Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Laptop day is the best

Wednesday is the day I just play on my laptop ALL DAY (10 til 4) while I hang out at the historical library. I always bring something from a bakery even though I should not be setting foot in a bakery. You could say I am focused but really, it is the perfect activity for someone with ADD as I am jumping from here to there and back at the slightest whim. It is raining out and the weather forecast includes some rain every day for the foreseeable future. Thankful that it is not too hot anyway.

Just listened to a program about Bad neighbors. Guess I am not very tolerant. I remember decades ago when my girlfriend and I attended a workshop on becoming more tolerant. All we could talk about afterwards was our criticisms of the other people at the workshop so I think the whole thing backfired or just plain did not work for us.
I did feel somewhat better as I was reminded of situations that I DON'T have to put up with. Where can I go to escape the annoyances of life? Even at those exclusive retirement places which I cannot afford, there are always new, younger, annoying people moving in and cliques and pecking orders. Saw a painting of a falling down hermit cabin and I wanted it. I know I have plenty of annoying habits but all I can think about are the noise and litter of my new neighbors. Why do they have to have so many family members and friends and dogs and coming and goings? Why can't they just behave and live quietly INSIDE like I do. And I get angry at the landlords who just want to collect the rent. Each tenant situation is worse than the one before. They have no boundaries and are always making noise and causing trash on MY property and then their pit bull BARKS at me when I am picking up their trash.

Wonder where I can get some dental insurance in time to have four wisdom teeth removed in a few weeks? It is not fun getting older. Mommy and daddy had such good teeth. What is the matter with us? I used to think root canals were a rip off, then it was implants, now it is just pull'em out.

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