- stopped in to Little Mama's cafe - they no longer have real cream, just powdered creamer. Then I bought a chocolate covered graham cracker but there was too much candy and it was too sweet
- went to city hall to get a T-shirt left over from the walk on Saturday, but the mayor's secretary knew nothing about it
- visited the tax office as my name was in the paper for the tax sale. I got so highly agitated and ungracefully paid the water and sewer bill including fees even though it was NOT MY FAULT. They had changed my address in the system and the bill got sent to the owner of the house next door and then returned to them.
I am feeling wronged and not very forgiving. May have to write a letter of outrage.
- then to yoga class. She did a number of moves of which I am not fond....too many downward facing dogs, the plank (which seems suspiciously like pushups which I do not do), squats (another thing I CAN'T do).
Remembering a gorgeous hotel I happened to stumble across in Paris. It took up almost an entire block and around the corner again. It is called the Plaza Atheneum on Rue Montaigne.
Went on Facebook, although I really feel it is a pretty big waste of time. Tried to send an encouraging poster to a friend. Advice that it is hard for ME to follow, not sure why I think it might cheer HER up.
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