Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lilac or wisteria?

I get them confused.  Not only that, but I had to search on the Internet to remember the names of either or both of them.  At least, I know how to do THAT.  I love them both and they both smell great.  We had a wisteria bush/tree growing up in what we called the "park".  Not many lilac trees around in domestication...they mostly seem to be in the wild. 

Book review:  Have to return this book today as I got it on Interlibrary loan from the Franklin Township Public Library (F WOLITZER) .  An available man, by Hilma Wolitzer.  I like a book about a "modest and bookish" man who becomes single at age 62 after his second wife dies.  His children put an ad in The New York review of books hoping he will meet someone new.  I can relate, except for the DATING parts.  So, it is about his life, his relatives, his dog, an old girlfriend and various other women who pass through his sphere.

I am trying to become a better library patron.  This is hard for a librarian who is used to "professional courtesy" as far as fines go.  I seem to have finagled a deal at my OWN library, but I notice one of the other libraries in the system is charging me fines!  And a local library I frequent went off and joined a different group so I am just another lousy patron in their book.  So, I am returning a book due today on ILL and also another book I couldn't get into.  Feeling kind of bad about that since the back cover was filled with GLOWING words about it.  I wanted to get a book called Life after life by Jill McCorkle, who went to my college (Hollins University).  There is ANOTHER book of the same name so I got that one, too.  That is the one that I couldn't get into.  Also feel bad because the author, Kate Atkinson, wrote another book that I enjoyed....Started early, took my dog. Isn't that a great title!?   Maybe I will try it another time, but I brought it back because I noticed that someone else had put it on hold and I hadn't gotten very far into it.

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