Showing posts with label procrastination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label procrastination. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Can I sit next to you when I come back so I can listen to your music?

Overheard from a patron at the computers at the Vineland Public library. Of course, he wasn't saying that to ME. Guess I do not know the secrets of meeting men.

New book about assassination of JFK. Kind of shocked to read that over 40,000 books have been written on this topic? How is that even possible? I must say the details do sound MIGHTY suspicious.

Amusing comment from some guy about the new curved phones...."a solution looking for a problem". Why didn't I think of that? Still procrastinating about getting a new phone. A friend just switched to Sprint and got a new LG phone. She also got a FREE tablet!
I wouldn't mind having one of those. I was so looking forward to becoming eligible for an upgrade (it has been a YEAR now) and ending my servitude to Sprint (it has been 10 months now). Yet, here I sit, having NOT taken any action on the subject. I liked the comment I read in the Sunday New York times that marriage should be like cell phones, with a two year contract and an option to upgrade!

Listening to one of my favorite L'il Wayne songs on Youtube. Oh yeah, No love involves Eminem, too.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A pit bull named Precious

Why are my neighbors so predictable?  Looking out the window, I thought I saw them with a small black and white terrier-type dog.  Yesterday I was introduced to the pit bull named Precious (no leash).

On my bucket list is to travel using frequent-flyer miles.  Trouble is, you have to GO somewhere in order to earn them.  I can't bring myself to spend money on travel.  Each day that I procrastinate about upcoming trip, the prices go UP.  I keep looking for a nice little $1000 vacation and not finding it. I have said NO to quite a few $3000-$4000 trips.  Should I just bite the bullet and go?

Nice to arrive in Greenwich today.  Nice and peaceful.  I stopped the car and opened the window. 
Delightful boisterous sounds of many birds with some chicken clucking in the background.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Everybody wants to be a cat

I watched this movie TWICE this weekend with some six year olds. The aristocats is an old-fashioned cartoon with some really interesting music including this jazzy piece, Everybody wants to be a cat. It was produced by Walt Disney in 1970. I don't even watch videos ONCE, much less twice.

The sun came out today and the clouds were GORGEOUS. Forgot to call my roofer, darn it. Probably won't have a day this fabulous for awhile. At least, the ceiling didn't noticeably leak during these last few days of rain. So I guess I will procrastinate some more.

Must send out my Christmas requests. Nothing like waiting til it is too late. I just feel weird asking for stuff. It conflicts with my unacquisitive standards. Christmas is in only one week and I am not very prepared. But that is the norm for me. I do not get into the mood until December 24th.