Saturday, October 6, 2012

I read banned books!

Happy Banned books week, September 30th - October 6th. Celebrate the freedom to read. Just to name a FEW of the banned books I have read:

- To kill a mockingbird, by Harper Lee
- The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian, by Sherman Alexie

Once, when I was a librarian, a patron asked for a book, HOW to kill a Mockingbird...

It is also Gluten free month (October). This is the latest trendy disease. Perhaps there is something to it, but I have not yet had the discipline to investigate it.

Working today. I have a job. It is only one day a month. And not EVERY month! I tried to get here early to make sure everything was working right and that I could remember all the passwords to get things going.

Passwords are quite an annoyance. Luckily, here, there is a list of the needed passwords for all to view. BUT it is password protected. My PERSONAL list of passwords numbers 44. Then I had a big long list for my main job and then another list for my part time job. I won't say where they all are kept, but some people recommend a booklet where you write them all down. Problem with that is I like to keep them in alphabetical order.

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