Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The river and the thread

Listening to this great new CD by Rosanne Cash. She traveled through the South and wrote all of these songs.

Good things about today:
- I would like to concentrate on the GOOD things
- This CD
- Used a coin counting machine for the first time at the bank. A jar of coins was almost $30! Also found my medallion from AA in there.
- Sun came out and snow started to melt
- Stopped in to my old job and they seemed glad to see me
- Reading two good books - The book thief and The Daniel plan

Bad things about today:
- Had trouble getting going today
- Calculated oil bill for January and $2158.23 worth of oil was delivered. It boggles the mind.
- Ceiling leaking in a new spot (melting snow?)

Census lady called. About once a month, I answer some questions for her. This month they were all about art - CREATING it. Realized all the projects I have only THOUGHT about doing. Could only say I made a pot and sang some songs. I think another month it was a lot about ATTENDING art events. I did very well on those questions.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Losing the will to exercise

As the day goes on, I am less and less enthusiastic about getting to the gym. Have had a day full of errands with some fun stuff thrown in. The weather is DREADFUL....dank, damp, dark and dreary. I would give ANYTHING to FORGET about it.

Returning a book I got on Interlibrary loan....Stuff your face or face your stuff : lose weight by decluttering your life, by Dorothy "The Organizer" Breininger. Kind of rushed through it. I suppose it makes sense, but I did not undergo any "sartori" moments. I did like this bit from a book called "Food for the soul", which was shared by her therapist named Sharma. Here is a four sentence checklist to review feelings:
1. Anger is the feeling I get when I don't get my way today.
2. Resentment is the feeling I get when I think about having not gotten my way yesterday.
3. Fear is the feeling I get when I worry that I won't get my way tomorrow.
4. Depression is the feeling I get when I sit around wondering why I never get my way.

Friday, February 14, 2014

A memorable Valentine's day?

Really only because the temperature got into the upper 40's and the sun was shining. Got the predictable Valentines from my nephew and my girlfriend (but they were really GOOD ones). A friend bought me breakfast and my sister gave me two elegant chocolate bars from Bolivia. My neighbor swept up some of my snow, but he does that many days. Just going home to stay there and read tonight. Ho hum.

Had a nice day volunteering at a local art gallery. People came in, had some good conversations and sold some stuff. I bought a photograph. I always like to buy something when I am working in the non-profit art gallery.

Today getting online. Tomorrow I must make more of a priority EXERCISE. Am starting to feel like a SAUSAGE again.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Never say never

One example is, I said, "My computer never came back online unless so and so did a complete reboot of the system". Well, today, I was proved wrong. He always says, "It's your equipment," and I always say. "No, it's not". Anyway, today it seemed to go up and down (or on or off?). Then I unconnected and reconnected the wireless and it came back up. Looking into Instagram (I think you need an app on your PHONE) and Sound cloud. Tomorrow I will probably forgo the computer as it is going to be a nasty day, no matter what it does....rain, sleet or snow. Any of it is really unpleasant when it comes to schlepping your stuff around!

"Are you ready for the storm?" That is what is on everybody's mind. Well, I am OUT of bread and only one roll of toilet paper left. What I REALLY need is rock salt and suet and sunflower seeds for the birds. God, but I HATE winter. THREE oil deliveries last month, although I only have proof for two. The temperature the past few days has been BELOW freezing, which causes me to exclaim unpleasantly each time I go outside. Even when I am INSIDE, the heat can't really get up to the pre-programmed setting when it is that cold outside. Am also becoming very unhappy with my oil provider. Partly because others are complaining about them and partly because I have noticed some changes with their service.

I have been attending a lot of classes lately...photoshop (not so good), music (somewhat overwhelming) and art (cried over Frida Kahlo). Keep thinking that I need to keep my mind in the exercise mode.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Too many computer questions

Am in a library with a lot of complaining and trying to figure things out. Must remember not to use #8 again as headphone jack does not work and keyboard is very worn down. I needed my headphones to block out the annoying OTHERS.

Will have to return The goldfinch. Book is too thick and I have had it already for a month (?) Am really enjoying it as well as The book thief. How fun it is to read books that are pleasing me. Spent one hour reading today. That was a treat. Was home in the sunshine and the neighborhood was nice and quiet. Too damn cold, however. Didn't really want to go outside but I came out to get online and to go to an art film. Or should I say a film about art. Tuesday nights an art film is shown in Millville. Tonight is going to be two different films....one on Diego Rivera and one on Frida Kahlo, his love interest.

Another storm coming this week, going to mess up a few things. Was supposed to sing at a funeral (funerals don't get postponed, do they?)
"Game night for the elderly" will probably be postponed. We were going to get together at 2 PM for games. Then I was going to go to a meeting about helping the homeless. This is the main problem with weather events....having to reschedule the world.

Monday, February 10, 2014

A lot of things on my mind

Trying to THINK while listening to Moves like Jagger on Youtube. Couldn't get a CD to play on this computer so I switched to Youtube just to see if it was the sound? (It isn't) I LOVE Youtube, except for the fact that you can't find any Prince old music videos on it. Wonder if I still have that VHS tape from the early days of MTV when it was all videos all day. I know I had him singing Little red Corvette.

Started the day with Yoga, trying to forget that I didn't get up early enough to shovel the snow or feed the birds. The snow wasn't very deep and the birds will just have to wait until tomorrow. Also had a one-hour massage. Living the life of Riley. Commented on Facebook and now my email is filled with junk mail about all the people who commented after me. Sigh....I really don't get (or like) Facebook. Anyway, Yoga was great except that she made us do the Cobra THREE times. I don't like the Cobra...I only like the Sphinx. But she switched it up today with a few surprises and the music was on "shuffle" which created some more interest. We did the 4th chakra which is about the heart. Good timing with Valentine's day. Forgot the great quote we repeated 6 times....but we created a lotus flower with our hands and this chakra focusses on compassion and self-love, two things I really need more of.

Was supposed to go out to a Downton Abbey viewing party last night but it started snowing. So we all stayed home and watched it and had a conference call afterwards to discuss it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Very slippery out there..."

It is an odd day. Inches of snow were forecast but I woke up to rain, heavy rain, and had to wade through inches of water to get into my car. Did it rain that hard or was it all of the melting snow? Anyway, I HATE it. Even though I was going to be LATE to yoga, I kept on going cause I knew how hard it would be to make myself drive further, later, to go to my health club. And I have been blowing off the exercise for increasing numbers of days now.

Depressed by - rain - people next to me who can do the forward bend and touch head to floor - endless winter.

Enlivened by - tiny light strings at yoga - a rock at yoga that said SMILE - getting online.

Guess I will just go home after my stint at the library and stay there, although I do not even enjoy being home when it is raining. Must turn on a lot of lights and the heat and burn some candles and I don't know what all to cheer myself up. Missed Downton Abbey last night and spent hours watching the Super Bowl, which was HORRIBLE.
I feel so sorry for the losers, especially when they lose in such a spectacularly awful way. And all of the commercials are just plain exhausting. The one that made me laugh out loud was listed as the "biggest groaner" on Technorati. That was the one with the cross breed of dog.