Saturday, December 29, 2012

Thrift shop

Just added this song to my  Most of my email is SOOOO boring.  I did come across this gem on called Spotify's top 10 most streamed tracks.  I am listening to each of these songs.  Not that I don't have enough songs on my playlist.  Almost one hundred.  More than I have time to listen to.  To get back to my email, mostly I get requests for money.  Plus I get email for another person with my same name who lives in Bradenton, Florida.  I called her up once or twice to discuss the matter and her daughter told me she never had an email even slightly like mine.  It is really irritating to get things from the wrong school and the wrong politcal spectrum.  Even the RIGHT schools or political parties are bothersome!

Have been spending a lot of time with various groups of friends or family lately.  Of course, it IS Christmas.
This morning I learned that they have a senior roller skating session on Monday mornings.  Too bad I have a yoga date then.  I should try skating again.  It has been over a decade since my last visit, whereupon I broke my wrist.  Prior to that I was very "devil may care" and went by myself a lot.

The longest year of my life has been the year I turned 65.  And the year is only half over.  The longest TWO years of my life have been my contract with Sprint.  It is over the end of December and I think I will enjoy the sense of FREEDOM for awhile.  Don't enjoy the need to make a DECISION, however.  What phone, what company?  I have to come to a (happy?) medium between the two realities:  1. I am FRUGAL, and 2. I want more features on my phone.

Friday, December 28, 2012

No body drying with hair dryers

This sign is posted in the women's changing room at the health club.  Does not this bring up a lovely image?

Made a date to meet a friend at the Megabyte cafe.  When I got there (loaded up with all of my computer stuff, naturally), it said "Closed until further notice".  Dang!  News from the world of small business.  I am getting a bit tired of schlepping my STUFF all over and finding no room in the inn, as it were.

Always feel like I am rushing and overwhelmed with too much to do.  What the heck did I do when I was actually WORKING?  I was laying in bed pondering the day and which direction to go in when my girlfriend called and said she was going to be in the area.  So, all I got done today was about an hour of home essentials, 45 mins of walking alternating with lifting, lunch, and now about an hour of computer stuff.  Then only enough time to get picked up to go look at a friend's 9 foot tall Christmas tree.

Just noticed that there IS spell check on Blogger.  Only became aware as I was using a friend's computer the other night and she had it turned on.  Thank goodness for friends!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

You can't make this stuff up

Comment when I told the tale of my sister, who dropped her keys down the slit in the elevator on the way to her apartment in Soho on Christmas eve.  The next night she left her car unlocked and running.  No one noticed until we woke up in the morning.  Luckily, that was in someone's back driveway in New Jersey and not in Soho.

Returning this book to the library.  I didn't really enjoy Drift, by Rachel Maddow.  The subtitle is: the unmooring of American military power.  OK, so not too inviting.  I had gotten enthralled with her on TV around election time so I checked her book out of the library.  According to a blurb on the back, "she tells the epic story of how American warfare came to be both never-ending and practically invisible."

Had a nice trip (my annual) to the Reading Terminal market in Philadelphia today.  Got really busy and crowded.  Nice that it is all indoors, once you get there.  A panoply of mostly food stands...cheese, honey, spices, teas, breads, restaurants, meats, ice cream.  It was quite bright and festive.  Bought a few things until. I couldn't carry anything more.  Buying spices in bulk reminds me of when I lived in Barcelona and went to the market every day.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


The roadside sign was impaired.  Had a not-very-pleasant drive home from Christmas at my sisters.  First there was horrendous traffic..."Reduce speed (har-dee-har) congestion ahead". So, I was forced to go 5 miles per hour and the LOW FUEL message came up.   Then I got hungry and thirsty and bored and it began to SNOW.  What more can happen?  It is only a three hour drive but it seemed like it took ALL DAY.

Spent a techy time with my my nephews.  They all got new Galaxy droids phones for the holidays.  They all had iphones and now, suddenly, not.  So, I try to listen and learn.  Also watched a difficult movie called The hunter and discovered a fun TV show called Archer.  It is an outrageous cartoon James Bond spoof.

Kind of depressing coming home in such disgusting weather.  My ceiling was leaking and I couldn't stay home.  Schlepped all of my stuff over to the library to spend the evening on the computer and was appalled to discover that they were going to CLOSE at 5 PM cause it's Christmas!  Grrr.  So I dropped in on a friend and wangled a dinner invitation in addition to getting to use the computer.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I heard the patter of tiny feet

My nephew's feet are not so tiny any more. He wears size ten. But I heard someone walking around so I thought I had better get up. Don't want to miss Christmas. It is 8 AM and he is the only one up.

We had a white Christmas. Well it snowed for awhile last night! We drove around looking for the luminaries which they put out all over Glen Ridge, New Jersey. Interesting and beautiful Christmas Eve custom. The more people you can talk into doing it, the more lovely it is. Take a white paper bag, fill it with two trowels full of sand. There should be enough sand to get a white teac candle to stand up. Place the bags every three feet in the street or on the curb or the grass. Light the tea candle when darkness falls. The lights will burn for hours, even in the snow!

Learned about another interesting Holiday custom last night.  In Oaxaca, Mexico, they have a festival called Noche de Rรกbanos (Night of the radishes), held on the 23rd of December.  This is one of the rare sculptures where you can actually identify a radish.  And these radishes are GIGANTIC.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

In, out, nobody gets hurt

That is my philosophy of Christmas shopping. I only deal with the stores that are on the EDGE of the mall. What am I, NUTS, to be out at the mall today? Tried to go to BJ's but it was too overwhelming. So I went to my "predictable" stores, the bookstore and Marshalls and Starbucks, where I am now. Of course, the little red bag I came here to get is all sold out, thus reminding me that you need to BUY it when you SEE it.

So, I have gifts with no people and people with no gifts. The whole thing is approaching insanity. I put $20 in the Salvation Army kettle to make myself feel a LITTLE better about all of this conspicuous consumption. My God, even Starbucks is a madhouse today. And the traffic jams!

Finished up a book called My mother was nuts, by Penny Marshall. Was only vaguely familiar with her. I was really attracted to the book because of the title. I like reading memoirs because it reminds me of the history of MY life. She has sort of a deadpan presentation without much self reflection. She knew a lot of famous people and just fell into a lot of her activites. From starring in a TV show, Laverne and Shirley, to directing several movies, to getting cancer, she explained it all. She is good friends with Carrie Fisher, whose biographies I have also read.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Bacon is the candy bar of meats

Things I am going to miss after I cancel the "local" paper on January 8th:
- cartoons, especially Pickles, where I got the quote above
- crossword puzzle
- Sukoku puzzle
- Having a paper to read as part of my repertoire of reading items each night before bed
- Having a paper delivered to my front door (gosh, I finally trained him....)

Things I am NOT going to miss:
- the daily historical fact about Salem
- news of Elk Township, Salem, Logan Township and other places I have never heard of or don't care about
- the pile of unread papers next to my chair
- lugging all of the papers down to the recycling

Don't get me wrong, I am NOT going electronic. I will just have to make more of an effort to read a paper when I am in the local library or purchase one when I am out.
This way perhaps I can read more of a VARIETY of papers. I got a really good deal on the paper last year, now it is more expensive. Not real wild about the whole REGIONALIZATION thing. What used to cover my town (Bridgeton) now covers Salem County, Cumberland County and Gloucester County. I am still calling it the Bridgeton Evening news but that was several titles ago. Now it is called the South Jersey times.