Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Government by tantrum

Yes, that is what we have in the United States of America. The Republicans all strike me as hard-edged, white, too thin, uptight, tight-lipped, tight-assed whiners. Get over it, please, and let's just TRY the Affordable health act. I refuse to call it OBAMACARE any more. I think that just encourages them and discourages the American public. What is so bad about socialized medicine, after all? Medicare is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. At least one thing in life just occurs and it is a good thing. No decisions needed, not much paperwork involved and it saves you money.

Sitting on the porch of the New Dodge's market in Elmer. It was on my list of places to use the wireless. However, it is on a REALLY busy and noisy intersection of Route 40 and some other street and it is very unpleasant. The weather is great, however, and unseasonably warm. Had a delicious salad with a fabulous salad dressing.

Time to get back to Bridgeton and buy my new and old prescriptions. Ready for a rest. Had a biopsy even though I went into the dermatologist determined to not get cut. This is practically impossible when you visit this (or any) dermatologist as we all know. I vow to try harder to not scratch. I felt the visit was worth it and perhaps there is HOPE for the future. Hard to be positive when you have had a skin disorder for 16 months! (Can't believe how time flies). She wanted to know if I was anxious (just about the neighbors) or depressed, (no, but I AM highly medicated). Scratching is related to OCD (OK< I admit it, I do have that).

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Aged goods

Spotted this sign on an abandoned bar as I drove through Millville, New Jersey, today. It used to say PACKAGED GOODS but the "pack" got torn off.

So happy whilst walking on the Ocean City boardwalk today. The sun! The breezes! The unseasonably warm weather! The polite and quiet people! I am so hating my town (Bridgeton) these days. I think I could live at the beach or somewhere far, far away from annoying people. So many beach towns within an hour of my house. But it seems more and more people are heading to Ocean City, America's family resort. Maybe because there are so many rentals there? Or because it is a dry town? Last September I was a bit lonely while renting there, but maybe it depends on my mood? I like peace and quiet and I am surrounded by LOUD people with bad grammar and lots of cursing. Also yapping dogs. Even if the dog is houses away from me, it bugs me to no end. I have this week taken to wearing earplugs but they don't help that much. And you can only use them when you AREN'T listening to NPR. Have added earplugs to my really long shopping list.

I guess the other alternative is to be home less. Or travel more. Or sleep elsewhere. Only slept away from home ONE NIGHT the whole summer.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Threshold amnesia?

I was told this is an actual condition, but maybe he was kidding? Whereby upon going from one room to another, you forget why you came in there.

Had great fun at an antiques appraisal yesterday. Had never been to something like that, but plenty of people came lugging their treasures. I was helping to organize the people waiting. We were there for 4 hours, had 54 people with over 100 items. The man doing it was very entertaining and I learned a lot. Of course, it is very hard for me to part with anything, but it is fun to dream about the possible value of your possessions. I vowed to start taking better care of my STUFF. I brought a Hummel figure of a kid playing doctor. While Hummels are too plentiful to be very valuable, it seems things like doctors could be worth more. Must research online. There are websites devoted to Hummel figurines. Then I had a tin lantern with a candle in it. My great aunt told me that she had a darkroom and made postcards. The appraiser suggested researching photographic collectibles for that one. Also, I should see if I can find any of her postcards for sale online. I know, it is a longshot.

The weather has been so phenomenal this fall! Every day I wake up to the same gorgeous sunny weather as the day before.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Job titles I would like to have

Wouldn't it be nice to tell someone at a party that you were an "Equine portrait photographer"?

One of my pet peeves is people who talk on their cell phones WHILE THEY ARE WORKING, especially when they aren't even speaking English. I think it was a Cambodian nail technician that brought on THIS rant. Then one of the other workers turned on his MAC and started blaring some program in another language even though the TV was on. Grrrr.... The manicure was OK but the ambiance was terrible. Won't be going back there soon or ever.

I fear I am getting early-onset Alzheimer's. (Also have been unable to resolve the issue that once I heard that there was no longer an apostrophe in Alzheimer's but that seems to have been a DREAM). I went to get my haircut and couldn't remember which side I parted my hair on. Can I blame it on the mirror effect? A few days ago I went to pick up a friend at the bus station and had trouble remembering exactly what exit and which road to turn around on. Is it NORMAL aging or ABNORMAL aging? I do feel somewhat foggy even when I am NOT taking a pain pill or a Xanax.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Living like hobos in their own home

Strikes too close to home. Finished a book called Coming clean, by Kimberly Rae Miller, about growing up with parents who were hoarders. She wasn't ever able to cure them.

Things I like:
- Driving slowly through the country
- Xanax
- perfectly gorgeous weather
- leftovers

Things I don't like:
- Four-way stops
- library computers getting too old
- big fat mice
= traffic and confusion

A lot of work going on. Seems like everywhere I look there are people sawing, trash containers being delivered, hammering, etc. Even I had some work done. I had people trim some trees. I think I should do it every year instead of every ten years. Can actually sunbathe now.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Got rid of some stuff today

Had some trees trimmed in the back yard. Workmen and change make me nervous so I couldn't relax until they were done. I also took a Xanax to help forget about the stress. The guy came with about 8 helpers (he promised me 3). They were all over the place and making one heck of a racket. I do like the final result and will consider having a trim every year instead of once every ten years. Of course, the LAST time my father owned the property and paid for the trim.

Going to court tomorrow and am totally unprepared. It is really the mediation ordered by the court. I am sure it will be just as big a waste of time as the court was. Embarrassing, too, since I am complaining about the barking pit bull next door and the dog DIED. I called and they said you can't cancel the appointment even if the dog is dead.

Brought my own computer to the library today as the computers here are getting really old and sluggish and most of them have big fat mice. I am just so hard to please.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

You ain't prejudiced, is you?

This question was followed by a request for money, making me doubt the veracity of my NOT being prejudiced. The other thing that happened as I was hanging around in downtown Bridgeton, was observing a very Black woman crossing the street and muttering, "Fuckin' white people!" Was I the cause of this muttering? Just made me realize why no one likes to come downtown.

I should be thankful for being ALIVE today, as I took a very nasty tumble last night. You think that you are going to be careful and that nothing bad is going to happen to you and the next thing you know you are one step from the bottom of a flight of stairs, upside down and wedged in. If I hadn't recently lost some weight, I would STILL be there. It was rather a feat to get myself extricated from that situation but I was all alone and it was dark. What other choice did I have? AM starting to feel a bit better, but don't know WHAT or WHO to doctor? the ice? the Naproxen? the pain pill? my massage therapist? my chiropractor? All I can say is THANK GOD. I do not need a broken hip. This is why I like to get home before dark and STAY THERE. I took a step, it was dark, I misjudged the step and suddenly was flying through the air.

Before this occurred, I drove over to the local high school stadium to take a walk/jog. All along both sides of the street there were signs posted "No parking this side". This is what is wrong with America. NO ONE is allowed to park in a convenient location!