The worst of public Internet usage today - annoying baby noise, sick person hacking next to me. other people laughing or rocking to their own personal headset activities. Had to put on the headphones and listen to MY loud music from As many problems as I have with Playlist, I just haven't found a good substitute such as Pandora or Grooveshank. I don't want to listen to things LIKE my favorite song, I want to listen to specific songs. Reluctant to use itunes cause I am CHEAP, or "frugal" as my girlfriend would say.
Butterscotch krimpets just aren't as good when you buy'em in a box. I was so addicted to them in the waning days of my working life that people started giving them to me as gifts. Then someone made butterscotch krimpet cupcakes for my retirement party. Yeah, baby!
New lists I need to make:
- people to not sit next to in the library
- issues to discuss with my doctor (who can remember them all)
Audiobook reviews:
- The thing around your neck - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - short stories about African people, immigrant stories, etc. I like the title, Just picked it up in a browsing sort of way since I like immigrant fiction, also African-American fiction.
Went to doctor this AM with lung complaint. She couldn't hear anything wrong with my lungs so she put that blood oxygen tester on my finger. She said 92 was very bad and I should maybe have to go to the emergency room. Then she suggested taking off my nail polish and it worked better. My blood oxygen went up to 97 (good). She hadn't seen that problem before and said, "Maybe it is just with BLUE nail polish" (!?!?)
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