Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Adam y Yves

Once again I found a little slip of paper with something written on it. Where to file/put it? I was a sign in a cool demonstration (parade) I saw in Paris. It went right past my hotel. It was quite festive event, with little cars all decorated. All of the themes seemed to have the word BAR in them....BARack Obama, BARbie. Not sure what these students were for or against. It mostly seemed to be an advertisement for a party they were going to have. This sign was a sort of a pro-gay sign...a take off on Adam and Eve. Adam y Yves are two boys in French. (Y means and. It is pronounced EEE)

My plan for today was to work on the computer for one hour and then walk for ten minutes. I haven't really accomplished that. I walked a delightful few minutes down to the new restaurant in town (the ONLY restaurant in town) and had a nice lunch with a friend. Then I walked back to the historical society. It is a beautiful fall day. I seem bedazzled by each leaf that falls this year...the COLOR!...the SIZE!...the SHAPE! I love the falling moments and the rustling as you walk. Also poignant knowing that tomorrow could be colder and rainier and windier.

Tried out some headphones last night at the Spring store. My God, they were fantastic. Dr. Dre, white, for $199. And attached to a phone I would like to have (HTC) but it cost $99. And I am not sure I am going to stay with Sprint. It is time to start looking, however. Am getting disappointed in my phone. I think it is time to get disappointed in another phone or company.

Friday, November 1, 2013

A cold and dreary day

It is only cold outside is rather temperate. But raining. I can't stand this kind of weather. Plus my office at home has sprung a leak. It has leaked twice and this time was much worse than last time. If I don't put something under it it will wreck my answering machine. So far, just leaked on some scrap paper. Who do I call? The guy who replaced much of my roof and now I am getting the sneaking suspicion that that was not the problem. The Gutter guys? My brother-in-law who is getting ready to go off sailing and has no time?

I totally ignored Halloween yesterday in my curmudgeonly way. Got home at 5 PM and went into hiding since I had no candy. I had no candy because no one ever finds my door and I know what would happen to that candy.

Alternating between depressed and hopeful on the diet front. I know I feel better in so many ways but sometimes wonder if it is worth all of the nay saying. That being said, I still had about an inch of mayonnaise on my sandwich at lunch time, even though I have vowed to go back to 300 calorie meals and 100 calorie snacks. I happen to be addicted to mayonnaise. Took a brave leap the other day. I purchased BURUMAN's mayo at Aldi's. Container designed to look like Hellmans and name scarily similar. Close but no cigar. Have not noticed anything objectionable about the taste and the price was right.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Can I sit next to you when I come back so I can listen to your music?

Overheard from a patron at the computers at the Vineland Public library. Of course, he wasn't saying that to ME. Guess I do not know the secrets of meeting men.

New book about assassination of JFK. Kind of shocked to read that over 40,000 books have been written on this topic? How is that even possible? I must say the details do sound MIGHTY suspicious.

Amusing comment from some guy about the new curved phones...."a solution looking for a problem". Why didn't I think of that? Still procrastinating about getting a new phone. A friend just switched to Sprint and got a new LG phone. She also got a FREE tablet!
I wouldn't mind having one of those. I was so looking forward to becoming eligible for an upgrade (it has been a YEAR now) and ending my servitude to Sprint (it has been 10 months now). Yet, here I sit, having NOT taken any action on the subject. I liked the comment I read in the Sunday New York times that marriage should be like cell phones, with a two year contract and an option to upgrade!

Listening to one of my favorite L'il Wayne songs on Youtube. Oh yeah, No love involves Eminem, too.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Losing the battle against sloth

I learned last week that every hour of sitting takes 22 minutes off of your life. That has made me more interested in exercise IN THEORY but not in practice. All of my favorite activities involve SITTING...reading, driving, computer work. Notice that I have been skipping more days of exercise and justifying it. This has got to stop! Just wrote a short article about the benefits of physical activity. Now I just need to PRACTICE what I preach.

So, the only guy who actually talks to me in the gym makes me nervous. I guess I like being a hermit and not knowing anyone's name. I always feel so defensive around him. Like I always want to trash myself and my efforts. He keeps trying to get me to be positive and I persist in being negative.

Watched Doc Martin last night. It is on Tuesday night at 8 PM on Channel 23. Thought I had seen them all but I seem to have missed series 3. Or else I FORGOT that I saw it. But I DO remember the Ballykissangels that come on next. One hour of TV is my limit for one day. And that is at least 1/2 hour longer than my attention span. I love Doc Martin because it has great scenery, it is about a small town, and he is such a curmudgeon. He is a surgeon who develops a fear of blood. I am always BEHIND on things. I only seem to enjoy repeats or shows that are not even produced any more. I was a few years LATE getting into Bob Dylan and Frank Sinatra and The big bang theory. Just not a cutting edge kind of gal.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is there a mouse in the house?

I think that would be a good title for a children's book. I don't want to admit it, but I think that there is a mouse in my house. Weird when you live alone. First the bat and now the mouse. So, I have added mouse trap to my list for shopping. I used to set the mouse traps for my mother. Now I need someone to set them for ME! Here are the clues:
- Once while up in the night I thought I saw something run and hide near the refrigerator.
- My bag of crunchies near the fridge got a hole in it
- I found ONE fingerless glove and the side of it was totally unraveled

Finished two books. The round house by Louis Erdrich was full of Native American lore. Nicely evoked milieu of unpleasant events on the reservation, including rape and murder. I think that is what put me a bit off from reading it, but mostly enjoyed the writing. Also finished a surprisingly interesting nonfiction book about exercising (The first 20 minutes : surprising science reveals how we can exercise better, train smarter, live longer, by Gretchen Reynolds). It convinced me that I need to make more of an effort to exercise DAILY. I am too fond of sitting. It is better to be fat and fit than fat and not fit, said the author. I am hovering around this spot with my weight, balancing out my lack of interest in exercising and my desire to binge and eat all of the wrong foods with activity and restraint. Feel like I am on a teeter totter.

Not very comfortable today. Am using my laptop at the Cohansey Café. Furniture not real commodious and no electrical outlet today. But, the sun is shining and Royals by Lorde is on Youtube. Also belly full of buttered blueberry muffin and coffee. An example of how my eating has slipped....I used to say I could eat something "bad" only once a week and only if I had lost weight. Then it was once a week, no matter what the weight. Soon I was eating unacceptable items once a day and now MORE than once a day. Oh my.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Reading a book about a song

There is a new book about a BOOK (The Koran of Thomas Jefferson). I thought THAT was amazing, but then I found myself reading a book about a SONG...The holy or the broken : Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley and the unlikely ascent of "Hallelujah", by Alan Light, traces the history and phenomenal explosion of this song. After being around already for decades, the song ended up TWICE on a top ten list by two different artists. This song has been interpreted by over 100 artists. I already have the Rufus Wainwright version and the Leonard Cohen version in my Youtube playlist. Must make sure I listen to the Jeff Buckley and Cale versions.

Listening to Mr. Brightside by The Killers.

My regular deli must cringe when they see me coming. I actually LOOK at date on the Diet Coke and demand one that has not expired. They are not removing the old ones, hoping someone will buy them who does not look at the date. I would go elsewhere but they have the cheapest ones. Also the idea of Diet Coke having some ingredients that expire is rather hilarious!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Things I am NOT interested in....

Don't have room in my brain for:
- candy
- wine
- college football
- horror
- violence

There are some weird names in the world. Not the time to be a teacher, what with all of the apostrophes and made-up names. Here are some I came across in the Police report of New York, Millville and Vineland. (These are an exception to my rule of using no names):
- Daquan
- Antiq
- Quanderia
- Sharmaine
- Alshamar

Listening to a CD: Mechanical bull, by Kings of Leon. Perhaps if I listen to it again, it will grow on me.