Friday, October 5, 2012

Unsavory denizens of downtown

Attended a cooking demonstration down at the pocket park today. We are supposed to call it the "Culinary Park" but I think that is a bit pretentious as well as a misnomer. I picked up a recipe for Broccoli cakes which I don't know if I will ever make. It involves frying in a quarter of an inch of hot oil. I am know for my passion for picking up recipes and my lack of interest in actually cooking. We were advised to bring our own lunch as the demo was just for TASTINGS. Some sort of homeless-looking guys were scarfing up the samples. They had not received the memo. The cook was actually reprimanding one of the guys for his language and his manners.

Word of the day: DENIZEN. It means inhabitant, or someone who frequents a place.

Returned a book to the library today that I did not really enjoy. The dovekeepers, by Alice Hoffman, is a historical story of four women a very long time ago when Jews were being done away with on a mountain called Masada in ancient Israel. It was confusing and too violent for me. It was a book club choice and I already missed the discussion about it. So many books, so little time!

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