Saturday, June 22, 2013

Never too early for Coke

Guy behind me in line at McDonald's was getting a large Coke at 8:00 AM.  I was getting a small black coffee.  Yes, I AM feeling slightly self-righteous.

Names of people are getting quite creative, especially around MY town. Here are some from the police blotter, May 11, 2013 - Jaymere, Purman, Quamane, and Tonetta.

I think what I miss most about work is the opportunity to be on the computer ALL DAY LONG.
Today am working at my part-time job, which is hardly working in the summer.  I like to keep a hand in and keep my library privileges.  I have been renewing one book for more than 15 years and don't know if I can ever get it back.  I loaned it to a boyfriend when he was writing a play.  He returned a lot of them recently, but not that one.  He is married to someone else now, so it is sort of awkward. 

Wishing I was at the beach, where it is cooler.....

Friday, June 21, 2013

No body drying with the hair dryers

A funny sign at the health club.  I like the one at the Cape May Court House library that says, Please remember to flush.  I wonder if that would work at the Vineland Public Library?  They don't tell you in library school that you will have to spend time FLUSHING TOILETS.  That was one of the 35 things I had to do every night when we closed down the library.

Came into the Millville Library today and saw a guy with sagging pants and jewelry in both sides of his bottom lip.  My heart sank.  Then he stepped forward to open the door for me.  My heart soared!

A friend is having a book signing tonight.  I am going over in honor of the longest day of the year.  Lots of daylight I mean.  Anyway, Sally Willowbee is a very creative woman who I have known for decades.
Here is the book she wrote about OTHER creative people in the South Jersey area, Found artists : on country roads, side streets and back alleys of South Jersey. 6 PM book signing at the Renaissance Riverfront gallery in Millville, New Jersey.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I should have taken a xanax today

Don't know why everything is rubbing me the wrong way this week.  Is it just me?  Or is the world especially aggravating this week?  I DO want everything to go just my way and when it doesn't...

First I had a guy pull in front of me going too slowly and then he immediately slows down and pulls off to the side of the road without a blinker.  I couldn't help myself.  I HONKED at him, which I try not to do, cause I hate when people do it to me.  Then I got to the pool and the gate was still locked.  So I had to traipse back to the desk with all of my crap and ask them to unlock it.  But, all alone at an Olympic sized pool.  Is there anything better than that?

But now I have one ear clogged up and feel in somewhat of an other-worldly state. Gliding through the world, 25 pounds less, but my clothes have not become too large!  They must have really been tight before.
It is weird how you lose weight in certain places (my knees) and not in others (my waist).

Thank you for choosing the Bridgeton McDonalds.  I love going to this McDonalds because THREE different people wish for me to have a good day.  You can't help but feel a bit more cheerful after that.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Don't kill my vibe

Cool title for a song, don't you think?  I am inexorably drawn to the poetry of rap, even though it is probably expressing some sentiments that I abhor.  That is why I am reluctant to view on YouTube.
But I might put this song on my playlist so I can figure it out.  Listening to Power99 on the FM dial today. Jay Z is one of the people involved with this song.  Oh dear, it is really called BITCH, don't kill my vibe.  Sigh....

Going out of my mind now that my CD player broke and I can't listen to my audio books in the car.  When did the AM dial get so LAME!

My addictions...
- Diet coke
- the Internet
- coffee
- newspapers
- cheese

Gorgeous day out...finally.  And no bugs, which seems unusual.  Took a little stroll just to get out of the library.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My mind is boggled

Went to a workshop on Google Chrome.  Interesting but intimidating.  Realizing that now that I am not working, I just try to get by on my existing knowledge.  OK, I have ALWAYS been like that.  The teacher of my class has TEN email accounts.  When am I gonna have time to investigate all of the things I learned tonight?  I guess it is good to stretch my mind occasionally.

Having a rough week.  Today we had TORRENTIAL rains.  And I was driving an hour to get to this class.  Also, the gas company is working on the street in front of my house and making quite a raquet.  Sounded like they were dragging something really heavy over concrete and they probably were.  It was making me feel out of sorts.  So I took a Xanax and laid down on the bed.

Still mad at the city and planning to rewrite my letter of outrage.  Pisses me off that I have received NO explanation and NO apology and PLUS I had to PAY for interest and costs of a late and unpaid water and sewer bill.  Plus the humiliation of having my name in the paper for tax sale.  No one has called me about it.  So either no one is reading the paper or I have no friends.  I guess there could be some other reasons.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Not really feeling like a "happy baby"

That's a yoga pose.  I am feeling more like a cranky adult.  Trying to forget my woes by using the computer, listening to my playlist and eating chocolate hershey kisses at the Cumberland County Library.  I thought scary Mondays were just for working people, but here is what has gone wrong so far:
- stopped in to Little Mama's cafe - they no longer have real cream, just powdered creamer.  Then I bought a chocolate covered graham cracker but there was too much candy and it was too sweet
- went to city hall to get a T-shirt left over from the walk on Saturday, but the mayor's secretary knew nothing about it
- visited the tax office as my name was in the paper for the tax sale.  I got so highly agitated and ungracefully paid the water and sewer bill including fees even though it was NOT MY FAULT.  They had changed my address in the system and the bill got sent to the owner of the house next door and then returned to them.
I am feeling wronged and not very forgiving.  May have to write a letter of outrage.
- then to yoga class.  She did a number of moves of which I am not fond....too many downward facing dogs, the plank (which seems suspiciously like pushups which I do not do), squats (another thing I CAN'T do).

Remembering a gorgeous hotel I happened to stumble across in Paris.  It took up almost an entire block and around the corner again.  It is called the Plaza Atheneum on Rue Montaigne.

Went on Facebook, although I really feel it is a pretty big waste of time.  Tried to send an encouraging poster to a friend.  Advice that it is hard for ME to follow, not sure why I think it might cheer HER up.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A little bit ADD

Went on a walk this AM with the mayor of Bridgeton and a bunch of other people I didn't know.  The annual health walk is a part of the "Let's move" campaign.  We signed a big poster which will be sent with our picture to Michelle Obama.  Our county of Cumberland comes in LAST in the entire state in terms of health statistics.  So the mayor had T-shirts made up that said, "From WORST to FIRST".  It was a beautiful day but I got hot and didn't have a hat or sunglasses.  Then I came in LAST.  Even though it was not a race, it was somewhat demoralizing.  And I was waiting for it to just be OVER.  I know I am slow and have no stamina, but really.  I DO work out but I realize I do a lot of different things during my one hour at the gym.  Doing ONE THING for 40 minutes is almost more than I can take physically OR psychologically (thus, the ADD worry).  Then I think, well, I can go ONLINE for hours.  But while online, I am jumping around from thing to thing.  Even when I read for an hour, I am reading a lot of different things, current newspaper, old newspaper, Nook, current book, overdue book, old magazine, current newspaper, open the mail, do the crossword puzzle and the sudoku, then read a current magazine.

Still have to come to the library for my entertainment.  This AM I had a snoring man to my left and to my right, a young black girl and an older white woman were attempting to order a magazine online (it did not work).  They were ordering a magazine called XXL which seems to be about rappers (?) and they were buying if for a GIFT for someone incarcerated in our local prison. 

So, I told a friend that I was losing weight without really trying.  That is not really true.  I AM trying, I just don't feel like I am being successful.  The exercising is going a lot better than previously, but the eating! About the only thing I have accomplished is to lessen the amount of snacking that I am doing.  If I DO snack, I try to eat something that is only 100 calories.  Nighttime is still the worst, though.

We had some wacky storms on Thursday.  Two storms, one in the morning and one in  the evening, each had about 10 minutes of really bad stuff.  Luckily, I wasn't on THIS street in Rosenhayn, New Jersey, during those minutes.....