Somewhat puzzling sign at a Guns across America rally recently. Picturing the world boiled down to a war between the gun owners and the non-gun owners. I guess I know who would win.
Have been down with something....a cold, I presume. I am always so cocky and proud of my record as a person who never gets sick. Well, now I am humbled. Spent the entire day in bed yesterday listening to NPR. So unimaginative of me. But the path of least resistance. Hard getting re-motivated. My sister made me chicken soup and loaned me her wireless.
Was going to cancel my subscription to the local paper but I am reconsidering. Yeah, it's an "old white man's" paper, but it's all we've got. I think I would miss it if it went out of business, which it probably will do. They had an article in the paper about how they laid off a bunch of people. So, maybe I should just HANG on and help them out with my subscription. They regionalized (hate it) and I say periodically that "I'm not INTERESTED in Salem or Gloucester counties". But, then, I saw an article about someone I went to school with and saw an interesting program advertised.
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