Went on a walk this AM with the mayor of Bridgeton and a bunch of other people I didn't know. The annual health walk is a part of the "Let's move" campaign. We signed a big poster which will be sent with our picture to Michelle Obama. Our county of Cumberland comes in LAST in the entire state in terms of health statistics. So the mayor had T-shirts made up that said, "From WORST to FIRST". It was a beautiful day but I got hot and didn't have a hat or sunglasses. Then I came in LAST. Even though it was not a race, it was somewhat demoralizing. And I was waiting for it to just be OVER. I know I am slow and have no stamina, but really. I DO work out but I realize I do a lot of different things during my one hour at the gym. Doing ONE THING for 40 minutes is almost more than I can take physically OR psychologically (thus, the ADD worry). Then I think, well, I can go ONLINE for hours. But while online, I am jumping around from thing to thing. Even when I read for an hour, I am reading a lot of different things, current newspaper, old newspaper, Nook, current book, overdue book, old magazine, current newspaper, open the mail, do the crossword puzzle and the sudoku, then read a current magazine.
Still have to come to the library for my entertainment. This AM I had a snoring man to my left and to my right, a young black girl and an older white woman were attempting to order a magazine online (it did not work). They were ordering a magazine called XXL which seems to be about rappers (?) and they were buying if for a GIFT for someone incarcerated in our local prison.
So, I told a friend that I was losing weight without really trying. That is not really true. I AM trying, I just don't feel like I am being successful. The exercising is going a lot better than previously, but the eating! About the only thing I have accomplished is to lessen the amount of snacking that I am doing. If I DO snack, I try to eat something that is only 100 calories. Nighttime is still the worst, though.
We had some wacky storms on Thursday. Two storms, one in the morning and one in the evening, each had about 10 minutes of really bad stuff. Luckily, I wasn't on THIS street in Rosenhayn, New Jersey, during those minutes.....