Friday, December 7, 2012

I know why they have hand blow dryers in libraries

Blow dryers are annoying, especially when they are not WARM. And I DO like to have a wet paper towel to wipe down my computer area. But, having worked in a library, I have to tell you paper towels are often misused by the public, who seem to have an endless variety of mischiefmaking in mind when they are using free services. Why don't we jam some down the toilet or leave them balled up all over the bathroom?

I just finished a BIG boook by John Irving called Last night in twisted river. I don't really like his books. First of all, they are way too long. This was an audiobook and I slogged my way through the whole entire thing despite the violence and weirdness and cursing of the characters. Yes, there were some colorful characters that came and went. The subject was an author and his father and his son and their best friend and their loves and moves and murders, etc. He got down and dirty with murderous frying pans, farting dogs, odd ways of committing suicide, hideous weather, naked sky divers and more. I'm glad it is over with and I am not looking to read any more of his books. Sometimes the language seemed stilted or self-conscious. I jotted down several of his adjectives...the hippie carpenter, the blubbering sous chef, the dumb Canuck, the snoring logger.

Last night I attended a delightful event at the Bridgeton Public Library. Books were donated by the Willits Foundation, set up by a Quaker in the 1880's to provide "tracts" on peace in the South and in Liberia (talk about limited and specific). Since my town is SOUTH of the Mason/Dixon line and since my sister is involved with this foundation, she coordinated a group who chose a bunch of books on diversity which were then donated to the library. Our lovely evening encompassed introductions, distribution of quotes about libraries, books and reading, a reading of the quotes and lighting of candles, presentations on specific books by teenagers, reading of a poem, singing of a revised version of This little light of mine and then snacks. It was quite heart warming. I realized that I used that library when I was a little girl and then I grew up and became a librarian.

Today I am using my laptop at the Camden County Library in Voorhees. It is named after someone but I am ignoring that name. I cannot believe the great number of people in this room all sitting quitely and behaving themselves! I am not used to this degree of attentiveness. Didn't really find a perfect place but am sitting at a table where there is a plug. The outdoor view is rather grim today so I am avoiding thinking about the weather.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

You don't work here no more?

Sat down at the library and was looking at my neighbor, who was watching a L'il Wayne video on Youtube instead of doing his history homework. The guy looked over at me and said, "You don't work here no more?" Nope, I am just a customer, like you, now. Nice to be remembered, anyway....

Someone came to look at my window today. He was rattling off all of this stuff about windows and managed to OBFUSCATE rather than ELUCIDATE. I like a handyman who leaves you with advice and not with confusion. I am easily confounded. My window has been broken for several years now, but the cold is starting to get to me. OK, I am a procrastinator. One day I was taking a shower and a glass bottle crashed into the shower with me. Someone had thrown a pretty-much-empty bottle of spaghetti sauce through my storm window, through my window and into the shower with me. This is on the second floor! I did get a little glass cut on my foot but it could have been much worse. Especially if there was spaghetti sauce in the bottle. No, I don't know who, why or how. But I suddenly got the desire to get a whole new window, since so much of it is broken. I dread the cost, though, as it is a huge and weirdly sized structure. Guy claims they just throw the old ones out as it is too much trouble to get the panes out.

So I am retired. But why do I feel like I am always rushing around and that I don't have enough time for anything? I guess I should say I don't have enough time for EVERYTHING. I forget that I am GLAD that I DO have time for work parties at my old jobs, appointments galore, presentations at 5 PM, and exercise classes whenever.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A committed underacquirer

In other words, I am FRUGAL. Decided to get a new window in my house. I love the big old wooden windows, but really, I have to admit that they do not function! A pane broke out, the storm window is broken and the pulley broke so that the window does not even open. Still, it is very hard for me to part with it. Maybe I will replace them one at a time? The storm windows rattle when the wind blows and some of them don't work well anymore. Costs about $500 for one, I fear. I have 13 windows.

I have love/hate relationships with many things. BRIDGETON, the town that I live in, lacks interesting stores and restaurants, but it is quiet. Our local NEWSPAPER just became "regionalized" and now incorporates Salem, Cumberland and Gloucester Counties. I love having a paper delivered that I can read at night but many articles are now about places I don't care about. Did I mention they also changed their name (I hate that) to South Jersey times? The DENTIST causes me pain and stress and breaks my teeth but I love the feeling AFTER I get my teeth cleaned. And some of them give me free stuff.

Went to an author lecture last night at the Cumberland County College. Heard Joyce Carol Oates. She read a short story called San Quentin. She shared with us the difficulties of teaching writing in a prison in that the prisoners don't really want any criticism of their work. Then she read a story called Ugly out of her anthology which was the One book, one college selection this year (Faithless : tales of transgression). She has quite a range of topics in her writings. She teaches at Princeton and tells her students she doesn't care if they like or don't like a book. The important thing is how did it make you feel. Someone asked her what does she like to read for pleasure. She said that she is a masochist and does not read for pleasure! She reads for review.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The trash fairy

Haven't figured out new neighbors yet, but I LIKE one older, white, bearded, odd guy. Because he takes my trash container out to the curb and brings it back. Just being nice? I call him my "trash fairy" since it started happening and I didn't know why. I still don't know why, I just know WHO. That is the NICE kind of neighbor surprise.
I have had some bad surprises lately, too, which is mostly what I expect. On the back of the corner are a bunch of loud white people who curse a lot outdoors. Hate that.

Went to my exercise class this AM. I LOVE the teacher. She just came back from workshops in Arizona. Learned about "brain gym". She will be springing that and other stuff on us in the upcoming weeks. She is adorable and is always saying inspiring stuff, like, when you are thinking "no", make it into "ON".

Took a pill for my dental appointment today. I think it gave me a positive outlook on a lot of things. Unfortunately, I was told I have to get my wisdom tooth pulled out. I have had nothing but BAD news about my teeth ever since I retired and stopped having dental insurance. I don't get it. I was supposed to have inherited very good teeth from my mother and father.

The weather is too perfect. Went up to 68 degrees today. And it is winter.

Monday, December 3, 2012

I need a headline

Went to listen to my Playlist as library patrons are annoying me. Adults are either drunk, stoned or stupid and kids are cute or wild, depending on your mood. Couldn't get my music to work (this is a very common occurrence). Oh, but then, I realized I hadn't plugged in my headphones!

Just got a phone call from "Anonymous". Pretty sure that is no one I want to talk to. And phone doesn't really work when in the library.

Drove past Angie's Diner today and realized the GRAND OPENING sign hadn't even been removed before they had a suspicious fire that burned up their kitchen. It was bought out by new owners who promptly fired all of the help and started all over with their own family members. There was an article promoting them in the newspaper but I hadn't heard really good things about'em. It is really sad, because it was a cute old fashioned red diner right on the river and now it has an ugly fence around it and is all burned out.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Time for the headphones again. Stopped into McDonald's to use the computer and they have the TV AND the radio going.

Had a "handyman" stop by today. Makes me nervous due to mess at my house. We just talked about stuff that needs doing and then he went away. Odd sense of accomplishment. Enjoyed getting ADVICE about what to do about certain things.

Good reunion last night of women friends from, oh, 40 or so years ago. Amazingly good turn out, more than 10. Woman from Oakland, CA and one from Cape Cod. Almost felt guilty that I only had to travel a number of BLOCKS to get to the gathering. We were supposed to report on what we had been doing since our days of rabble rousing in Bridgeton area. Here are some of the current occupations of our group...artist, unemployed lawyer, retired librarian, psychotherapist, trophy wife. It was warm and cozy and delicious. I showed some slides of Women of the Sticks activities and we couldn't even remember who all of the people were in the pictures.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Feeling irritable

Don't know why I am feeling so irritable this afternoon. Had a nice morning at our annual Christmas fund raising event; helping, buying and admiring cute children. But now I feel rushed and unhealthy. "NEED" to exercise but feel incapable of doing it. Always struggling to fit in computer and exercise and appreciation of the limited daylight hours. Drove by McDonald's but there was no handy parking and people were sitting at my favorite laptop table. So, I rushed over to the library and was confronted by NOISY, obnoxious child. With "caretakers" who seem oblivious to the commotion. Stopped at a deli on the way and THEY HAD NO DIET COKE. Had to go to Shoprite to purchase something for dinner but I didn't really WANT to be there, nor did I have the time for it.

Recently had a haircut and color. Not sure where I want to go with my hair. Somewhat disappointed that I lost my highlights to which I was quite attached. Have been jumping around from hairdresser to hairdresser since mine up and moved to Arizona (the bum!) It WAS, however, a really enjoyable day (Friday) as I had a lot of attention from hairdresser and then got a manicure and a pedicure. Boy, am I SPOILED!

Saw a good show on TV the other night. It was just a serendipitous discovery going around the dial as this is how I watch TV. It was called Park Avenue : money, power and the American dream. As the New York Post described it, "Channel 13's rich bash".
I believe it was based on the book 740 Park Avenue about some of the residents of this building who are not particularly nice, in addition to being billionaires. It talked about how the Koch brothers are behind the "grass roots" movement known as the Tea party.