cleaner, bites her nails, and lives in Santa Monica. You can find this audiobook at the Bridgeton Public Library (AUDB BIO POUNDSTO).
Of course, there have been some side trips, like verifying that Ella Reeve Bloor lived in MY HOUSE in 1895-1898. I learned two other interesting facts about this somewhat obscure socialist/communist. She wasn't actually married to Mr. Bloor; they just pretended to be married while researching for Upton Sinclair about the meat yards of Chicago. Sinclair later published a best-selling book on this topic called The jungle. I also learned that she is buried at Harleigh Cemetery in Camden, New Jersey. She grew up in Bridgeton, New Jersey, another one of our moderately famous residents-who-don't-live-here-anymore. Others in that category are Sylvia Beach, Jonathan Adler, and James Galanos. I am one of the obscure people who still live in Bridgeton.
After seeing Paula Poundstone at the Landis Theater in Vineland, New Jersey, I had to listen to the audiobook version of her book, There's nothing in this book that I meant to say, read by the author. It was funny, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, but a lot of jumping around between historical stories and her own life. Celebrities discussed are Charles Dickens, Sitting Bull, Lincoln, Helen Keller and Joan of Arc. Perhaps if she paused at the right times, the jumping around would not seem so glaring, but then again, maybe not. I learned a lot about her, such as that she is not into sex (with anyone), is a recovering alcoholic, adopted three special needs kids, is a compulsive talker and cleaner, bites her nails, and lives in Santa Monica. You can find this audiobook at the Bridgeton Public Library (AUDB BIO POUNDSTO).
Monday, March 18, 2013
Forget the weather forecast
I was dreading the weekend as three days of rain was predicted. It is now 12:18 on Monday and it hasn't rained yet. But, it is supposed to rain and snow today! What it is, is damn chilly.
Finished The uncommon appeal of clouds, by Alexander McCall Smith. It is one of my least favorite of his series, the one called the Isabel Dalhousie series. Isabel is an Edinburgh philosopher and amateur sleuth. She married a younger man and has a son. She helps people with "mysteries" but does not get paid. This one is about the theft of an art work by Poussin (he wasn't the thief, the thief was unknown).. It is a "contemporary cozy" verging on the boring. Isabel can be a bit of a prig.
Had a fun day at the Atlantic City casinos yesterday. I am not a gambler, but I COULD be! If I gambled in order to win, I would spend 15 minutes and walk away when my money went up. It is hard to fill many hours there without losing. In the end, I was ahead $15, which paid for my lunch. I only play the penny and nickle machines. I used to take $20 and was ready to go home after 15 minutes. Yesterday, I gambled with $65 and made it last quite a long time. The show was so so.....guys (Andre & Cirell) who did imitations and sang songs of other more famous people. Their interactions with the audience were stale and lame. We went to Resorts, which was the first casino to open in Atlantic City. It was opened by Merv Griffin back in the 70's. It seemed not very crowded down there or in Resorts. And all the people that WERE there were in the line for promotions, thus depriving me of getting a "Get the star treatment" card. OK, the other reason I didn't get the card was because you needed a photo ID and I had downsized my purse to the point where I didn't have any ID.
Finished The uncommon appeal of clouds, by Alexander McCall Smith. It is one of my least favorite of his series, the one called the Isabel Dalhousie series. Isabel is an Edinburgh philosopher and amateur sleuth. She married a younger man and has a son. She helps people with "mysteries" but does not get paid. This one is about the theft of an art work by Poussin (he wasn't the thief, the thief was unknown).. It is a "contemporary cozy" verging on the boring. Isabel can be a bit of a prig.
Had a fun day at the Atlantic City casinos yesterday. I am not a gambler, but I COULD be! If I gambled in order to win, I would spend 15 minutes and walk away when my money went up. It is hard to fill many hours there without losing. In the end, I was ahead $15, which paid for my lunch. I only play the penny and nickle machines. I used to take $20 and was ready to go home after 15 minutes. Yesterday, I gambled with $65 and made it last quite a long time. The show was so so.....guys (Andre & Cirell) who did imitations and sang songs of other more famous people. Their interactions with the audience were stale and lame. We went to Resorts, which was the first casino to open in Atlantic City. It was opened by Merv Griffin back in the 70's. It seemed not very crowded down there or in Resorts. And all the people that WERE there were in the line for promotions, thus depriving me of getting a "Get the star treatment" card. OK, the other reason I didn't get the card was because you needed a photo ID and I had downsized my purse to the point where I didn't have any ID.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Black people have more fun
Just finished a fun romp of an audiobook...Baggage claim, by David E. Talbert (never heard of him). Performed by Kim Fields. "She's got thirty days and thirty-thousand miles to find a husband". Book was quite silly in spots and I am not really into chasing men in order to marry them, but I learned a lot of black lore and the book was laugh out loud funny at times. Montana Moore is a flight attendant with best friends at work, a black woman and a gay man. Due to family pressures she finally caves to the idea of getting a husband and travels the country to "try out" five former beaus, who couldn't be more different. They all have their stumbling blocks and the book keeps you glued to your seat waiting to see WHO she will end up with.
I am a creature of habit. Thinking about the fact that I live in the same house where I came as an infant. Of course, I haven't lived there the whole time, but I am back there. Saw an old friend today in an art gallery. Remembering back decades ago when we got friendly at the art opening for a show in which we were both participants at this very same gallery.
Started another audiobook which won't be as good, but the previous one ended up on Christmas eve in Baltimore and this one starts on Christmas eve in Malibu. They both involve airplanes. Life is full of coincidences. Using the computer at the Bridgeton Public Library. Going to look for an audiobook of Paula Poundstone's book. Still laughing about HER performance the other night. This is my SECOND library of the day. Spent 15 minutes at the Vineland Public Library in between errands today.
Got this nail polish today from my favorite nail person. Road house blues by O.P.I.
I am a creature of habit. Thinking about the fact that I live in the same house where I came as an infant. Of course, I haven't lived there the whole time, but I am back there. Saw an old friend today in an art gallery. Remembering back decades ago when we got friendly at the art opening for a show in which we were both participants at this very same gallery.
Started another audiobook which won't be as good, but the previous one ended up on Christmas eve in Baltimore and this one starts on Christmas eve in Malibu. They both involve airplanes. Life is full of coincidences. Using the computer at the Bridgeton Public Library. Going to look for an audiobook of Paula Poundstone's book. Still laughing about HER performance the other night. This is my SECOND library of the day. Spent 15 minutes at the Vineland Public Library in between errands today.
Got this nail polish today from my favorite nail person. Road house blues by O.P.I.
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