Not sure how I am going to handle all of that WALKING. I am used to car to house to car to library to car to store to house. Also I have to resort to WHEELS to lug all of my crap around. It will have to be a new and lighter me to get around Paris.
Not so light today though. Gained weight overnight. Probably cause I ate hors d'oeuvres all day. Need a new approach for that. Can't eat everything in sight just cause it is going to be my "meal". Next time I should try one of everything and only have seconds if it is something HEALTHY. We had Cinco de Mayo snacks after church and more delicious food offerings after an author lecture.
Boy, do I need a change of scene. The scene directly around my house is really getting on my nerves. I have a letter I wish I could send to the landlord of my neighbors. I haven't written it yet but it details about 10 things they have done to annoy me in the month that they have been there. Now, I know they are not doing it specifically to annoy ME, but how can people like or not notice trash all over the place and loud dog barking? I was only home for two hours on Saturday and that d*&^ pitbull was barking for at least one of those hours.
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