Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Maybe they don't WANT us to know

Had to go to the Post Office and get another letter filled with gobbledy-gook from the City of Bridgeton.  They had been charged $6.11 to mail it and it came "postage due".  The last time they sent one it cost half that amount.  I HATE certified mail.  Just makes me worry unnecessarily. And then you have to get to the Post Office and wait in a big long line to get it and then it is incomprehensible and you wish you had never gotten it.  I called the city to complain and ask why they couldn't just give us a few "bullet points" about what it really means to ME, the man on the street.  We went around and around and I really learned nothing except that they mailed these change in zoning letters to 700 people.  "It's the LAW'", the head of Planning told me.   What a waste of time and money!  I guess I SHOULD have said, "What are you trying to ENABLE and what are you trying to PREVENT?"  Of course, there is another possibility and that is that they REALLY DON'T WANT US TO KNOW!  All he really said was that it is so complicated that it would take en entire huge volume to explain it.

Had a mouse emergency today.  First time my wireless mouse has failed. It has been working perfectly for  9 months.  Thus, I don't know what to do.  I don't have the instructions with me and even if I did there is no phone service down here in Greenwich.   Thank goodness one of my gentlemen friends down here at the Cumberland County Historical Society came up with a mouse which I could plug in.  (The first one he gave me could not be plugged into my laptop due to no compatible hole).  But at least I didn't have to face a DAY WITH NO COMPUTER (it's like a day with no sunshine).  Yesterday I was online for THREE hours and I thought THAT was not enough time.

Saw a bound book of the Dollar weekly news lying on the table.  So I checked out what was happening on April 8th, 1938.  The was a humorous debate at a grange meeting on this topic: Resolved - that a wife is more useful than a wheelbarrow on a farm.

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