Sunday, December 30, 2012

Another close call

So I missed a step and my computer and myself came crashing down in the dark entryway.  My life is so full of booby traps.  Once again I have emerged unscathed (OK, maybe my finger is black and blue) but my computer is definitely working.  I really have to get the Internet at home.  Don't like coming out in the freezing cold wind.  Although once I reached the local McDonald's, it is pleasant enough. 

Have been exercising and waiting to feel better.  I still feel like crap and hate most every minute of it. Every week I add five minutes to my requirements.  This week I should be exercising for 50 minutes each day. Today was the third day in a row.  Tomorrow I think I have "laughter yoga".  I can't imagine what that is all about.  At least I don't have to drive so far to get to it.

Finished an audiobook, Back to blood, by Tom Wolfe.  It was read by Lou Diamond Phillips.  It was way over the top.  Taking place in Miami, a Cuban cop and his Latina girlfriend were  in most of it.  Very intense racial relations between WASPs, Cubans, Russians, Haitians.  He points out how little anyone is into religion any more and that we are all going back to our blood lines and our ethnic and racial prejudices and preferences.  Where he went too far was in naming famous people CLOSE to their actual names and one woman was actually called Miss Titsapoppin.  "Tom Wolfe is off and running headlong into the only city in the world where people from a different country with a different language and a different culture have taken over at the ballot box".

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