Saturday, January 5, 2013

A sense of accomplishment

Just tried the new sandwich at McDonald's.  I LIKE it and it only costs $1.  Well, I can't seem to find it on their website.  Seems like a regular cheeseburger but it has caramelized onions on it?  Already ate out ONCE today so now I can only eat out if it is CHEAP.

I only have two stations I like at the Cumberland County Library.  They have the dainty mouse instead of this huge Gateway thing.  Both stations were busy.  So I went into the lab hoping to avoid the noisy, amnoying people.  But I still have to use the ginormous stupid mouse.

Had a handyman come over today.  It makes me anxious as I have a very limited attention span for accomplishing things.  Even though it cost me quite a bit, I enjoyed "puttering around" with another person.  And the weather was quite decent! (sunny and perhaps in the 40's?)  I shouldn't begrudge him the money as I only have help very rarely.  Here is what we accomplished (and I really did feel good after working outside for 2 1/2 hours):
- Replaced broken window pane in garage
- Pulled most of ivy off of garage
- Replaced bulb in front door light
- Replaced two motion detector lights in back
- Replaced two motion detector lights up above
- Pounded in loose boards on fence
- Rewired bird feeder after the squirrels ate through the wire supports
- Took all stuff out of my trunk and sorted through it
- Went through a few boxes of stuff in my garage
- Threw out some of my books from Hollins Abroad in France (1967)
- Realligned fence gates so they latch better
- Clipped some branches touching house and hanging down
- Filled suet feeder
- Filled trash bin up to the top with trash bags

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