Thursday, September 6, 2012

Computer of my many. An hour is just not enough time!

Hsving trouble figuring out this blogging stuff. I added a blog to my reading list and the next time I looked, it had reverted back to ITALIAN. That is one of the languages I do not speak. Now I can't figure out how to DELETE that blog from my reading list. Grrr...

It seems to be getting dark earlier. Yes, I should expect it, but I don't have to LIKE it. Other than that, I think I prefer Fall to Summer.

Went down to the shore today. It was quiet, TOO quiet, as my mother used to say. Also it rained, which was totally unexpected by us, in our bathing suits! So we watched other people swimming and surfing in the rain, talked to adorable life guard and other fun visitors on the covered deck at 101st St. in Stone Harbor. Then went to one of those new YOGO places. Been there, done that. You choose your yoghurt, put stuff of your choice on top and get charged $7 or so. (I tend to like the HEAVY stuff)

OK, library about to close, forced to get off of the computer. I really should try and watch some of President Obama's speech tonight, even if it is on after my bedtime.

Got lost this AM due to road block. Kind of fun. I think I will add it to my list of things to all over in strange direction and then turn on GPS on phone to find my way home. How scarey is that?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"What kind of a Democrat are YOU!?" yelled my friend when she heard that I didn't watch the convention last night. I know I should change my TV watching policy which is, if I'm home and it is on, I will watch it (for five minutes). I know everyone else in the world is DVRing it, but....

One good thing about Facebook: you can see which of your ex-coworkers and ex-boyfriends are Republicans. How COULD they!

School bus nightmare today. It took me twice as long as normal to get around. One bus sat there so long delivering the school children that I turned off my car. Then I backed up and turned around to go another way. Then I ran into a car blocking the road who had tried a similar maneuver but had a fender-bender with another car. So I turned around AGAIN. I swear that bus was holding up traffic for at least 15 minutes.
I was driving along a street which was recently cited as the most poverty-stricken street in New Jersey. The kids were pretty solidly Mexican with a few African-Americans thrown in for good measure. How things change. I tried to just feel good about the fact that they were all getting a fresh start and making progress with their free education.

Strange but true: the song Strange fruit was written by a white Jewish guy from the Bronx.

- one cup (no more) of coffee each day
- one bottle of Diet Coke (no more, but definitely no less)

I have to get the bottle so I can get the code for I have gotten a couple of magazine subscriptions through that. I asked someone downtown if she stocked Diet Coke and she responded, "No, we do not stock ANY of that imperial rat juice". That would be Coke OR Pepsi.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Whooping cough cases on the rise" headline. I think I have it.

Saw a DVD in library called, "Self-esteem and your first job". How about one called "Self-esteem and your LAST job"!?

Just paid for extra computer time in the library. I call the library "my office".

Listening to radio station called Wired 96.5. They play a lot of really rude black music. But, hey, it's got a good beat.
Still involved in a Downton Abbey watching marathon. The plot got REALLY crazy last night (somewhere in the middle of season two). There are people we LOVE (Matthew) and people we HATE (Thomas) and it is quite addicting. Maggie Smith plays what must be the best role of her life as the Dowager Countess. The costumes and the furnishings and the rules and the scenery are all mind-boggling and truly fine.
It gives a good view into the changes wrought on English society and country manor life before and after World War I. I enjoy the role of letters in this series. Yes, before texting, there were letters. Season three starts on PBS in January 2013 so you have some time to watch it.

I used to have a boyfriend who was a parapalegic. I met him in a bar in Vermont. I was on one of those weird ski weekends where four couples sleep in two bunk beds. I moved to Vermont to be with the guy I met in the bar.

When researching blog names, I came across so many abandoned blogs. It must be a temporarily addicting pastime. One I like is Stuff white people like.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hanging out in our new McDonald's again to use the wireless. The other restaurant I was going to grace with my presence today was closed due to Labor Day (I guess). I see some OTHER wackos have discovered this place. One guy came in clutching his mail (bills?) and yet another has a large table covered with his bible, other books, papers, pen, highlighter and coupons. He is reading aloud from the Bible (to himself). Maybe THEY will be blogging about the weird lady filling up a table for four with her laptop, handiwipes, phone, coffee, file folders, calendar, and a copy of South Jersey Journal, (a newspaper) connecting South Jersey's African-American community.

All the black people in my town seem to know each other. I only know the mayor.

I thought life was going to be less interesting after retirement, but it is INCREDIBLY interesting just listening to NPR all day. Did you know that gas costs $10 a gallon in Norway and 6 cents a gallon in Venezuela?

NPR also did a segment on "end of summer regrets". Don't postpone joy, says Dan Gottlieb. There are some things I did't get to this summmer, but, being retired, I can still do some of those summer things:
- kayaking
- The Bull on the Barn Bayshore Crab House

Things I love:
- free coffee

Things I hate:
- rain
- sick people

Ok, the bible-reading man behind me just admitted that he is sick. He called someone on the cell phone to ask to borrow five dollars so he could go to the laundromat.

I sure hope it doesn't rain like THIS for three days. Feel like I am in Louisiana. Had to wade through big puddles to even get to and get into my car.

Gathered with friends in "the gazebo" last night. Nice to be with old friends, sort of new friends and COMPLETELY new people. The rabbi and the intern were new. They were delightful and delicious, respectively.

I started to get HUMID after it got dark. Sometimes I have a creepy crawly feeling, like imaginary insects on my skin. I have had it before and researched it before but eventually it goes away. Could it be some sort of allergy?

Little known things about me:
- fotr a few months around 2001 I typed up a newsletter called SISTER NEWS (an occasional publication for sisters and friends of JBG) I found a copy from June 2001 and was highly amused by it. Sometimes I crack myself up.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Discovered this AM that my watch was accidentally on Bangkok time. (I must push something during the night). Luckily, at THIS time of year, Bangkok time and New York time are the same.

My brain was churning with thoughts earlier but now I am distracted by people. Sometimes I am so into my own head. Is that how people with Alzheimers feel?

On the edge of....tripping and falling, West nile virus, Swine flu. One's life can change for the worse so rapidly. Not to mention all the people recently in my life who have just died for no good reason.

Things I love:
- Automobile headlights that turn off and on automatically
- lists
- reading
- music

Things I hate right now:
- People who turn into traffic in front of me when I am going 50 mph.
- authority

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It is the first of September. Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. According to my mother, you must say those words out loud before you say anything else immediately upon awakening on the first day of any month. If you do this, you will have good luck.
I need some good luck. Just opening the mail can be quite stressful.

September is National Aging month and also National Recycling month. Take your pick!

Had breakfast with my "Breakfast club" this AM. I promised not to use any of their real names. They were bugging me about my blog, but I wouldn't tell them how to find it. Guess I don't really 'get" the whole blogging thing.

Many people have helped me with ideas for my blog name. I won't say who suggested what, but here are some of the possible names...The peripatetic librarian, The queen of sighs, Suddenly humid, and, All of the good names were taken. (I can't really concentrate or remember them right now cause I am using the computer at my health club and the weather channel is on guite loudly making me distracted). It does seem that every name I look up on the Internet IS already taken. (Not that there is anything wrong with that). I finally had to jump right in with a name of my own choosing but I haven't told anyone how to FIND this blog, cause I am a bit nervous about sharing my thoughts as the real me. I can't get up the nerve to post anything on Facebook. I am more comfortable having a MYSTERY blog that nobody knows about.
I chose this name cause I HAVE had some interesting adventures (many of them decades ago, though) and I also do have "issues" with STUFF (i.e., clutter)

Funny what things are broken in life. You know that little thingy upon which you put your toilet paper roll? Well, mine started falling out. Jeez!

I am carrying around a clipboard with my daily list on it. This is one carry-over from my recent working life. Actually, it is the same clipboard. Yes, my pink clipboard is the property of my ex-employer. I am an obsessive list maker. One of the things on the list is "drink more water". Sometimes I have wacky things on my list such as "redo the lists" or "go to bed early".