Friday, December 7, 2012

I know why they have hand blow dryers in libraries

Blow dryers are annoying, especially when they are not WARM. And I DO like to have a wet paper towel to wipe down my computer area. But, having worked in a library, I have to tell you paper towels are often misused by the public, who seem to have an endless variety of mischiefmaking in mind when they are using free services. Why don't we jam some down the toilet or leave them balled up all over the bathroom?

I just finished a BIG boook by John Irving called Last night in twisted river. I don't really like his books. First of all, they are way too long. This was an audiobook and I slogged my way through the whole entire thing despite the violence and weirdness and cursing of the characters. Yes, there were some colorful characters that came and went. The subject was an author and his father and his son and their best friend and their loves and moves and murders, etc. He got down and dirty with murderous frying pans, farting dogs, odd ways of committing suicide, hideous weather, naked sky divers and more. I'm glad it is over with and I am not looking to read any more of his books. Sometimes the language seemed stilted or self-conscious. I jotted down several of his adjectives...the hippie carpenter, the blubbering sous chef, the dumb Canuck, the snoring logger.

Last night I attended a delightful event at the Bridgeton Public Library. Books were donated by the Willits Foundation, set up by a Quaker in the 1880's to provide "tracts" on peace in the South and in Liberia (talk about limited and specific). Since my town is SOUTH of the Mason/Dixon line and since my sister is involved with this foundation, she coordinated a group who chose a bunch of books on diversity which were then donated to the library. Our lovely evening encompassed introductions, distribution of quotes about libraries, books and reading, a reading of the quotes and lighting of candles, presentations on specific books by teenagers, reading of a poem, singing of a revised version of This little light of mine and then snacks. It was quite heart warming. I realized that I used that library when I was a little girl and then I grew up and became a librarian.

Today I am using my laptop at the Camden County Library in Voorhees. It is named after someone but I am ignoring that name. I cannot believe the great number of people in this room all sitting quitely and behaving themselves! I am not used to this degree of attentiveness. Didn't really find a perfect place but am sitting at a table where there is a plug. The outdoor view is rather grim today so I am avoiding thinking about the weather.

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