Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why didn't I think of that? A guy, Jonathan Evison, wrote a book called The revised fundamentals of caregiving. It is fiction, but I had a LOT of material on THAT subject, having spent many years accompanying my mother through all the stages of one of those "life care facilities", The Quadrangle, in Haverford, PA.

Another frustrating Sprint interaction ruined my morning. It is the PIN number and the security question. Somehow I ended up with a totally nonsensical combination of security question and answer. I can't seem to get rid of it. I will just have to resign myself to the situation where the security question is "What is the name of your first pet?" and the answer has NOTHING TO DO with the question. I would never choose that question because there could be several forms of the name. They assigned me the question and the original answer they assigned me was "delicate". Huh? I just have such an overwhelming need for life to make sense, it causes me high anxiety.

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