Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good news and bad news

Well, I finally found a disc to clean my CD player in the car.  The bad news is, it cost $21.37 and it didn't work. (Just desperately trying to find an alternative to the expensive options which have been told to me)

Someone near me is coughing.  But I can't hate them because I have a bit of a cough myself. So much for my cocky attitude towards illness (as in I never go there).  Laid around in bed for most of the day, even though my health book said you should keep moving..  Nothing really on my calendar today and the cold and clammy weather is getting me down.  Did various errands on the way to Vineland to pick up my library book.  Went to Wawa and had some chicken noodle soup for therapeutic reasons.  It was DELICIOUS.  I really should eat soup more often.  I have been coughing quite a bit and now it HURTS when I cough.

Finished a paperback book by Anne Rivers Siddon, Sweetwater Creek.  I didn't really enjoy it.  I thought I would as it takes place in the low country of South Carolina and I do enjoy Southern writers.  Emily is a young girl whose mother has left her and her twin brothers and father living in a big mansion of a house.  They raise hunting dogs.  Another young girl comes to board there and the girls become friends.  Lulu hates her own parents but has a cool grandmother who the girls visit.  I thought the book was overwrought and overwritten.  I did like this quote from Colette ( in reference to Emily's dead brother) - "When one we love dies there's no reason to stop writing them letters."

Monday, January 14, 2013

Blogging and exercising

Two things I think I should do DAILY but it does get a bit tiresome, day after day.  Plus, I have to leave home to accomplish both of these things and sometimes I just run out of energy. Or it is too cold outside.  Didn't get to it this weekend at all.

Trying to stay healthy, but it is hard.  Woke up early while it was still dark and I didn't like the sound of my breathing.  When I exhaled, there was a weird sound, like a little tiny person very far away screaming.  So, I went back to sleep somehow and it seemed to be better when I woke up.

Every time I go into my bathroom, I get excited, as the hole in my window finally got fixed.  When I say FINALLY....Not sure HOW many years ago someone threw a jar of spaghetti sauce through my window.  I was taking a shower at the time.  Someone threw a jar which went through the second floor storm window, through the window, under the shower curtain and landed in the tub behind me.  Luckily, this was not a FULL jar of spaghetti sauce.  That would have REALLY been a mess.  I think I still have some glass in the tub.  Of course, I have no idea who did it and if it was random or personal.  The cops were no help.  All that was left of the bottle was the label and they said they couldn't take fingerprints off of it.

Missed the Golden Globes last night.  OK, I didn't even know it was ON until I sat down to read the paper at 11 PM and saw it listed in the TV section.  I was busy watching 60 minutes and Downton Abbey.  I am committed to Downton Abbey.  Realized there are certain types of segments that I hate on 60 minutes:
- extreme sports
- terrorists
- egotistical, rich men

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Secrets of my (health) success

I never seem to get "sick".  Of course, I am always semi-sick with an as-yet-unidentifed dread disease, but I don't get colds or the flu or any of that.  Here are the secrets of my success:
- Eat junk food
- Never clean your house
- Live alone

Why is my name so hard to remember?  My massage therapist and my exercise teacher are always calling me by the wrong name.  And not the SAME name, either.  I don't correct them.  I will answer to anything. 
My massage therapist calls me Janine and my exercise teacher calls me Mary Jane.

Went back on antidepressant yesterday.  I answered one question....I didn't automatically lose weight when I went off of them.  I was perfectly happy on Pristiq but it was going to cost me some horrifying amount with my new drug plan situation.  So, I was getting along OK...sometimes being obsessed with my NEED for an antidepressant and sometimes forgetting completely about it.  My doctor suggested that I fill my prescription for another brand because what can it hurt to try?  So I did.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

99 problems

99 problems and the Manwich ain't one...just one of the many funny take-off lines by Stephen Colbert in his new book, America again : re-becoming the greatness we never weren't. ( In case you missed it, Jay-Z has a song, I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one.)  Colbert includes essays on food, energy, health care and more.  An interesting gimmick for the audiobook is that he pretends to be sitting around with an audiocassette player and you hear it clicking on and off as he tries to think of the next subject.  I wasn't really a Stephen Colbert fan when I started this audiobook.  Just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  Guy on NPR rated his show number 3 on his top ten list.  By the end I was enchanted with his wordsmith abilities....inventing words is one of his talents.  Too bad the audiobook was so SHORT.  I know the BOOK included 3 D glasses (my nephew asked for it for Christmas and I obliged).

Doctor's office was SO crowded this AM....people had to park on the road as no room in the parking lot!  I wasn't really there because I was sick.  Hope I didn't catch anything from all those people in the waiting room.  I LOVE my doctor.  Feeling nicely fortified with pills and advice.  Had a list of concerns and they all got addressed.  Then I drove down to my usual Wednesday haunt, the Cumberland County Historical Society, and THAT was crowded too.

Stopped by a bakery to get lunch and snacks.  I saw a guy who addressed me politely by name, but I am never sure WHO he is.  Either my yard guy or his brother.  He was riding a bike.  Now, I could be wrong, but he didn't seem like the kind of person who would be riding a bike for the exercise.  More like the kind of person who had lost his license or couldn't afford a car.  Is that racist?  Probably.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pet peeves

It is annoying when many of the library computers are "down", the handicapped access button on the front door continues to not work, young girls walk by talking about someone's "birfday", and people were talking during a good portion of the movie today (Les miserables). On the plus side, the weather is gorgeous and it was $2 popcorn day at the movies.

Kind of rushing.  The PRESSURE of having to complete all of my computer tasks in ONE hour.  I do have my laptop in the trunk of my car....just too lazy to bring it in.  So, in addition to catching up with my email, I must think of a few topics to write about on this blog and look up a bunch of stuff, like the French revolution and what that big stone elephant was doing in the movie, Les miserables.  Left over from a world's fair, or something?  Plus I have a Princeton folder full of stuff to do on the computer and a couple of plastic folders full of papers.  So I will BEG for more computer time (that is the policy at the Millville Public Library).

Is today the day I am going to stop by Staples and invest in a calendar system for 2013?  Still have not been able to make the switch to the electronic life.  It is a slow process.  One of the things I have to tweak today is my list of features I desire in my new phone, to which I am "entitled" as we speak.  It is nice to be "FREE" of Sprint, but not nice to be indecisive and want to save money.  If the sky was the limit, what would I get?  Not accustomed to thinking like that.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Guilty pleasures

Some of my "guilty pleasures" ( I know it is a cliche)...Walmart, Eminem, L'il Wayne.  Forced to go to Walmart to save money on drugs.  Even though I am "anti-Walmart:, sometimes I look around when I am there.  Did find some things I really needed today for a really good price.  They do have some good ideas.  I like the way the bathrooms are right near the front door and that they are well maintained.  In fact, if Walmart had a drive-through it would be just about perfect!

Note to self - things to look up - duties of the footman, Google play, Google phone (?), dates of the upcoming Downton Abbey episodes....

Just took a look at Facebook.  Couldn't even figure out how to logout of it.  Perhaps there is some happy medium between this blog which no one reads and Facebook, which is filled with messages from people I don't really care about.  There are some nice photographs on there, though.  I would like to copy them for my desktop.  Right now I have a photo of Matthew and Lady Mary on there. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Downton Abbey is back

Woke up excited about the start of Season 3 of Downton Abbey.  Rarely do I stay home in order to watch TV but tonight yes, attending a Downton Abbey viewing party.  My philosophy of TV is, if I am HOME and it is on, I might watch it for 5 minutes.

Saw a good play today, Assistance, at the Wilma in Philadelphia.  We have season tickets and this year, the weather has greatly cooperated.  Last year it rained or snowed every day our seats came up.
This was a rapid fire comedy involving the office of a really bad boss, who we never meet.  Some of the assistants manage to get promoted and some get fired or burned out.

I had to stop listening to The ruins, the book by Scott Smith.  Things were going from bad to worse and when two guys decided to amputate the legs of the guy who had fallen down the mine shaft and then been eaten by the man-eating plant, I couldn't stand it another minute.  They were never going to be rescued anyway.  Some story lines are just too horrible for me to even cope with.  That is how I feel about going to see that new movie called Django unchained. I can't imagine why anyone would want to see a movie about slaves fighting each other to the death.  What is WRONG with Americans?