Saturday, November 17, 2012

The newspapers for reading for free are located at the library

Sign over newspaper rack at The incredible bulk, in Millville last night. Walked around for "Third Friday" with some friends. Festive lights, music, food, and gifts. The only problem was the COLD. We had a yummy dinner at a vegan restaurant. Very healthy food but they use takeout containers and plastic forks, which somewhat spoils the effect. I guess that helps to keep the prices down. Wildflower is the name of this restaurant which has been in business over a year. In our area, that is saying something. It was funny, though. We were sitting there eating our raw veggies and talking about all of our dental problems.

They had the DUMBEST segment on the morning show yesterday. They had five babies in high chairs. The Cake Boss baked a huge round cake for each of them. They were each a different solid pastel color. The baby was supposed to get down with the cake and after a timer went off, there was supposed to be an award for the messiest baby. I asked myself, WHY?!?!?! The babies didn't look like they even wanted to BE there or DO it. They forced one baby's hand into the cake and he started wiping his hands together, like why are you making me get so dirty? The cakes were so BIG that they totally obscured the babies. Boy, we are really desparate for entertainment.

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