Thursday, June 20, 2013

I should have taken a xanax today

Don't know why everything is rubbing me the wrong way this week.  Is it just me?  Or is the world especially aggravating this week?  I DO want everything to go just my way and when it doesn't...

First I had a guy pull in front of me going too slowly and then he immediately slows down and pulls off to the side of the road without a blinker.  I couldn't help myself.  I HONKED at him, which I try not to do, cause I hate when people do it to me.  Then I got to the pool and the gate was still locked.  So I had to traipse back to the desk with all of my crap and ask them to unlock it.  But, all alone at an Olympic sized pool.  Is there anything better than that?

But now I have one ear clogged up and feel in somewhat of an other-worldly state. Gliding through the world, 25 pounds less, but my clothes have not become too large!  They must have really been tight before.
It is weird how you lose weight in certain places (my knees) and not in others (my waist).

Thank you for choosing the Bridgeton McDonalds.  I love going to this McDonalds because THREE different people wish for me to have a good day.  You can't help but feel a bit more cheerful after that.

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