Showing posts with label medication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medication. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New drug names are laughable

Whenever I see a new drug advertized on TV, the names seem really outrageous and stupid. I don't know what it is for, but a new one is Latudo.

The lowland (audiobook), by Jhumpa Lahiri. Not wonderful, but I listened to the entire thing. Did it get better as it went along? Not sure. Two brothers, living in Calcutta, India. One goes to the states to study and live (Rhode Island) and the other one stays at home, gets married, is involved in revolutionary secretive activities and dies. The other brother marries his wife and takes care of his child, but everyone seems to be hidden and silent and unhappy. This problem continues into the next generation.

Good things about retirement:
- you don't have to set the alarm
- you can appreciate the fine days during the fine hours
- you don't have to rush out and get your car fixed in order to get to work
- you don't have to be rushing and speeding all the time
- I don't have a boss

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Which is worse, high blood pressure or slow resting heart rate?

So, I stopped taking my blood pressure pill as it was making my heart rate too slow. Now my blood pressure is too high. Darn, I thought maybe I was overcoming HBP with my modicum of weight loss and my pathetic, half-hearted efforts to exercise. Jeez...when you get to be 66 you just think about all of the things that can go wrong. And you see them happening to many of the people around you, even the ones YOUNGER than 66.

Taking an art class. I guess I like it. It is nice to get involved in something for three hours and I have noticed that I don't think about EATING during this time. I do, however, have a lot of competition anxiety. I don't think I am very good at it and have already mentally moved on to the next project. That is one reason I don't want to go out and spend a lot of money on fancy art supplies. Yes, my materials are possibly limiting what I am able to accomplish. Today I painted a sunset that I took a picture of down at Bivalve the other night. Now, I need to think of a project for NEXT week. Every week that I have been there the day has been sunny and gorgeous. And today a woman who fell down with a stroke a couple of weeks ago was BACK and none the worse for the wear. The nurse who had guided the rescue crew went home and painted her a picture and presented it to her in a frame today. After the class, I went out in back of the barn and relaxed by the pond. Was taking my "Vitamin D bath" and waiting for my watercolor to dry. Enjoyed greatly the sounds....wind chimes in the trees, waterfall fountain in the pond, wind blowing through the bamboo trees. Add to that the heavenly odors and another artist painting a fabulous pink flowered tree. It was rather heavenly!

On my way home soon. It is a struggle to get to spend time at home so I can read and organize (ha ha) and look out the windows at the sunny day. I was supposed to have a French club meeting tonight but one and then another dropped out so we ended up rescheduling it. I am just as glad as I had too many activities today. Started off with arthritis class at 8 AM, then art class, then a substantial lunch at the Olympia Greek restaurant, then chiropractor and massage, and now computer time at the Millville Public Library. It is a difficult life (not). I guess I should feel guilty about all of my self-indulgence, but, hey, don't I deserve it?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I dread picking up the phone these days

Usually it is a machine, or a salesman, or a butt-dial, or a dead space. I don't really want to exert myself to get it, but then, when I call people, they never answer either. Life is one big game of phone tag.

Spent a goodly number of hours in my own home this afternoon. A rare event, for moi. Enjoyed it, for the most part. I puttered, I read, I listened to NPR, I almost took a nap. Had to leave in the middle to do a couple of errands. Luckily, the neighborhood was pretty quiet. Only the sounds of home maintenance projects were in the air. Well, there were a few echos of distant yapping dogs, but I chose to ignore. I will be taking a walk soon to find out where these dogs live so that I can sic the dog catcher on them.

Thinking about my doctor visit yesterday and pondering whether I should write some online reviews. I have dermatologists figured out....they insist upon chopping you up, then they give you more than one prescription which may hurt more than it helps. I liked the way I got to see the actual doctor and it was nice that she had two people in the room with her, but when I look at the report it is totally confusing and contradictory. I give up on thoughts of obtaining clarification from the snotty office staff. The doctor said to come back in two weeks, but the office staff said she has no availability for two months! This is just plain aggravating! Then she has me applying two different creams, vaseline, AND an $85 saran-wrap kind of thing. How, I would like to ask her, is all of this supposed to work together? Oh, what the heck. I may as well call the dreadful office staff and give them an earful.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Job titles I would like to have

Wouldn't it be nice to tell someone at a party that you were an "Equine portrait photographer"?

One of my pet peeves is people who talk on their cell phones WHILE THEY ARE WORKING, especially when they aren't even speaking English. I think it was a Cambodian nail technician that brought on THIS rant. Then one of the other workers turned on his MAC and started blaring some program in another language even though the TV was on. Grrrr.... The manicure was OK but the ambiance was terrible. Won't be going back there soon or ever.

I fear I am getting early-onset Alzheimer's. (Also have been unable to resolve the issue that once I heard that there was no longer an apostrophe in Alzheimer's but that seems to have been a DREAM). I went to get my haircut and couldn't remember which side I parted my hair on. Can I blame it on the mirror effect? A few days ago I went to pick up a friend at the bus station and had trouble remembering exactly what exit and which road to turn around on. Is it NORMAL aging or ABNORMAL aging? I do feel somewhat foggy even when I am NOT taking a pain pill or a Xanax.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

If only I had a window

Feeling good, having taken a few pain killers due to feeling bad. Also listening to Youtube (Goyte) which makes me happy. Am at my favorite library computer lab (Ocean City). It could only be more perfect if there was a WINDOW as it is a beautiful day. Sunny, breezy, cool clouds and not too hot. I did my obligatory "Vitamin D bath" on the porch of the Port-o-Call hotel at 1501 Boardwalk. The sun was really HOT. Then I tried to visit an older person but was told she was resting.

A terrible fire yesterday on the Seaside heights boardwalk. These businesses had not all recovered yet from Hurricane Sandy. Maybe that is why I feel so drawn to the beach recently. Not sure if the world/shore as I know it will survive. The new homes look really weird. They are way up high and look very handicap INaccessible. I welcome any excuse to come down to the shore. Today it was our annual breakfast in Ocean City. Ate overlooking the ocean in the Parrot bird grill at the Port-O-Call hotel.

A friend is going to the Miss America parade today. It IS kind of exciting to have it back in Atlantic City. But I can't take too much walking and standing around so I am not going. One new activity per day is enough for me.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weird Hawaiian music

Trying to fit everything in today. Exercise is getting short shrift. Starbucks not so enjoyable. It was too hot outside even though it is a BEAUTIFUL day. My favorite (big) table became free but it is too sunny in here and they are playing a really weird Hawaiian album. Drinking an unnecessary decaf skinny mocha tall thingy.

Don't really want to go home because of my new-found hatred of the neighbors. They are flaunting their "right" to have a barking pit bull ruin my life. Every day I have to fight the ANTS and the NEIGHBORS. Did start a new obsessive/compulsive system of tracking the events in the neighborhood. Listing time spent at home (not much) and counting the incidents of neighbor aggravation (16 yesterday). Also counting the amount of trash I pick up daily (7 today). This is all fodder for my future letters and court cases (if any). I was happy that the code enforcement made them pick up trash in their yard. I am on anxiety meds and can't sleep for thinking about how unhappy I am living in my town. Most everyone with money and sense has moved out! No wonder I look on FOR RENT signs with trepidation. At least my sister's tenants and myself are united in our hatred of the neighbors. I am supposed to do something each day on that issue to make myself feel a bit better. Was going to make an Excel spreadsheet but I think I have a better plan.

The weather has been great, wonderful, fabulous for over a week. Summer is not so bad after all. Today sat by the lake in the sun or the shade, felt the breezes, talked to friends and ate hot dogs and snacks. Spectacular clouds and crisp air and scenery. It is good to have friends when I am feeling under attack by the pit bull and the inconsiderate neighbors.

Thursday, June 27, 2013



This is the best I can do copying the photo that I took this morning on my Sprint LG Rumor phone.  I stopped to take another photo and spotted this mailbox full of old moldy mail.  Sad....

Seems like the past few days I have spent TWO hours a day doing errands.  Every day I am buying gas.  Today I went to my arthritis exercise class at 8 AM, went to the bank, then had to drive ALL THE WAY across Vineland to get to the Grapevine office so I could get "hard" copies of the paper where an article about my commune in the seventies is starting to run, then got the gas (good price of $3.27), then took pictures and on to Bridgeton to pick up my emergency supply of Ambien.  Found out that you can PAY for drugs any time you want.  It is just the INSURANCE that says you can't have it yet.

Photo series I would like to make...mailboxes,  laundry, trees.  I really need to get a new camera.  My phone is unsatisfactory.  Everything is too far away and dark.  I could try my old SLR and see if they still make FILM.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I should have taken a xanax today

Don't know why everything is rubbing me the wrong way this week.  Is it just me?  Or is the world especially aggravating this week?  I DO want everything to go just my way and when it doesn't...

First I had a guy pull in front of me going too slowly and then he immediately slows down and pulls off to the side of the road without a blinker.  I couldn't help myself.  I HONKED at him, which I try not to do, cause I hate when people do it to me.  Then I got to the pool and the gate was still locked.  So I had to traipse back to the desk with all of my crap and ask them to unlock it.  But, all alone at an Olympic sized pool.  Is there anything better than that?

But now I have one ear clogged up and feel in somewhat of an other-worldly state. Gliding through the world, 25 pounds less, but my clothes have not become too large!  They must have really been tight before.
It is weird how you lose weight in certain places (my knees) and not in others (my waist).

Thank you for choosing the Bridgeton McDonalds.  I love going to this McDonalds because THREE different people wish for me to have a good day.  You can't help but feel a bit more cheerful after that.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My mind is boggled

Went to a workshop on Google Chrome.  Interesting but intimidating.  Realizing that now that I am not working, I just try to get by on my existing knowledge.  OK, I have ALWAYS been like that.  The teacher of my class has TEN email accounts.  When am I gonna have time to investigate all of the things I learned tonight?  I guess it is good to stretch my mind occasionally.

Having a rough week.  Today we had TORRENTIAL rains.  And I was driving an hour to get to this class.  Also, the gas company is working on the street in front of my house and making quite a raquet.  Sounded like they were dragging something really heavy over concrete and they probably were.  It was making me feel out of sorts.  So I took a Xanax and laid down on the bed.

Still mad at the city and planning to rewrite my letter of outrage.  Pisses me off that I have received NO explanation and NO apology and PLUS I had to PAY for interest and costs of a late and unpaid water and sewer bill.  Plus the humiliation of having my name in the paper for tax sale.  No one has called me about it.  So either no one is reading the paper or I have no friends.  I guess there could be some other reasons.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Anonymous blogs

Wrote to a guy who HAD a blog to ask some questions.  I liked his sense of humor and his self revelations.  He immediately responded with a long email which helped me.  He started off with an anonymous blog.  The more his friends discovered it, the more he had to censor himself.  This is my problem.  So, I am going to make my blog public again but STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.  I have learned that I really don't want criticism.  That is why I don't work!

According to statistics, most people abandon their blogs after 2 or 3 months.  I still feel like writing, despite my recent crisis of purpose.

It was so great to see so many friends over the weekend.  Since Monday things not going so well.  Spent an entire afternoon struggling with the tax stuff at the library and they didn't have a calculator to lend me.  Finally had to send off an extension form even though I do not believe in extensions.  Now that the post offices all close at 5, that was my deadline.  After spending 5 hours on it, I ended up brain dead, pissed off, confused, and a bunch of other negative emotions.  Then I went to my book club and couldn't think of much to say about the book, Zuka and the fire of life, by Salman Rushdie.  Today I woke up with noises of butchering of trees.  Went outside and found out it is MY neighbors with three types of heavy equipment going a bit overboard, if you ask me.  They proceeded to destroy a quite lovely fir tree because the owner wants to put a DUMPSTER back there, so he can renovate the downstairs apartment (and thus give me DOUBLE the trouble).  I had to take an anti-anxiety pill and leave home to get away from the noise and the thinking about it.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Unwelcome mail

Sometimes the mail is just FULL of bad news:
- Got a certified letter notice from the City of Bridgeton.  Now I have a whole day to ponder what form of bad news this will be.
- Note from the post person that perhaps I should change ALL of my addresses to say that I live on the second floor now that someone has moved into the first floor.  Does she realize how many people send me mail??
- Notice from Comcast that I am receiving some stations to which I am not entitled (why can't they tell me WHICH?) and saying that they will be taking them away on April 3rd.  Grrrr... And I think the bill went UP last month.  Now paying $73 each month and I don't even watch TV!
- Notice from my drug plan that they are not going to cover/provide my Clarinex any more

Logged into  Something started playing.  I think I had better just listen to whatever it is.  When I try to search, add, or other stuff, I get all messed up.  Had to get out the headphones because I can't stand the sound of the rain.  Also shut the window blinds so I don't have to LOOK at the horrible weather outside.  Rain and wind on the way to snow?

I have a terrible feeling that my laptop is not charging.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Walmart does have some good ideas

Although I am philosophically opposed to shopping at Walmart, I do go there occasionally to get cheap drugs.  I have to admit that they do have some good ideas...
- They have wet wipes for the carts
- The bathrooms are right near the front door and they are well maintained
- The whole entire curb out front is missing making ts really convenient for the passage of shopping carts and wheelchairs
Since my personal frugality rules dictate that I can buy only one thing per day that costs over $20, I just walked past all the temptation directly to the pharmacy and paid my $35 for my Clarinex.  I walked out without buying one additional thing. That isn't really so hard because I actually HATE shopping and kind of pride myself in my ability to get along without new stuff.  I am kind of embarrassed to admit that I took a shopping cart for this purchase because my PURSE is too heavy to lug around!

I was dreaming about a lake upon which my father lived.  Of course, it looked nothing like the lake where he really lived.  There was a lack of water and there were some boats in the lake sitting on the grass. There were three (red?) motorboats sitting together on a grassy knoll in the middle of the mud. The banks of this pond were really high, like mountains.  I thought to myself that I would invite my mother and father out for dinner one night.  Then I woke up and remembered that they were dead.

So many bad pens in the world.  I hate to throw them away.  Used to go downtown to the office supply store and get refills.  But that is just too difficult in the age of Staples with everything wrapped up in plastic.  Hard to get help.  So I guess we are just supposed to be wasteful and throw stuff away.
That is freally hard for me, being a hoarder.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Secrets of my (health) success

I never seem to get "sick".  Of course, I am always semi-sick with an as-yet-unidentifed dread disease, but I don't get colds or the flu or any of that.  Here are the secrets of my success:
- Eat junk food
- Never clean your house
- Live alone

Why is my name so hard to remember?  My massage therapist and my exercise teacher are always calling me by the wrong name.  And not the SAME name, either.  I don't correct them.  I will answer to anything. 
My massage therapist calls me Janine and my exercise teacher calls me Mary Jane.

Went back on antidepressant yesterday.  I answered one question....I didn't automatically lose weight when I went off of them.  I was perfectly happy on Pristiq but it was going to cost me some horrifying amount with my new drug plan situation.  So, I was getting along OK...sometimes being obsessed with my NEED for an antidepressant and sometimes forgetting completely about it.  My doctor suggested that I fill my prescription for another brand because what can it hurt to try?  So I did.

Friday, November 9, 2012

You've got non-compliant written all over you

What the Physician's assistant told me today. Having some skin problems and was attempting to treat myself with over-the-counter medications, but it wasn't working.
She told me I wasted my $27.00 I spent last night at Walgreens. Realize I have not been careful about spreading germs around on my own body and also I know that my diet is awful. Days go by and I do not eat a fruit or a vegetable. So now I got a bunch more medicines prescribed and was told unpleasant things such as take only brief COLD showers with no soap and don't scratch the itch. Are you trying to torture me, or what? I am already freezing with this weather.

"The election was not a was an auto NON-erotic asphyxiation". So said John Stewart the night of the election. I thought the comment oh so clever but then I repeated it to someone who had no idea what auto-erotic asphyxiation even was. I think he is very funny. Stephen Colbert I do not get. I keep thinking, whose side is he on? No ones, I guess.

I have been spending so many nights at home that my battery ran out on my Nook. Yes, I do lead quite the exciting life. I have a basic disconnect between not wanting to be home all evening and not wanting to be out driving around in the dark.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Stuff people ask the concierge

Lady wants to know why there is a discrepency between two different weather sites and what is the weather really going to do? Cripes!

Had a decent little breakfast at the Super 8 Berkeley. Found out it is reunion weekend at U.C. Berkeley. Ear plugs tonight! Am having a SECOND breakfast at the Hotel Shattuck Plaza where my sister is staying. Walked from my hotel to her hotel admiring the variety of stores and restaurants. Even the homeless people seem to have something "deep" to say when you are away from home.

All of my pills fell out of their containers in the airplane. I may or may not have gotten them back in the right places.