Thursday, April 4, 2013

And that's why we sent you to private school all them years

Said a mother to her son.  Overheard at the counter at the Vineland Amish market this morning.  She was criticizing the public school system of Vineland New Jersey.  (He didn't look like he turned out all that great).

I am having a relaxing day, killing time in Vineland.  Made it to my 8 AM Exercise for arthritis class (my goal is to get to one of the two weekly classes).  Then I head for the baked oatmeal breakfast at the Amish market.  Oatmeal started off as a diet food.  By the time I get done with it it is NOT a diet food.  I load it up with bananas, raisins, hot milk, and brown sugar.  And I have a sneaking suspicion that "baked" oatmeal already has eggs, flour and sugar already added to it.  Then I stopped by to make a hair appointment.  Next I went to my previous place of employment and visited a few people.  Now I am using the computer at the Vineland Public Library.  Already had to ask my neighbor to stop cursing at the computer.  Those old librarian habits die hard!

It is such a struggle trying to lose weight.  Unwanted (unnecessary) pounds are part of my excess STUFF. Maybe if I eat sensibly and exercise EVERY day for a VERY long time, I could lose some weight?  I was rather pleased today, though, when I had my body fat percentage checked.  Maybe there was an equipment malfunction but, according to the stats, my body fat declined from somewhere in the 40's in January to somewhere in the 20's in April.  (Strangely enough, they measure this in the middle of the top part of your arm instead of pinching your midriff). I guess it was in January when my self improvement campaign started.  When my "home away from home" became the Fitness Connection instead of my CAR.  Possible diet plans:
- Eat one meal a day and have 100 calorie snacks at intervals the rest of the day?
- Behave myself all the time and only have one "treat" after the weight goes down five pounds?
- Paleo diet?
- Gluten-free diet?
- Spend an entire day at the Fitness Connection?
- Curb the nightime eating? (I may have to wean myself off of the Ambien to accomplish this)

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