Showing posts with label investments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label investments. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bacon cupcakes?

Someone offered me a bacon cupcake, but I declined. Am trying to get back to my sensible eating because.....a woman I used to work with looks and feels FANTASTIC....I am going on a trip with much walking and MOUNTAINS.

I'm not much into April fool's pranks but here is what they did at my health club to the boss...put yellow crime tape across his door. When he opens the door to his office he will find it FULL of pink balloons. They were blowing up the balloons when I was there for exercise this AM.

Book of ages : the life and opinions of Jane Franklin, by Jill Lepore: A biography of the youngest sister of Benjamin Franklin. She lived a life quite in contrast to her brother and they did not spend much time together but did correspond throughout their lives. She was not very literate. She loved to read but had limited access to books. Her spelling was a bit iffy as she was never schooled. She spent her life bearing children, many of whom died young. She kept a Book of ages, wherein she recorded the births and deaths of family members.

Get rich carefully, by James J. Cramer: I like Jim Cramer and the way he yells his advice on the TV. The book is much more serious and I just scanned it for ideas about companies. There is no way I am going to take the time and energy required to be as careful as he is figuring out where to invest. I think that I would rather just follow his advice! He recommends listening to conference calls of CEO's and doing complicated charting.

The burglary : the discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI, by Betty Medsger: This book was recommended by a friend and it all happened 40 years ago in Media, Pa. Really near me, but I didn't know any of the people. I was involved in the peace movement and the anti-war movement and these were the groups targeted by the FBI. The burglary brought to light the actions of the FBI quite reminiscent of the NSA revelations of today. The identity of the people involved in the burglary has remained secret for many years, but is exposed in this book. I still don't know any of them. Ended up skimming a bit near the end. I think I am more of a fiction person.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The market's gonna do what it's gonna do in spite of the victor on November 6th

Someone (?) said this this morning on CNBC (?) I am very worried about the election. I am not a safety investor and thought one should be very concerned if the president changes. I am not buying any more stocks. I have my own little mutual fund but the losers always equal the winners and I never get anywhere.

I love rice pudding. When we were at Indian Chaat and sweets in Berkeley, California, I got all excited cause it seemed they were serving rice pudding WITH RAISINS. Raisins in your rice pudding are very hard to come by. Now, this rice pudding WAS really delicious, but when I bit down on the raisin, it turned out to be a cardoman pod. According to the Internet, they are edible, but you should have seen the look on my face.

Got in a panic this morning cause I thought I lost my water bottle. Who cares, you may ask? Well, I haven't had a new water bottle since the dangerous stuff was discovered. And my sister had bought it for me, I think for last Christmas. I just got it when I was at her wedding. But I had to go all the way to the top of the Berkeley Hills to get it. So, I even called the airport cause I thought it had rolled out of my bag on the plane. I know, I know, it was a long shot, but hope springs eternal. After called the 800 number for Virgin Air, I was referred to Philadelphia airport lost and found and thence to the "local" Virgin America number where I had to leave a message. Then I found the gosh darn water bottle. I was very heppy. I also brought home another water bottle cause it had touristic information on it about the San Francisco Bay. And a really cool Diet Coke container that we don't have in New Jersey. This is why I have a problem with STUFF.