Checked the weather in Paris. It is about 10 degrees cooler and cloudy. I AM enjoying the SUN here in New Jersey.
Went to see an author last night. Couldn't decide whether to go to the Sea Isle City library to hear Lisa Scottoline or to the Free Library of Philadelphia to see Walter Mosley. I decided to go to Philly as I had seen Lisa once at a library conference. Managed to find a parking place right in front of the library and also figured out the parking kiosk (new technology intimidates me). It was "only" $4 for 2 hours. He spoke for 45 minutes. Talked about his new book in the Easy Rawlins series. Not sure if I have read one of those. Just printed out the list of all of his books and series from Wikipedia so that I can systematically read some more. He seemed rather acerbic and world weary? He has great character names like Socrates and Leonid and Fearless Jones. Writings are all over the place...mysteries, nonfiction, science fiction. Mostly known for his crime fiction. In his latest book he resurrects a character he killed off in 2007. Most of his books involve redemption, he said. This one involves resurrection. He said that in the beginning, black men did not come to his talks. Black men prefer TRUTH, so they read nonfiction. He has pointed out that most of the lies in the world come from nonfiction.
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