I just listen to radio shows ABOUT TV! NPR seems to be obsessed with all of these shows on HBO. I know they are all the rage, but I am one of the many HBO-deprived amongst us. My TV watching consists of moving around the dial and watching 5 minutes of a few shows or until the commercial comes on. I prefer old 1/2 hour sit-coms. (Yeah...I'm just an old fuddy duddy!) Here is what I like:
- Seinfeld
- Everybody loves Raymond
- Mind TV - 5 minute self produced videos
- The big bang theory
- The golden girls
That said, I rarely watch anything on purpose, other than 60 minutes. I am SO behind the curve. Heard about a new book called Difficult men, featuring the new anti-hero in television series, such as The sopranos, Breaking bad, etc. All the heros now seem to be gangsters, meth makers, prisoners. Thought about getting that book for my sister as she has watched all of these shows enthusiastically.
Book review: The Lumby lines, by Gail Fraser. This was recommended by a friend. I was not able to finish it as it became overdue at the Cape May Court house Library (F Fra). It was the first in a series. Lumby is a small fictional town in the Northwest. Two out-of-towners buy an old abbey and renovate it to be an Inn. They get to know people from this small town, some supportive and some not so. Some of the obstructionists are powerful people in the town. I found the book a bit too cutesy or maybe I just wasn't in the mood. Interestingly, the cover art is by the husband of the author and depicts the town in a primitive style.
Book review: Here, there, elsewhere: stories from the road, by William Least Heat-Moon. I have sort of forgotten about this author since his seminal work, Blue highways. He was quoted in an article somewhere so I decided to give him another look. This is a collection of short essays from throughout his career. While he does visit interesting places, and provides maps and black & white images, I found it hard to stick with. I wished that some of the images were in color. He does have a knack for getting around. Very helpful indeed is the index of places at the end. I got this book on interlibrary loan from the Woodbury Library. Unfortunately, now that I have retired, I have to PAY if my books are late so I am returning this one not completely read. (910.4 Hea)
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