Thursday, November 29, 2012

Too much sun

I can't believe I just had to move my whole computer set up due to TOO MUCH SUN. I am constantly harping about my NEED for sun and warmth and then I had too much of it. It is hard to use the computer when there are a lot of reflections. Was reviewing my journal from the summertime and I had to laugh because I wrote that I needed to think about a vacation to somewhere COOLER. Now all I can think about is my need for a vacation to somewhere WARMER. The eternal malcontent, that's me!

So excited that I learned how to share a video yesterday. I kind of miss being FORCED to learn things in the workplace. It is tempting to fall behind when left to my own devices. The other day I couldn't even remember how to make a Word document single spaced. To be fair, I couldn't remember that even when I was working.

Wish I had access to my wreath I made from book pages. Now it is hanging in the Lummis Library in Greenwich. Today I was telling someone about it and wished I had at least a PICTURE to show. I was pleased that one of the fellas down there admired it enough to want to hang it up. I must add CRAFTS to my list of things to do at home.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

A warming trend

I am so happy and excited because the temperature will be increasing (slowly) each day until it reaches 60 degrees at the beginning of next week. Yesterday was really gloomy and raining most of the day although it didn't always feel like the dreadful mid thirties it was supposed to be. I think I need to get one of those S.A.D. lights (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Just one of my many disorders.

Last night's Book club was fun, even though there were only four of us. The heat in the pipes in the basement of the church was making nice music. Our next book is ANOTHER big biography type book. Wish we could alternate with something light and frothy, but that is what I get for giving no suggestions for books.

Today came to my usual Wednesday haunt, the Cumberland County historical society. I can use my laptop as long as I want to and hang out with a few convivial gentlemen, although most of them seem to be sick today. I hate going to libraries that are STINGY with the computer time. The Ocean City public library wins the prize, they let you use the computer for THREE hours, as long as it is not too busy. Next, I like the Cumberland County Library because you can log with back in to get a second hour and then you can PAY a small fee to continue using the computers against the wall. Then comes Vineland Public Library, except that you have to WAIT one hour in between your hours. At the Millville Public Library you have to BEG for more time and they are really stingy with it. Why can't they just give me an hour? But, noooooo, they can only give me twenty minutes. At the bottom of the heap comes the Brigeton Public Library. They only give you one hour a day. I "need" 3-4 hours a day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paper cuts are killing me

It is going to be a long winter. I am currently in a library trying to forget about the drizzly weather. That is a good function of WORKING which I am starting to miss. You were trapped inside a pleasant, warm, cool place all day long so you didn't have to think about the weather, nor did you have to PAY for heat or air conditioning.

Finished a book for my book club tonight. I didn't highlight any good quotes but I did enjoy the book, as much as you CAN enjoy nonfiction or biography, that is. The mighty & the almighty : reflections on America, God, and world affairs, was written by Madeleine Albright. I never really paid her much attention when she was the Secretary of State but I found myself agreeing with most of her thoughts. From the back of the cover..."She argues that, to be effective, U.S. policy-makers must understand the power and place of religion in motivating others and in coloring how American actions are perceived". She talked about how provocative it was when George Bush gave his speech and brought up the "axis of evil" countries.

Attended an interesting workshop last night since my French club was postponed. Drove up to the Woodbury Library, even though I was not really familiar with where it was, to make a holiday wreath from book pages. This is somewhat of a sacrilege to a librarian but I have seen how many books actually get THROWN AWAY in this day and age, by people and by libraries, and I have been interested in recycling projects. I made a wreath using a book about Queen Victoria. Of course, I wanted to pay attention to the subject and author of the book and included that info in my wreath, with limited success. I'm not really a "crafty" person, but it was fun.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The shittiest cell phone in the world is a miracle

Louis C.K. seems to be the new George Carlin. Listened to his riffs on Tweeting and people who hate their cell phones. I wish I knew how to post it here.

I feel like a sausage today. Still wearing my exercise clothes in which I attended yoga this AM. Seem to have gained three pounds since last week. That is not the direction I am intending to be going in.

It is a headphone kind of day. I have run into obnoxious people at the Broad Street deli and also at the library. Putting on the headphones can help sometimes with this problem.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I was born to be a vampire

So says Bella, in the final movie of the Twilight series, Breaking dawn, part 2. She and Edward talk about the great sex life of vampires....they never get tired, don't have to sleep or eat, never get any older and they live forever. There was, of course, a ferocious battle scene, but luckily it turned out to be just a vision of a possible future scenario if they didn't work out their troubles amicably. Thank good ness it didn't REALLY happen, cause the good guys were losing their heads! So, I helped with a record breaking weekend of money earning. I had to go see it, even though my usual Twilight-loving companion has passed away. I am not really into vampires and stuff, but I make an exception for this series. I read all of the books, too. The previews at this movie were more than I could stand. Every single movie had to do with horror, or the undead or other grisly topics.

I watched the Christmas parade today in Bridgeton, as it went right by my house. I am not into STANDING around, but I just think it is so cool to live on the parade route. Yes, it was mighty cold, even at 2 PM. The parade was somewhat lame, but then I went over and hung out with the young Mexican kids next door and it was more fun. We were speaking some English and some Spanish. They were wildly running after candy thrown by the parade participants and they were telling me what they wanted from Santa Claus....a nintendo and a WII.

Using the wifi at my sister's house and eating some Thanksgiving leftovers. Someone has to do it.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Desperate for daylight

Seems like everything needs to be done in the daylight....exercise, stuff at home, errands. I am always rushing around trying to figure out what to do before it gets dark. Oh happy day, the librarian just gave me another hour on the computer. Don't know why I "insist" upon being so technologically deficient (like not having the Internet at home and having a lame phone).

America...the only country where we gather to be thankful for all that we have and then the next day go out and try to kill each other in order to get "deals" on more STUFF! I wouldn't be caught DEAD at Black Friday shopping. Of course, this is because I am a very "under control" (cheap) consumer and have no ideas for gifts for anyone else. Today is "Small business Saturday". I think I can get behind that and do have some plans for stopping by a few stores in Millville. No box stores for me today. Already spent my daily allowance on gas for a great price of $1.37 a gallon in Bridgeton.

Had a good day yesterday with family. And the weather was delightful and warm and gorgeous. We didn't actually WALK as much as stroll and hang out in Greenwich, admiring roof handiwork and boats and riverfront property. Then I spent some time at home, which I love to do when it is sunny. Next drove to Parvins State Park for a walk around the small lake. It should be about a twenty minute walk, which is my current goal for daily exercise ("BABY STEPS...") I hadn't been to Parvins since the derecho struck on June 30th (killing two young boys who were in a tent). The only people killed in New Jersey were there. Anyway, it was amazing the trees that were down, even now, four months later. The park was entirely closed for several months due to the extreme damage to the trees. It still looked pretty shockingly different. I took a bag to collect trash (my new idea for helping the world) but I only saw an occasional cigarette butt. About halfway around the pond, I looked in my bag and it was EMPTY. Then I decided to carry it more securely. I guess my trash blew right on out!