Friday, November 9, 2012

You've got non-compliant written all over you

What the Physician's assistant told me today. Having some skin problems and was attempting to treat myself with over-the-counter medications, but it wasn't working.
She told me I wasted my $27.00 I spent last night at Walgreens. Realize I have not been careful about spreading germs around on my own body and also I know that my diet is awful. Days go by and I do not eat a fruit or a vegetable. So now I got a bunch more medicines prescribed and was told unpleasant things such as take only brief COLD showers with no soap and don't scratch the itch. Are you trying to torture me, or what? I am already freezing with this weather.

"The election was not a was an auto NON-erotic asphyxiation". So said John Stewart the night of the election. I thought the comment oh so clever but then I repeated it to someone who had no idea what auto-erotic asphyxiation even was. I think he is very funny. Stephen Colbert I do not get. I keep thinking, whose side is he on? No ones, I guess.

I have been spending so many nights at home that my battery ran out on my Nook. Yes, I do lead quite the exciting life. I have a basic disconnect between not wanting to be home all evening and not wanting to be out driving around in the dark.

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