Thursday, October 4, 2012

Stop making sense!

Ok, it was a movie with the Talking Heads. The title came up in my brain in regards to all my complaining about the various things which don't work in my life. I should keep it to myself because everybody else wants to tell me how to FIX IT. Especially men. Yeah!? Well, maybe I don't WANT to fix it. Maybe I just want to COMPLAIN.

Had breakfast out. I really like that. Mainly because I have not had a working coffee pot for perhaps years now. A dear friend gave me an individual cup one from a major brand and it just didn't work out. I finally had to THROW IT AWAY! I kind of soured me on the whole making coffee at home thing. Today I had the satisfaction of using COUPONS at the local Dunkin' Donuts. Now that the FREE coffee weeks are done at McDonald's it is time to go back to my other coffee methods (oh, how I miss the days when our dear adorable maintenance man used to make us coffee every morning at work). I can get the CHEAP coffee along with the visit to a small business owner or the expensive coffee trying to support another new business or the cheap coffee at McDonald's AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE CAR. See how much more fun this is than drinking alone at home?

I am enjoying a book about blogging. Really, I am reading about ten books at once.
Some I DREAD and some I look forward to. This one has gems on each page. First, it has about four pictures of creative blogs on each spread. Some I have heard of and some not. Then there are the fascinating statistics, such as that most blogs are abandoned after three months. I'll share more when I am finished and have the book and the computer "in hand" at the same time.

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