Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A mistress of the sedentary arts

I just breathe a sigh of relief when it is time to SIT DOWN...and use the computer, drive the car, watch a play, read, etc. OK, I guess I am just lazy...but I have a lot of pain and discomfort moving around, climbing stairs, lugging all of my stuff around. I really should carve out a comfortable space at home and get the Internet, but then maybe I would never leave!

My calendar for 2013 is getting out of hand. Feeling the yearly anxiety...what kind of calendar should I get for the upcoming year? Of course, this decision should have been made in JULY but I am a procrastinator of the first degree. Shall I go electronic, get a bigger paper one or a smaller paper one, go back to the one-page-a-day or the two-page-a-day. I have a lot of things to record...all the possible events, things I should do, things I accomplished, good and bad things that happened to me.

Yesterday I came across a lot of people trying to apply for jobs online. They all looked frustrated as hell. One young woman had been having trouble with the phone giving her all these choices, none of them the appropriate one. Someone had told her she had to go online to apply for a job up at Carll's Corner for Bank of America but wherever she went online, she just went around in circles. Another woman I overheard at the library said, "When I ask for a job near Vineland, New Jersey, they give me jobs in Pennsylvania". The guy to the right of me was being quiet about it, but I could see from the red sentences on his application form that he was having trouble advancing to the next page. The new online application process is just nature's way of weeding out 90% of the people.

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