Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I hate neck tattoos

Chris Brown got another one. Facial jewelry is a pretty disgusting second, in my book.

I saw a funny sign in a library yesterday. "Persons engaging in inappropriate restroom behavior may be denied restroom privileges". There was also a limit of ten minutes in the restroom. I got it. I have worked in a library and there is no limit to the wacky things which can occur when you are working with the public. Every time something happens, a new rule/policy is devised. Then they do something ELSE you have never seen before.

"The GOOD news: the library got the DVDs I requested
The BAD news: They were stolen"

"Do not CHEW on the headphone cords. These headphones are provided as a courtesy so your child can play the games with sound. If they are damaged, they will no longer be provided".

I wrote a note to myself: "The mother load blog". But when I looked it up, there were several such blogs and spellings and I do not remember WHY I wrote that note to myself! And WHY would I be interested in a blog about motherhood, anyway? I am single and childless. Not sure why SOME family blogs are entertaining and some just plain boring. So, I just added one of them to my read list and tore up the note.

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