Showing posts with label Bridgeton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bridgeton. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2015

Is there a better way to list books read?

Since I can't SEARCH this blog, it is not a very efficient way to list books read. All I can do is COUNT them and not even break them down into time periods or types. Being list obsessed, I may need to develop a better method! Also should I rank by loved it! - it was OK - did not really like it?

Torch scene (ebook) (a Reed Ferguson mystery), by Renee Pawlish. Not so great. A guy keeps doing dumb things to try and solve a mystery all the while telling people he won't do anything stupid. Was the fire deliberately set, by whom and why?

Using the internet in a not-open-for-business coffee shop downtown. I know the owner and have a key. Sitting here all by myself with the door open hoping that no one tries to take advantage of me or steal my electronics.

Friday, April 24, 2015

New Jersey, love it or hate it

One of my proposed lists is pros and cons of NEW JERSEY, where I was born and where I have been living for the last 40 years. Today a list came to my attention of the ten worst states in which to retire, and NJ wasn't on it!?!

The realms of gold (book), Margaret Drabble. I think I have read this one before. It was a yellowing paperback that I carried around in my overnight bag to read when away from home. Since I do not spend much time away from home, it took me quite a while to get through it (again?) I like this author, she is Canadian. The book was written in 1975 and follows a woman who is an academic archeologist, to her various conferences. She has been involved for a long time with a married man.

My god, I am like a bag lady with all of my folders and containers spread out like I own the place (at the Bridgeton Public Library). Only thing on my calendar for this afternoon is to go downtown to hear a free concert by a great group of guys from The Praise and worship institute in Nashville, TN. Might have to get something to EAT first.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unwholesome lyrics

Trying to delete really wicked songs off of my Youtube list. It is hard to delete Eminem and Elton John singing Stan at the Grammy's, but the lyrics are really bad. I am KEEPING, however, Janie got a gun, by Aerosmith.

The memory palace (audiobook) : a memoir, by Mira Bartok. Had to stop listening to this. Essentially, I am not interested in hearing about the schizophrenic mom who had lots of great ideas, but ended up homeless and crazy. Her daughters come around for her dying days. The narrator sounds kind of drugged, adding to the general gloom. (Bridgeton Public Library - AUDB BIO BARTOK)

Feeling somewhat self-righteous, as I cleaned part of the bathroom today. Also, I cooked a turkey burger from the Amish market and had it with some summer slaw I bought at the Acme. Nice to have some REAL food, for a change.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I really need to get the Internet at home

Using the Internet in public places just gets me aggravated! People talking loudly about people back in prison and getting high and people owing them money.

The millionaire next door (book) : the surprising secrets of America's wealthy, by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. Read that one of the authors died recently so I thought I would read the book. Also, because I am trying to be frugal and I know that is the theme of the book, that a lot of wealthy individuals are careful and not profligate with their money. I didn't read it all that carefully as it is somewhat dated and full of statistics about millionaires.

Wolf hall (book), by Hilary Mantel. Was a bit reluctant to read this. First there were two pages of historical characters, the Tudors and the Yorkshire claimants to the throne. I don't know how I could ever keep all of them straight. The book starts out with a man beat within an inch of his life by his own father. I said to myself, "I can't read this!"

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I can mess up any space

My computer space at the library looks like a whirlwind hit it....clipboard, container of wipes, plastic folders bulging with papers, plastic bags containing all of my little essentials, a ring of keys, my cell phone, thing that I keep my headphones in, thick folder of books I want to look up, pile of "New business", big black calendar where I keep a two-page-per-day manual calendar. plastic folder of things-to-be-filed in current file folders that I keep in the car, a large blue purse, a larger brown leather briefcase, ripped papers to go in the trash can. Some of my friends refer to the library as "my office".

Going to a lecture about George Agnew Chamberlain downstairs at 7 PM. Enjoy living in my neighborhood for HISTORY reasons....three of Bridgeton famous historical characters lived or visited at my house or across the street....Mother Bloor, Sylvia Beach, and George Agnew Chamberlain. Unfortunately, there is not much left of the good old days. I guess they weren't so good because Mother Bloor and Sylvia Beach couldn't wait to get away!

I have a sudden need to replace my fence. The only thing uglier than my fences are the neighbors on either side. I have a dumpster on each side. I know, I know, I should be throwing crap in their dumpsters. I want to put in a HIGHER fence so I don't have to look at the neighbors. But who knows what regulations or permits are needed? That is why I fix nothing!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bad things happening

Not even talking about the WORLD...things are tough in our little town. MOST recently a home invasion that left a 94 year old man beaten on the floor until someone discovered him 12 hours later. And a homeless Mexican man found beaten to death outdoors. And now we have demonstrators making a commotion about a real thug killed in a traffic stop by two of our policemen trying to keep the lawlessness under control around here. Where is the balance between civil rights and law and order?

Things have evolved and gotten way more complicated since the days of Selma. Saw that movie yesterday with a gang of 5 women friends. Simplified emotions said that black people were good and white people were evil and hateful. I do not recall all of the events....I only retain the memory of how much I hated George Wallace.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Will I continue reading this series?

Maybe not. There are often some preposterous things that go on in a book involving humans, daemons, witches and vampires. A discovery of witches (audio book), by Deborah Harkness. The first in a series which includes SOME of my favorite subjects, such as books, libraries, history and French. Sentences like, "The library will be whatever the witches want it to be" don't make a whole lot of sense. Our witch masquerading as a human attracts the attention of a French vampire in the Bodleian library at Oxford University. A complicated plot ensues to find out why a particular book seems to be under a spell and can only be broken by Diana. Things only get worse since vampire/witch relationships are forbidden.

Am very pleased with the wreath I made yesterday. I couldn't wait to come home and put it on my front door. Took a nice picture and texted it to my sisters. Have only heard back from one of them. Not sure if the others are accepting/checking text messages. Getting to know my new phone is a slow process.

Waiting around the library to see the movie on movie night. Afraid that I have already seen it. All I knew was that it was in German. Seeing fewer and fewer films these days but I did see quite a few back in the day. Seems like I have missed months and months of this film discussion series. I am one of the few loyal attendees until I am not.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Life is good

Got to my 8 AM arthritis exercise class but it was a bit of a rush to get there. Traffic pretty horrible as it seems to be the first day of school around here. Only two of us in the class but I am trying to appreciate the teacher before she moves to another state.

Listening to T.I on Youtube. Live your life, featuring Rihanna. Love it, but can hardly take the video. It involves blood. I just have a thing for these gangster rappers. I know T.I. was in prison but I still listen to him. Yeah, I got no standards at all.

Picked up an audio book that I already listened to, but I didn't notice that until I got sort of far along. Selected shorts : a celebration of the short story is the series. The title is Are we there yet? (audio book) Bridgeton Public Library - AUDB F ARE). My favorite stories are James Thurber's A ride with Olympy, read by David Rakoff and Edward P Jones' An orange line train to Ballston.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

My town

Just some random notes about disturbing things that go on in my town:

- There was an armed home invasion by several people including a pregnant woman.

- A 14 year old boy was killed. He recently became a father.

- Statement by cursing guy in library, "They are harassing my girlfriend. If they'd like, she could wup their ass!"

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Yearning to take a picture

Wish I had taken a picture yesterday of the SEA of schoolchildren marching in front of my house. They all wear the same uniform so it was quite a sea of maroon and tan. Except for an aide (?) or a mother who was wearing a really inappropriate outfit of big gold hoop earrings and a bare midriff (and not a very attractive midriff, at that). It was ALL of the kids (or all of the SMART or well-behaved kids) from all of the schools in my town. It was a very hot day and they were happy when they got to my house because I have a big tree and there was SHADE.

Dreading a house revaluation that is coming to my town. Do they expect to get water from a stone? And how are they going to get into all of these apartment buildings with no one in charge. When I was working, I had a better excuse to avoid them, but now they might even catch me. The question is, do I let them in? Perhaps if they see the state of my house, the assessed value could go DOWN? I have decided that this is what I want. There is no way we can sell our homes for a profit anyway. Of course, they could just send in my name to the TV show, Hoarders.

The St. Zita society (book),
by Ruth Rendell: I listened to the audio book. This is a very lightweight mystery. Sort of an Upstairs/downstairs thing but with too many characters. Kind of like who lives at one address but it is the neighbors and their servants this time. Not much of a mystery as the reader is privy to all of the goings on. It is just the other people who don't know what is going on. I enjoyed the Britishisms.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

So ready for shavasana

That is the time in yoga at the end when we relax. I am SO happy when we get to it. Am in the mood for it RIGHT NOW!

Picture, with Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow, is one of my favorite songs and I am listening to it on Youtube right now. Funny, though, when my Mexican neighbors were playing it the other night, I couldn't even enjoy it. Something about the fact that they are just plain DOMINATING the entire neighborhood with their loud parties gets me all bent out of shape. I first heard the loud music as I was leaving my house at 3 PM. Got home at 9 PM and it was still going on. So, I called the police. Enough, already! So inconsiderate.

The opposite of loneliness : essays and stories, by Marina Keegan. Poignant stuff by a young woman. full of promise, who was killed in a car crash a few days after she graduated from Yale in 2012. Questions, musings, hopefulness, all made more intense by knowing what happened to her and her plans. Borrowed it from the Vineland Public Library (818.609 Kee).

Friday, February 21, 2014

Why the heck am I blogging?

This is kind of ridiculous. No one reads my blog. So why do I take the time to do it? Perhaps it is just a record of what I have read and done?

Finished The book thief. I have never cried so much while reading a book. It is by Markus Zusak. I read it for a book club. Avoided it for awhile since it is YA. What did I like about it? It was sort of confusing at first, trying to figure out who was speaking. A lot of jumping around (foreshadowing). You get little clues about how long a certain person is going to live. A lot of the book is narrated by DEATH. You find yourself in Germany during the Second World war, feeling kind of sympathetic towards some of the people who live there.

God, this library is annoying! Mexicans being really loud, a young boy emoting while playing some game with headphones on. Other people really annoy me. A library is supposed to be QUIET, for God's sake. Oh, I can't stand it another moment. I must log out and get out of here.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Temperature guages gone wild

Which is crazier?...the weather or the temperature gauges? A vast difference between our various measurements of the actual temperature. Phones, cars, TV give inconsistent it 2 below? or 6 degrees or 18? My car registered 18 when I left Bridgeton and 28 when I got to Greenwich. That is only a 20 minute drive. Also dealing with 6 or so inches of snow. Feel like the little kid in A Christmas story, all bundled up and having trouble walking. I am all bundled up and walking on ice and carrying many parcels. Sigh. Am getting slower and slower.

There have been many armed home invasions in my town. Must get better about locking my front door. I forgot to do it the other night and it snowed on my doorstep. Starting to lock also the door at the TOP of the stairs to further deter the robbers. My only consolation is that whoever breaks into my home will think it has already been ransacked! A home on the 100 block of Hampton Street was invaded one night. People were sitting on their porch at 10 minutes after midnight. Three women came down the street and started talking to them. They moved from the porch into the house and then three men joined them with handguns and robbed them. One of the six suspects was described as being four months pregnant and wearing a blue zip up jacket and braids. All I can say is there must have been drugs involved.

Finished a book by a "local" author. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The Fifty-first state is a novel written by Lisa Borders. Someone loaned me her "uncorrected proof" copy. The milieu is Millville and Bivalve. The author made up locations, such as a town called Floyd. I found this rather off-putting, although we do have a town called Norma nearby. Lisa lives in Boston and this is her second novel. The book begins with a car accident. Hallie Corson returns from New York to help her long-estranged brother after their parents die in the car crash on Route 55. Themes involve research of frog abnormalities, old boyfriends, teenage angst, city versus country life, and family histories.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Conversational snippets

I like feeling invisible as I circulate throughout the world hearing snippets of other people's conversations. Perhaps one could base a novel on such? Today I was at a college campus and overheard a woman telling a friend that she blamed her problems on her "mother being high on acid" when she was conceived.

Snippets I would rather NOT hear are from the house of the tenants across the street. They are LOUD and VULGAR (the tenants) and I can't wait for them to move or get kicked out(this eventually happens to ALL of my neighbors). As I was walking down the street admiring the fall leaves and the pleasant street I live on, I passed their house and from inside the house, I could hear FUCK this and FUCK that. And I fear that this woman has several children. No wonder people grow up strange.

Had a very enjoyable day today even though it was raining. Went up to where I work part time to have a photo shot for the new web page. I am quite pleased with it and the photo session was fun. The campus was beautiful with the fall leaves. Went to lunch with three colleagues and had a delicious salad that was not too expensive.

Monday, October 7, 2013

On the turntable

In my case, it is on YouTube....Listening to the top songs on iTunes to see if any of them are worth adding to my playlist on YouTube (I am too FRUGAL for iTunes). So far have only added Royals by Lorde. Enjoying my two hour stint on the public computers at the Cumberland County Library. Had to turn on the headphones due to the incessant re-dialing of the FAX machine. They put it on automatic redial and it redials immediately after it finishes dialing.
And it is REALLY loud.

Have accomplished yoga and getting online already. Can coast for the rest of the day. Even had a sociable coffee with friends down at the Cohansey Cafe in Bridgeton before yoga. Almost hesitate to buy coffee cause then I won't have an excuse to patronize my sister's cafe every weekday.

Rain today causing me great shock. We have been waking up to sunshine every day for weeks now. I even forgot about the fact that my roof leaks. Am too frugal to get new gutters and new windows. Can I get through another winter? Dreading it. Uncomfortable at home when it is real cold. Must plan some trips?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ding dong, the dog is dead...

Did I tell the tale of the barking pit bull next door?  Went to city council to complain about it and learned that the dog was killed that very same day.  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  Heard on the Oprah channel that she has owned 21 dogs in her adulthood and that she once had 11 dogs at once.  How is this even possible?  Bet there was some barking around THAT mansion!

Have been in a bad mood lately.  Can I blame it on my town?  Would a vacation help?  Do I need to move?  But then we have to deal with the issue of STUFF.  The amount of it that I own impedes me from movement.  I am a peace-loving librarian and Quaker and my neighborhood is getting too noisy and aggravating.  Now that I am retired I have too much time to notice exactly how annoying my neighbors really are.  I try to be patient and wait them out, but I can't take all of the coming and going and screaming kids, people spitting off porch, barking dogs.  We just don't DO that on Commerce St.

My flash drive has started to go.  Now I regret that I do not have it backed up.  Why do I always assume that things are going to last, when I know how many address books and electronic versions I have been through?  So my whole entire life is on this one flash drive and now I can't create files or change any documents.  So far I can still READ them, but not sure I have the skills to copy a flash drive.  And I certainly don't want to copy any bugs if I have any.  I don't remember anyone HAVING problems with flash drives at the library.  But I have been using this same one for a year and a half.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sittin' on the "group W" bench

I went to Municipal court this week.  I forgot to take a Xanax and I really needed it.  Felt like Arlo Guthrie, sittin' on the" group W" bench, with mother stabbers and father rapers and the like (listen to the song/album called Alice's Restaurant if you don't know what I am talking about).  I sat there for a deadly but entertaining and educational three hours listening to all the other cases.  Finally got called in to the prosecutor and felt like she blew me off (actually I should have had a succinct statement ready).  I had a one page document and a chart of all of my neighborhood annoyances, but a 15 word statement would have been more to the point.  She referred my case to "neighborhood disputes" of which I had never heard.  I guess it is some kind of mediation which I learned about reading a really fascinating book called "Neighbor law", put out by Nolo Press. ( I really should have read the one called "Dog law").  I signed a complaint against my neighbor who insists on having a pit bull live on her steps.  I have lost the use of my yard and the peace and quiet of my home due to the barking.

It was horrible being in court, even though I was the filer of a complaint and not the perpetrator of a crime.  They made everyone, complainer and criminal alike, wait in this tiny vestibule with no chairs for a half an hour before letting anyone enter the court. THAT was awkward, but I got the feeling that lots of these people do this very often.   I was out on the porch listening to a woman and a man talk about their domestic violence history, where one person files a complaint and then the other person turns around and countersues.  When the police come around to serve them with papers they just don't open the door.  When they do get into court they generally say that they aren't going to press charges.  What an unpleasant way to spend your afternoons!  It is just a game and a big waste of time.  The woman talked about just getting an ROR.  What's that, I asked.  Release On Recognizance, she said, (but she didn't pronounce it properly).  Some of the people had multiple "crimes" at once....driving offenses, domestic violence, paraphernalia possession.  One guy didn't know (me either) that on the third paraphernalia offense you get a mandatory 90 days in jail.  He was wearing orange at the time.  A really FAT white woman came up and declined to press charges against him.  Then ANOTHER large white women was there with a black guy and as they walked out, having declined to press charges, I noticed a large hickey on her neck.  Some of the people were polite, some had major attitude and some were snickering.    I did learn of some unsavory individuals who live near me. 

Below you will see a photo of a flower blooming at Giverny in July.  I borrowed this pic from a blog I read called Eye prefer Paris (doesn't everyone?)  He said that July was  REALLY hot in France, just like it was here.  I need to take time out of every day to enjoy beauty and calm and elegance.  Thinking about my vacation in France is quite pleasant.  I need to start thinking about the next stage of my life.  Living in Bridgeton is getting pretty taxing, what with the changing neighborhoods.  Too much coming and going around me and people who think the barking of pit bulls is not annoying.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Flashbacks of working with the public

My foray into the public library of my town was ruined last night by a really annoying guy....first he was watching YouTube with headphones on and laughing out loud, sniffling, snorting, wiping his nose on his arm. Then he demanded more time from the librarian (you know how you just can't stop watching YouTube). When she said that he had used up his allowable time for the day he went on a rant about how no one else was there wanting to use the computers, how terrible the service at the library is and how racist the staff is. Then he went off in Spanish telling his new best friend in not very nice Spanish the same things. The Mexican library worker took him to task and it really got ugly.
He finally stomped out swearing that tomorrow he would call the "head librarian" of New Jersey and tell them the same unpleasant things about the library. Not a very good experience since I have been avoiding this library for a month due to:
- one hour limit on computers
- no room for my STUFF next to the computers
- the big fat mouse that I hate (it's a Gateway)
- no handicap ramp so I can wheel my STUFF
On the plus side they have:
- a new director

Will look for a picture of my favorite flowers of the moment. A big bunch at entrance to Cumberland County Library make me glad each time I see them. I learned in Cape May yesterday that they are a sort of hydrangea. Can't seem to get pic but it is a Snow queen oakleaf hydrangea.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weird Hawaiian music

Trying to fit everything in today. Exercise is getting short shrift. Starbucks not so enjoyable. It was too hot outside even though it is a BEAUTIFUL day. My favorite (big) table became free but it is too sunny in here and they are playing a really weird Hawaiian album. Drinking an unnecessary decaf skinny mocha tall thingy.

Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.

The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Let's try this again

After experiencing setbacks for several days trying to get online, I am just about convinced that I need to get the Internet at home.   Yesterday was on a faulty computer at the Cumberland County Library and was unable to get a cursor in the box to post.  Now I am lugging my laptop around and came to the PC@Nite, a new Internet cafĂ© in Millville, New Jersey.  Had a passable omelet, terrible coffee and am sitting in a rather uncomfortable chair, but at least I don't have a time limit and everything seems to be working.  Just came across their extensive list of natural juice shakes!

Thinking about some of my favorite things:
1. clouds - we have some great ones
2. a stable government - we take it for granted
3. Blurred lines, a new song by Robin Thicke, T.I. and Pharrell

And my least favorite things:
1. trash by the side of the road - what is WRONG with the people around here?
2. humidity
3. formatting that comes upon you unexpectedly (see above)

Up too early today. I got to the arthritis exercise class by 8 AM but with no coffee or breakfast.    Couldn't wait for it to be over.  Yesterday I tried to roller skate for the first time in 20 or 30 years.  (I don't know where the time goes).  It was a disaster.  Now, that is a bit of an exaggeration.  It was a failure, not a success.  My ankle kept clicking and I felt REALLY wobbly. I had to stop after 5 minutes.   They have these new skates that are like a plastic sneaker with wheels on the bottom.  I missed the old lace up ones like the picture...  Perhaps I will just have to add roller skating to my list of things I no longer do, such as cross country skiing and downhill skiing.  I have all the equipment, but not the ANKLES.  Usually I have yoga class on Monday mornings.  Since there was no yoga I thought I would try Senior skate at the local roller skating rink.  I fell down there decades ago when a young person careened into me and I broke my wrist.  Haven't been back since.  It was a sobering experience and made me realize I am not invulnerable.

This image is from Google images