Monday, November 5, 2012

Playlist suddenly working

Keep developing systems so I can continue to use, no matter how frustrating it gets. So, I was listening to every tenth song, chosing each one individually as I have learned I have to do and suddenly, they started playing in order again, like perfection. Don't know why or wherefore!

Yesterday yet another reason to not be home. Went on an excursion to hear a reading of a play. Actually, it was more like a reading and a singing. A quite intimate affair held at Eastern State University, a Christian college over on the Main Line in Pennsylvania. The people performing outnumbered the audience, which is why I say it was intimate. Holy spirit has been in the works for about 13 years. The subject is Nashville, orphans, politicians, interracial dating, love, drugs, deception, religious was a pretty complicated plot. The first half lasted two hours. Lots of original songs and humor and pathos. I thoroughly enjoyed it despite the length and the unfamiliarity of it all. We were all in a big rectangular room looking out on the fall trees. Performing ("reading") were about 30 people. It was a long afternoon and all the cookies got devoured (I didn't get one). I liked the fact that the audience (friends and family) used the same bathrooms as the "stars".

Tomorrow, the election. Got to get the Democrats back into the majority on our local freeholder board. I just remember the HORROR of events when the Republicans gained the power. They promptly "fired" a bunch of people who were doing their jobs just fine and put "their" people in. Also they screwed up our local library system in a feeble attempt to save money, They essentially ruined a shared system which had been developed over twenty years and was working nicely. Now the county library system is in a shambles and different subgroups are going in different directions. This is a real pain the the ass for the library user, which is what I am now.

Just finished a book called One last thing before I go, by Jonathan Tropper. About a divorced man dealing with his mistakes in life and deciding whether his life is worth saving. He had a hit song once, a wife, a daughter, and some guy friends in similar circumstances. it is an easy, humorous read.

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