Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ding dong, the dog is dead...

Did I tell the tale of the barking pit bull next door?  Went to city council to complain about it and learned that the dog was killed that very same day.  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  Heard on the Oprah channel that she has owned 21 dogs in her adulthood and that she once had 11 dogs at once.  How is this even possible?  Bet there was some barking around THAT mansion!

Have been in a bad mood lately.  Can I blame it on my town?  Would a vacation help?  Do I need to move?  But then we have to deal with the issue of STUFF.  The amount of it that I own impedes me from movement.  I am a peace-loving librarian and Quaker and my neighborhood is getting too noisy and aggravating.  Now that I am retired I have too much time to notice exactly how annoying my neighbors really are.  I try to be patient and wait them out, but I can't take all of the coming and going and screaming kids, people spitting off porch, barking dogs.  We just don't DO that on Commerce St.

My flash drive has started to go.  Now I regret that I do not have it backed up.  Why do I always assume that things are going to last, when I know how many address books and electronic versions I have been through?  So my whole entire life is on this one flash drive and now I can't create files or change any documents.  So far I can still READ them, but not sure I have the skills to copy a flash drive.  And I certainly don't want to copy any bugs if I have any.  I don't remember anyone HAVING problems with flash drives at the library.  But I have been using this same one for a year and a half.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Do I have a "negative dispositional attitude"

Although I do see a lot of LIKES and DISLIKES in the world, I probably tend more to the DISLIKES.  Want to read the academic article which lies behind the popular press articles (one of which I posted) on this topic. 

Then again, I take pleasure in positive comments, even if made by an older, blacker, flirtacious man in McDonald's....."I keep track of everything around here, especially the young and pretty girls".  I didn't really respond but I think he meant ME!

Really need to do some stuff at home but it is grey and humid and too quiet.  So I came out to McDonald's to get some breakfast and some coffee and to use the Internet.
Summer's over...what is the plan for my life?

Friday, August 30, 2013

I don't want Yahoo to be just like Google

But now Yahoo is changing it's typeface every day to be more like Google.  They already changed the email to be more like Google.

I am getting so confused about apostrophes...and ALL punctuation to be exact.  I thought there was no longer an apostrophe in Alzheimers but the poster of the organization out in the lobby has one.

And I am about to get booted off of this computer as I AM a laptop hobo!

Coffee shops look to oust 'laptop hobos'

Coffee shops look to oust 'laptop hobos'

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I miss bumper stickers

I saw two good bumper stickers today. There were quite a few on this car and you don't see THAT any more either! 

- "I listened to NPR before it was cool".
- "Are you hearing voices of crazy people?  Turn off FOX news".

Holiday weekend approaches.  I don't like holidays.  Nothing is ever happening due to the holiday.  I never have any plans.  I emailed my sisters and none of them have any plans either.

Torrential rains yesterday.  Ceiling leaking again.  I guess a leaking ceiling never gets any better, only worse.  (One can always HOPE, can't one?)  So here are my main problems today...

- a leaking ceiling (roof)
- a dead bat somewhere in my house
- a barking pit bull next door
- cell phone battery is inexplicably dying and I need to make some phone calls
- rash on my leg is starting to itch again

Other than that, life is just hunky dory.  I will try and think of some GOOD things now...

- the competition at the health club is almost over so I can stop feeling inadequate
- I am starting to walk better due to losing weight
- everybody is very well behaved over here at the Vineland Public Library
- I rebooted my laptop and overcame the nonfunctioning
- Serena Williams is one hunk of a woman (I just perused Tennis magazine)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Low productivity today

Can't get focused today.  Day looking increasingly threatening.  I think it may have finally started to rain.  August has been amazingly pleasant, as Augusts go.  It got to 90 degrees the other day for the first time since July.  I have been enjoying the pool.

Book review: Neighbor law, by Cora Jordan (c2006). Read this fascinating book on my Nook.  Actually borrowed it through the Overdrive system at the Vineland Public Library.  Chapters on dogs, fences, boundaries and other topics of interest to me.  Also learned about things that other people could sue ME for, such as my falling down fence.

Book review: Quite enough of Calvin Trillin : forty years of funny stuff, by Calvin Trillin (c2011).  My sister gave me this book for Christmas and I greatly enjoyed it.  Short essays and poems, just right for my attention span.  The offerings are divided up under topic headings, such as "English and some languages I don't speak".  The very first story is called "Chubby" and relates to a story about a collie dog and finding out the real truth about what happened to him later in life.  He didn't really "go to the farm".  I had a very similar tale about Mandy the lamb so I loved this story, which was really about memory.  I also enjoyed the story called "Paper trails" about the difficulties of composing a note to put on your car.  As the essays and poems are dated, it serves as a bit of reminder of our history.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Living with a bat

Freaked out by a bat the other night.  Ran into another room and then it quieted down.
Have had discussions lately with friends about how to handle bats.  Supposedly there is a $500 fine for killing a bat.  I had not had one for decades.  I did volunteer to move one at church.  It turned out to be dead, but I didn't know that when I volunteered.  So, I actually went to sleep knowing that there was a bat in my house (the power of Ambien).  The next morning I saw it resting above my kitchen cabinet.  By the time I got organized to get it, it had MOVED and I didn't know where it went.  So, the next night, it started flying around at 8 PM and I ran into the other room to escape it.  I think it may have gotten trapped in some clutter and expired.  But I will have to go home around 8 PM to see if it flying around.  I thought bats could get out of any spot.

Put out the recycling tonight.  People are going to think I am a lush.  Some people had a party behind my house this week.  They thoughtfully put 5 empty bottles of Hurricane malt liquor in my recycling bin.  I had to pick up some black plastic bags that they carried the bottles in, but...

Pros and cons of my day....

- struggled with my oral surgeon while he "pulled" two wisdom teeth
- the pain of the needles going in to give me the novocaine
- getting a paper telling me about possible swelling and pain for ten days
- missed the VMAs on TV last night cause I didn't even know they were on
- no dental insurance now that I am retired

- watching some YouTube videos by Anna Kendrick and Mackelmore
- neighborhood peaceful today
- yoga this AM at Cumberland County Library
- got some really good pain pills from the oral surgeon
- a friend who had emergency surgery is doing better
- doctor gave me 20% off due to my lack of insurance