Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Welcome to Dock Mike's! Party of 1??

Not much of a party...all by myself. Tried a new restaurant. Pancakes for lunch. Kind of good, except for the coffee.
I enjoy being down at the beach before all of the people get here.

Beatrix Potter, the complete tales (book). Book is so large, it is hard to read in a chair. Drawings are wonderful, stories OK.

Another beautiful, sunny day! Out and about. Taking a class down at the Sea Isle City library. Good excuse for an excursion, a walk, a sunbath on the beach. Love it!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Unwholesome lyrics

Trying to delete really wicked songs off of my Youtube list. It is hard to delete Eminem and Elton John singing Stan at the Grammy's, but the lyrics are really bad. I am KEEPING, however, Janie got a gun, by Aerosmith.

The memory palace (audiobook) : a memoir, by Mira Bartok. Had to stop listening to this. Essentially, I am not interested in hearing about the schizophrenic mom who had lots of great ideas, but ended up homeless and crazy. Her daughters come around for her dying days. The narrator sounds kind of drugged, adding to the general gloom. (Bridgeton Public Library - AUDB BIO BARTOK)

Feeling somewhat self-righteous, as I cleaned part of the bathroom today. Also, I cooked a turkey burger from the Amish market and had it with some summer slaw I bought at the Acme. Nice to have some REAL food, for a change.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ate too much chocolate

I asked a friend to get me some salted dark chocolate from Something Sweet, a chocolate store in the front of Bogart's books. I should have just eaten ONE square. Two are making me feel a bit overstuffed.

A spool of blue thread (book), by Anne Tyler. I like her. Liked the book enough. Stories of an aging couple, their children and their house in Baltimore. Back stories tell how they came to have the house in the first place. Now, they will be aging out of it. The blue thread reminded me of the blue paint argument of some of their ancestors. He wants the porch swing to show the wood grain and she wants to paint it blue. (Millville Public Library - F TYLER)

"The thing about caller ID is," Red said, more or less to himself, "It seems a little like cheating. A person should be willing to take his chances, answering the phone. That's kind of the general idea with phones, is my opinion."

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

And the winter drags on...

In the midst of a three day weather event. Lots of rain yesterday but it didn't keep me from doing stuff. What, do I want to stay home and listen to the rain dripping down from my ceiling?! Today kind of warmish, foggy and drizzly. Scary snow predictions for tomorrow. I AM really getting tired of things being cancelled left and right. It's MARCH, for God's sake. Staffing the Code Blue center tonight from midnight to 3 AM and I know THAT won't be cancelled.

Out of control in the eating department. Bought some ice cream last night but it was really distasteful. Note to self : I do not like any ice cream with cookie dough in it. Ben and Jerry's just gets overdone in the loaded-with-crap area.

Invited to go to dinner tonight. I had every minute planned and those minutes did not include driving to another town, but I am trying to be more flexible. I messed up my dinner invitation the other night by arriving late and not paying attention to the cook. He got into a mood and rightly so.

Friday, February 13, 2015

They don't wanna f*** wit me

Listening to Missy Elliott via Hoopla. Previous to that I was listening to Nicki Minaj.

Got into the Girl Scout cookies I just bought and ate three already.

Finally got to the hair salon....only because I "won" a gift certificate at a recent fundraiser. So, now, my hair is a different color and a different style. Getting tired of myself, the same old same old. Got quite a bit cut off and I got BANGS. Tired of flipping the hair out of my face. I notice it even makes me have a bit of a tic.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Too many Tasty-cakes

I brought two boxes of Tasty-cakes today and of course I had to sample BOTH.

Younger (book), by Pamela Redmond Satran. I know the woman who wrote this and it is being made into a TV show. So I had to borrow it on interlibrary loan.
It is a light chick lit sort of book about a woman from the New Jersey suburbs who needs to start a new life after her husband leaves her. Finding that there is discrimination, she has a make-over and pretends that she is 20 years younger. Things start to go her way, both in the workplace and romantically. The lies become more difficult to maintain eventually.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The never-ending two-for-one deal

So, I go to MacDonald's, buy something and fill out the survey form on the Internet. For doing this, I get two for the price of one. When I go to pick them up, I get ANOTHER receipt and fill out ANOTHER survey and get yet ANOTHER two for one deal. It may be that this campaign has an end...otherwise I am trapped in this endlessly repeating cycle! I spend a lot of time filling out surveys online and so far I have not won any free movies or any sweepstakes. The best thing I got was a free chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-a and I didn't even have to buy anything. It was a bit salty and came with only a pickle and some white bread but the price made it extra delicious even though it is not the most healthy choice and I shouldn't really be frequenting Chick-fil-A at all due to their anti-gay stance.

Aimless love (audio book), by Billy Collins. It was only one CD but I LOVE Billy Collins. He is just so accessible as a poet. My favorites are The trouble with poetry and The golden years.

Hanging out at my previous place of employment today. Trials and tribulations there. I call it "the law of untended consequences". They are getting a new roof, but a recent rainstorm FLOODED the place where the roof hadn't been very well finished. Upgraded the memory on the computers, but now they are printing an extra blank page at the end of everyone's documents for which they need to be reimbursed. The best laid plans.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Too many sweets

Have been eating too much...a snack every hour. Big lunch with an exercise group. Now another dinner meeting tonight. Yesterday I broke my Diet Coke fast because I had a free beverage coupon at our local movie theater that was about to expire. So I had one GINORMOUS Diet Coke cause that is how they serve it there. Plan to get back on the wagon today. Had movie buttered popcorn for dinner and then we went to the dollar store and bought pints of Hagan-Daz to eat for our snack.

The drop (movie) - A bit more violent than I can cope with but it was a slow moving, suspenseful, seemingly-low-budget story of two small time hustlers in Brooklyn. Wanted to see it as was James Gandolfini's last film. Woman looked kind of familiar, but don't think I have seen her in anything. She was in the Swedish crime series films (American edition).

Chains (book), by Laurie Halse Anderson. A young adult book. One more book about slavery. Interesting twist as during the Revolutionary war and in New York City. Read it for a book club. Got better as it went along. Family who owns the two girls are Tory sympathizers and not very nice. Mother of the husband is nicer and slave girl and grandmother develop somewhat of a relationship. There is a story of a slave boy who follows the rebels and gets incarcerated. Isabel helps him and moves messages around town. There are some charming little turns of her "remembery". "My head was broke and my sister was stole and I was lost" was the most poignant line.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Caramel budino

I wrote down the name of this dessert that was mentioned in the book by Dan Brown, Inferno. Looked it up today and wish I could get it somewhere. Looks too complicated for me to make. It involves filtering through cheesecloth. Not that I haven't ever attempted that.

Today the weather has deteriorated to hot and REALLY humid. I have art class tomorrow and there are two reasons why I MUST go, even though there is no air conditioning there. Just bought a book illustrated by my art teacher. And I have a date to go swimming and out to lunch with a friend who lives near there. Also, the owner of the art studio does not accept negativity in any form, political or weather-related. So I must persevere and try to ignore my hatred of heat and humidity. Am remembering now why people try to escape the heat by traveling to other locales.

Had to go to the Laundromat this AM. Next time, I should take MORE clothes (more trips, ugh) because my laundry is getting really backed up. It is a humbling (humiliating?) experience to go to the Laundromat. No air conditioning, not many places to sit, only the poor around.

Monday, May 12, 2014

I finally finished The goldfinch

Didn't get tired of it and kind of sorry it is over. Finished the 26th CD after reading only one third of the book and starting all over. A coming of age story about a few friends, all with very unusual circumstances. A fictional story about a real painting, which I saw at the Frick Gallery in New York City. A great tale of dissipation, lying, neglect and many surprises. The goldfinch, by Donna Tartt, received the Pulitzer prize for fiction.

A somewhat nice Mother's day, even though I am not a mother and I no longer have a mother (living). Whiled away the morning at church and then went out to eat with two women and their son. Discovered saffron mussles at the Green Olive. May have to replace my usual item which is a feta and spinach omelet. Of course, the BEST thing was the warm really delicious bread and the butter which helped to sop up some of the creamiest sauce I have ever had on mussles.

The day was marred by my Mexican neighbors on Oak Street who think they OWN the block. Many loud parties in the back yard. Laughing, yelling, music, two barking dogs and many friends and relatives cluttering up the place. Once in awhile I wouldn't mind....but all night THursday and now all day on Sunday. I can't even enjoy my yard and have to turn on music and TV and air conditioners to even enjoy the inside of my home. I did call the police about the extremely loud Mexican music, but I am not sure if they turned it down. I am determined to call the police once a day every day they are bothering me. It could be worse, at least they are not cursing or fighting, but still.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring has sprung

Such a delight to walk outside and see sprouts on the trees. Even on my dogwood about that I suspected of being dead the other day. OK, I only have ONE daffodil on all of those green sprouts in the back yard, but now I know they ARE supposed to be daffodils.

Under the Tuscan sun (book), by Frances Mayes - I REread this book in anticipation of trip to Italy this May. Getting in the mood for something old and charming. About a couple who buys an old house in Tuscany (wasn't it a SINGLE woman in the movie?) They spend a fortune on renovations and are back at work in California much of the time. Goes into detail about construction gone wrong and wonderful meals and exploring trips.

Tomorrow is Easter. Playing the chimes and singing three songs with the choir. Gotta come up with something pastel-like to wear. Looking forward to the flowers and perhaps a taste of Easter candy? Not so much fun since our local candy store went out of business.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bacon cupcakes?

Someone offered me a bacon cupcake, but I declined. Am trying to get back to my sensible eating because.....a woman I used to work with looks and feels FANTASTIC....I am going on a trip with much walking and MOUNTAINS.

I'm not much into April fool's pranks but here is what they did at my health club to the boss...put yellow crime tape across his door. When he opens the door to his office he will find it FULL of pink balloons. They were blowing up the balloons when I was there for exercise this AM.

Book of ages : the life and opinions of Jane Franklin, by Jill Lepore: A biography of the youngest sister of Benjamin Franklin. She lived a life quite in contrast to her brother and they did not spend much time together but did correspond throughout their lives. She was not very literate. She loved to read but had limited access to books. Her spelling was a bit iffy as she was never schooled. She spent her life bearing children, many of whom died young. She kept a Book of ages, wherein she recorded the births and deaths of family members.

Get rich carefully, by James J. Cramer: I like Jim Cramer and the way he yells his advice on the TV. The book is much more serious and I just scanned it for ideas about companies. There is no way I am going to take the time and energy required to be as careful as he is figuring out where to invest. I think that I would rather just follow his advice! He recommends listening to conference calls of CEO's and doing complicated charting.

The burglary : the discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI, by Betty Medsger: This book was recommended by a friend and it all happened 40 years ago in Media, Pa. Really near me, but I didn't know any of the people. I was involved in the peace movement and the anti-war movement and these were the groups targeted by the FBI. The burglary brought to light the actions of the FBI quite reminiscent of the NSA revelations of today. The identity of the people involved in the burglary has remained secret for many years, but is exposed in this book. I still don't know any of them. Ended up skimming a bit near the end. I think I am more of a fiction person.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

People watching

Otherwise known as....sitting on a bench and being judgmental. OK, my exercise teacher heard that on the radio but it is oh so true. Especially when you are down at the boardwalk, as I was a few days ago. I drew a picture of a woman I saw, but it was too complimentary. For two days now I have drawn a picture. Today, what? I wanted to draw an Amish person but I'd have to do it from memory or with them scurrying by. Had a not-very-satisfying breakfast at the Amish Market in Vineland. Frankly, I think they lost a lot of the "counter character" by moving upstairs. And my favorite waitress was not there.

Weather is disgusting out. Extremely windy and cold. At least it is sunny but you wouldn't want to spend any time out there.

Hanging out where I used to work. Can overhear them dealing with one of the many relabeling, totally redoing projects we used to do interminably. I guess it fills up the time and keeps you guessing. One thing about working, it gives you daily access to some "friends". Don't have that now. That is why I am always OUT and ABOUT. Feeling a bit self-righteous as have already completed my exercise and my Internet chores and it is only noon. The rest of the day is FREE (?). Signed up for a class tonight for which I have to drive 1/2 hour. Think I can handle it. Am LOVING this light longer stuff with the time change! Taking a class on making a memory box. Casting about for my artistic (or not) bent. Here is what I like the idea, beach glass jewelry, pottery, drawing, pastels, collage.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I've decided that ALL guacamole is good

Having guacamole and birthday cake today. My ability to resist sweets has disappeared. These are the snack choices at work today.

It is a beautiful BRIGHT sunny day. Sun shining on snow makes BRIGHT. Wanted to go for a walk in my snow boots with my ski poles. But I want even more to sit here on my ass working on the computer. Cross country skis broke. Have two pairs of cross country boots and two pairs of skis but not compatible. Was going to use my ski poles as walking sticks but have not as yet.

My mood improves when the temperature approaches the freezing mark (on the way UP that is). We feel like survivors of a horrible experience that is WINTER. OK, it is not over yet, but more reasonable temps coming along. I like it when it freezes only because my ceiling stops leaking. Must go up in the attic and face (or find out about) the facts as it warms up.

Loved the movie Philomena. Had to get to the Mall this week as the slow, thoughtful movies do not last long around here. I keep thinking about it and the slow releasing of details which completed the circle. Very touching. I can still cry thinking about it. Then, last night, saw a film about Gaudi and a film about Louis Nevelson. The Gaudi film was narrated much too rapidly and we didn't even get a picture of him. The Nevelson film was much better as mostly was her talking and creating.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sitting inside on a perfectly beautiful day

Had to come to the only library open on Martin Luther King Day. Happy in my little corner listening to Youtube (Nina Simone playing piano and singing love me or leave me). Read "Why we went, letter from a St. Augustine jail" in honor of the day. My sister is down in St. Augustine marking the birth (?) of the Civil Rights movement.

Dastardly weather in the forecast. COLD and 6-10 inches of snow predicted for tomorrow. I am ready, I guess. Bought some snow boots today without a whole lot of consideration. A family shoe store is closing after MANY years so perhaps that is my good deed for the day? I bought three expensive pairs of shoes (they were on sale). I usually buy one or two pair a year. It was kind of fun visiting with the owner and spending time with some other indecisive customers. One lady had a $500 gift certificate to the store! Hope my heater is ready. A guy came and spent 4 1/2 hours cleaning and fixing it and afterwards he said, "THAT was an adventure!" It was a mess...clogged, full of soot, rusty. Can I hope and pray that it is now improved? At least he didn't throw up his hands in disgust and demand that I buy a new system or switch to gas. It seems everyone is doing that. But then do I have to be for FRACKING? I ruined my cross country skis but then a friend gave me a pair that her ex-boyfriend left at her house. I need to get all my supplies ready and in the right place for staying home tomorrow. Is it time to scour the stores for bread and milk?

Feeling almost sick from eating a Tasty-cake product. I used to eat them all the time when I worked here, so it was sort of like "the madeleine of Proust" when I went to look in the snack machine. Butterscotch crimpets is what I used to be addicted to.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

When you are a retired disciplinarian

A retired police officer shot a guy in the movie theater who wouldn't stop texting when asked to. Yikes! I know the feeling. When you are a retired disciplinarian (like a librarian or a police officer) it is hard to stop telling people what to do in public spaces. I have to use the computer in libraries and I see quite a bit of misbehavior. The movies is another annoying place to be. But I don't think I would go so far as to SHOOT someone, mainly cause I don't have a gun. I would be more likely to get SHOT.

It was a real dismal rainy day today. Had NOTHING on the calendar so I read for an hour and then got back in bed to finish a book. I borrowed this book from the Gloucester City Library on the recommendation of someone. I found it quite irritating. Wings of glass, by Gina Holmes, is the story of a woman coming to the realization that her husband is an abusive, alcoholic jackass. OK, he is cute, but I got really tired of her rationalizations about his behavior. The good part of the book is her friendship with two women from church and work, who try to help her. One is from the Sudan. With these women, she learns to laugh and question. Having never been in an abusive relationship, I get real impatient that the woman can't just get up and go.

Had a good time perusing the recipes in Joel Fuhrman's book, Eat to live cookbook. But, can I actually EAT this way? I am a fast food junkie, masquarading as a vegetarian. First of all, I would need to get a blender or a juicer to even accomplish any of these recipes. The subtitle is "200 delicious nutrient-rich recipes for fast and sustained weight loss, reversing disease, and lifelong health". Come to think of it, I DO need to reverse a few diseases.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

More hideous weather

Escaping the raw, rainy day here in the library. I used to work here and remember it as being warm and cozy and colorful. Winter has not even started yet and the weather is despicable.

Returning a book that I got on Interlibrary loan. The last bohemia : scenes from the life of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, by Robert Anasi. As Brooklyn gets hipper, I get more like a country bumpkin and an OLD one at that! Feel like life is changing and that I am getting more "out of it". This book is about young, not rich, people viewing the gentrification of a funky place and lifestyle. And it was short so I could finish it before the due date.

Nighttime eating getting out of control. I think I got some cheese out last night, even after I pigged out at French club. There was an "old" me and a "new" me. I have lost touch with the "new" me.

I thought I heard a mouse last night and there were a few nibble marks on the cheese that I don't think were made by me. Need to set some traps. I hear rustling in strange places. I don't think I am alone.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm his guardian angel?

I meet some characters at the car mechanics. I like the car mechanic as they are honest and down home. They scribble what to do on a piece of printer paper smudged with oily fingerprints. Then they put your car keys on top. Calendar seems to be day by day and hand written. I brought stuff to do but I forgot about the loud country music they play. A guy came in, looking for a left hand mirror that he had ordered "a long time ago". He had left the country and his brother took over the truck and then kept it for awhile. When he finally got it back, the left hand mirror was STILL broken. He said if the mirror was still in the back room, he was going to call ME his guardian angel. It was. I am. He counsels prisoners as a labor of love for 40 years and his work is never done.

The weather is hideous. I can't stand it much longer. Two days of dank, damp and dreary. The only good news is that my roof didn't leak (yet).

I am busy organizing nuts and delivering them. Due to the horrible weather, I have not lugged the four boxes of nuts upstairs into my house. I am organizing them IN THE CAR. Soon, I will commence to binge on nuts every night until they are gone. I sort of overbought, if that is possible.

Volunteered for something I really don't feel like doing. I gotta stop that.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The only thing I ever bought on Black Friday

It was a car. I detest Black Friday. Am more fond of Small Business Saturday. Cyber-Monday is Ok too. Now there is Charitable giving Tuesday. Just realized I have given something each month all year. Perhaps I should not be content with that, however. That could be my minimum, not necessarily my maximum.

Shoprite was a madhouse today. Too many people! The poor cashier was complaining about all the people, some of them being rude. I think they were all trying to get points so they could get a free turkey. It seemed like Thanksgiving was going to be TOMORROW, not 9 days away. I prefer going to Acme and paying more just for some peace and quiet. It is so confusing to have the Salvation army people out there ringing bells already. I gave last night at Boscov's. Can't give EVERY day from now until Christmas! Homes are starting to be all lit up already, too. Maybe this is the year I will just ignore the holidays. Thanksgiving traditions already messed up.

I meant to return the book, Barefoot in Baghdad to the Vineland Public Library yesterday. I can't believe how far down in the pile it got! The subtitle is : a story of identity - my own - and what it means to be a woman in chaos, by Manal M. Omar. At first I enjoyed the book, but then I got sort of annoyed at her blindness to danger. Horrible things occured in Iraq. Her goal was to help women. Some of the women were aggravating. There were no good options for them. So many of her friends got killed or kidnapped. None of the kidnapped people ever came back. This was an eye-opening book.

Monday, November 18, 2013

I couldn't sleep at ALL last night

I know that is from a song, but...reasons I couldn't sleep:
1. Was too hot (predicted temp of 57 degrees low last night. I think my PJ's and socks were too warm). Now need a new weather obsession. Looking at low for night could tell me how many BLANKETS to put on bed. I already have COATS that I wear when it is in the 30's, 40's or 50's during the day.
2. Ate too much provolone cheese before bed. I have not overcome my nighttime eating problem. Of course, taking Ambien does not help with that. And I have a provolone addition. One pound of sliced cheese can last me one or two days. I HAVE overcome my ice cream addiction by going cold turkey and probably that is the only reason I have lost weight.
3. Disorderly neighbors. Aggravating newish tenants across the street, including kids, vulgar, loud woman, and angry man. Police are called to the scene at least weekly and loud cursing can be heard from inside my home.

Books recently finished:

1. Leaf man, by Lois Ehlert. This is a children's book called to my intention by a promotional bookmark. A story for young children is illustrated by characters made entirely of leaves. Why didn't I think of that? I might have to BUY this book, it is just so darn clever and made me think of my mommy, who appreciated all beautiful stuff of nature. On the end papers, various leaves are identified and on the flyleaf are examples of leaves found by the author's friends such as "mystery leaf, found on ground in front of folk art museum, San Diego, California." I borrowed this book from the Bridgeton Public Library (E EHLERT).

Every love story is a ghost story : a life of David Foster Wallace, by D. T. Max - Not sure if I have even READ a book by DFW. Had to borrow this biography through the Cumberland County Library. He was a character and had a lot of girlfriends and some mental and drug issues and is considered a genius of a writer. He killed himself when he was in his forties. I ended up having to skim in order to return the book on time, so missed some details near the end. Even the notes looked kind of interesting.

The child's child, by Ruth Rendell writing as Barbara Vine. This book was recommended to me, but I didn't really like it that much. The people were not real sympathetic and were trapped. It treated issues of out-of-wedlock children, homosexuality, and people using people. Some of the users aggravated me. And by the end, I had forgotten the beginning, which treated some of the same issues, but in a more modern time. Again, I had to rush throught the end as book was overdue at the Vineland Public Library (MYS Vine Barbara)